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<br /> � �xriads chat Lernier r�equGe�. ?ho insurar�co cxrcie.r providing the immra�xx nhall be ch�n�y�we�nub o��.t.ndar�,
<br /> npproval whieh ahyU��t be uz�reu,gcm�bly withltiald IF C3ot�ower faUs to�itr�ntuln eovea•gge cle:�:rib�d above.I.fi��der may,ut
<br /> Lender�aption,abtain coveroga to protect Le�ider's rights ic�thc Property in accuntatte�with paragreph 7. •
<br /> ` � A1l insurance pc,ticle�and t^tnew�l�shalt be�ocept�►ble to L.enikr u�d�all irccluda a at�nderd matg�ge clw�e. I.ender
<br /> shdl Iwve tho rlght ta hold the policiea�nd�+ei�ewds. If l.ender rcquirt�,�cxrowGr ahall promptiy glva to C.ender�!l�re�aipw ,
<br /> of paid prcmtum.�and renewal noticea. In tha event of lu�e.9urmwer ahall g�ve prompt naticn to thq in.uuance canier�xt
<br /> I.htder. I.etKlet mty matce proof of loss if not made prbmptly by Bamwtr. '"'
<br /> Unless Lendos tu�d Aorrower otherwir+e av�e in wridnq,insuranc�i pmceeda sisall be applled ta nsiocatinn or n�pair of
<br /> the Prapeny d�mxgod, lf tho restoratian or repair ia ccawmicaUy fcz�i:ble�nd i.e�tcicrl� sxur�ry i�t�at k�aerbd. �If the
<br /> nstorattan or ropair ia nut economically feASible or Lenderls scecurity would bo lentenod.the Guur�nce p�»oeeds fh�ll be ��
<br /> appiied to the sums secu�d by thla Secudty Instmmbnt,whether or npt Ihen dtte�wIth sny excess paW ta ltorrower. lf
<br /> Barnawer abandons tke Propaty�ot does pot answer withlt�30 days a notice fmm Lender thst the imuranoe csrtkr.ha� ""
<br /> offend to seule a clnim.tden l.ender may coltect tf�insurancz proceeds. L.ender may use the pmcecds ro�r oc roeta�e
<br /> tht Property or to puy sums secw�ai by this Sxwiry Inatrument,whether ar aot th�n due. The 30�diy perlod w Il 6egin when
<br /> the aodcc Is given. �
<br /> Unless Lender and t3orrower atherwise agoee Ia wridn�,any applicatlon of pmrads W�rincipal ahall not eatead a�r.
<br /> postppna.tha due dau of the monthly paym�nis cefcrs+�to�n paragrapbs 1 and 2 or chang�:��scunt of trie ptymenq. IY
<br /> under patagraph 21 Fhe Property is acquired by Lendee,Borepwar�right to any insurane�p��.isles�rtd prc�ceeds resutting
<br /> from damage w the Property prion bo the acquigltton shciU p�as co�l.ender to tha extent of the seims sectued by thiR Secarity.
<br /> Instrument immediu�ely pdor to tNb acquisidon. �
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservation� Matuhaaqce artd Protection of 1�ar.�'ro�rty; Borrower•a 1+n� Appiicalioa;
<br /> I.easehotds. Bomowar shuU ocsilpy.establjsh,and pse the E'mperty as Bort�c�c��p:tr►ncipa!residenca withiu sixty dsys after
<br /> the execudon of this Security LtsWiurut i+nd shet!contjnue w occupy d�e F►�pet.�r ax Bof�owee��rcin�:ipal cesIdcr�far at
<br /> least one year after the date o� accapancy. unless Lender otherwlse age�ees m wrlting, which catsent shall aot be
<br /> unreesonably withhald.or anless exte�rosuing circumstances exiss which ace beyond Borrower's contml. Bon+ower shaU not
<br /> destroy.damnge or impair the Peoperty,uUow the Piroperty to deteriorate.or comm�t waste on the Pmperty. Borrower shall
<br /> be in defuult if any forfeiture action�r proceeding,whether civil or crIminal.ia begun that in L.ender�good fatth judgaKnt
<br /> could result in forfeiture of the{'roperty or otherwise materlally impair the Uen creuted by this Security Lkctrument ur
<br /> Lender's security Interest Bomuwer muy ctue auch a defuult and reinstate.as provided�n paragraph I8,by causing ttie acdon
<br /> or proc�eedins w h�e dismissed with a nilins that,in Lender's good fsith deurminat�on.precludes forfetture of the Borrower�
<br /> inten�st in the Property or other material impuirment of the lien crcated by this 3�urity Instrument or Lender§security
<br /> interest. Borrower shall also be in default If Botrower. during the loan applicadon process.gave materially false ar
<br /> inaccurate informatian or statements to I.ender(or failed w pmvide I.ender with eny material infomtation)in connection w[th
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, Including. but not limited to. representattons conceming Borrower's occupancy of ttte
