.. ., ... . . ,...�,. ,. ..,. .
<br /> i',:���" � .,n:k.r,lx- �paWK,,,,�y,,;��.::�� ., .. .
<br /> . .,n.+AJY!+ ,�j�4+1 • L�, Rn, . ` �.' .
<br /> ' t � ��I'r'?4"'p.'r'���5`�� ., ; - J� — `_.'���
<br /> �r2
<br /> ra a
<br /> as..Z�.'gga DEED 0� TqUST 9�°���� �'Nw s
<br /> �,Q�n bp�gg (Conttnued) _
<br /> - ,
<br /> co�r�}unnc�okus�,tnd wNh��anWrtl morta►.pf,�p ckuq In Uva ot A.�nd1r.loQ�tt�wltA�uab oth�r hemrd�nd It�b�{ly Irawtna�q 4�nGr
<br /> rtuly wuon�b�►npukm. PqNctM�t�N E�wAtqn In tam,amour��covlrq�and baiN naionnEy�oo�ql�bM ta MnArr and IMtNO by�
<br /> aompany a cortp�niN tN�onublys�p tabb to l�rtdw. Trustar,upon nquNl o?L�ndu,wiN dNfwr to Lsndo kan Nme to IkM ti�po'ACM�
<br /> or p�rlMrat�Of Intw�nw In lam s�tltftotqry 10 L�nd�r,IndY0lnp�ttlpukYoM Ihat COwrp�wIM rwt 4�ara�d�x dM�Wh�d wNho��t
<br /> M�ul Nn(t0)dRri'prio►writt�n noHc�lo L�ndw. E�ab Imurara�PoNaY�bo�h�H Indud��n�ndorpmNM PraAdlrp th�t ooYen�In f�vae al
<br /> ���-- l.ender wlp nat ID�Impak�d in any w�y Dy any ut.omlc9lon or 41tau110l firanla ar any oth�r on. Shputd tt►t iE�l PropNfy al�ny Mn�!
<br /> b�aartW loc�bb In�n uK d�iGnuWd Dy IM Otr�cta oi tt►�F�dm►t trt�rpsnoY M�naq�m�nf l�rwy oa ond w or rb�confN�a d�Tlo►ttin
<br /> ��s to obt�in and malnWn R��I Flood insurtnc�to Ih��Amt suoh I�ur�na N nqulr�d by L�nd�r a
<br /> Iwm of Ih�loan and to�tM tu�l unpaid pdndpd btfarw�of ttw loan,a tM m�dmum Nm►t of aovK�p�lhat b avdlabM�whlaMvw I�IMS.
<br /> Appikalion ot P►ocnda.Trwta shtl promptly�oUy l,�ndu of tny toa a dnrrµp�ta th�PropKly. L�nd�r rtWy nuk�proof M tus Y T�u�ta
<br /> talli to do ao wlthin AMNn(16)d�ya of the cafwlly. WMtM►a not L.�nd�to wouAty b Irt��k�d,L�ndM nuy.�1 Ib�I�oMon,noNw to0 nt11n
<br /> ' th�proc�sdi ot any Ineunnao and appry th�proc�ds to tM roductton a}thr Ind�bt�dnas,paymmt of aey Iim att�cNNnp th� �o�tt�
<br /> „ .y �toratlon�nd nptk of Ih� Prop�ty. If LQnd�►Mrats lo appy tM proewdl to aetontlon and npair,Ttustar tAaN hp�fr a t tA�
<br /> dtmapad a dastroyr�d Improvomants in a mannx aalistaotory to Lender. 6endet�hAll,upon uUstnato9y proof ol euob�ndllur�,pay a
<br /> nlmburaA TrWttx trom thr proc�Qs ta the ro�sonabN eost ot rapalr a astaaUon it Tnntor Is eol In dah�At untNr tNt Owd of Tiust. My
<br /> • .�a. �. pnce�ds whbh haw not b�n disb�used within 180 daya attar t�wlr�aoNpt and whiah l.andx ha�oot commttt�d to th�rop�k a ratantlon of
<br /> �y•�'�'l.��`�� �`� � tho PropaAy shalt b�wwd Mst to pay ury amounf owlnp to Lendar undw th�s Ooad of Tru�t,tlwn to pay aaxwd intoresl,and tM nm�lndu,U
<br /> S ;:r+�m ij1..-,M,
<br /> ���:,�1.,•_,::..t any.ahaN b�apPlted to tM D��PaI bat�nce of the Indobtwlness.It lsnder hotds any proee�ds atler PnY�nt tn fuA ot tM Indqbtod�wss,suc
<br /> procaeds shatl be peid to Trusto�as Tnnto�'s tnlaresb may appear.
