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<br /> time I.�.r��.t, wh�.oh n�n reneonab'Iy be ooxxeoted by�the SEL�ER�� ..
<br /> � ehal]. be oorreoted by them at thelr own expenee e� rapidly ae ,
<br /> ipoesible. Tf thera are eny ob�e�tions to tk�e '��.tle wh�oh aan not
<br /> � be thus oorrea�ed, the�i, et the option of the SEE�LERS, thie oon-
<br /> tract mey be termina�ed and declared to be null �nd void, and both ��
<br /> ' � partiae sha11 be returned to the position they were in prior to
<br /> the exeaution of th�.s agreement as near7.y as �.s poseib7.e.
<br /> Seotian 2. Deed. The SELI,��t,S $hell exeoute a werranty �
<br /> deed to the property by whiah the title ie tran+sferred to'the ,
<br /> HUYERS. Suoh tranafer shall be sub�ect to all existing aovenants,
<br /> conditions, easementa and restriatione. However, SELLERS shall
<br /> deliver to the Escrow Agent sa id Warrenty deed, wh3oh deed shall,
<br /> upon �,pproval of title, be held i.rrevooebly by the Esaraw A�ent,
<br /> .�,
<br /> sub�eat �o the.comple�ion of the payment by the BUYERS of a�.Y eums
<br /> ,' 4�.� . � and obl3.gatians as required by th3s aontraat, and 3EL•LERS shall
<br /> � ..,�� -.` .
<br /> °`""�� � fuxnis3� to the Esarow Agent, at the t3rne of delivery of the deed,
<br /> �.,ft:'�:�`'°•`'��..''
<br /> �_,�,���� an amount of money suiiioient �o purcnae� 23ebi�eks Daaumsntary
<br /> � " %�'Y �i;�
<br /> ' �k� � j '��`} Stamps, as of the date of such delivery of suoh deed to euah Es-
<br /> �,,.''�7;;,,,;,.,
<br /> �: .
<br /> <�,�,,•. ..,:,:��:;-:.
<br /> ;?h'�;�,; :�:^`;;.�,;:�_ti crow Agent, and suoh s� sha11 be de1i.vered by the Esarow Agent
<br /> 4`;�`' ,, r'����� '' to the BUYERS, together with the deed, upon the completion of the
<br /> ��,�;,�:�:::�-,>.,:,::�,, contraot, and euch payment ehall fully satisfy a].1 oblig�tion of
<br /> "'� '�'` � '�' the SEI,I,EF'.S as tc� suah stamps, whether �h� oost of suah Dncumsnt-
<br /> z�.o-r+Fr:..N�.-.,4,.�:, 1
<br /> �'"'' �� . " '" ar�r Stampa has increased or decreesed between the dete of the exeou-
<br /> ,,, ._ .
<br /> �,i�.-r,•�:.,. �;.:�t� tion of tliis A�reemar.t and the date of the aompletion of the aon-
<br /> ,.:.,,r,7.,. _. •r
<br /> s• • . . -� .. 'ETBC't•
<br /> ,,.
<br /> r,�*�,+ • �V� �. Sectic+n 3. Inspection of Pronertv and RePreaentation. "���
<br /> °- The BUY�RS are 2iow renting and farming the property whiah is here +�'��
<br /> � ,�. _ „ so?d to BUYERS and they h�ve �:herefore inepeoted tkie same fully
<br /> . . . and completely and have oomplete knowledge of suah property. It
<br /> ;�� is expressly agreed the SELI,ERS have made no representation with
<br /> � respect to the propert,y of any sort, and BUY�RS expressly acaept
<br /> �- � .
<br /> �� , , the propert}� in the condition tha t it is now in.
<br /> �f � ' ARTICLE IV.
<br /> . '.:'`��
<br /> }.� �, . .
<br /> � Section 1. Poasessi.�n. The BUYERS are now in poeseseion
<br /> ;1� � , of the property as tenants of the SELI,ERS. Upon execution of this
<br /> €- . oon�ract, approval of the title, and the oloeing of the ealey BUYERS
<br /> � ° ..�...�� ....�a-;.,..e ;., r�noecuai nr nP tAa nrnnertv_ es owYterB Of the 9Anie,
<br /> � 91�aJ.�L VVYV4��MV .`�� rv�vv��v�r�w ..� ���� i�'L - �V •
<br /> � ° under and sub�ect to the term� and provi�ions of this contract.
<br /> :,
<br /> � S�ction 2. Repeirs And Improvementa. The BUYERS agree ,
<br /> - � that as long as the property has not been paid for in fu11., they
<br /> shall keep the property in �aod anc3 proper condition and not permit
<br /> its deteriorat3.un, and Rhall maintain the well, the pump, the motor, i �
<br /> '�. , ��" • � ' 'g_
<br />