<br /> Property ac a princjpal residence. If this Security Instwnent is on a leasshold,Borrower shalt comply with ail the provleions
<br /> of the lease. If Borraweracquires fea UtIe ta the Property.the leasehold and the fee tlde shall not mergc unless i.ender egnes
<br /> P. to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protection ot I.ender's Rl$hts in the Property. If 8orrower fails to perform the cowenants und agrcements
<br /> Q. . .t contained la this Securiry Instcument�or therc is a lege! proceedIng that mny signlficandy ai�'ect Lenderh rights in the
<br /> � ' c �, : , Property(such as a proceeding ln banktuptcy.probate,for condemnaHon or forfeiture or w enfarce lawa or tegulatlons).Ihen
<br /> • +•�'� •° •- Lendcr may do and pay for whatever is necessary to prot�t the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> .s-,-.a:�:�,•�-
<br /> ' ��'�x�;,Y°��:; Lender�s actions may inclnde pay'sng any sums secured by a lien which has priorlty over this Seciuity Insaument,appearing
<br /> " � in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees und entering on the�ropeRy to meke repairs.Although Lender may talce aclion
<br /> �p�,�•��r:�l�u._ `a• under this paragraph�.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> �v�.;�.µ�," � M y emounts disbursed b y Lender under this p a r a g r a ph 7 shali became additionel debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> �'�'�`^ w�r N�+ Secwity Insmtment Unless Bomower attd Lender ngret to other tetms of paymenc.these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> f�`�'�'�,"��� `'r� ` dnte of disbursement at the Note Qate s�d shall be payAble.with interest.upon notice from Lender to Bomower requesting
<br /> .'•'•:i..: �
<br /> ent.
<br /> �'#�-:' .r-?��:+=� �8. Mortgage Insueance. If L.ender required mortgage�nsurance tis a condition of ms�lcing the loan secured by this
<br /> 'h'!�'�'�{��'"0"'���� . Securiry Inswmen� Botrower shall pay the premiums requiced to mainttiin the mort�age insurance i n e f fert I f,for any
<br /> �'t^`''� ''°�'•^'•`*"' ceason, the mortge�e insurance coverage rec�u5�ed by L.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shaU pay the
<br /> ..-.°�w�;�,'-; premtums requIred to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance prevIously in effect, ut a cost
<br /> :;':,;,'.?%�'t�;l,,;x° 1 substantinUy equivelent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance prevFously in effect.ftom an eltemate mortgage
<br /> •��i;.,••��`.::;r.r� ineurer apprnved by Lender. If substantiully equivalent mortgage insurance cove�rnge is not availabie,Borrawer shall pay to
<br /> •���'�{;��`"'� • Lenc�er each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the ycarly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Hortower when the
<br /> �� � insurnnce coverage tapsed oi•ceased to be in effect. L.ender will accept,use And retain these payments os a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> of mortguge insurnace. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurattce
<br /> �.;}i� . coverage(in the amount and Eor the period that Lender requires)provided by nn insurer approved by Lender again becomes
<br /> • uvailable and is obtained Bomower shnll puy the premiums required to mnintain mortgage insw7actce in effec�or to provide a
<br /> ".,��" . loss reserve.undl the reyuirement for mortgage insucance ends in accordance with any wrinen a�reement between Borrower ��
<br /> � ' . nnd Lender or applicable taw. �'��;
<br /> ?•`,� ' 9. Inspection. Lcnder or its ugent may mnke reusonable entries upon and insp�tions of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> ' . give Borrower natice at thc time of or prior to an inspecdon specifytng rensonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> 10. Condemnatton. 'i'he proceeds of any awacd or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in wnnection wtth any
<br /> ' Single Fvnily•-�Lnnte!NadFY�eddte Mac UNTFORM lNSTRUMENT•-Unifmm Covmmfn 9190 IpaRe j oj6 pagesl
<br /> `3�• titlt Intrd Boe�ae Pam�.inc.� •
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