<br /> � ' 'fs:'�:ti;.,;;''<
<br /> �r�,,:+. 4r, tJn��lred Inwrane��1 BMe. Any une�ked Insu►anae shotl Inuro to ttw boneflt o},and pass to,the purohasar of lh�Prop�ly cover�d by 1Ns
<br /> •�;'��:�.,�W;:"'�. Oeed of T�ust at any hustee's sate or olher sale held under the provlslora ot this Qeed of Ynist,ar at ony fnrectosurs eti�ot euah Proparty.
<br /> ,.a`:��'..'. '•e.• .,
<br /> �� .�°• CompUmce wHA D�cisaiinp 1r�deDtaQrtesg. Oudrp the perlad ir►whlch any Exbting indobtadns55 described beiow is in effe�t,compltanco
<br /> ^� ;,,,,:,, � ,.. „ the insuranCe provfslons wntelned in the Inskument evidancinp euch E�dstirp indebtadness shati constHute aompuance wtth tha lnsurarqa `
<br /> ,�7;.�.�;;; �:::,�:•k, provtslom undor ihb Deed of TNSt.to the extoM compfianes with the terms of this Deed of T�ust woutd consUtub a duAIiatlon ot imurana ,;,�:.
<br /> � � • repulromenG If any proc:eeds trom the Insurance 6ecome payabl� on toss.the pravisions In this Deed ot TrusQ for division of proce�ds shtN
<br /> �,�..��.:_,i «,�;,`y epply only to ihet portlor W the proceeds not payable to the holder o!tha Existlnp Indebtednoss.
<br /> �PE�IDITURFB BY L�NDER. If Trustor foits to comyry with any provision of tNs Deed ot Trust,lncludiop any obllgaUan to malntafn E�p } 1
<br /> `` �" ' Indobtedness in pood standinp as required befov+,a if any acllon or�oceedinp!s cammenced that wouid matertalry aBeat Lender's tnterests in 1he
<br /> ,�=�S.°�� I PropeAy�lender an Tnutor's Oelea�f may,but shell no!be required to,take any actlon that lender deems appraprlate. Any amount Ihat Lender
<br /> ,,.,��_;:�:••.,
<br /> �:,r';:: ,..,.�:.• eapends in so dotnp w(It bear inletest at the rate charoed under the Note Bom the date incurred or pald by Lendet to the date ot repapnent by .���
<br /> � �' �• • Tnuta. All auoh expe�,at tsndere opuon,wul (a)be payable on demand,(4I be added to the balance ot Ihe Note and be appaUoned smonp
<br /> �-, , •,���;,�; and be payable with any instaliment paymenb io become due diuing eilher (1)Ih8 term of any appticabte fnsurance poflay ar (if)the remalntng term
<br /> „:,•,f., o}the Nate,pr (c) be beated as a baitoon paytnent whlch wIU be due and payabte at tha Note's matu�ity. This Oeed of Tnist also wW secue .��•
<br /> `'�, •• • paymoM ot the9e amounts. The dghb provided tor in this paragraph shap be In addilion to any other dghts or any remedies to whbh Lpnder may be ',,,
<br /> , .. , enUded on accaunt ot ihe�etaulG Any such actlon by Lender shell�ot be construed es curin�the detautt ao as to bar Lender hom any remedy that t..,.;
<br /> e,�, .. , {�OfR�vB�.i0i71Q�I:SYB�18d. '
<br /> ' ., WARAANTYi OEFF�IS60F 71TLE.The tol►owing proWSlons reta8np to owne�ship of the Properly are a part of 1hi�Deetl of Tnist.
