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<br /> perinde lku�t Lsndre c�uim. 't'ho lnaur�nre curkr pravidin�the inRUr�nce shall ix�rS"by� wae w to l.erKlet'�
<br /> , pppruvu whkh�ll nut be u,�u�cawnxbly wi�hheld. If 13onower frlla to msintain covcra�e desfiribai abuvc,Ixnder may.�t
<br /> i.endrr'�option,nMain c�ovecage to�mtett Lenrkrk rightx in tho Ptup�ny in accordene.�with paragnph 7. .
<br /> All iruwr�►Ca po�ic�ix��rM mtew�le�h�ll M�ccepuble to i�ender u�d sh�ll lnclude e�uu�d�d mo�c�ge e7ause. L.ct�dar
<br /> e?uli tutve the d�ht tA hold the policka ud renew�la. if Lender require�,Bormwer�hril promptlY Five tol�erKia�Il naeipte .
<br /> oP p�id pe�ntums u�d re�ewal naic�. In the event ol lorw,Boimwer sfu11�ive pcompt natioe to the ins�u��ce curkr�nd
<br /> Lender. l.eader m�y m�k.e pr�,f of Ia�if not maik Pc+nmW1Y bY Bomywer. ° "
<br /> Unks9 Lender and&xr�wet otherwise agoee in writinR,inaunnce procaeda shall kui applted to resto�adon ar t�pa[r uP
<br /> the d�m�aes�,if ttie restoration or�+ep�ir ls scotamicalty fa�sibk and l.anderb aecur�ty ia nat leaiaied. If the
<br /> nat�or repRlr i�not�onanic+�lly fenible or Ler�derh securtty would be lesstned. tho insurance proceecl�►shdi bo
<br /> applied to the swns secund by this Sxurity lctstrument, whether or not tlsen duo.with any excess paid tn Aorrawsr. If
<br /> Bomower abondons the Rnpetty,or daes rat Lnswer withtn 30 days a natice from [.ender that the Insuruxe curiar hai
<br /> offered to seitle a ctaim.then Lender mAy cpllect the insuxance praceed.g. Lender may use tbe proceeds to re�a eeston
<br /> the Property oc w pay sums se+curcd by this Securiry Insuwment.whother or not the�t dua. The 30-day perlod w A begtn when
<br /> tho nodcs ie givea
<br /> Unless I.ender cwd Bmrower otharwisc agrer•in writing,eny applicadon of procxds ta princtpal shal)not oxteJM or •
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta mfemed w in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or changa tke nmount of the payment�. If
<br /> under paragrnph 21 the Property is acquired by l.ender. Horcower�s dght to any iasuranca polic�es ar�d proceeds nesnidng
<br /> from damage to the�+operty prlor to ihe acqujsIdon shull pass to l.ender W the extent oP th�sums secura!by this Security
<br /> Insmrment itt�mediately prlor to theacquistdon.
<br /> 6. Occupaacy, Preservation, Malntenance and Protectbn of the Property; Borrower's I.oan Appiip�tfoa; �
<br /> Leaseholds. �oirawer shall occupy.establish,and use the Property as Borrowerg prtncIpal resldencti wlthiq staty days ufter
<br /> the executiou of tLts Sxurity Inslrumenc uad ahatt�ronWiue tu oceupy the Fiopeity ss Borower�s prliicipal resktence for at
<br /> lcast one �eur after the dete uf occupancy, unl�ss I.endet otherwIse ag�eea in wdting, whIch cansent shaU not be
<br /> unnasonably wIthheld ar unless eatenuating circumstances exIst which are bByond Bomowenc�ontrol. Borrower shall not
<br /> destroy.d9ntage or Imn�r the Property.allow the Property to deter�orate,ot commit wsiste on tl�e Property. 8orrower shaU
<br /> be in default�f any forFe3Nre acHon or pmceeding,whether civil or crlminal.is begun that[n L.ender�a gaod faith Judgmcnt
<br /> could�sult in forfeiture of the Property or otherwlse materially impair the lIen created by thls Security Instrument or
<br /> Lenderb secudty Interes� Bornower may cure such a default and reinstste,es provided ia paragraph 18.by causing tha actlaa
<br /> or ptoceec�ng w be dismissed with a culir�g that,in I.ender�s good fa�th determination,prectudes forfeiun+e of the Bonnwer�
<br /> iaterest in the Ptoperty or other matedal impairment of tha Ilen created by thls Secwiry Insttument or Lendsr's securlty
<br /> interest Homnwar shall also bc in default if Borrower, during the loan applicadon pmcess, gave materially false or
<br /> inuccurate iaformatIon or statements to Lender(or failed to provide L.ender wIth any material informatlon)in connecdon vv�th
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note,Including. but not limited to.repnesentations conceming Borrower's occupancy oY the
<br /> Property ns a prIncipal resIdence. ff this Security Insuuraent is on a leasehold.Boirower shaU comply wlth aU the provisions
<br /> of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property.the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender a�reea
<br /> to the merger in wrlting.
