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<br /> condemnadon or other taking of nny pa�t of Qic Rapeny,or far camvcyanse in ticu of caride�nnation.nt�lice.;by assigned and
<br /> shali bo paid to[,endcr.
<br /> � in tha event of a total taktng oF the Property. the proctcds shall bc appikd to the sums securcd by thiy Sc�curtty
<br /> Insuvmcnt,whether or not thea due,with nny excess paid ta Borrowcr. In tho ovent oY a�►a�nIal takin8 af tho�rty in
<br /> whi.h the f�ir market valua af the Property Immediauly'before ehe tsking!s equal to or gresttcr than tha umQUnt of sums
<br /> secund by thia Secur[ty Instrame�t immediately befnre the taicing.unless 9umower and Lender aherwlre agm in wdting.
<br /> ths sums secnreA hy�hls Sec�tdty Instrumcnt shull hc redu¢ed by tht wnount of the prceecds mtdtiplted 5y tlw f�olluwIng
<br /> frktion: (a)the tota!amount of the aums secwYd immedietely bofor.e the wking,divlded�y(b)tho fatr marfcet vatua of tfie
<br /> propxrty iauncdlately before tho takins. Any bal�tnce Fhall b�paid to Borrowcr. In tht event of n putial taking of the
<br /> Property in which�he fair ntwket valu�of the Prop�rty immediutely befon�s the t�k(ng ia less thnn the amavnt of the sums
<br /> secured immediately befon tt�e taking.unless Harmwer and Lender otherwise agree in wddng at unless upplicablo tow
<br /> otherwise pmvldes,the pmce.eds shnll be applled to the surns secured by this Security Instnrrttent whether or not the sums atc
<br /> theu due.
<br /> If the Aroperty is abandoned by[3orrower.or if.after nodce by l.ender ta Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br /> an award or settle u claim for damages.Borrower fails to respond to l.ender within 30 days after the dnte the nodce je given.
<br /> Lender is authoriud to collect nnd Apply the pmceeds,at its option.either to restotadon or repair of the Property�r to the
<br /> s�uns secuted by th�s Sccuriry instrument,whethet or not then due.
<br /> Unfess I.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in w�ting,any npplicution of proceeds to principal shall not exttnd or
<br /> pa�tpon�the due date of the monthly pAymenu[eferred to In parasraphs l and 2 or change the umount of such payment�.
<br /> li. Borrower Not Relwsed; F'orbwt�ance By l.ender iVot a Waiver. Extenston of the cime for paymem or
<br /> modiTicntlon of amortizadon of the sums secwed by this Security Instcument granted by Lender to eny successor in inurest
<br /> of Korrower shaU not opemte to retease the tiabillty of thc origirtal 8orrower or BorrotiYerk successors ia interest.Lender
<br /> shall nat ba required co comrt►ence Pcoccedl�gs a8atnst nnY successor in inte�st ot c+efuse to excend Wne for p3yment or
<br /> otherwlse modify nmortizution of the sums secured by this Secudty Insuument by reason of any demand made by the original
<br /> Borrower or Borrower�s succe.ssors in interesG Any forbearance by T.ender in exercising uny rig,ht or remedy shnil rtot be a
<br /> waiver of or preciude the exercise of any ri�ht or remedy.
<br /> 12. Snocrssars and Asslges Bourtd;aoint end Severa!Liability;Casigners. Thc covenants and apreements of this
<br /> Securiry Insuument shuU bind nnd beneftt the successors and nssigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the provisions of
<br /> paragaph i7.Borrower's cavens�nts and agreements shall be joint and s�vertil.Any Boirower who casigns this Security
<br /> InsUUment bnt does not execute the Nota: (a)is co-signing this Security Insuument only to mortgage.gant su►d convey that
<br /> Borrower�interest in the Prope�ty under the terma of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally abli�atcd to pay the sums ••
<br /> secured by thIs Security Inswmen�and tc)ngrees that Lender and any other Bonower may agree to extend.modify.forbear
<br /> or rnake any accommodations wllh re�ard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument or the Note wtthout that Bornower's
<br /> conseas.
<br /> 13. Loan CNatges. If the laan u:cured by this Secunty tnswment is subject co a iaw which secs maximum Ioan
<br /> charges.and thut law is finally interpr�eted so that the intenest or other loan chs�es collected or to be coUected in connection
<br /> with the loan eaoeed uhe permitted limits,then: (a)any such toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> � f.�. the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums sill�eady collected from Bomower which eaceeded pe�mitted limits will be
<br /> :����, ret►�nded to Bmrnwer. Lender may choose to m�ice this c+efund by ceducing the prineipal owed under the Note or by makins a
<br /> dle�ect payntent to Bomower. If a refund reduces principal,the reducdon will be treated as a parttal pnepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge urtder the Note.
<br /> 14.Noti�es. Any notice to Bonower pmvided for in this Security Insdument shall be�iven by dellvering tt or by
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law r+equires use of another method.The nodce shall be dirocted to the l�roperty
<br /> Address or s�ny other addtess Borrawer designates by dodce M L.ender. Any notice to Lender shaU be given by first class
<br /> mail w Lertder's address stated herein or any other ttddress l.ender designates by notice to Bormwer. My notice provided for
<br /> in this Security Insuument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given ns provided fn this �{
<br /> �1S�Governing Law; Severability. This Securlty Instrument shaq be govemed by federul law artd the law of the � ��
<br /> .�;5� jurisdiction in which the Property is tocated. Iei the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry[nstrument or the Note .:
<br /> contlicts with applicable la�v,such conflict shall noi affect other provtsions of this Security lnstrument or the Note which can - %
<br /> be given effect without the confltcting provislon. 7b this end the provisions of this Security Insuument and the Note aze .
<br /> declare�w be severable. `.J
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Boaower shall be�tven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instiument.
<br /> - 17.'I�ranster o!the Property m'a Bcneficial Intere5t in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any inter�t in
<br /> it is sold or uansfemed(or if n beneficial interest in Bomuwer is sold or tiansfemed and Borrower is not a natural person) ,
<br /> without Lender�s prior wriaen consen�Lender muy.at iu option,require immediate payment in full of�Il sums secured by �
<br /> , _ this Security Instrumen� However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if eae�ise is pmhibited by federal law as of
<br /> K c; , the date of this Security Instrumen�
<br /> °'���• If L.ender exercises this optton.L.en�ler sl�all give Borrower notire of acceleraaon. The noaice shal{provide a period af
<br /> ..�...r,�;.
<br /> �'��•' not less than 30 days fmra the date the no�ice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this "
<br /> Security Inst�umen� If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expimtiam of this period.Lender may invoke sury ;
<br /> mmedtes pennitted by this�ecudry Inswment without further notice or demand on Brnmwer.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Retnstate. If Borrower meets certc{in conditions,gorrower shaU have the right to have
<br /> .,..�:+ enforceme�et af this Security insuument discontinued ut any time prior to the endier of: (a)5 days(or snch other period as
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