<br /> , ° ' TIUe. Tn�alor wsrttnfs ihah (a)Trustor�olds po4d and markeTabte dtle ot record to the Propedy in tee simpIe,hee and eiear ot aN Aans and �•: '
<br /> � enoumbrences other than those sat torth!n the Reat Property desatpllon a in the F.xisdnp Indebtedness sec8on below or in any tlUe l�urance ;=.,�
<br /> '���� , full A�pht po e�.s d aut�Aalty to�iexecute and deliver this 0�Ttrust o Lender.�n conneaHon wllh this Oeed ot Trust,and(b)Ttustat hes the '
<br /> ,:
<br /> O�tsn�of Tiit�. SubJaet to the e�u�pUon M the paragreph abora.Tn�star warr�nts and will torover defend Uw tift�to the Property apeimst tha
<br /> .,,;` , . . ., qwful citims pf W persa�s. In the eveM any actlon or proceedinp is commenced tl�at questlons Trustors Ude a the tnterast of Tn�stee or
<br /> ��, ,. lQnder under this Ooed of Tnr�t,Trustor shail defend the acdon al T�ustorb expe�se. Trustor may be the nominat parly in euch proCeedln�,but
<br /> '"v7' " � ' T�us a w10 detiver,or�suse tpo be dellvered,to le�n�dedr�sugch Instrumenb a,reS�ntender ma req�di m Ume to Ume to petmtt euch��p�rt�ipado�d
<br /> � Compll�nC�Wtth La�r�. Trustor wartants�het the PropeAy 8nd Truslor8 use of the ProPerlY compAes wlth all exfatlnp eppilr,abte 18wa.
<br /> ;4��;.; .• adtntnc�,artd nputattons of yovemmentel eulhoddes.
<br /> 7�;=��� .••:•.� EXISTINO INCEDTFANE83. The Potlowing provfsions conceming existfnp Indebtedness(the"Existlnp Indebtedness�are a part d this Oeed of
<br /> .+�:�•,.n�• -. _ Trust.
<br /> °.w^;.°-,p^'•.• -� .'- 8xtstUp�ien. Ttw Nsn ot this OeBd of Ttust eeQUri�tha Indeblednes9 tnay be secondary and intedot to�n exbtlnp I{en. Ttusta expressty
<br /> � •• coveniMs and apnis to pay,ar sae lo the payment of,the F.�dstinp indebbd�wss aad to provent any delautt on such indebtedness.any dottutt
<br /> '�:'� �:; , unQ�r tM Uqtrurtwnb evldYndnp such Indebledr�ess,or any detaWt under any seeurity dooumenb fa auch Indebtedness.
<br /> � :• Detaulf. If thd payment ot amr insteilment oi pdndpat or any interest on the F�ciSHrp Indebtednass Is not made vrilhln the tlme tequirod by Ihs
<br /> • not6�Hdendn�auch lndobtedness,ar shouid a detautt acur under the instrument secudnp such fndebtedness and not be cured durinp tny
<br /> ',2.�,, appUqble gnca pe�lod lheretn,then,at the optlon of Lender,the Indebtsdness seaured by thls Oeed of Tn�s!ahell becortw Immediately du�
<br /> and p�yable,and lhb Deed ot Trust ehaii be fn defau►L
<br /> ' No Nlodifleatton. Trustor sheli not eMer into any apreement witA the bolder of any mo�tgape,dead ot trust,a other securiry apreemeM wNch
<br /> has pdorNy over thb Oeed ot Trust by whtch fhat egreement la modifled,amended,extended,or ronewed wilhout the pda wrttten co�ent ot
<br /> ���`� "' Lender. Trustot sha�l �eNher req�est nor eaept any future advanCes under any such secu�ity aareement without the pria wrHten co�aeM of
<br /> t .. Lendet.
<br /> +�;�. , ,
<br /> GDNDEMNATIOH. The fottow►n0 provlslons retatlnp to eondemnatlon proceedln�s are a part of thfs Oeed ot Yrust.
