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<br /> q���.,�gg,� DEED OF TRUST ��i�i "� ��N�
<br /> "�`�`x.. L��ln No 16'4 (C011tIY9UEd) ---__
<br /> .�..------ ��--� _...�
<br /> `,_vw�;r.�: �. ..�.a�. ; — ..
<br /> �'"�r` �� " 4rustw. TM wad"P�urtw"m�anf IJNITED NEBRAaKA BANK.aMND IuLAND tnd tny eubaqtut�or euco�ua Uust�s.
<br /> .f ,�� �, Trusta. TM wOrd'"��tntcM'mltni Rny an�tN pwsom and�nttliN�xwuUrp lhU ONd ol Truat.inotudinp wlthoul NmN�ibn�II Ttuiton�.r►Nd
<br /> •"'_ 4bow.
<br /> n{�S pE�OR TAtJlT. IkCLU01N0 THE 11silGNWIlLIiT 0�ligNTS AI�lD THRI dEC{JRITY IN?ERE=T IN TlIQ RENTe AND�Eil{O M A t,.
<br /> :lw•=':. '��":..• PROPERTY�IS QIV�q YQ SlCiJRII t)PAYAAENT 0F Y11�IHpOl1TEQtiH9s AND t�)FERfORMANCQ�ANY AMD ALL OOI.t0AT10N!q'
<br /> � �.ti'' T R I I O T O R U N O E q 7 M�'N A q@,�'M B i i�Y�f 1(O t�U�E�I Y��AtiD TOaa G..''CO OF T�1tJ9T. TIilD 11EEE+]�t'7R1�19t 1:�AIVEt�!IlND RGGERTBD
<br /> ��"�`�� ,. ON'fF�ROIJ.OWINQ TERMBt
<br /> . .._.,•...:
<br /> .�:��� ., PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE.Exaepf u otMrwtsr provid�d In thls ONd of Tnnt,Trusta sh�N pay to L�n�r aN t�ounl��eour�d by ttY�
<br /> `�:�•,-n;, :'� .„ of Tnnt wt th�y boaonW dw,tnd�hatl ttrbNy and in�Qm�ty mann�pMfam atl of T�uttor'e obllp�Uooa unda th�fUot�,thb Oeed of Trust,�nd tM �
<br /> : ' � y�, ..,; Relatb Oooumenb. •
<br /> ��?'' . �� POSSE8810N ANI�MAINYEHANCB OF TME PROPER'�1f. Trustar ayees tlut Trustars passasstoa tnd us�af th�Propwty a1wN M�owrn�d by h
<br /> '�`. ._ �. ,;+'' Ihe fouowinp proNstons: -,�"�`
<br /> �a:_'': :. ro��. n� :�.
<br /> ��„. :_ . . PossKtlon and Us�. Unt[I tM ocourrenaa of an Event ot Datau�,Tivator mey (U�omt�n in poss�ssion ond cor�ot o1 tf�Prepaty, •. .
<br /> pparntp or mannpe tha PropeAy.and (c)colkot any Rents hom ttw P�oporty. •; ',�>.
<br /> � , " Outy to Molntatn. T►ustor sheu melntatn the PropeAy in tenarrtable conditton and prompdy perform a8 repalrs,reD�p���and rtWntantna ,:�
<br /> c. . . •, necessuY to ptessrve Ib vaWo. . ,�:
<br /> FiWtdou�Sub=WtCes.The terms'ha=ardous w8ate�""h9ii►d0U9 SUb8f8f1CQi'd13pOSY1�"'Y618aSai�lfid'1h(WfollYd tilYiS��"ai YiW IIl lhb
<br /> Dssd of Trust.shnM hav�N'�e anms meaninys as aet forth in ths Comyrehensfve E�vhonmsntal Rssponsa.Comp�sqaUen,and UabWy Act ot
<br /> • 1980.sa amended.42 U.S.C,SooUon 9601,et sp.("CERCLA"�tha 8upoAurtd Ansendrt►eMa and RatutherEnUon Aat ot 1968,Pub.L.No.
