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-��ic•" � �- �:1F�� +sr..� ��,�f4y.� � , • '.,'. . <br /> _ `�Z 'lf �.. ���t i•�1�{i�•_;..i:.'. <br />�`- + . - .-„� -w•,8-.,,,yy,.'..'r � ' _ �j� i;� ' <br /> >4a r y�g���,�. :A!+'u�. . <br /> `�� 4 M`^'!�e.. <, <br /> • . �y�, 1 <br /> qr/� 10'�� <br /> ' 7.P�deatlon af t.+�ncl�r's RtpMs In th� P�op��t�/. M eorrow�r w�s to p�lam tN�oormmts�d�yt�nte oot�t�!„ <br /> - . . , thfe 3awdty InatrumanR or th�n i��IpN proo�dinp tMt trwy siartitfc�ntly aftat L�nd+K'�dahto In ihe Prop�r¢y (wch as� proe�rp h <br /> : ;y���':".�.� b�r►lauptcy� P►oE���tw aondxnnatbn ur twt�fhx�ar to�►tare�I�wf or�epukilon�), then L�tdir may e4a Ritd p�y far whatrvm i�n*a�sssuy <br /> � " .• °� '...�. to prottA tht valu�o!th� Rop�Ay�nd Lmd�c'e r{phts In th�P�opaty. i.anders acliona maY��ds payinp any aum� eew►ed by� Men <br /> arhieb hu prbtity twa thf�8�aterky Mtin�t�rPA�O h aowt,MY�►�ntson�b0��ttomey'�t��nd mtMlnQ on th� Pmp�Ry to m�k� <br /> rpahs, �'thou�it Undn m�y Wc�adfon unde thls pun�apA 7. LNtdM dON 1101 F{tY1 tQ d0 t0. <br /> Rny umoix�ta d�b�rwd bl►lmdN undw thN pw�ynph 7 ahN b�oan�addtlonN d�bt ot Bortoww aound by tht�8�adty Insln�rMnR <br /> .�,.� . Unless Baroww end l.�t9w�pn�to othw t�rtn� ot p�ym�nL th��ntoa►U sM1 b�v int�tt lrom ths det�of dubws�n�►t n thit Not� <br /> tato�d oh�N b�ppy�wiii�LoYac:t,upas�aal:cn irem Lcnd:t to 8atrecyer ree;+�tstlrtD peymznl. <br /> e.�Ott�s� tn�u��t10�. N��rtdn nquM'�d moe�aps En�wanee u a ow►dklon ot m�khp th�losn s�cund by thfs 8�exwNy <br /> ;.,:..,.;:;,. ;.t IniUummi. 8arow�r shtl pty tht pnrtdumf rpuksd to m�4ihh th�anoR�p�it�aur�r�es (n Mfret.if.ta�ny raton�lh�matp�C�Nwtane� <br /> � i;. ,� eovuap�nqidr�d by�t�psa ot e��es to b� In�tf�ct. BarowK etu/ p�y th� p�«Nums nquksd to obtafn aovenp�eub�tmt�IlY <br /> �� •�-' eqiMl�nt to tho mat�s Inwranc�P�MI M���.�t�wst aubst�ntWy equNaNnt to th�aost to Bar►ow�r of th�maRap�insuranee <br /> ,�`:�'�'"r•,-'°-^�''F p�sy ti N�q,trom�n�ltamits ma»p�qa k►aurer epproved by Landar. lt eubabntWy equNal�►4 moatg�� inaunt�as covera�Is not <br /> �i���'�xr,}""'-�"-`i:. arai6�bt�,9aroyv�r ehaM My to i.ender e�ch �nth a eum eQu�l to ontMrNRh o! th� ypry mortpaps Insunnce promfum bNna Wdd by <br /> �-.h:.���yt;;-;;y�•`•. 8o�wa►whm th�hsw�ria cavxsg� Itps�d or uased to bs In Nfect. lendor vrill aocspt,us��nd resrYi tNase paymstite as a loss <br /> '''• �� rosarv�b Yat ot mort��hwrance. Loss ro�v�WYnwnU rtwy oo bnpe►b�aWired,at th� optlon ot Undet� M mat�� inwranes <br /> +�^'.:�� .�.�,•",�' 1� cov�ra�Qn th�amount and ta tNe p�riod that Lw�dx requins) providd by��Insurr approv�d by landn ap�M b�comes�vaiMbi�and ls <br /> � ?��•':. r ,; ��� <br /> .,_.•,.,' obtai��d Borrowr shv WY the promiums ro�Nked to m�k�Lin mat�0e Insurance In e�tw1. a to provlds s toas resenra unUi the <br /> J-,�..� nquir�mnt ta matpa�insur�nce ends(n aecordar►ce wlth�ny w�ltea aqr�emant b�twNn 8orrowar and I.ender or�ppYcabb kw. <br /> �� .,. .�•�-i�w• 9.IltsptCtlO�f. Undr or its apont may m�ke roaaauWs entrles upon md Inspeolbne ci the PropeAy. Lenda sh�il give 8orrowe� ._ <br /> ,,�tw. ...h:,� "' <br /> . � � nottco at th�tlme af a ptlor to an k�apectlon sPaetrykip raaon�hle cauae ta the inspectton. <br /> .� 90.Cofl�Tofi'it��tloil. Tiie prxeeda ot anyr awnrd or d�lrt► tnr damaSa+, d!