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- ���� Txo4i►1cj�izeq }+NV,pk•v*... ._ � . . .. - ,. .. " --„': <br /> r •'�+'�Y"R � 7 Il�'►``�'a." � <br /> •t.� � '1�(i:!a-:_. .._ .., �( <br /> . {�t„ <br /> . • Q'�� ��'y'r.:�•'� _ <br /> ria io rxa�d tM�wm a�naortt. Nnda ta i bd�aNp tM�tad nartN9�� �Y �+fnt Barawr'� Naaw�d:aiwA unL�► tfu <br /> (@Qit�l FllGI Ellpb C3111l�MY1N14 PfOC�lPe�01ot o1 167�1 a��d�d from tWns to t�n�, tZ U.B.Q.Y601 at�oq. ('RESPA"),unNaa Nnr,lhw Mw <br /> th�1�to th�Funds rob a Naa�nt. H�c.��ndK�naY•�t mY Ume� co���id hoid Fund�In �n atnas�m noi to exaeed !he <br /> � �qun� L�nd�►rtw�y KtYn�to tM�mount o1lUnds dum an ih�b+�ais et curca►1 d�U and r�ason�bt�csttmata o1 evpen�lur�s at <br /> Mwe E�orow KNnt a o11wwN�b�aaordma wkh�p{�a�N law. <br /> Th�Fund� �h�N b�hrd In m insiitulion whos�elposlt�an In�tund by�t�ral�p�rtcy. N►nt�un�er►WtY.a�nHty f��0 IAndr►�N <br /> L�nd�r N a+oA �n tr��1l��ortl or tn�y F�deM HonN L.a�n�k. l�w�da s!W MrNY tM Fund�to pql 1M E�aow ltan�. L�ndtr n�l not <br /> ch�� BntrmteT tot hn!�eD�nd ePAN�9 th�Funds.anuuNY�wlR�O the aaor► aceounL or vmthMO tM Eaaow it�. unNs�Lrnda <br /> pry�8aroww InbrNl on th�Fa�and�pWc�6M 1wv P��Lrtd�r to m�k�wcA a ehvp�. Mowww�t.�nd�u may r�quira 8anow�r ta <br /> pay a anNlnN eArp ta�n bdnP�ndw►t ral�atat�tax aportino e�vlo�u�d by!.«�d�in conn�oqem wMh lt�k loin. unlMS �p{�abU I�w <br /> provWN othMwN�. Uni�s an �ynunM►t b mwd� or�ppYc�bM I�w nquYrs htuwt to b� psld. LendK �haN not b�nq�ik�d to D�Y <br /> BatowK any Mmat or Mrntnp�on lhs Fund�.Botroiw�r�nd l�tdsr tn��r tgw in wddnp�how�vK.ihat lntrat sM�N b�p�id an tit�Funtb. <br /> Und��►�M pN�to BoRO�wr►.wtthout ah�r�.an annwl accoun�np of the Fnnds.�howk�q cndib and d�bits to ih�Funds a�d th�purpo�� <br /> lor wMcA� d�bk W th�Fund�wat mtd�. Th�Funds�re pl�dpsd a addNion�s�cwilf►tor d sums ucurod by this 8�ourkY Irsstr�rtWnt <br /> H tN� Fur�t h�id by I.w�der exceed th��mounts permitted te► b�hdd by �ppNcabb 4w,Lander ahafl accourt to Barowar ta tAa <br /> �q�F��h�ad�nc�wkh the requk�aMnts of appNwb{s IRw. B tha amouM o1 ths Funds heb by L;�ndu st any 9m�b oot wt�dw►t <br /> to pay th�Etecow RNns vrh�n du�,Lender a�a1l so ootly Borroww In wrAinp,�nd(n euch aae 8orraww sh� p�y to Lmd�r th��tnount <br /> �ecestoif► to nro�u up ths dMfotenc�►. Bonawr sh�M m�ke uP th� delkten�Y in no more th�n tw�R+�monthN P�ymeMs�at l.end�s sote <br /> dtd'�Non. <br /> V� p�y�nnt h 1u� ot a� sums s�aured by thla 8scurity irt�� I.endw shN Pnompty Mu^d to Bortowa�ny Funds hMd by <br /> len�ee. Ii.undir p:r�y�Pl�21.L.eada ehe!!ecqu!�e or eaN tAe RnpatY.Lender.P►far to the�equiaklon ar aab ot the ProPa1f►.eh�N sPPN <br /> arry Funds hdd by Undsr at ths thu ot aayuisition or eale aa e aadft�pdnst the suma sewred by thb�eaully�nshummt <br /> . . a , •� : k; ,.. 9.Applie�tioe A?P�ymYnb. Unkss+iPPOc�bte 4w Drovidea othawlae,aM payrna�te tecelved by C,.a►der undv paragapAs t and <br /> '_�;•�� . � ' 2 ahall bn�lkd: Arat. to�ny prepayment charges due under the Hote; seeond,to amounts payable under pangraph 2: third to Inierest <br /> . .�.'�.�!!�4 , du� pficlpd du�:�nd ttat,to ar►y 4te chuqea due undar ths Notw w <br /> ''�°'`� ��•"'" 4.Ch��� Usns. Borrov+a►ah�pay a9 taxe;s. asaessmenta,ahuges, flnes and qnpoaittona attribulaEle to the Pnoperty whlet� �z�� <br /> . �""-';����;r:.. �. <br /> ....:: = ,�, .