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<br /> �tk p1Nts
<br /> _ �Tr7 .Jr:• ' '
<br /> I
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<br /> ' � � � . . ., .. . ..
<br /> .� . . • �
<br /> 9�- �c�'7��.6 .
<br /> � , eetdte texe�. All romr�i�►ing xee]. sa�s�e texse for the yeet 1g73r
<br /> „
<br /> taftor dato of oloo�,rl.e� �x�c� £�x �+�.°�- r�ubeen�en� y�axe �hell be peid
<br /> � in full by the BUYE�S. All texee� aeseeements �nfl ohergea, of '
<br /> } every kind and nature what�oevar� end ell obligati.one whioh m�.ght
<br /> in ar�,y manner whateoever beoome e lien egeinet thi.� property prior
<br /> to the dus date of eeah suoh i.tem sha11. ba paid by BUYERS end .
<br /> BUYERS expreesly a$reQ that they shall permit no tax aseeeement or
<br /> other obligetion, of any kind or ahareoter to become a lien ags9.nst �
<br /> thia property during the term of this oontraat. Reaeipte. ahow�.ng
<br /> payment by BUYERS shall forthwith be deposited by BUYEBS with the
<br /> ;'��'n;�� Escrow Agent immedia-�ely aftef� payment i's made.
<br /> -`�,;•
<br /> '"��'�� INSURANCE. HUYERS
<br /> "������:�?::�f � �� Seotion 2. _____,� egree to keep �'The Rael
<br /> • . � frl�::.J �
<br /> • ,�:..�
<br /> '�;;t.r K�47t`.(��.{., it
<br /> ,��,., ,;.�„f.;,,�.,,:1 Est�te � and any and e11 of its fixtures and improvements, now on
<br /> � � R,�4s +�'�Sn4 �,
<br /> �.� +� ' th� premises or hereafter existing, fully ineured, and agres to
<br /> ���:,;:,:•�f. .t� ,
<br /> • `�"'��'�a��� carx°y full and adequate liability insurence, and all of the prem-
<br /> ;�:;. �:'.:',�.,��- ,...
<br /> ��'�l'�;'}�f' "'�';':':�. iumus on all such polioiea are to be paid for prior to due date by � ,�,
<br /> r_ �v,;..,:- �aj .;�y
<br /> j.,~:�`r,;.t��'�'r7n,i , . �
<br /> ,':�;��,.;,;;�;•���': :;�:�: �he �UYERS, and the polioies themaelves and reQeipts ehowin� pay- � .
<br /> �
<br /> �,•'�� -�_��::'.,�:"., ment of prem�ums shall be deposited Prom time to t3.me with the
<br /> �('In�jr7���:���i1.;.�,'.` . .
<br /> ' "�;�`��'�•'�,-'.,,:� , r�scraw �g�n't. A11 polic3es ehall be payable to bath the BUYERS
<br /> �::
<br /> b����•..•' =:'-lj:t�, :•
<br /> 4�ifa:..��;�,u:;::;:p anc3 the SELLERS as the;.r i•espec�ive 3.nterests may appeer. The y
<br /> .� ••,. .�,'•�
<br /> �:;;,«:•. � , . . amount of the ineurance ehall be agreed upon from time to time by
<br /> .5''. . ' ..'_
<br /> s?'"""�� °"°�''�� the partiee, and in the event the parties do not agree, the amount .
<br /> �,�-.:.,. :.. .,. ,.::
<br /> ���-x•f;��,��.-��.,.�.�� shall be deteru�ined by the Esarow Agent, aating ae erbitrator, .
<br /> �!�..,�'.�r'=_:.."�.Y
<br /> H�., ,. whoee determination ahall be finel e2id bindf.ng. The besia pr�.n-
<br /> �,�. .. ,•.a',
<br /> '�"`:,"';zTt;:��,-.: ciple for determining the amount shall b�, of course, based upon
<br /> "'"'�'`" ''''"r-��`� the type of inaurance: but, partiQUlarly with reference to liabjl-
<br /> ;�e r.r+Aa..... .,:�ti_.
<br /> =. . .;:�.�_ 1,. ity, it sha1.1 constitute a subatantial proteQtian of ihe SEI,I�ERS
<br /> _ _ :;:;�„,�. .
<br /> �o'� `���'��s�A�'' a�ainst any posaible Iiab3lity whioh oould ever be impoeed ageinst
<br /> ?'. . �" � them. The amount of such inaurance polYai.es shall be revie�oed at
<br /> ..�,�.;.
<br /> c � " , � " least every five (5) years, or more frequently upon the request of � . ,:,
<br /> ,,.r• �. . either party. �.
<br /> ^'` ... . .. �
<br /> � ARTICLE III.
<br /> 1�.;�. �� ..
<br /> Section 1. Abstract. The SELLERS she11 deliver to the
<br /> �' � BUYERS an abstract ��f title to the property� br�t�ght down to date, �
<br /> i�: . �
<br /> .t' ..
<br /> . o� at SELI.ERS expense. Any, alI end every ob�ectiuns to the title to
<br /> , � : this property, wh3�h are not reised by attorney�; for BUYERS with- �
<br /> . ,
<br /> in a period of thirty (3�) days from the date of del.ivery of the i �
<br /> n�,�+,��t tn canc�h attornevs. shall be deemed to be waived forever,
<br /> ; . and thereafter the SEI,LERS sha11 have iio further liebi]ity whet- j,
<br /> ,
<br /> - " ' ever, at any time, or tznder eny circumatanoes, to make arby correc- �
<br /> ` . tions, or hava �iny s•v;�poi��ibility for �C}ie title to the property,
<br /> • " " by reasan of ony rb,jertiou� wtiich wore not reised within euah ;
<br /> � period of time. Any ubj�ct3o�ia to the titlo• rai�ed wf.�thin euah j
<br /> I
<br /> ;
<br /> �N '
<br /> �. . -.5—
<br /> . � �
<br /> � � � �
<br /> ,.
<br /> , . .
<br /> .. . ,
<br /> . _... _ .._...._..__.___ � __
<br /> . __.`.-----__...- �----__-._��.__.._................ . ._....-- . ._.. _._. — ---- �-�-----_
<br /> � ., �.,, , �
<br />