►ect or eonaeQuentl�t, In connacdon vdth my :��`_ <br /> ',;.. . � oondanywtion or other hldnp ot any paR ot the PropeKy,or for eonveyance in Uau of conde�ruuUon,are hereby aeaipned md shali be pild �•^��-��' <br /> �'�2 , ' � to I.endo►. <br /> � M tha erent af a totai f�iCing of tho Properly,the procseds sheq be appUed to the sums aewred by thts 3ecurity tnsUument,whether or �� <br /> �'':; " • not than due,with�ny exasas Paid to Borrower. tn tAe event of a partal takin�ot the Property in whtah tha tak mwrket value ot the Propedy <br /> + ..� G�unediitdy betore ihs Wc4ip Is equal to or prenter than the emount ot the auma secured by thia tkcurfry Instrument immedtatey batore fhe ' <br /> UkEng,unleu Hortowu atd Lenda�oihawtse�pree in wriWsp,the aums seeured by this 3ewriry inatrument shW be roduced by ths amount , <br /> ". af the procecda mulNpYed byr the toltowk�p UacUon: p)ths totel amount ot the sums secured Immedlatey betore the taking,dNtded by @)the <br /> � fetr owket vtlue ot the Propaty Immedlatery betoro the takM�g,My bai�nce ehall bs piid to Borrower. In tha event ot a partiai qk4�p ot tha <br /> �� Prcperry h whiah the t�fr owket vatue of the Property immedittehl before the tatdng ta Iese than the amount ot the suma secured 4remediatey <br /> betor+s tAe Lkhp,uniesa Bortower and Lendx ot!►env�so agree in wr(tlng or uoless eppticebia laK otheti+lso provlda3,tho proc¢eds ahaN be <br /> � appYed to the sumt seau�ed by ihis 3ecurUy Instrument whether or not the sums ere then due. <br /> �� ������g��,���},at�w notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor oHera to make an awud or settie <br /> �'� • ,; a datm fot d�reages. 6orrower taAs to respond W Lender wfthN 30 days after the date the noUce is given,Lender is authori�ed to coYed and . <br /> , "' app�y th�proeeede, at tta optlon,either to restoraUon or��ak ot the Properly or to the aums seeured by this 3ecurtry Instrumen�whether <br /> . � or noi then due. <br /> Unleas Lendar and Bonower othetwise aflree in writlng, eny appUcaUon of proceeds to pdncipal ahaA�ot extend or postpone the due <br /> � �• date ot the montMy paymants reierted to in parap�aphs 1 and 2 or chenge the amouni of such paymente. <br /> - - 11.Borrowor Not Roloasoe9: Forbaaranea �y Lenaler Not a Watver. Extenston ot the time ta p�yment o� o <br /> modiacalio�o!anatthaUan of the aums seaired by thts SecurUy l�mtrument granted by Lender to any successor tn interost of Bomawer sheil <br /> .� not opaato to rolease the II�Yity of the o�fptnai Boaowe�or Borrower's succesaors in interest lender shali not be requked to eommence <br /> " proceedYtga�piahat any auceeasor in interest or retuse to extend Ume tor payment or otherwlse modNy amortlmtlon of the auma aecured by <br /> thta 3ewrily inatrument by roason ot eny demand made by the original Bortower or Bortowor's suceesaors in tnterest.My torbeatence by <br /> � ': ' lenda h ex�rdahp any�igM o�rerrtedy ahir not be e walver of or preelude the exerdse of any dght or remedy. <br /> ° �`��`'' 12.Suaaoason and A4signs Bound;Jotnt and Soverat Uablitty; Co-signera The covenants and a�reements ot <br /> � thts 3earily Instrument shaY blrtd and beneHt the euccessas and assigns o! Lender and Bortowe►,subjeat to the provisions of peregreph <br /> . 17. Bortotver's covenanta md agreements shaA be joint and several. My Borrower who casigns this SecuAty �nsUument but does not <br /> " executa tho Noia(a)b eo-sipninp tAis SecurHy Instrument ony to moctgage,grant,and convey that 8orrower's interest in the Propeity under <br /> '..