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<br /> IxY��may no bnger be roquired,gt tGo optton af I.endcr.if mact�a�a inaur�nco citversgo(in�ho�mount and far the paiod
<br /> �t Laider nequirea)Aravtdod by en instua�ppmvad by Ltt�dei a�ptn boaon�ea av�ilab6a�ttd iai dNaineA.Baroxa et�il pay tho
<br /> pnemiums requirod w mainnin mortgege lnaurmce in effoct.ar to provlde a bas roaavo►untU tha raqnicanent far c��a
<br /> `,:w� insur�nce euda in ecro�+d�tce wIth any wrItxn agreema�t batwan Hotrowet and LeaKfa or applicabb 1tM.
<br /> 9.L�:sit�a. Leaidar ar Us agent mny rrus r-r_^fln�ble enMcs upa�n end lntpesdone of tho Ropaty. Lenda shW B�ve
<br /> Hamowa notioe at tbo time of a p�rksr tu�n in�pectbn spxityln�r�orwbla c�ueo fa the inapoction.
<br /> � • 10.Coadesanatba. 11te ptoceeds of eny e�v�[d a cLim fot d�rtu�a,dirxt or consequa►tl�l. in contiecdan�vith�ny
<br /> 'x coc+dmm�lon or ott�eer t�icing of any pr�t of die Feopesty.or for convay�in lieu of conckmnulon,aro hereby assigned and
<br /> �, i�,':'. < , eh�ll be F�id to Lptda'.
<br /> :�_.. Ia dio avaat of a wt�l taldag of the Propaty�the prncaeds shaU bo appJiod�the s+uns eocurod by this 5aurity Tnstruu�a�t�
<br /> "t''��I� � �� whetkcr or not tbea due.wltli eny e�ccess Raid m Bo�mwa.In tha event o!a patt181 taldag of the Pmpetty ia ahich tho fdr mulcet
<br /> �� �°j`, ` '�." .u'.J�(�S_ Vunmedi�uly befom the taldug Is eqwl to or greAtc than tbe amount oi the soms etcured by this Sacndty
<br /> .���t�i•V •�iW{���{{��J •
<br /> i?3��'•f'�;.:^ :,'.�
<br /> .��..; •.�7;K�; Ins�ent imm�diately befae ttv,+teldng� unlese Borrowcr and Leadu otbawlse e6�ee In wridag�tbe sums eesured by
<br /> �,�r�°�.���.- �.;;;;:. Sccurity Iasdument aball be reduced by d�e emonat of the pmcaeds muldpliad by the foltowing�acdon:(a)the totet amount of
<br /> ;,�,�;.,�,,�: ... ,':'� tbe s�ms eecured immcdiaraly beforo the taking,divldod by(b? tde fair madcet value of tho Property immediatatY befare the
<br /> � �•:�.�t,�i;:��r �idng.Any batan�e e1�all be peid tc Bonawa.Ia tde eveat of a paidal talciag of the Propaty in which the feir asadcet valua af tbe
<br /> �. �'._ '. �. piopety liamodiamty befare the teting is less than the amount oP the sums sacured Immediately bafore tbe miciag, �
<br /> ,.
<br /> �a.': ".<;`��,
<br /> .._ � Baaower and Leader otherwisa eg�oe in writiwng ar ua�ss apptkeble 1aw otherwjse yrovfdcs,tb�p�s�ha116a sgglled to the ��:�.
<br /> .,�i;.:,..:� sums sec�uod by this Sa�ri�y mstrumer,t whelher or na d�e suma are�he�due. �,:� .
<br /> n If the Pmperty is abandoned by Bomnwer.ar if,aRa aottce by Leader m Hortower d�at die oondemnar offas w msice aa '°y�
<br /> •• a�vard a seule a claiaa far demages,Boimwer feils to respond w Leader wlthln 30 days aftcr the date the aodce is gtven,Lemda
<br /> y:��� . . ls autho�ed w collxt ead apply tba preceeds.at its opdon,either m testoratiron or rrpair of the propaty or ro tbe sume sa�ed •�:;.
<br /> �- � ., ,�"; bY tl�s SscuRiry Iasaument,whetber or not that due.