<br /> �.;'� . . ,, gg_ygg(`9N�A"�,tha Hamrdous Mnteriab TrensportaUon Aet,49 U.S.C.5ectlon t801,et Eeq.,lAe Resource Conservstlon tnd RscovKy Ad, �
<br /> 49 U.S.C.Secdon 8901,et seq..a other eppllcabie stats ar Federel lawe,rules.a reBulaUans adopted pu�suaM to ury of ih�faspdnp. Tlw
<br /> • te�me'harardous waste'and Tasardous substance"shall olso indude,wiihout Ilmitation,petroteam and petroteum by-products or any iraeUon
<br /> � `�"' thereot and asbestos. Trusta represente and wartar►ts to Lender that: (a)Owinp the period ot T�ustora ownerehip ot tM Pirop�Ay,lh�has
<br /> • been no use,qeneraUon,manufacture,etorage.treatment,disposal,reteaso ar threatened retease of any hamrdous waste a substence by any
<br /> � � peraon on,under,a about the Property; (b)Trusta has no knowtetlgo ot,or reason to betiave Ihat there has been.except aa p�evtously
<br /> Gisctosed to and acknowledped by Lender in wddng, (q any use,genetadon,manufaoture,8torepe,treatrtwM.dsAosat�►aWaso�at iNaatanod
<br /> �� � �elease of any haxardous wasle or subslance by any p�ior ow�ers or occupants of the Properly ar (iq any adual or Mrenceeed ptipatlon or
<br /> , daims ot any kind by eny peraon relaH�p to such mattere;and (o)F.xcept as preWousry disdosed to and acknow9edped by Lender in wd+tnp,
<br /> ' p) �either Trustor na any lenaM,contraota,ageM or other aulhorized user of the PropeAy shal�use.pener8te,manuf8cture. stae. treat, .
<br /> � dispose ot,or retease any tierardous weste a subslanco on. under,a 8bout tha PropeAy and pi)any euch aativily shaN be conduoted in ,
<br /> compliance with all appNCab�e federal,state,and�ocai laws,�egulaAons and ordinances,lncludlnp wlthout Umitallon those taws,r�egulatlons,and
<br /> ` `' ordinances descMbed above. T�usta authoAzes lender and 1ta a9erda to enter upon the Propeity to make wOb inspecUo�a and tesb,at
<br /> .� �.��`��..�;: .. Trustors e�ense.as Lender may deem appropdate to determine compllance ot the Property with thls seation ot tha Oood o4 TNSf. Any
<br /> � Inspecllons o�tesls made by Lender sheM be tor Lender's purposes oniy and shaN not be conshued to create ar�r respo�stbiAh►a NablYly on the
<br /> „ ; -- pari oi Linlii8i i�TritSiGi 0=20 8siy 0!lsCt pE�Olt. 'fl�e fe�ressnl�nnrm and wananties wntalned herein are based on Tru.nors due diGpenae In
<br /> • � invasdpatinq the Prope�lf�tor harerdous waste. Trustor hereby (s)releases end weive5 any tuture dafms apatnst Lender ta in0emnriy a ., .
<br /> � contrlDution in the event trustor becomes Itabia tm oleanup or other caata under any auoh taws.ene (b)aprse9 to tndemnity artd hWd hormtess
<br /> ° ls�der a�alnst eny and aD cieints.losses.ItabUiUes.damapes,peesities,and expenses which lender mey direc�r a indirectly sustein o�sutfer ..
<br /> • �� � rasuldng from e breach of this seadon ot the Deed of Trust or as a consequence of any use,generallon,manutadure,atorage,dlsposet,�etease
<br /> or ihreatened release ocaurtle9 Prla to Trusto�'s ownershlp or Interest in the PropeAy,whether or not ihe same was or shoWd have been
<br /> known to Trusta. The provisions ot thb seotlon of the Oeed of Trust,lnctuding the ob�tgatlon to indemnNy,sheli survlve the payment ot the
<br /> " tndebtedness and the satlstaetlon and reconveyance of the Nen of thls Deed ot Trust and shait not be atfseted by Lender'e aequtsidon of any
<br /> " Interest in the Property,whetAer by totecbsure or otherwise.