�, may att�N pAorUy crva th{s SswtUy instrument.and�etaMotd paym�nts or qround ronts.M any. 6orrowat shaY pay these obli�ttorua in tha . y <br /> ; +r'i,';,���,;h;y;,; .;. mmnet provid�ad Ne pan9aPh 2. or B oot psid In that rt�enner, BoROwa ahnN pay ihem on Ume dkecyl to the peison owed payma�L ; �,�. <br /> �; � . . h. If Bortower m�kea these payment� �, . <br /> '5,�.��,�,�,�s,: .«.,�,f;� Barowe� ehall prompthl iwnish to L e n d a a l noitces ot amounte ta be p a ld under this P�9�P <br /> � :. .. . droetly 8otrawer s1u�1 pron�ptly tumtsb to Lender receipta evidendng the payments. '-s`',� <br /> �."�" . � ' . BarawK ah� prortipUy disaharge�ny N�n whtcA has pdadry ove►this S�eurity inadument unteas 8orrawer. (a�agess in wrfdng to the :•';� <br /> �,A,. ,, � ' <br /> . .. . ���}��tion seourcd by ths 8en in a mmner tcceptable to Lender.(b) contests In good taith the Ilen by,or detanda ag�inat <br /> ,;,`<.�;,,,.,y. . � eMoraanmt ot U» ia�►in.lepnt proceedinpa whict�in the Lendflr`s opinion opaate to prevent th�entorcement of tht Nen;or(c)sacures trom �i <br /> �iro�.tr`� ,• iz <br /> `��� the hoider a} the pen�n ayreement saUafaexoty to Lender subordhaUnp the Yen to thls 3ecurtty tnattumeM. M Lender detemanes that any � <br /> n�:.� . ,. <br /> �,��'��.,?•.: . . part of ths Propedy ie eubjeat to a qen whtoM miy atfs4�prtodry over lhis Seairily�nsUument, Lende►may gfire Botrower a noUce [dentNyM9 <br /> :t�-':;=:� " th�Ilen. Barowa at�eadsiy tba Yan a hke one or moro ot the adtons set torth above wMhln 10 days ot the glving ot notEce. +:. <br /> �.ti::�'',.�'v '• " - � :�'�r i <br /> �}Ir.�� ' � � i(ti <br /> �':�-':}�'ti;S;..� �', S.Hsserd or Prop�rty I�wnme�. Borrower shalt k�ep the Improvemente now wdatinp or he�her�eoted on the Property �;� <br /> 'id;1s�i�:,J�����`�.::..`::.��;, heurod a�inst bss O�r ke. 1�tn�s tnctuded wNhin the tam exlonded coverRge �nd any other haurde, indu�ng tloods or Aooding�tor .;.�:�^, <br /> . ,; }` .". <br /> .��r..;,�-.�:,•;" .-.�i,•� whbh Lende►raWires inaurance. This ineurance shall Ee me�falnM b the amounte and tor ihe pedods thet Lendd requkea. The Inaufance <br /> ���.1.•w^�:��;�r�;�ti' . c�rtiK provt8ny the b�ao shaA be ehosen by Bwrowe► aubjeat to Lender's approvat wldch shaq nmt be unreanonably withhetd if . <br /> ," ";.••'"•••'�'�} � Bortowa t�Ns to trsUntaEn coverage das�xibed above. lender may. at Lender'e optlon, obtaln coverape to prolect Lender's rlghts in the <br /> 4' .:r�.�"•� :'�r6�li' . <br /> �,�.......,,�,�, Proparly G�aceadance wRh paragraph 7. <br /> + ''#�'�'�'� AA Insarance poldas�rtd ronewala ehaY be eeaeptebb to Lendar�nd ahdl include e strndard modynpe dsuae. lender ehaN have the <br /> rq:�,n�s ..,� <br /> �;�,;;p.;,;;,e,�,4,C:�...Y,.y• dpht to hold the poPotos and�enewals. If Lender requfres,8onower sfuY PrompUy gNe to lender eN roeelpts of peid premiums and rcnewal <br /> •�.,��w.,����•.•,n rtotice�. In the event of bsa,Borrower shali pNe prompt nottce to the Nauranca cerdnr and Lender. Lender may malce proot of loss H not <br /> .�,..�;.;- .;� .:,a.�eF l: mtde promPtlY bY 6arowat. •, <br /> �,.�i. :_:,-•.,. . . _ . <br /> . . Unbsa Lender md Barawe� othe�wlse agree In wrtUng, Inaurance proceeds ahall be appNed to restoratlon or tepaM of the ProAcYtY a::, <br /> ��►' '3;��i.". =�r��;,`, ��r. . . <br /> .