„ r. �1 . }�a�� - ;,�
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<br /> A.l�irc�,l�toocil�nd Uthcr f9aaard la5umn�ce. tiurrou•�r shatl insur�;ull����j�rnvcn�c�tt,�`�n iTi� ar*��}�e�iy�utiie.�ujw.in .
<br /> rxi4tcinc or ruhuyucntly crcctcil, i{�jUI1lSt illly IlA2,�TtIS,ca.iu�Uies,SiTIII�(ittl�llsCltClC9� i�xludLyg f rc, fi�r ivhfch Ix�xlcr rryuircw
<br /> in:Ura�n�e. Thi: imaraiKC tihHll t►� nwintwiacA in �hc ar�xw�and for the �sdcxis ti�at l���e icqui�rx. ��•uw�r ,ir�it ut,�u
<br /> imucc ull impruvcn�ntv u��t1+c Pmpcny,whrthr.r now in cxixtenrc or sub�cqucntiy erectetl.aguin�t In�ti hy f�+Kx1�;to the txte+�c
<br /> rcquircd by�l�r Secm�ry. All ineor�jxc shall tie curial with comprnia approdsd bg l.�xkr. '1'Fw insurrnce polkiaR ar�S Rt►y
<br /> renewnls�finil Q�e heW by LemSet wx9�hali include Inss pay�le cl�uus in fuvur Uf.a►xi!n�farm aco�t+�ble tc►. I.en�ler.
<br /> (n�he cvent af lass.Barrowrr shal!give l.ender immediate natice bv miil. Lender rt�y mak�prouf af los�.if r�at mode ,
<br /> promptly by &irrower. Eoch insurunce mmpany mncemed is hercby nuthariced and di�ected to ma"rce payment for aucti lose
<br /> ditR+ctly to Lendtr. instcad roi'ta 8arrourcr and to Lender jointly. All or any p�h of the insunnoe p�rosteds�y ba epp�ied'bY
<br /> Lender.at its uptian.clthcr(v)ta thc r�educttait of the indebiodnes9 undtr tix Note and this Sc�curity Instcumeat,nrst to�ny
<br /> delinquent am�wnts'appllad in the urder in paragraph 3.atd then to piepaymmt nf principrl.cir(b)to the reswrntton ar nepair
<br /> of the dam�gCd Property. Arxy nppiication of the�toceeds to the principal sh$tl not e�end�r postpone t1�due dnte of Q�
<br /> monthly paymeats which am crfetral ta in�pamgmph 2,ar chttnge tho anwnnt of such paymentr.Any eaoess insuranees procads
<br /> over pn a�nwuni requiced to payr a11 outstending indeht�xincss under the Note and this Socurity Insuu�ment shaU bc patd to�he
<br /> endty legully enilUud thsreto.
<br /> ; In the cvent of foroclosure of this Security Inat�nment or other transfer of title to the Property tNat extinguishes the
<br /> jndebtedness.n!l right.Ude and intenst of Borrower In atzd ta insurance policies in fonoe shaU pass to tbe purchaser.
<br /> 5. O�cupncy. Pneseevatbn, 1liatatenanoe aad Pnnie�tion of ihe Ih+npnty; Bonowrcr's Lo�p.�1PP���i
<br /> I.easehol�v. Borrower shall�xrupy.estnblish.und uso tha Pr+aperiy as Rormwer's pdncipal cesidence withjn sixty duys after
<br /> [he exocudon of this Secudty Instrument nnd shail oontinue to occupy the Propeity as Bornrnowwer's pdncipal residence for at least
<br /> one year after the date af oecupansy.unless the Secremry determin�c this oequirement witt eause undue hatdship for Bomnwrr.
