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<br /> 7�QdRTHER Wli'H�ll thc 9mproven�enG►m�w or heneafter encted on th piopclty.asd�l�r�.�pp�.
<br /> and fixtnns now or heresfter A p�ut of tNe�rroperty: A.11 npiacema�ts�xl addit[onx`hal!uJso be caveoed by 0�39 Sc�urity
<br /> lnsuvment. A!1 of U�c fa+egoing la crfcrnd to ln ttils Se�urlty Inst:ument ts tho"Prophty."
<br /> iBORROWF,R COVENANTS tl�at BoimwCC ia lawtully sGteed of the estxe txnb�cunveyed and hau the risht to�nnt
<br /> � �nd convey tho Praperty and thu the P�+oprsty is uaencumberod,oxapt for enanmbar�ces of�card. Aotrowsr wxrants ujcG
<br /> , wfll defd�d�Ily the titb ta 1be Ftopaty�ainu a1l cWms aod de�o�acL,subject W aty encuacebrnaoeR,af rtcocd.
<br /> THIS SECiJRITY INSTRUMENT cambinos unifam covamnte for cuttonal use a�d non•unifam covenants wlet�
<br /> � URIItOfI Yil'IAtI0�19 I1j�jW'1fd1�0l1 t0 COCtStItULC il URU�OQII SCClldl}�1[i8QI1JlI�RtfOVC[1QQ ZE�I p[O�1CIty►. .
<br /> i UN1I'ORM COVBNANTS. Bortower ud i..enda'cnvenant snd agroe as follows:
<br /> 1. P�yment of Pclect�wl and Iateerat►PrepaYment and Gte Clur�a. &xrower sfu�U 1��Y PsY w�t dae the
<br /> prh�cipal oF aud inuerest on tLe debt avida�cul by the Note nnd any preptiymeat u�d late cherges due under the Noba
<br /> �. Funds for 11��cea wd I�noa Subject to appUcabla law or to a wriroen wdve�c by Lender,Borrowa sball p�y W
<br /> Lencler on tbe day asorrtthly payments aro d�emder the Nou.until the Nota ie paid In full.a st�m("Punds")for:(a)yeul�r
<br /> laxes nad assessmeats wtiich may attain psiotity over Lhis Secntiry lesuua►nnt as a lien on the Pnoperty:(b)ywd�r ie�sehoId
<br /> �►ayments or ground nnts on the Propatyr. if any: (c) YeazlY har.ard or Isrope�ty tasuran�ce pscmiums:(d)YeArly flood
<br /> uu�nce pnmiums, if any: (e)Yearly mortgage insurance premiuma�if any: and (8 any sucw paynble by Bosrowa Go •
<br /> • Lender.in aecordance with the provlsions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the paymeat of mortgage insura�xe premiums. These
<br /> items aro called"Escrow Itams." Lender au►y.at any time,collect aa+d hold Flutds in aa acnount not to exceed the ma�cimu�
<br /> amaunt a lender for a fedeiaUy related mottgase loan may noquiro for Bamnwet's escmw a000unt under the federal Real
<br /> Esmu Settiement Procednres Act of 1974 as amended&om Hme to dme.12 U.S.C.§2601 et scq.("R�SPA"),unless er�otl►tr
<br /> law thut appfles to the Funds sets a lesser amount If so.Lender may.at any tjme.collect ead hold Punds in en enlouat not to
<br /> exceed the lesser amount. Lender may estUnate the �unuuut of R�nda due on the basls cf cu�ni dab and re�sombta
<br /> estimates of expendiwres of future Escrow Items or otbezwise in acwrdance wltd�ppltcable law.
