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<br /> TCX)�'7'!ff?R Vs117'fi nll�ft�im�tnvrmruta naw crrhenafter erccte�on the prc►pr:ty,nnd e1!�as�m�nts,a�x+rten�e�, �
<br /> �nd 13xtures now or 6err.atter�R�nnri di tha�m►perty. AI! repl�ementR Nnd wdditina�Kh�il al�be ravere►f by thts Sa•urity
<br /> In�rt�r►xnt. At!of tix fot�e�olnR iN't�elerned w In Ilus Seci�r�ty[�uuumont aa the"prapeny."
<br /> �ORRnWF.Ii COV�NANfS tluit F�ormwer�t lAwtlilly xeisad.of�he eit�t�e heroby r.�xeveyed�nd hae 4he�ht to p�aat .
<br /> end convey tho Property rnd that iha PropeRy a�unecreumher�d,excepl far encumM�t►cea of rocord. Barrowu.wur�nt�ard
<br /> will deknd�enenify the tltb ta�the Propctty�i�ui a11 cirim��w1�bert�r�ds.wbjoct to�ny am:umlxuues of rccotd.
<br /> T�#PS SF.t"[IRtTY INS7'RUAARl�T cr►mbinee tinifartn .:a�venantR far natlanA4 u.qu a�id nc►t►�u�itorm covnnantA wlth
<br /> 1lmitod vuiada�by Juriadiction to rautitute a uniform recurity in�+tiurt�ent coverin�rwl property.
<br /> UNIFURM COVLNAMTS. Aarrawer and l.ender co�ren�nt and��ree�a followa: �
<br /> l. Payment at PrtadpNl nnd�tereW i PrePryment w�i Late Clu�r�a.BotmwGr shail promP�Y Psy.whan due the
<br /> principa1 of and�ntcrest on the debt evldenced by the Noto and anY PnPAY�nt nnd l4to�hargee dno under thee Nae.
<br /> 2. Ft�ads toc'h��od Iewranctti Subject to applicable law ar to a wrttten waiver by L.ender.Bomower shall pay to
<br /> Lender an the day n�onthly prymenta aro due under tho Nats.until thc Nae is p�iid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for(a)yeariy
<br /> taaes uid asaeasmcnta whi��h nuay attain prtoyity ovar'•�is Secudty lastcumeAt as a lten on the F'raperty;(b>yearly t�uetwld
<br /> payment»or grcwnd renta on tho PmpenY. if eny. (c) Ycariy hxz�rd or piapetty insurattca pmmiumst (d) Yearly floal
<br /> iasuranee�nmiums.if Auy;(e3 Yearly mortgage insnrAnce premlums. if any; and(� any sums payable �y �3ortnwer w
<br /> I.ender.in accordance witb the provls[ons of paragraph S,in lieu�f the paya�t of mortgage insurence premiums. These
<br /> iums are calleil "Escmw[tems." L.ender may.nt any dme.collcct snd hold Funds in an smount not to eaceed tho maxLaum
<br /> aznount a lendes ior A federally mlated mortgage loan muy requim for Bom�wer's escrnw aocoun[ unda the foderal Re�l
<br /> Bstau Seutement P�oadunes Act of 197d es cupended from timme to tlme.12 U.S.C. $26i11 et scq.("RPSPA"),oniess anotber
<br /> 1aw that applIes to the Puads sets a lesscr arttoun� [f so,I.ender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> excoed the lesser nmouat [.ender may estimate ths onaouat of PUnds due on We basls of cumnt data aad nea�sonabla
<br /> estLnaus of expeadituses of futun Escrow Items or otberwjse in accordas►ce w[th eppllcuble taw.
<br /> The Fuads shall be held in an insdtutton whvse deposits are insured by a federnl agency. in.stcumentaliry. ar entity
<br /> (includjng Lender,if I.ender ia such�n instttudon)or in any Federa!Home Loan Bank. Leader shuU apply the Funds w pay
<br /> the Fscrow Items. Lender may not churge Bonrower for holdIng nnd applying the Funds,annually analyzing the essmw
<br /> accoun�or verifyIng the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Bomower interest on the E�nds�nd appltcabie law pemiits
<br /> Lender to malce auch a charge. However,Lender aiay req�ne Borrow.r to puy a dne-dme churge for nn independent reai
<br /> estatts tex reporting service used by Lender in connection wlth this loan.unless up licable law provides otherwlse. Ualess an
<br /> ts
<br /> � ag�ement is made or applica►ble luw mquires intenest to be patd.Lender sh311 aot nquim�to puy Botrovrer any interest or
<br /> eamings on the Punds. Borrower end I.ende�r may ugree in writing,however,that lntere.st shall be paid on the Funds. LendeT
<br /> shall gtve to Boirower.wIthout charge.an annwil accouaeiag of the Fund�.showlpg cnedIts und debits to the Funds nrtd thEs
<br /> purpose for which each debIt to the E§�rtda wes made. '[he Funds are pledged as additionat securtty for all sums sa.ut�d by
<br /> ttt�:S��rlt�IQ:itusneni.