<br /> or unless eRtenuatt�g circumstances e�ist wAlch ane beyond Borrower's oomml. Barrower shall notify Le�ers of any
<br /> catenunting cir�cumstnnoes.Borrower shall not oommit wrute or destroy.dnn�ge or substantially change the Property or aUaw
<br /> the Property t�deteriorute, re.asoriable wear nnd tear excepted. I.ender may inspect the Property if the Propeny► is vacant or
<br /> abandonod or the loan is in default. I.ender may take reasonable action to proia� and preserve such vacant or abwdoned
<br /> Nroperty. Bomuwer shall ulso be in dePault if Bomnwer.durin�tlee lonn applicatian pmoess.gave materially false or inaoauate
<br /> infom�ation ar statements to i.ender(or failed to provide Lender wlth uny materlul infom�ation)in aon�►oction with the loan
<br /> evIdenood by the Note. including. but not limited to. repmsentatlons ooncemiag 8orrower's oaupancy of the Property as a
<br /> principal residence. If this Secuaty Instrument is on o leasehald. Borrower shull oomply with the pmvisions of the te�e. �f
<br /> ` Borrower acyuires fee dde to the Property,the leasehold a�d fce title shall not be mergal unless Gender agrees to the mager ia
<br /> ,:z�?.
<br /> � wrlting.
<br /> ��,F f4a'. R,
<br /> !'�•`�*"yr�' 6.ChargPS to Borm.:e:as.: P�+otectfon of Lender's Rtghts tn the Property.Bormwer shull pay ali goduntnental or
<br /> , �;:;. _;.. .��,
<br /> =;ti:;��;,. munici ch
<br /> �'� ,, pa1 arges, fines sm4 impositions that am not inciuded in paragrnph 2. Bomower sh�ll pay these obligetions on t�me
<br /> �"°"�`�"�'i; directly to the entity which ts owed the payment. If failuc�e W pay would adverssly vfdfect Q.ender's interesi in the Pr+operty,upon
<br /> , f�,.. �,• [.endet's oequest Borrower shall promptly furntsh to Lender reoelpts evidencing these paymenu.
<br /> t�. 1{'w.��,�3.Y�.'L
<br /> ,�.>n.c}`r, It B o r row e r f a i l s t o m a k e t h e s e p a y m e n t s o r t h e p a y m e n u re q ui re d b y p a r s gru ph 2,or fuils to p erform sun y oth�er ooven�r►ts
<br /> .�i;.li �;�.a�,�
<br /> �:,;a;. :�r�5,x xs� and agreements mntainad in this Security Insttument.or there is a le�al proeceding tlutt mny significantly aFlFect d:ender's rights
<br /> '°y�191++°`�'�?�'^ in the Propetty(suct�es a prooeeding in bankcuptcy, for condemnation or to enforoe Iaws or regulatcmasl.then[.erider mny do
<br /> �'?�-�L'�^•"'..:
<br /> ..._ "'"�E: ' and pay whatever is necessary to pn�tect thc value of the Propetty tutd l.ender s tighu in the Pra,psa4y. including payntent of
<br /> ' �`�`� taxes,hazand insuranx and other items mentionad in h 2.
<br /> f.�'{�}��3 f I�,�•. I raeamnr
<br /> 'i�'l �......��...�,
<br /> '�'�';�,�:` i
<br /> . My amoums disbursed by Lender under this paragaph shal! become an add�tionul debt of Borrower:u�d be securad by
<br /> s;�';';�� this Securiry Insuument.These amonnts�iatill bear interest from the date of disbursement.at the Note rate.and at thc oprion of
<br /> - . .� � I.ender,sl�all be immediately due and payu3t:•:.
<br /> �•''��` ` . � 7. Cond�nation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, dinect or ronsequenrisil. in connoction with any
<br /> .. -� � ' 1
<br /> r"• �� oondemnation or other taking of any part of the Pro�rty, or for cnnveyance in p13ce of oondemrmtion,are hemby assigc�ed and
<br /> �.� . . . shall!+e puid to Lender to the eatent of the fult amount of the indebtedness thnt remains unpaid urtder the Note and this Secwity
<br /> �'”� ,,.;��;;� Insuument. Lender shaU apply such proceeds to the r�eduction of the indebtedness under the Noie and this Security Instcume�l.
<br /> r,
<br /> •,'�'�'� �rst to ctny detinquent amounu applied in the otder prvvided in pacagrnph 3, and then to prepayneent of principal. Any
<br /> � applicatlon of the prooeeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments, which are :;'�'
<br /> . ���H� Psgo 3 of 8 �,�
<br /> �•' I
<br /> �. . . :I`..i
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