<br /> 11ie Fands shall be held in aa insdwtion whose deposits are insund 6y a federal agency.insmtmental[ty, or endty
<br /> (including Lender.if Lender is auch ea insHwtion)or in any Falerel Houie Laam Ban1c. Lender shall apply the Funds to pap '
<br /> the Bscrow Items. L.ender may aot ch�rge Bon+nwer for holding ead applying �he E§�nds, ennuaUy analyzing the esaow
<br /> acxount,or verlfying the Sscrow items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest oa the Plutds and applIcabte law pem►lts
<br /> L�ender W malce such a charge. However. L.ender may requ�re Bottower ro pay a one-bme charge for an independent nal
<br /> estate tax reponing renrice used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unless agplicahle law provides otherwis�. Unless en
<br /> agr�eement is caadc or applicable law requires interest to be patd,Leadet st�all aot be require�W pay Bormwer any inurest or
<br /> eamings on the Funds. Borrower and l.ender may agree in w�itIag,dowever.that Interest shall be patd on th�Funds. L.ender
<br /> shall gtve to Bomnwer.without charge,aa annuul accountiag of tbe Phnds,showing credits and debits to the Funds artd the
<br /> purpose for which each debit w the Funds was made. The Punds an:pledged es addIdonal securiry for all snms secucrd by
<br /> this Security InstrumenG
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exce�d the smounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender studl.acxoant to
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds ia accordance wlth the c�equiremenb of applicable law. ff the aznonnt of the�nds held by
<br /> L.ender at any time is aot sufftclent w pay Uie Eszcow Items when due,Lendcr may so aotify Bocrower ia wtiting.and,in
<br /> ;A such case Bormwer shell pay w Lendet the amount aecessary to malce up the deficiency. Borcower sl�all make up thc
<br /> deficIency in ao more than twelve mondily payments.at Leader�s sale discretion.
<br /> � �:•` Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securlty Inetrument, Leader shall pmmpfly�efund to BonowerAUy �
<br /> '? F�unds held by Lender. If,uader pazagcaph 21.Lender shall acquire or seA the Propecty.Lender.prIor to the acquisition or
<br /> ,�,;_ .,� sale of the Property. shaU apply any Fl�nds held by I,ender at the tune of ucquidtion or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> ,.�.„ y _ secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> ., !+�41!_ 3. Appllcadon of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherw[se,all payrrcents rereived by Lender under
<br /> '?�'� Darag�aphs 1 and 2 shall 6e appIIed:first,to any prepayment charges due under t6e Note;second ta amounts payable under
<br /> •�{`'��°�*-.�� paragcaph 2;thind,to iaterest due;fourth,to prlricipal due;ancl lust,W any late charges dae under the Note.
<br /> � 4. C6arges: Lieas. Boirower shell pay all taaes,assessments, charges.fines and imposltions atuibuteble to the
<br /> " �roperty which may attain prlority over this Security Inswment,and leasehold paymenu or ground renu.if aay. Bornower
<br /> '''�"?4°�`'0"'•�`•""''' shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid In that maaner,Bomower shall pay them on
<br /> �"�'''"°'""'�"'' time direcdy to We peraon owed paymeut. Bomower s6a11 promptly fumish to Lender all nodces of amounts to be paid under
<br /> �.,.,�. .
<br /> �t►�;�;�,,�:-��i Y��'�' this paragraph. If Bomower nwkes these payments direcdy.Bosrower shal!promptly furnish to L.ender recetpts evidencing
<br /> `,�"', . . the payments.
<br /> �..�,.. .
<br /> ;.'�� ' Bonower shall promptly discharge any lien whtch has prlority over this Security Inswment ualess Bonnwer.(a)agrees
<br /> • ia writing to the paymeat of the obllgatton seatu�d by the Ifen in a manc►cr acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faf th the
<br /> .'�. � tien by.or defeads against cnforcement of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the Lender S opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> • enforcement of the 1[en;or(c)sec�res from the holder of the lien an ag�eement sadsfactory w I.ender suboMinating the Iten
<br /> ' ' '°•, to this Securlty Instrumen� If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a Uen which may attaia priority
<br /> ��"x . over this Securlty Wstn�men�L.ender may glve Borrower a nodce Ideatifylag the lien. Bocrower shaU satisfy the Uen or take
<br /> ' ' " ane or more of the actions set forth above withtn 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> �• 5. Hazard or Prnperty Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hemafter ere�ted on tlte .�,�.
<br /> ���'..' . .. 11 Y:'�:
<br /> ..;;, Property insured against loss by fire,haza�+ds included withtn the term"extended mverage and any other hazatds,.including
<br /> •• „ �r� floods or floodiag,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> ��� .>
<br /> , Form3028 9l90 fpage2oJ6pages)
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