��:;,, the te�rta ot this Securiry inatrumen� (b)is no!personaVy obNgated to pay the sums eecured by thts Secudty Instrumenx and (c)agtees that <br /> , • Lender md�ny other Borrowet may agree to mctend. modiry, forbear or make any accommadeGona wkh regard to terms oi this Seeuitly <br /> • � Instrument ar the Note wEthout that Borvower'a consen� <br /> 1$,Lout Cftr►�YS. H the loan aea�red by ihis Sea+rity inswment Is subJect to a Iaw which aete mauimum laan charges,and that <br /> � ' , law ts tfnalty intery� ao that the Mteroat or oth�toan oharges eoUeeted or to be coqeded In eonneotlon wHh the lotn exoeed the <br /> -. petmttted limite. tAen; (o) arry auch loan charges shalt be reduced by the amount neeessery to reduce the oharge to the penNtted tlrtdh and <br /> � °"''' (p) aury aums alre�dy coUeeted trom Bonower which exeeoded permitted UmRs wGl be retunded to 8orrower. Lender may ahoose to meke <br /> r, : .. <br /> ��` ,•;;:��,',i; thia reNnd by redudny the pttndpal owed under the Note or by making e dfreet payment to Bortower. It e retund reduces prtndpn►,the <br /> �:M.�..: <br /> y,-.,, ' ' �ctlon wll be Veatvd as a partlef prepaym�nt wfthout any prepayment afiarge under the Note, <br /> � ' 14. NotIC6f. My no8ce to Bormwe►provlded tor In this Securtty Instrument sheG be ghren by delivedng ft or by mafltng it by I�st <br /> r�� • dasa m�C un�ess�ppYcnble Inw requires use ot another method. The noUee shaq be direded to the Pmperty Address or any other address <br /> � 8arowa desipnatea by eoUce to Lender.Any�otke to Lender shall be glven by ftBt c�ass mait to Lender's addrese stated henein or any <br /> othet eddnesa Lender designates by�oUce to 8orrower. My noUce provided tor in this Securfty Inatrument shali be deemod to have been <br /> . , gtven to Borrowe►or Lender when gNen as provided fn this peragrapb. � <br /> � � 15. Qov�ming Law; Siavonbllity. Thls 3eauily Instrument shall be govemed by(ederN taw and tha taw ot the JurtsdictEan in <br /> + which the Propaty b located. In the event that eny provtslon or dause ot th[s Securfty instrument or the Note conNds �Mth applIcable law. � <br /> � •�. such contQd shUl not aAeot other provlslona ot this Searity Insbumcsnt or the Note whtch ean be gNen eNect without the confli�Ung I <br /> proviston. To tht�end the p►oVlsiona of tAls 3ecurity InsVument and the Note are dedared to be severabie. � <br /> 1� ,; 18. 60«+Ow�r'e COpy. Bortowe►shaM be gMen one contormed eopy oi the Note and ot this Secur[ty instrument. 4 <br /> � 17.Tanshr of th�P�operly or a Benefleiai t�tereat tn Bonowur. If ep or nny part ot the Property or any IntArest in f <br /> �u_ � - -_'____- L n t� ...0...r...e�..�sA.w.�An.►ir.rm Ia w�!n nnMual ewmrvd Wkhwt lotfd0i'S <br /> M1 �: OVw N Yai�o'oisov(v�o• w�n�..• w. w. vv.r....w .� ...��. ..�.�.�..� �.���..�..�. .� ..�.� ..""_ _'_' ' ' '' _ _ <br /> pdor wdtten cor►sent, Len�ler may, at iie opllon,requlre Immodiate payment in tuU of ep auma sccured by this Security Instrument. Howerer. • <br /> thts optlon shnli not be ezerd.ted by lender It exerdse is prohibited by tederal law ea ot tho date ot this Secudty Instrumen4 <br /> . It Lee�da axddsee thie opUon, Lander e1uH ghe 8o�ovre► notico of acceleraUon.The no8ee aha9 provtde a pertod ot not less then 30 � <br /> days hons the dtte the nofbe ia delhre►ed ot msUed wUht�which tho 6ortower muat pay np sums securod by this 3ecurity Inswment It ' <br /> Borrowa tails td pay thess eums p�1or to the explretlon of tMs period,lcnder may tnvoke eny rcmadies pennkted by tAis Security Instrumen� <br /> wHhout Nrther aoUce or dm�r►d on Bot►ower. <br /> � <br /> , ° ,', <br /> ppOp�p�� Form JOIB 91A0 <br /> F1019.1M0(Sy1) l� • � <br /> !.: - ; <br /> r � . � �,: , <br /> s�e�s � � <br />