<br /> 7. Protection of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agrcements
<br /> crmtained in this Secority Insuument,or there is a legai proceedin�that may signtficandy affect Lender's risltb in the
<br /> Property(such as a proceeding in baniauptcy.pmbate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce Iaws or regutations).then
<br /> Lender m�sy do and puy for whatever is neressary[o protect the value of the Property and Lender� rights in the Property.
<br /> I.endera acdons may include paying any sums s�cured by e Iten which has prlority over this Security Insnumen�appearing
<br /> ';` in coun.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take acHon
<br /> ��' under this pura�aph 7.Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> ' Any amounts dtsbursed by I.ender under thts paragraph 7 shall become udditiona!debt of 8orrower secur�ed by thIs
<br /> F�, �1 Security Instrument. Untess Bomower and Lender asnee to other tertns of payment,these runounts shall beur interest from the
<br /> : 1��, date of disbutsement at the Note rute and shall be payable,with interest.upon nodce from Lender to Bomower requesting
<br /> �••.�
<br /> payment
<br /> 8. Mortgsge Insurasce. If Lender required mortgage insurance as u condiflon of mnking the toan secured by tlus
<br /> �.• �r ` Securiry lnsttument, Bormwer shall puy the premiums reyuired to ma�ntain the mortguge insurunce in effecG If,for any
<br /> ,__,,,:',*,�'?';�!�:. �,.� reason, the mortgase insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be In effect,Bomower shWl pay the
<br /> T r�'�' premlums reqqired to otitain caverage substantially equivatent to the mongase insurance previously tn effer� nt a cost
<br /> _;��. ;: .
<br /> � "`� substantially eqtrivaient to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insumnce prevlously in effec�from an altemate mortgage
<br /> . �� '�'-`'' tnsurer npproved by Lender. If substanually equivulent mortgxge insurance coveruge is not avaitable.Bomower shall pay w
<br /> �R_... ;�l�. -.
<br /> � "'�'-����:.' ���. � l.ender each month u sum equal to one-iwelfth of the yeurly mortguge insurunce pmmium being paid by Borrawer when the
<br /> '��,,, insurartce coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect Lender will aceept,use an@ retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> z:-x. , of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be requi�d.at the opaon of Lender, if mort�age insurance
<br /> � coverage(in the arnount and for the period thnt Lertder requires)provided by an insurer upproved by Lender again becomes
<br /> �� �' � available and is obtained.Borrower shull pay the premiums mquired to maintain mortgage inswnnce in effec�or to provide a '-y_
<br /> �� ' loss reserve,undl the requirement for mortguge insumnce ends in accordance with nny written agreement between Borrower �•`t
<br /> ;':�M.���• <� andLenderorapplfcablel�w.
<br /> ' ' 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may mnlce reasonable enMes upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall j�: '
<br /> • �+ glve Borrower nodce at the tlme of or prior to an inspecuon specifying reasonable cuuse for the inspection.
<br /> ' '`.' ' 10. Coademaatlon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connecdon with any _
<br /> . �
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