<br /> . ' UNe,ss Leada end Bormaer otheralse a�ee in wrlting,auY a�P1[caHon of proceeds to pr3acipal s6a11 aot e�etend or postpone
<br /> '" ° � the due date of the moatbly payrt�eats refared o�ia pas�raphs I and 2 or ctunge the emount of sucb paymenta
<br /> � ii.Borro�►er Not aetex�edi Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiva. Bxteasion of the ttma far payment or modification
<br /> . � of eawRdratlon of the sums sccured by this Security L�saumeat gianted by Leader w eAy successor ia inoerest of Borrower ahetl
<br /> , aot opeteoe to release tt�e liab�ity of the ariginal So:rower or Bmrower's auccassors in iate�est Lender shall not be requiiod w
<br /> �• ...,<:.. co�nmeaw Piocxalin�ei+�ais+st a�i3+succr�sar is lata�t�r�aa eztcnd lirae for ps�t or fltherwls�modlfy em�a��of
<br /> , c nm
<br /> ,�,.` . tha sums axured by this Security Insuument by n�ason of any deane�td made by the orlginal Bosrower or Bomnwei's succe,csors �":;'
<br /> . in Intn+est,Any forbearanoe by I.ender in e.�ercising any rlght or m,�aedy shell not be a waiver of ar preclude the eaudse of any
<br /> ,., rjght or ranedy. � �
<br /> . „ 12.Sueoe�eora and Asaigns Bound;Joiat and 3everat LWbWty;Co-stgeers. '!he coveaents aad t�gi+oemeab of dtis e:,:,.,
<br /> ' Securlt�► Inatrument shall bind and beneGt th�successors and asstgns of Lender and Bomower, subjoct to tha prov�ons of �'�'�:'t i
<br /> .. r;�.,
<br /> . �� parngrepb 17. Baimwer's covenants and ag�ements sheU be,�aint and severel. My Bomowex who co-si�a thia Seciuity
<br /> • � Ins�umeat but dces nat e�ecute tbe Note: (a) is co-sigrdng this Security lnsaument oNy to mmtgage.�►t end convey tdat
<br /> � �. Bmrowa's interest ia the Praperty under the tams of tbLs Security Inauumen�N)is not personellY obllgated w pay the sums
<br /> ., secund by d�is Securlty Insaumenx and(c)eg[ees that Leader and any othe�Borrower may agroe to eacead.madifY.forboar or
<br /> „ � matce any eccomraodatitons with regerd m the teem�of this Sec�uity Instrumeat or the Not�wIthout that Bonower's consent
<br /> •'��;�.'; ,, 13.Loan C6�u�es. If the loan secured by this SecurIty Instrument fs sub,f ect tn a law which seta maximum loaa chatgos.
<br /> ' . end diat law is 6naUy interpreted so that the interest or other loan chergas wliecoad or to be oollacted in connecdoa wtth the loan
<br /> . exoaed tbe pamiued liarits,thea: ta)enY such loan cl�arga shall be reduced by the amouat necessary to reduce the charge w the �
<br /> ,., .. . � �� ��� pormitted 1imi�eud{b)et►y sums already wllectod trom Boaower which euceodod pe�mitted Wnits will be refunded to Ho�mwer. �,�,..
<br /> ., .. Lender may choose to rt�e this refiwd by reducing tLe prL�cipal owed under the Note or by making a d}rect paymeat to �.:,;�
<br /> . ` Bonowa. If a refiwd reduces prLidpal.the reducdon will be a+eated as a P�P�Y�t witAout anY P�Yn►ent charge .
<br /> . .; ';' uAda dieNota
<br /> t '� 14.Notioea. Any notice w Horrower provided for ia this Securtty Instnuaent shall be given by delive:ing it or by mailing it f
<br /> �``'.�'. b y f a a t c l a s s mail wless a p pHcable lew r e quires use of anotha method.The nodcc shall be di�ected to tka Propaty Addcoss or �
<br /> : �re ., : . any oiher addzess Homower efesignates by notFce to Lender.Aay nodce to Lender shaU be g�ven lsy fus;c1a9s mail to Lendei's
<br /> r,,� . ..� � ., eddnss stated herein or any other address Leader de�gnates by nottco 0o Bomower.My nodce ptovided for in this Security
<br /> �;.�'.. � ,
<br /> �°.�� . , . Iasttument shail be doemed w have bee�glvea m Bomower or Lender ahe,a g[ven as provided in this paragcaph.
<br /> . • � 1S.(i0verning Lsw;Seveiabitity. Th9s Security Insnument shall be govemed by federal lnw aad the law of the .
<br /> i � � juriadictioa in which the PmpeKy is locaoed.In the eveat that any pmv�sion or clause of this SecurIty Instrument or the Note ,
<br /> `��� ,,. � oonfticta w[th applicable law,such contHct shall not affact other provistons of dfis Secueity Inst�umeat or the Note which can be
<br /> � :• giveu e�ect wtthout the confltcdAg p�vis�on.To this end the provisions of this Secueity Inatrument and tho Note ere doclaced to
<br /> ,' , be saverable.
<br /> � (
<br /> ~ '}t� . ��� Ronn so���B-�.../Dp�t/��^
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