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<br /> 'I�O(➢6TH�R WITH�Q the improvemea�ts now on c�radter ec�ected on the ProperlY.ud�11 d��arp�{�u�t�.a�d .
<br /> fixt�ircs now os hcrcAltcr a pnrt mf thc pruperty. Ail c+eplt�csmer►tM and �dditions r�h�U �l�be coverod by thir Sacurhy
<br /> lustrtnucnt.All uP tlte fot�cgu�nb ly refcrrccl to in thls Se.curlty In�ln�mcnt ns thc"Pr(�peny." -
<br /> f3QRRbWP..R COV�NANTS 1ha�Hon�wcr is luwtUtly seiscd uf 1he estate hzreby convcyed and hay thc right to�rNnt�nd
<br /> sonvey trie Property and thwt the Properiy is utxncumbrred.except far encumbrances of nc�rd.�otrower wrrrrnu�1nJ a�111
<br /> defend genenlly tho tide ta Qee Prope�ty against a(I cl.aims arid detn�nde.subject to s►t►y ancumbranoes of rocoM. �
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT rnmbl�ns umtfarm covenbnts for natian�i uso and non-uniform rovcn�ale•wlth Nmiiad
<br /> vadAtions by Justadicttan to constltutc a uniCurm iseecudty ins�rument t�vedng nat property. "
<br /> UNIPORitA COVQNAN'TS. �areawet oad i.cn�s:r covcttant and asrcL as faltot��s:
<br /> 1. P�t�nnent ot Priacipr)Md Iutensti PreP�ynKnt �ed Iate Ch�r�a. Horcower 6hst11 P*��Y MY when due the
<br /> pdncipal af und intercst an the debt evidencal by tha Nae and any prcpeyment and leta charges due under the Nooe.
<br /> 2. Ftinds�or Tsxee And Insur�nca S�bJect to applicuble law or ta a written waivor by 1.¢nder. Famower stui!1 piey w
<br /> Lender an tho day monthty paymcnts are dua unctcr ths Note.until thc Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yr,ariy uuca
<br /> and assessmcmts which may nttein priartty over thls Security Instmment ns a li¢n on thc Property;tb)yearly leasehol8 paymenu
<br /> or grovnd renta an thc Praperty,if any;(c)yauiy hazucd or property iasuennce premlums;(d)yearly floai insurnnec pmniums.
<br /> if any:(c)yrarly mortgage insurance premlums.if any;and(t�any sums payable by Borcower to Lender.in q000rel�noe wlth .
<br /> the provlritons of paragtaph 8.in lieu of the paymcnt of mvrtgage insumnce premlua�. These Itcros ere called"Escrow Itccris."
<br /> Lender may.nt uny time.ooflect und hoid Funds in an amount not to exceed d�e ma�mum emount a lendcr fo�r a fiederally
<br /> �eluted mortgu�o loan may require for BorrowQr's escrow account under the faieral Real Estate Setticment i'cocedures Act of
<br /> 197�us umended from t[me to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("�tF.SPA"). unless c�notteer Iaw that applies to the Futds
<br /> seis a lesser cmount. If so, I.ender may,at aay dma, collect nad hold Fuuds in s�n amouns not to excead the lesser smount.
<br /> I.ender may estinwte the amount of Funds due an the ba�is�F rurre�►t datu aad reasorable eseimazes of expcszditure�s of funue
<br /> Escrow Jtems or otherwise ip axordance with upplicabte law.
<br /> The Funsis shull bo held in sut instttution whas�deposits ure insurod by a fe�ierel agency. instrumental(ty, or entIry
<br /> (inctudlns Lender.If Lender is such an institution)or ia any Federal Homv Loan B:�nk. i.ender shall apply the Fund.4 to gay the
<br /> Escrow Items. i.a;nder may rtot churge Boaower for holding and upplying tha Funds,anna�lty unalyzing the cscrow uccuunt.or
<br /> verifying the�ssrow Items,unless Lender pays Bornower iaterest on the F�nds und npplicuble law permtts Lender tu ma�e such
<br /> u charge.However,Lender�nay requite Horrower to pay a one-dme charge for an independent [eai estate wx reporting service
<br /> used by Lender In connection whh this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement ia rnade or
<br /> applicable law mqulres Interest to be paid,L.ender shall noi be required to pay Borrower auy interest or eamings on the Fuads.
<br /> Borrower and Lender mF►y a�ree in wricing. however,that interest sfwll be paid on the Funds. Lender shall glve to Borrower.
<br /> wltt�out charge. un annual accounting of the Fwids. showing credits aad debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the Punds was made. I'ite Funds ure pieciged as addi�ionai security for alI sums secured by chis Security Instrument.
<br /> If the FuRds held by Lender exceod the amounts pertnittai to be held by applicable law,I.ender shall nccount to Barrower
<br /> ;;�.,, for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount af the Funds held by Lender stt any
<br /> �dx�`j�,.���' tIme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower In writing. and.In sucb case Borrower
<br /> -,���i+''�'' � shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deHciency. Borrower shall make up the deficIency in no more than
<br /> �`t�' r� �: twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discmdon.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any
<br /> ' p.,�+-N = Funds held by T.endsr.if,under paragrnph 21. I.ender shall acquire or sell the Property.I.ender.prior to the ucqulsitlon or sale
<br /> "' '� ` of the Property.shall apply any Fundx held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the swns secured by
<br /> � this 3ecurity Instniment.
<br /> �' u��~ 3.Appltcattan of Paymeats.Unless uppllcable law provides otherwise,all payments received by[.ender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be upplied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;serond. to amounts payable under pazugmph 2;
<br /> —: •<,;; ...
<br /> third.to ittterest due:fourth. to principal due;und last,to any lute char�es due under the Note.
<br /> Nr���;kTct , 4.Charg�s;Uenq. Borrower shall pay aU uu�ces.assessments,churges, fines and impositions attributabte to thc Property
<br /> yo.��.•a.l,-� .
<br /> gypt��;�;.�.�:�,,u�;�• which may uttain priority over this Security Instcu�nent, and leasehold payments or ground rents. tf any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> b;:�r+�� ..• , ,; these obligations in the manner provided in para�raph 2,or if not paid in th�t manner, Borrower shall pay them on time dinectly
<br /> r.,�1,. : •� to the persnn owed payment. Borro�ver shall promptly furnish to Lender all natices of amounts to be paid under this paragmph.
<br /> ;; '� � It Borrower makes these payments directly.Horrower shall promptiy fumish to[.ender receipts evidencin�the payments.
<br /> " �' Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrePS in
<br /> �;���:;:� = writing to the payment of the obligntion secured by the lien in a manner accepwbte to Lender;(b)contests in good fatth the lien
<br /> •: by. or defends ngninst enforcement af the (icn in, legal proccedings which in thc Lendcr's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � '" enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.cnder subordinating the lien to
<br /> fj� �� this Security Instrument. If I.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien whicl�may uttain pdortty aver
<br /> x this Security Instrument, I.ender may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy thc lien or take one or
<br /> ' � . " more of the actions set forth :�bove within 10 dnys of the giving of notice.
<br /> � '� Form 302t3 818A
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