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<br /> ���=��'��'�"":' LOAN #: 0160402
<br /> . ' , lf�Borro�►tr'�Cop,�. Bomower shali boqivcn ane canfom►ed capy of tha Note and of this Sxurlty Ina�ment
<br /> w��,:;. . 17.'�lruafeP ot the or a Benefic6tl Iaterart te Borra�ver. If eU or any part of the Aope»y ar my fatc�st!n it ia
<br /> �aW a tr�ufae�od(a if�i�ial Intae�i in Hamowa i s eo l d�t r e t u f r.�r e d a n d�o l r o w m r is nat a natunelperaon)wIthout
<br /> I�endcr'�prMr wrtttea consa�4 Laeder tniy at ita �ra9mie+e imn►edl�te P�y�aa�t fn fuU of dl eums eacvred by tl�Sac�afty
<br /> - '�-..�;.�,�:-' lnqunun�nG However�thia opflon shell not�exe�by l�end�er i�e�caclso is prohibitcd by federal faw e.s ot the dete oY tbfe
<br /> I�un�ent
<br /> • v,-,-.�.d.'. ��auaalses thlaopflon,Leadea ehaU give Bomowa nodce of axelaadon.'llie nodce sh�U provido a�xiod of uot bes
<br /> �: .:., • • than 3b days from tha data tdo rtadca is detivued or�nailod witbin which Homnwu must pay ell sume soc�u+ed by tb�s Saciuiry
<br /> ` ' Lender may invoke any m�rnodies p�mitted
<br /> t+'r4'•, y,r P� „ I[IStSili'.ICQL u HOtiOWC!f11�8 IO pAy s11Q80 8l1tf18 jl�OJ W�IO OlIp�71 Of 1�3�.
<br /> ,'�:. .., �'�r:,
<br /> � .., , . .t: .,, by thie Sacurlty Instcuntent�vithout funhor nntke or dem�utd an 9o�ron►es
<br /> ,Y,:A,�;,:,;_ < ' . i!.Borrower'e Ri�ht to Rr.insbtta If Borrowar �oeta c�n condtdons. Botrower shall have the rlght to haee
<br /> �'��' aafa�arma�t of this 5xurity Iasdumeat NscAntiaued at any tima prlor w tha eariier of (a)S days(ar such otbe�perbd as
<br /> �,.`.;µ, � ��x r :�,� �p p l�b b l a w m a y s p e c i f y far reicstaument) bafom sala of the Property p u c s u a at w any power af sale caamined fn this S�ity
<br /> -.,� `;�'~ .. Inawma►�or N)eatry o f a Judgment eatorcing thia Security Insuunaent,'I hosa co n r l i t i o n s a r a t M a t B o i m w e r.(e�pa�a L c n d a a l t
<br /> �'-.''' _ . ' auma whlcd then waWd he dtw under this&es�rlty U�swment and the Note ag if no ecceleratlon had oc�tmad:N)cuns auY
<br /> ;E.� .�� . defeult of aay other caveaents or egrae+nanta;(a)PaYs aa e�ases incuned in enfan�iang this S�wlty lnstrumea�incl�ding.but
<br /> ., not limiud to�ceasonable atWmeys' faes:end(d)taf�es snch Bon+�werLBn�ma on�bYY�09�f°sa�ured by d�s S�avrIty l�,
<br /> ;;;;.; � ,, Sacurlry Ins�umen� LEadet's rlghts in the Ympaty and �� �Socurity 1nstrnment and the obllgations securcd °.a�
<br /> Iusaumeat ehell aandnno unchenged Upon ninstetemont by Borrower, ,�.:
<br /> . ` :, heeeby s�il rr�nein fWly e�'ective a9 if no acceleration had occiur�al.Howaver,this right m refnstato sl�all not epply jn the csse of _,.
<br /> � accelerallcn undarp�h 17. �nte�st in tho Nots (m8ethu alth tbis SecurIsy `
<br /> ' � 19.Stie ot Note;C6an�e o!Loan Servicer. 1Ue Note or a pardal ,��,.,:
<br /> .. Instrutnant)may ba sold oae or more dmes wIthout prlor aottcce W Bonower.A sale may result in a cbange in the eudty(ImoRn► �,y,;,,,,
<br /> as tbe"I�osn Servicer")that collects montbtypaymenta due under ti►�Note and this Securiry Iastn�meu4'It�ae elso taay be one or ,n,
<br /> � � mom ct�n ges of the I.oan 3crvicer urtreleted to a sela of the Note. If thare is a cbange of the L+oaa Sc�vlcer,Bmmwer will ba "�ri:
<br /> ., , . given wdtt�n notice of the chauge in accardancs w(t hpa��raph 1 4 a b ove a n dappll c a b l e l a w.l l t e n o d o a w ll l s l a t e d u n a r n e a n d S'},`,,;`
<br /> �,,.
