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<br /> T()CiF.TN6R W17'H�11 the impravr�nt�now nr he�ttef'ecaca�on tha propecey�and�II�
<br /> and fixtures now+or tx�+aifttr a put�t t)te pQmpsrt9. Alt repl�loemeou �nd Ndditi��h:�!�Yw be cavurbd Eyy thi�r 5ac�enty .
<br /> inurumea� Ali of the fnre�ofn�ir ref�rnad to ia thi�5aurity lurixument�siho"E'ropertY•"
<br /> BORROWER CUVBNAlVTS 1l�e Botrower it lAwfully rel�ed o[tha eitue}ree�eby amvey,rd�nd Ma dre eiAhe t�arant � „
<br /> • and con+7ay tbe dnd dat the P�npe+ty f�w►a�cwnberod�eacept for en,.�umbcsnxt af raccxd. Borrowec wa�rraNs�nd
<br /> vr�ll defa�d��a�title+to dw�Property+�td�at�il cl�dux ud demsatr,subject to anX ea�urnbr�wee oE rocc�d.
<br /> THI5 SECCtItITY �1STItUMENT rombtnee aidform wv�nanu !'or n�tiona! u�e and nc;n-u�iicxm cavcnants wid► ..
<br /> I�Ii1��I Y�fl�hOlU�Y jUill��1011 W COOWILIC�UI1�j0�T[1 fOCIWI�t111tN11lE1�L COYCl�II$[CiI�I�j1C1t3►`
<br /> UNIE�ORM COVBNAN"I'S. BOl�W��LC11dttCOYCJl�1lt�II�I��lb0�!fOIIOWb:
<br /> 1. Pa�t of gsineip�l�Itkn'wt;Prepilynoeat and Lafe Ch�rea. Bomower�h�l�PromptlYpaY wbcn due the
<br /> P�P�af and inta�est on the deM evidenced by the Noto aad�Y P!'�paYment aad lste charges due unckr the Note.
<br /> Z. Fusd�for 11u[a aad Iarwraace.•SubJect mepplic#b1e Isw ar w a wr�tcen waiver by Lender.Bacrowa shall p�y W
<br /> La�der on tho day enonthlY paymeats�+e d��uader We Notc.unW thc Nae is paid in fuU,a sum("�unde")for:(aj Y�Y
<br /> taxcs aaad asscsssnents wbich maY attain priunty over Wi�Security Tnsuvt�nt es a llen on the Prop�eity:(b) early leaxhold
<br /> d
<br /> t�Y�nts a ground ants oa d�e Pmperty. if any; (c)YearlY l��rd or pmperty insurance premiwe�a� d)yearly tlood
<br /> insuzaace pcemiums. if ury:(e)Yearly maRgage iuswauc�.�;ic,uiuu.s,if any: end(�any sua�payabk by Bamwer W
<br /> I.ender,in axordance with the pmvislans of P�S�Ph 8.la Ueu of thepuyment of moatgege insuraax pi+emtums. 7'hese
<br /> itemis are called"HSCmw Items." L.ender may.et any time,collect and hotd Funds ia an amount not to exceod tha maaimum
<br /> smount a lender fot a fedeisliy nlated mortgage loan may ceqWr�far Bormwer�s escrow account under the fe0eral Ral
<br /> Estate SeWement P�ocedunes Act af 1974 as ameaded from tims co time.l2 U.S.C.§2601 et uy.("RESPA"�,nnless another
<br /> law Wat applies to tGe l�ads secs a lesser emor�at. If so.L,ender may.at aay tlme.collect aad lwld Punds In an amaw►t not w
<br /> exe�ed the lesser amount Lender may cstianate the amount uf Fiuids due ou the basis of cmr�nt dsm and �oaabla
<br /> esSmates of expendtwres of fuwt�e Escrow Iteeas or othe�wise In accotdance wIW appllcable law.
