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<br /> rcf�YrcYi e�a in�►ara�;ra�t► 2,ar ih�nK�1 Use anK�unt oP�uch �aynxn4;: Ar,y extcss pn�ccxd� ativcr an�nxwnt n�s�ulrul►n pny�fl
<br /> nutslarKling Itxkixrd�xss und�r�he�IiKe urnd this Security lnctrumcn�r:hall he�id tn tha r�itHy le�ally rrtf�la!�htaretrti.
<br /> S.Fea.l.a+der m�y milact fas�ttxl rh�tgn�wthadzal by tbe Sacm�ry. ,
<br /> 9�.Grn�n�Par Ac+celer�tio�oilAebr.
<br /> (�j DehWt.Lender m�p. exm�t n tindud by re4ul�t�o�u luued by the Serrewry in tho aae of p�rm�nt defiulq.
<br /> roquiro immedfate payment in fup pf dl sums serumi by this Secudty Instniment if: °
<br /> (i)Borrower defaults b�failing to py in fuil nny ma�thlY pnYment roquirod by lhis Secudty Ituttuma�t prbr to a'
<br /> o�the dak data oP the a�t rrwuthlY PRYment,�r
<br /> (dj)Bomow�r defaultsti by failing. for a pedod of ihfrty days.ta perform.Any ot7ur obligui�ns conujnotl in thir ,
<br /> 5aaurity Instrµme�tt.
<br /> � .
<br /> (b)Sak N►�thout C�+edit App�oeal. Lendtr shill. If pem�itted�by np�sltc�blc law ud with the pdor sppcav�l of the
<br /> Sat�etary,�ite immedtatc payment in fuli of all sums savmd by t�his Sacutity insttument if:
<br /> (i) All or part of e�e E'eop�rty. o�n bartHclal Intenest in a t�ust owniAg all ar put af the Propccty, is sold or
<br /> wherwise tcsutsfcerod(ntt�than by devise ar dcsoent)by the Hormwer.and
<br /> (li) 71ie Prnperty ts �t �ccupled by the puc�chsser or grantoe aa his ur het princ#pd rrskknoa, or the ,
<br /> punhaser or grantoe does so oavpy the Pnoperty but his or her credit t�as not been appmvod in a000tdu�with Ilw
<br /> �+equir�ments of the Secret�ry.
<br /> (c)No Watva. If cinurastences accur thsit wou(d pem�it Lender to rcquire itnabdiote paymeat in full,(wt I�etder�oes
<br /> not nquire such payments.I.ender does not waive its r�ghts with respoct to subsoquent events.
<br /> (� Reguladoag ot HIJD Sect�etary. In many circumstanxs reg�ilat�ons issuod by th�Secretary will limit lxnder's
<br /> �ights in the case of payment defuults to require immedinte payment in fuil end forcclose if not paid.This Secudty
<br /> Insa�unent dces aot suthorize aoceleradon or foreclosnre if not pennitted by regulatioas of the Soenetoty.
<br /> (e)Mortgage Not Insured.9ornower agrees tbat should Rhis Secvrity Insuument and the Note scxuea!thtxe6y not be
<br /> elig�ble for insurance u�ler the NatIonal Iiousing Act wittun 60 days from the date hereof.LeMer may,at its aption
<br /> �� stnd notwithstanding aaything in parn�raph 9. require immedIate paymeat ia full of uU sums secured by this Secuaty
<br /> Inswment. A written smtement of any autt�orizod agent of the Socretary dated subsoqu�nt to 60 days from the dau
<br /> hereof.declining to insure this Sexur�ry Inshument and the Note secured themby. shall be deemed aoncluslve prnof of
<br /> such ineligi6Aity.Notwithstanding the fonegoing. this optton may not be exercised by L.ender when the unavailalsility
<br /> .` af insuranoe is solely due to Lender's fatlure to remIt a martgsge�nsurance premium to thc Secretary.
<br /> 10. R�nsWteroea�Bomower hss a right to be reinstated if I.ender has irequired immediate payment in full bec�nse of
<br /> Bomnwer's failure to pay an umount dae under the Note or this Securiry Inswment.'I`his right applies even after foreclosu�
<br /> proceedings are instituted.To reinstate the Securiry Insuument, Borrower shall tender in a lump sum eq amoums required to
<br /> bring Borrower s account current inctuding, to the extent they are obligations of Borrower under this Securlry Inshuroent•
<br /> foreclosure rnsts and reasonable and customary attorneys' fees and eapenses properiy associt{ted with the fore�tosune
<br /> proceeding.Upon reinstatement by Bomower.this Sacurity Instnunent and the obligations that it secwes shall remain tn effect
<br /> as if[.ender had not reguired imrrtediate payment in fu.l1.However.Lender is not required to permit reinstatement if:(i)Le�er
<br /> has ucoepted reinstatement aRer the commencement of foreclosure proceedinga within two years immodiutely prereding t1:e•
<br /> .,, commencement of�current forectosure proa�ding. (fi) reinstatetrtent will preclude foc�eclosure on different grounds in:tl�ie
<br /> r=.t.�''�+��"�..."•� future,ur(iii)minstatement wili adversely affect the priority of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> ,.�.........,.
<br /> •.t�-j��%•�,,`•
<br /> ffv.:';��`.,:
<br /> �;��„ 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbeurance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension of the Gme of payment or modiftcation of
<br /> '� �•,. "'. : amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instnrment�ranted by l.ender to any wccessor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> •;<<�s;:3�,��-:"' not operate to relcasc the liabiliry of the original Bomowcr ur Borrower's successor in i�ner.cnt. Lendec shall not be re�uired to
<br /> � k6...:,�. , rnmmence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment vr ntherwise modify amortlzation
<br /> '��'f�>,'� ~`. of the sums secu�ed by this Serurity Instroment by reason of any decnand made by the originat Borrower or Bomower's
<br /> �pi-`.:: .
<br /> ��'��,-w;r�:,;,�.. successors in interr�st. ��ny forbear.�nce by ixnder in exercising any risht or remady shall not be a���iver of or prectude the ;�
<br /> =:;,_.:.:; _�-�--..� exercise of any dght or remody. .�
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