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��::a�:4/n �. � , 4� ., <br /> . ,- ', . <br /> � <br /> � 4'• , •.e: <br /> �'�° ��Q82 <br /> appllcablo In�v may specify fut minstatcmenq twforo enle af tho Properiy pur�uunt ta any pu�v�r of sale containcd in this <br /> Sccurity Instrunicnt;ar(b)entry of n Judgment enforcing thls Sesurity(nstmment. Thosv condltions aro thut Bormwer. (a) <br /> ryAys I.�ndea ull sums whtch then would ba clue under thie Securlty Instcument und the Note as ff no ciceceleracion had <br /> occurrcd;(b)cures any default of uny other covenunt»ar agreementa;(e)paye all oxpens�s incwred in enforeing this Secudry <br /> Insm�ment�including.but not Hmited to. rca4onublo uttorncyA'feey:and(d) mkes such actton s�s I.ender rt�ay reasonably <br /> nequlte ta��sure th�t 11b iien nf thta Security Insttument,Lcnder's dghts in tho Propcity nc�d Bomowe�•'s abHgadon ta pay the <br /> snmA s�ecumJ by tt�ia Sccurlty lnstnim�nt sh�ii continue unchunged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower, thifl Sccurity <br /> Inauument and�t�o abii�atlons secured henby shull cemafn fWIy effective as if no acceleradon had accumd. Howover,thiR <br /> cight to rcinswm shdl not apply in the c.nsc of accclerution undcr paragraph 17. <br /> 19..�k ot Notei Cb�����*• T�Notc or u pardal intemst in the Note(together with this Secudty <br /> Ir�suurnenq may bo sold one or mote dmeR without prior notice to Bonower. A sale may resslt i� u cbange in chc entity <br /> (known as ihe"L.ou�Servicer")that coflxta monthly payment�due uades the Note and thix Secarity Inswment. Th�re ul�a <br /> pnay be one ar more changea of tho Loan Scrvicer unrelated to n sule of the Note. If there ia n change of the Loan Servlcer. <br /> �omc�wer wlil be given written notice uf the chnnge In uocordunce with pamgrnph 14 above and applicuble law. The notice <br /> w1U smte the aame ond of the new Lo�Servicer and the uddt�wa w which payments ahcwld be mnde. The nodce wiil <br /> aiso contain t�ny other lnfomtadan required by nppllcuble inw. <br /> Z0. Ha�aMaus Snbshnces. Barrower ehall not cause or pecmtt the pcese�e.use.dlspos� release of uny <br /> HnznMous Snbstances on or�n the Pmperty. Borrower sh�tl noi do.nor allow cu►yona else w do. unything effecting the <br /> Propeny that ia in doladon of any Environmental Law. The precediag two sentences shall not upply to the presence.use.or <br /> ston+ge on the Prnperty of small qunntitles of Hcvardous Substnncea thut nt�e generaily recognlzed to!w approprlate to norra�l <br /> residentiul uses und ta maintenance of the Praperty. <br /> Burn►wer shall wrou�pdy give Lender written ncsticx of any fnvestigatioa.clalm.dema���sult or otker sction by any �� <br /> Qoveminental or regulatory ogency or privnte party invalving the Property aad any Hazardous Substance or Environmenwl � . <br /> Law of which Botrower has acwal kaowledge. If Homower leams. or is nodtied by nay governmeatal ot regulutory r','� <br /> �:•;�`..• " authority.that aay removal or other ceraediadon of any Hazardous Substvnx affectins the Aroperty is rtecessary.Bonower <br /> shsiU promptly mkevll nacessary mmedial nctions in accordance with Envtronmental I.nw. . <br /> �: � � As used in this paragmph 20."Hazandous Substauces°'are those substeuces defmfd as to�ic or haza�+dous substanay by <br /> "�' �° ''� � Bavtronmental Law and We following substartces: gasoUne,keroseae.other flammuble or to�ic peoroleum prnducu,taaic <br /> pesdcides and he�btcides.voladle solvents.matedals coataining asbestos ar fotmaldehyde, and radloactive matetiuls. As <br /> �sed in this ps;rapvph 20�"Environmepwl Law"raeans federal laws and laws of the jueesdtcdon where the Propercy is located <br /> `' '• �" � that c�eelute to ttealtb,safety or envinonmental protection. <br /> ;,��;.a;,��:� NON-UIV�ORMCOVENANI'S. BomowerandLenderfurthercovenantuadagreeasfopows: <br /> �:•.