<br /> AppUeatian of Net P�oCeeds. If ep or any part ot the PropeAy b condemned by eminent domaln proceedfngs or by arry proceedinp or
<br /> �.:a;;,. •� purchase In Ileu of eondemRaHon.lender may at ita etectton require that atl a any PorUon o1 tho net proceods ot the award bs applied to the
<br /> Indebted�ess or the repalr�restoraUon ot the Properly. The�et proceeds of the award ahaU mean the award aHer paym�M ot ell reasonable
<br /> ' ' co�b,expenses,end ariameye'teas inourted by Tnptee a Lertder tn eonnectlon w8h lAg condemnatlon. �
<br /> •;;;;,.,: P�ACtetlinp�. If anyr pra;eeding to condemnatlon Is fited,Tmsta shep pramptry notNy Lender fn wdtlnp,and Trustor shaU promptty take such �
<br /> .':. • �• staps as may be racossery to defend th�actlon ttnd obtaln the award. Tntstor mey be the nominal pariY in suCh proCeed�n0�but lender s►ia11
<br /> � ,.., ,. � ba entitlad b pertldpate in the proceedinp and to be represenled In the proceeding by cour�sal of Ns own ehotce,and Trustor witl deliver or
<br /> . eeuse t0 be detivered ta Lender such Insfruments as may be requeestted by it trom tlme to tlme to permit Sueh paRklpaUon. �
<br /> �.^ ' --- 1MPOSITION OF TAXF.8,FEE8 AND CHARGE8 l'iY QOVERNMENTAL AUTFlORITIES. The toltowing provisicris retatinp to 9ovemmentat taxes. I
<br /> •�• /ees and cherpes are a part of thts Deed ot Tnist
<br /> � . � � CurreM Taxea.Fees and Chupea Upon request by Lender,Trusta sAaq oxecute sach documenta In add[Uon to this Doed ot Tn�st artd leke `
<br /> whatevet othot acllon Is requests0 by Lender to pertect artd eontlnue lenders�len on the Real Property. Trustor shait reimhurse Lender tor all �
<br /> .- . " ._ _ . .• � •• s�..�wt�n..A.d Tn�rtl 4W�ulinn wNhntlt
<br /> . _ .. . . .. .. ..""__ '_'..�_. �'��._'
<br /> . . � 187C@9�8S Q@SCtID80 DBIOr/� tOOFnttBf wlitt 8n OxpO�WOa ttNintOU��� �ownv.��y� Y��a.w�y v. v........w. .......�.� �. ..�.,_..._��.� --....'_'
<br /> �. � AmltflllOn ell t9xes,faes,dxumentary sfamps,and other Charqes fctr te�otdtn8 or registering thh3 Oeed o�Ttust. r^
<br /> '` . 7euces. Tne fallowir.q shatl consHtute ta�ces to whkh this secNon applies: (a)a speclNC tex upon this type of Qeed ot Tnut or upan eU or any �
<br /> `� p8rt of tAO Indebtadness secured by this Deed ot Trust; (b)�apedfio lax on Trustor which Trusfor is authorfzed ar reqtdred to deduct lrom
<br /> � •• , pay:►wni9 on th9 Indebtedness secured by tNS type of Oeed ot Tn�h (c)e lax en thts rype ot Desd of Trust chargeable apalnst the Lender or ;
<br /> ' 1he hWder W!Ire Noto;and (d)a spedRO tax on ell a any pation ot the Indebtedness a on payments of pdnctpal and interest made by i
<br /> , Trustor.
<br /> • SuDsequent?exe�. It ar►y tax to which thls secUon applies!s enaeted subsequenl to the date ot lhis Deed of Tru�t.lhis evant sM11 have the �
<br /> sams e�tect as an Event of Deiault(as deflned beiow).8nd Lender may exerdso any or all ot ib avattable remedies for en EveM o!DetauA as '
<br /> provlded below wdess Trustar either (a)pays the tex before It btM.:omes delinquent,or (b)contests tha tex es provided above In the Tenes and
<br /> . . ., Llens secUon artd daposNs wfth lender casA a a suf(ICtent corpaate surely bond w other securfry satistacMry to lander. �
<br /> ....� � 8ECURITY AQRE�MF�IT;FINANCINd STA�EIME'�IT3. TAe tottowing provlslor+s rabtlng to this Oaed ot Tn�t as a seoudty agreement are a paA of '
<br /> r .. this Qeed ot Ttust. �
<br /> • SeCUdty A�raement. This In,Strument Stfatl cons�tute a security agreement to the extent any ot the Properry constlhAes tbetur�s or other i
<br /> � personal property,and lender shau have eU of ttre rtghls ot e secured pcuiy under!he Unitorm Commerdal Code as amended irom Ume to
<br /> „ V `
<br /> �
<br /> .� . �.
<br /> . �
<br />