}�FY.:, d�msged, H the re�totattan or topair la econom[caqy teaslble uid Lender's sewrlry ts not teesened it the testoraYon or repatr ts not ,;.. <br /> , economicaYy(�k or Lenda'e securiry would bo lvssencd, the taaunnaa proceeda shaN be eppAed to the auma securod by thb Securtty <br /> ;�.,�.,;, <br /> Inshumen�whathar or not than due, with any excess patd to Bo�owet. It 6orrower abandons the Property,or does not answer within 30 <br /> s� ' dtye a notice irom Lender that the insurenae cartier has of(ered to setUe a cialm,then Lender may eoVecl the insuranoe proeeeds. Lender <br /> .,';,"� � mty use the proocads to ropatr or restore the Property or to psy sums secured by thla Seeur[ry tnstrument. whether a�ot then due. The <br /> ,� � . 30�day Pettod wi beph when Me�otice ts gNen. <br /> '�r�.. Unkse Lender md Barower otherwtse a�ee In wtiting�anY ePP�tc�Uon of proaeeds to pdndpal sheY �ot extend or postpone the due ��` <br /> " date ot tha maithly paymenta roterted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. ii under paragreph 21 the Property <br /> '��""'� -:"'' ' - la aaqutred by lar��er.Botrowe►'a dght to any ansurance Polides ar�d ptoceeda resuiNng trom damage to tha ProPMy pAor to the acquisiUon <br /> '� shatl pass to Lander!o the e�dent ot the sums secured by this Seeurity instrument irtunedfatc�yy pdor to the acqulsHion. <br /> ' ° . 6.Oaaup�noy, Pwservatton. Matnter�anae and Proteotion of tho Property; Bor�cwer's Loan •.:... <br /> ' �: ApPilCStiOn;Leasehvlds.00r►ower sh�Y occupy. establt»h,and use the Propeny as 8ortowef's prindpal tesfdence wkhin sbAy days •j,�;;r <br /> r:: t . ,. , . cj,, ntter the exeMbn ot this Seourtty�nstrumenf and shaq conUnue to occupy the PropeAy es Bomower's pdndpal ra�sldence tor at least one <br /> ',r-,*:.;;..�;•-, . y�r �Rer ths dete pt oeatyanay, untess Lender othe�wise agaas In wrki�g,which aonsent shat!not be unr�sonably wlthheld. or uNess <br /> �.•,i,�_`. .. . <br /> qQenwihp okamaWces e�dst whtch aro beyood Bortower'e coMrel. Borrower shatl not destroy,damape or ImpaU tAe Property, ow t e <br /> ^.,.� , . , pro�eAy to deteriostte. ot cormHt waste on the�operty. Bortowes shUl be in defwh tt any 4odetture aWon or proeeecflng. whether clv8 ar <br /> {. . , ccknkal,1s beyun tAtt(n L.endda good faith Judgment coutd►esutt In for(etture ot the Prope�ty or othenvlse matedaiy impair the Ilen created � <br /> ' • ` by thts Sewr[1y Instrument or Lender's aecudly tnterest. Borrower msy curo auob a deteutt and teinatato. as prorided in paragraph 18, by <br /> • � ..1.. _ �.u.� .►.. L. �a..,ra.•. rnu�. �a�em1natinn. d,e..6�� tnrteiLue oi the <br /> .�' . � ° .�ll�IQ UIQ a�9Ofi W PIVirTCYinEj iv w �ra��e000v nn+. . .ww.� «.�w ... �..�.- v--- '—'- ----......_-.- . . — <br /> �:"• Bomowe�'s(nterest N the Praperty or other matedal Impatm►ent ot the Aen aeated by thb Security lnstruunsent or Lender's securfty Mterest. <br /> • 8�rer shafl dso be In defauft H Borrower,durtng the loan eppocatlon process,guve meteda�y faise or inacwrate fniortnaUon or emtements <br /> ' � to Lender(or hOsd to ptovide Lender whh+ny matetW tntortnaUon)i�eonnectlon wkb the loen evidenced by tAe Note,induding, but�ot <br /> " � 16Nted tp. �es�t�f� t�noeming BoROwer's occupancy of tho Prope�ty as a principst realdence. It this Securiry InatrumeM ia on a <br /> le�se�dd.8orrower shd eompry with aN the provistons of the Iease. it 8orrower aequfres tee title to the Propeity.ths Ieaseho!d and the <br /> • tee tlUe sh�not�nKge unlesa the Lerider agrees to the merqer In writlng. <br /> , � ,. <br /> '6 ' . . ., <br /> .� .:a .� <br /> ,,•..i: •���y. : Pape 7 of 8 Form J028 9l� <br /> -'�;'��:z�V y M �?4� F1029.LM0(Sl�) � � <br /> . . ._.. � � '1 <br /> '`,., yte» <br /> � �� <br /> �� ., <br />