<br /> '!he Fonds shall be held ia an institufion whose deposits are iaswc�d by a fedcral ageQCy.instrumcntaltty.or eatity
<br /> (including I.ender.if L,ender is such an insdtudon)or in any Federai Home Loan Bank. I.eader shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> tl�o Bscmw Items. L.ender may aot charge Borrower for 6olding and a�ap�yis�g 11�e Funds,annually eaalyzing the escmw
<br /> accaunt, or veiifying she Fscrow Items, unle�s T.eader paYs Boaawar mtem�t.on the k�l�nds and applicabte law pe:mita
<br /> Lender to make such a chur�e. However.Lender may re.quite Borrower•tn pa.��s one-titne charge for an independent neal
<br /> estate taa c�eporting servlce used by i.ender in connection with this loaa,ualess n��icable law prov�des oWetwtse. Ualess an
<br /> ag�eemcnt is raade or appllcable law requims inte�st to be patd 1-endor shaU not,be reguired to pay Borrower any Inurest or
<br /> eamings oa the Punds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wnting.however.that naterest shaU be paid on the Ftmds. L.ender
<br /> shpil give to Bosower,witlhout charge,an annual exountln6 of tke FLnds,showing credits and debits to the Ptutds and the
<br /> pur�ose for which each debit to the�ads was made. 'Ihe Funds are pledged as additfonal seciuity for all sums secured by
<br /> thic Securiry Insuument
<br /> If the Funds held by I.euder exceed the amounts permitted w be held By appllcable law. L.ender shall account to
<br /> Bornawer for the e�ccess Flends In accordance witd the reyuinements of applIcable law. If tbe arnount of the 1�utds held by
<br /> I.ender at any time is not svfficient co pay the Escrow Items wden due.Lender may so notify Bomower in writing,and.ln
<br /> such case Bomower shall pfsy to L.ender We amount aecessary W make up the deficiency. Botrower shall�ake up the
<br /> deftcieacy ia no more thaa twelve moath�y p�ymenu,s►t Lender's sote discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all swns secuced by this Secutity Iast�aaent,Lender shall pmmpily refund to Borrower any
<br /> Punds held by L.ender. If,under paragraph 21,L,cader s4aU acquire a�sell thc Ptaperty,L.ender,prior to the acgu�sttio�a or
<br /> ��,,, sale of the Ptoperiy. shall apply eny�Lnds held by Lender at the tintte of acquisition or sale as a credit against the aums
<br /> secured by this Secnrity Insuumen�
<br /> 3. Applisatlon ot Hnyments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by l.ender under
<br /> paragcaphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second to amoantn payable under
<br /> parngapb 2;third,to iaterest due;fourth.to principal due;and last,to any Iate charges due under ehe Note.
<br /> 4. Chaeges;Lteas. Borrower shall pay all tanes. assessments.charges. Pmes and imposidons suributable to tbee
<br /> �. Property which may aaain prlority over thls Securlty Instr�ment,aad leasehold paymenu or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> shall pay these obUgations in the manner provided in patag[aph Z,or if not paid in that manuer.Bomower shall pay them on
<br /> Hme directly to the person c►�ved paymenG Botrower shall promptly fwnish to L.ender all notIces of amounts to be paid uader
<br /> tliis pazag�aph, If Bomower makes these puyments directiy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.eader receipts evidencing
<br /> • ' the payments.
<br /> ""�'"��' '` Borrower shall prompsly dischacge any iien which has priority over this Securiry Instrwueat unless Bomnwer.(a)ag+ees
<br /> 'v��. ;�r, » e P,
<br /> - •�.�:`. .���, in wridng to the payment of s4ce obligatlon secured by the lien in a manaer acccptable to Leader.(b)contests in good frrith the
<br /> _�:3,�,:?;,.•, lien by.or defends agninst�forcement of the lIen in.legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinton operate to preveat the
<br /> _;;:,;.-;:;;. enforcement of We lien:or�lc)s�cures from the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfactary to Lender suboidinutiag the lien �-
<br /> ..E.;,,. .= ~�'�
<br /> - to this Secwity Instrument If Lxader determines thaz any part of the Pmpeny is subject co a Ilen which may attain priorlry . ��7
<br /> � �� �.., ', over this Secutity Iasuumen4 Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Boirower shaq satisfy the itea or take ��..
<br /> " �� one or more of the actlons sft forth above wlthin 10 days of the giving of nodce.
<br /> ';.�;��,;�,,�,�..,.,,, S. Hvaed or Property Iasvrane� Homower shull keep the improvements now�xisdng or herraRer erected on the
<br /> � � . Property ins�ued against loss by fire.hazards included witdln the term"eatended rnverage"and any otl�er ha�ards,.including
<br /> �'r.` ' ��"�.,� floods or flaoding,for which I.ender requires insurance. 'Il�is insnrance shall be maintatned in the amounts aad for the "
<br /> : -,-a�
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<br /> ' l�Oem 8U2� '�'90 lPARe 2 of 6 pagtr) i .
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