<br /> . „ addi+ess of tba naw Loan Servlcer and the address w whicb g�ymeata ahould b e made.Th�notice wlll al�o¢antain any other j,4,,;t
<br /> � tnfonuatton t�equired bY apPlIcable law. or teleas� of any �
<br /> �. 7A.Hasardoue Snbstanoes. Hmroaer sdall not cause or pennit the prescace, use. disposai, etore8a.
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or ia the Property. Bormaver abell aot do. nor aU�v anyone else to do.anyddn8 effecdnB the PropertY
<br /> that la in vlolatlon of any Bavironmental Law.'lt�e pe�lin6 ta►o senwaces�l not epply�ro p�r�ea�nrn�'mal residc�ndal�
<br /> .. Proparty of small quanttdes of Hezardous Subs�nses that are S��Y � be .
<br /> �. and to maint�nance of the Propaty. y
<br /> . eo�mwer shaii pmmptiy give Leacder wriaea notico �f eay ir,vestl�,�clais�.�d�.us S bstan�ce or Bavlmoniaental Law „
<br /> ,� goverament�l or �u1atn�y eacy or prlvane pariy invo�v�g the Peuperiy
<br /> ��" `� of wldcd Bonoarei�-has ec�knowledge.If Barrower leams or is aodfied by any gove:nmentel or regulatory audiorIty�d�at eny �
<br /> i+emoval or other remediadon of eny Hazardous Substance a�fecting the ProPertY is necessary►,Borrower shall promptly mlce a[1
<br /> te�y remodist actions in accordance wIth Bavimnmeutel isa. „ .
<br /> " Aa uscd ia this patagraph 20. "Ha�ardous Substances"ere those substances defined as wxic or hazerdous substaaces by
<br /> � Bavhonmental Law and the following substeacea: gasoline. keraseue,other flemmable or tn�ic petroleum products. Wxic •
<br /> : pesdddes and he,rbicides.voletile solven�,materials containing esbesoos or forn�aldehyde�aad radia�acdve maW�ale.As�sed in
<br /> '.' this b 20."Bnvironmental Law"means federel isws and lawa of the jurisdicdon where the Properiy is located that relate
<br /> � . oo heal�ety or eavlronmental protectlon. °
<br /> NON•LJN�ORM COVBNANTS,Borrower end Ler►der further covenant aad a�ree as follows:
<br /> Zl.Aoafentlont Remedies.L.ender ahAU giv�noWx to Borrowra'prbr to aaxk*at�on toUo�ving Borrower's bratch ot
<br /> � an' covmant or a�reement in thiq &cur(ty Instrument (but not prtor to soakratton undcr puagrapb 17 uniese
<br /> , appHcabk Is�w pmvides otherwi�e).The notke ehaU apecify:(a)tbe defaWt;(b)the actbn required to cme the ddaulti(c)
<br /> a date.not tess t6An 30 days t'rom the date the uotke b itven to eomower,by whicb the detaWt must be curtidi and(d)
<br /> t6at l�ilun to care the detaWt on or Defore the date apeclRed in the nottce mpy resWt m A°akmtt°n ot the sams securcd
<br /> , by thb Security Inedvment and stte ot t6e Properi'.T6e notEa sh�11 furthe*infor�n Bonotiver o!the right to reinstate
<br /> after aaoeleratbn and the rig6t Ro brU� p court acNoa to a�e�t tbe non�e�stena ot�detault or Aay other defenae of .
<br /> Horrower to aooekratbn and sAl�.If the d��ait is aot cured on or b�tor�e the date specified ia�tbe notioe,I.ender,at its
<br /> .��r_.{ ' . option,may e+xqufra immediate payment in fY�ll of all sums secured by this Securiq'Iaskument withont turther deynand
<br /> � . aad ma9 tnvoke t6e powa of sa{e aad any otmer remedies permitted by Appikabk ta�v.I.ender s6�11 be entitled to colkct
<br /> " ali e�pec�es incurrcd tn pursain�We remedks provided in tdis Parograp6 21,including, but not limihd Yo,reasonxble
<br /> i,:� :" . ;, attomeya'tas And cua�s ot titk evidena.
<br /> � ����, U the po�rer of sak is invoked. 1Yustee ehall recoM st notice ot detanit in eac6 county in which anY part ot the
<br /> .. ��:; Property is tocatal and shall mail copks ot suc6 nolice in the m�anirer priscrfbed by appikabk law to Bflrr+o�ver and to the �°�
<br /> . r'•.:= ot�er��prescribed by sppHcabk Is��v.Af�er the time requtr�d Dy applkabb I�w.lYuatee ehall give pnbldc noNce ot ���:::�
<br /> � � ' sak to the persons pnd fa t6e manner prescribed by appliat6k I�w.'[5rustee,wIffiout demand on Barrower,ahall sell We I'''�
<br /> �'' ' � Property at pubtic auctton to t6e t�6e�t 6ldder at the ttme anm pl�ta Aad under tbe terms desigaated in the notice ot sale
<br /> j
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