<br /> Nulaance,Waate. Tn�stor shetl not cause.conduct or permit any nusance nor commlt,permit.or sutfer eny strlppinp o!a wasta on ar W tho
<br /> Prope�ty a nny Dortion ot the Property. Wilhout IlmiNng the genera�ity of the foreQoing,Trustor will not remove,or yrant tc ar�y ott�party the ,
<br /> dght to remove,any Amber.Mnerats(Includine aU and gas?�sotl,gravel or rodc pro0uats without the pda wAtten conSeM ot Lender.
<br /> Removal ot Improvementa. Ttustor shal!not demolteh or remove any Improvementa hom the Reat PropeAy wilhout fhe pdor wrtlten co�eM
<br /> o!Lender. As a conditlon to the►emova►of any Improvemenb,Lender may requlre Trusta to make artangements satlsfactory to Lertder to
<br /> replece sueh improvements wNh Imprrnremenb o!at tessf equat vetue. 1
<br /> Lender's Ripht to EntEt. lender and ib ayents and represe�aGves may enter upon the Real Property at ell reasonable Umes to attend to +
<br /> I.Qnders IMeresb and to inspeat 1ho Praperty tor purposes of Tnrstors compNance with the Isrms and eonditions of thls Deed ot Trust. �'
<br /> Cpmptiance wflb Qovemmentel Requiremente. Tnistor 8hati promplly comply with att taws,ordinances,and regulatior�s,now or hereafter In
<br /> � eftect,of aN QovemmeMal sulhoddes applk�bte to the use os occupancy ot the Property. Tnrstor may contest In pood taHh amr such law, I
<br /> ' ordinnnce,or repularion end wlthhotd eompllance dudng any pro�eeaing,Inetuding eppropdate appeals,so lonp as Tn�stor has noUfled Lender
<br /> • • In wrltinp prtor to doinp so end so Iong as.in Lentler's sole opinlon,Lender's interests In the PropeNy are not jeopardired. Lende►may�equlre I
<br /> Tn�stor 4o post adequate secudty or a surety bond,reasonably saUSfactory to lender,to protect LendePa ir�teres�
<br /> ' Outy to Protect.Tnista aQrees netther to abandon nor Ieave unettended the Prc,perry. Tnutor shalt do aA ott�er aab�in addition to those acts
<br /> • set tatA above In lhis seotion,whioh hom the charttcter and use of the Property are reasonably�+ecasserf�to p�otect and preserve the Property.
<br /> " DUE ON SALE—COHSENT BV LLNOER. Lendet may.at its opNOn,deetare immedlatety due and pay8bta a�i surta seCUred by this Deed ot Tnist
<br /> - upon the sate or transter,without fhe Lender's p�ior written consent,of aU or any paA o!the Reet Propedy,or any Inieres!in the Ree!P�roporty. A
<br /> �le�r iranste�'meaog tAg eprneyance of Reat Property or any dpht,tltie or Interest thereln;whether�epet,beneHCie►Or equlteble;whether votuntary
<br /> ,._` ` ^ a Invotunt�ry;whether by ouMgM sate,dee0,instatiment sate contract,tand conhact,conVact ta deed,leasehotd Interesf wtth a term�reater than i
<br /> three(3)years,Iease-opNoe contreecct,ar by sale,assipnment,a tra�isr ot any beneflcie�interest In ar to amr Iand trust holding dUe Ro 1Ae Real
<br /> �, � � Property,or by any other method of eonveyant�of Real Ptoperty interes� If any TNStot Is a Corporadon,partnetshlp or Ilmtted ilablQty Company.
<br /> transhx elso includes eny cl�nye in ownarship ot more than twent�ve percent(2696)ot the voNnp stack,partnership interesfa a Iimtted Iiebitlty
<br /> � company fnterests,es the cese mey be,ot Tnutor. However,thls optlon shali nof be exercised by lender N suct�axerdse Is prohlbited by iederat
<br /> '� •� law a by Nebraska iaw.