<br /> lf the Funds held by I.eader exceed the umounts peraaiaed to be held by applicable law.Lender shull uccouat to
<br /> Bormwer for the excess Flindc in acxordance with the requirements of applicable Iaw. If We amaunt of the Fuads held by
<br /> Lender ut any time is not sufticiea3 to pay the Escrow Items w6en due.L.eader may so notlfy Botrower in wridag,and,in
<br /> such case Bocrower shaU pay to Lender the amount a�essary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall mnke up the
<br /> deftcIeacy i�no more than twelve montWy payments,at Lender's sole discreSon.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Insuumen�Lender shaU pmmptly mfund to Bonower any
<br /> ,c� Fuads held by x.ender. If,under paragraph 21.I.ender shaU acquire or scA the Property.Lender.pdor W the acquisiflon or
<br /> sale of the Property.sbell apply any Ftinds heid by Lender at the dme of acquisition or sale as a cre�it against the sums
<br /> sect�red by Wis Secutity instrument.
<br /> 3. Applfcaflon of Ppyatents. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all pnymenu mceived by Leader iu[der
<br /> paragiaphs 1 and 2 shall bC applte�:first,to any prepayment chazges due urtder the Note;se�ond.to emounts payable under
<br /> pacagreph 2;th[rd,to interest due:foutt6.to principal due;and last,to any lat�charges due uader the Note.
<br /> 4. Chw�es; Llens. Borrower shell p�y aU taxes,assessments.charges,t`mes und imposItiona nttributablc to the
<br /> Property which may attain prIority over this Serurlty Instruraen�and leasehold payments or�,m►und�+enu.if any. Borrower
<br /> shall pay these obpgationsdn fhe manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bomower shall pay them vn
<br /> time dimctly to she peison o�4et1 payment. Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender a11 norices of amount�to be pnid under
<br /> this paragrnph. If Homower makes these payments directly,Bortuwer shall promptly fumish to Lender ceceipts evidencing
<br /> � the payments.
<br /> �`�T` � ya�y Borrower shall rom fl disch e an lien which has dori over this Securi Inswment nnless Borrower.(a)a
<br /> , i i':�F-"i'
<br /> .i.:c ,...__.� • P P Y � Y P tY t3' S�
<br /> �t`;a;��' . in wiiting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in n manreer aa:eptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith ttl�ee
<br /> ��'�i'��`�,tY� lien by,or defends against enforcewent of t�e Uen in.legal proceedIags which in the Lender's opinion operate to pnevent the
<br /> ''�`;�ti enfoir,emeat of the lien;or(c)securea fr+om tfie holder of the lien an agreemeat satisfactory to Lettder subordinadng the Iten• '`
<br /> +o
<br /> �`.��,��=' to this Security Instrumen� If Lender determiaes that any part of We Pmperty is subject to a liea which may anain prlority .�'�'•E.;,
<br /> '��rF''>".�':� over this Sectuity Instnimept,Ixnder mray give Bocrower a aotice fdenttfying the Iten. Bomower shall saHsfy the lien or talte '��'•
<br /> Y.. ��.•�•.�•. -•'--
<br /> •�,.;:� .; oae or more of the acdons set fordt above wlthin 10 days of the gtvlag of norIce. �=��;
<br /> .�Y�'•�:a"' S. HaYard or Property Insauance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the :�r"�=�
<br /> �.��:��• Property insure,d egainst loss by fire.hazards included within the tecm"extended coverage"and any other hazaz+ds.including �:••;•
<br /> �J''�t�'.°":r�;� . floods or floodtng, for whlch Lender requires insurance. This iasurauce sl�all be maintained in the amovats tu�d for thc
<br /> .y"_'MY �1'' . .
<br /> �:.�r' •' S!' •r•.�
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