��:�;�,.t,�, 21. Aooderatlon;Remcdies. I.enaer shaU give nattce ta Borrower prior to scaeleredon fdlowing Bon+awer's <br /> breac6 of any covenant or Age+eement ia this Secur[ty I�ment(but not prtor tc►aaceleratlon under paragraph 17 � <br /> ' ut��applicable lass pmvid�s otherwlse). Tde notta stu�p specliy: ts)the�efaait;t'bj tae acdon neqoired to cnre ii�e ..r.,• <br /> `.'��' ;� default;(c)s�datr,not less than 30 days ftom t6e date tde aot[ce is given to Borrower�by wh[ch the defaWt must be <br /> �,�`��•����:'?:M cured;and(d)t6at faSlui+e to cane tlie detault on or 6etore the date spedited in the aotice msiy result tn aooeleruttoa ot <br /> .:�.: .`.,'�,,4 the svms securid by 1Ns Secur[ty Instrnment and sele ot the Property: The nofloe shall turther Gdorm Borrower of <br /> ..••,;��•_�.,, ;,•-;- <br /> °'�-` � ��`� the rtght to reiastxtie atter aeoderation and the right to bring e court adEon to a�sert We non�eadstence o!a defaWt or <br /> 7`�i�"?�°',. <br /> ,�....,„,..c,_.,. any other ddease o!Bormwer to aooelerafbn and sele. if the detault is no!cured on or before the date spedQa!In <br /> .:�t?�;A�'e'�'�', the notloe.I.ender at tta option may�+eqWne tmmc�dtate payment in tiuU of all sums secured by t6is Secudty ImRtrament <br /> � 'c:�;�F' without tlurther demand and way invo�e tde power o!sale aad any oWer remedtes permitted by epplk�ble taw. <br /> � >���':�� ' Lender s6aU be eat[tled to oolled r�U expenses incumed in pvrsuing the �+ensedies provtded In thls ParagraPh 21, <br /> "L k��.,;i•' indudtng,but notlim[ted to.reasona6le attoraeys'[ers end�osts of title evidenoe. <br /> :•�°`�` ��* V the power oi sWe is invoked,ltastee st�ll e+ecord a aotice oi defaWt tn each oounty in whkh any pad ot the <br /> ' `�� .:x;�!�' pe+operty ts located and stwll mall ooptes of sucb noSce in We manner prescr�bed by appl�cable luw to Borrower and to „ <br /> "•� the ot6er persons pnscribed by appUcable law Atter the dme requtred by appUcable law.11rustee sdeU give publlc <br /> _ ., ,_ ' aoNoe of s�le to tti�ee persoas and tn the manner presaibed by applicable law 'llvstee,wiWout dem�nd on Borrower, <br /> ,,•.?fr'�!"4'"�,�. shaD sdl the Property at pu61k anction to the hf�hest b�idder at the t[me and plaoe snd nnder We terms deslgnated W <br /> � ��f'��'• tbe n�lce of sale in one or mon�srrds and in any order 7tivstce detenaines. 7Yvstee may postpom sale oi all ur aoy ' <br /> �"ti:��z'cr�= par�el oi the Pevperty by publlc enaaiu►cement at the mime and place of an�y previously schedWed sute. I.ender or its <br /> ��;,��;•. <br /> t Y :_.�., designee may pnrd�e Qhe rroperty se any sale. <br /> :..;;.- � � Upon reoeipt of paymeat oi the pdce Q►!d,'t�uste�shnll deUver to the puccbaser 7Y�stee's deed conveytng the <br /> _ .�� ; Property. T6e redml9 in the 7lnutee's decd shall be pefnm fs�cfe evfdence of the trnW of tde siutements made t6ee�ein. , <br /> � ,�} _�.;.�. 7livstee sha11 pPPi9�P�s��e sate in We[ollow�r�g order. (e)to all casts and expeases of exercising the power <br /> •�s .. <br /> °�� -:. . . <br /> .. _ . <br /> �`. •.�'d1'.(1 'I <br /> ' :�.� I <br /> '�;�..' •..t: � I <br /> wr`�~ <br /> _:��YT" `,�> I <br /> ~�3 <br /> l�. w, f � <br /> ...T.: � .. . .. � <br /> ..n:...: <br /> :.i_., -'°� . - '- - . . �er:. ., - � . � .—. <br /> ��a:��.� U. .. r . . - -' ' ' . . .,A ' _ .t�- � . <br /> �^. .. ._ _ . .. .. . . .. y � . ., <br /> . .�. `' �' ..' . , . � fl �i -' ,� � •• ' y,f •' ' .. � i� 11 . .. . <br /> �.�`r . .. 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