<br /> TAXES AND LIE'DiS.The toYOwfng provlsions reiattng to ihe tazes a�d ilens on the Property are a Part ot this Dead of TntsG
<br /> , Paymcnt Trustor aheil pay when due(and tn aa evenis pdor to deNnquencfr)ali texes.speaia�texes,assessmenb,charges pnctuding watet �
<br /> �' aRd sewer).fiees 8nd ImAOSitiotis�ev�ed ap8i�st or on flCCOUnt ot the Proporty,and shall pay when due etl dafms for work dor�e on or tor
<br /> � . servbeg rertdared o►materla►lumished to the Propedy. Trustor shali matntaln Ihe Ptoperly free M all Yens hsNng pdwity over or equal t0 the
<br /> interest ot lender urtder thb Oeed o!Trust,except tor the tien of te�ces and essessments not due, t fot the existlng indebtadness re}erted
<br /> T to betow,and excoAt as othenwise Provided In tMs Oeed ot Trust �� ', . .
<br /> b ' '
<br /> � RipM To Contea4 Tnator muy wlthhotd payment ot any tex.assessment,or daim in conneatlon with a 9ood taHh dispule over the obligetlon ,
<br /> to pay.so lonp as Lenders Interest In the Properly Is not Jeopardlned. It a Ilen a�ises or fs fited as a resuh a!nonpayme�t,T�ustot BAalt wlthln i
<br /> ...u_au.Y i�a�r..�.Ne.Tn�elwi Ma nn11ro�IM fi011a.CaGtl(O}�1��S�Ma1rw O}}�0
<br /> .. _..__._..._� . '
<br /> IIRf1Bf1(76)QeyS ett9r ine oen erises vr.rt a aon w mmr•ionan.�.�w..�...i...i�...�. ..__._.._.._.___. .-- �•---- - ---
<br /> �� „ , Ilen,or tf requested by Lendsr.deposit with lend8r cash or a sufficlent Corpaate surety bond or other securfty satlstactory to Lenber tn an
<br /> amount sufftcter�to dl5charpa the Iien plus any costs and aftomeys'faes or other cherges that coutd eaxue as a resutt ot a forectosure ar saie
<br /> under the tien, ln 8ny Cor►test.Trustot sheU defend itself end Lartder and shaU saUsy any adverse judgment befare entacement agai�t the �,
<br /> PropeAy.Trustor sheU name Lender as an addlUOaal oblfgee under any surety bond tumished in the cant�t proc�edings. ,
<br /> Evidenc�ot P�ytmstt� Trustor shatl upon demantl tumtsh to londer saNstactory evldence of payment of the taxas a assessmenb and shaQ ,
<br /> .� autRwize the approp�iate poven�mente�oHtctal to deAver to�endor at any time s written statemeM ot the teuces and assessmenb agal�st the
<br /> RtopeAy.
<br /> t�loile�ot ConstrucUon. Truatot ahall notlty lender al�east fifteen(16)dt�ys belore any work is comneenced,any seMces a�o�hed.o►anY
<br /> • " maledats are supptfed to the Properly,If any mechanfc's Iten,matorlalmen's 8en,or other lian could bs asserted on aocount ot lhe worlc,
<br /> se�vlce9,a matertats.Trustor wW upon request ot lender lum�sh to Lender advance 8ssutances sati�tactay to Lender that Tntator can and wiu
<br /> � � pay the cosf of such Improvement�. ;
<br /> ' PROPBRTY OAMAGE INSURAlIt�.Th�tonowlnp Provf�o�retati�to insud�the P�roporty are a D��tAis Deed ot Tnist
<br /> •� M�lntenetC!Ot Insutne�.Ttustor sheU prpCUre and maintatn polides ot flre InSUrenca wlth standard extsndsd coverage endasements on a �
<br /> µ � _ � teptueement t�asis for tAe tun fnsurabte vattre covering el{Improvemsnb on the Real Propody In an amount sulAdent to avold spplkatlon ot any i
<br /> , „ • � •
<br /> �
<br />