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.� �u c. <br /> � . �i � � �i��,'.`�;i���. , ��._ ,� 'i�` <br /> .,.1,.. ��''.. <br /> '�, ,. � � � � .. - - .� �:� <br />= 9:'—,._�..`7 � in._ . _ _ ' __ <br /> n ' .. • <br /> ��~ ��M� <br /> ��,�.n w*nini«��o«+��a�hu t�uai nwa«�e.�+y an....c►��ti rww�a«.nn+�+�.ia e�r e«nr�c►Mr«,aa«�,.nnw <br /> a iM1y ar�itPMr qlltwm mMy In Ihwr�1��a1uM di�r�tian�Nl�rmin�.No r�ly hKNn canllKt�d t�OOn a nMrwd to TruNw a iMNMosMY M�rd�d <br /> �p p�w�WNy�p1�ny WMr r�fy h�rNn w ttiy Nw pmwd�d a pwmltNd,!wl Nwh�II ist cumWatfw rnd�hpH b�In addllbn p wMy oflN�nrnby <br /> pw�n herwr�r a naw a harMtiK��Ntlnp�I l�w a In�pu►M ar by�tN►M�.Ewry powrr a nnNdy praidw!un�►.q�ls Trw�t DrW b YreMlsa i��f► <br /> M M e�rt+!rh M�►+e+nt Ihe!m mAy he olhe�w�es anulqd,nuy h��x�re�ed.ctx�cur�ently a In�dwrity,hom Iim�ia Nnw wx!ss ott�M msy b�dMnwd <br /> .,�.�.,�ev nw�..a e.�.nc�►►y.Nw N�ew oi�n.n,m.y a�•w��W�•�,��«n�AiM.Pto�tntn0 hirMn�f�M b�oonpru�d at p�ohi��p B�Kii�:l�y , <br /> han�khq�d�HCwnay{udpm�nt��nit th�Truata ta tM oxNnl sueh+�ctbn i�M►mKNd bY tw+. <br /> 11.TIIAlIkE1101'TH!WlQPEliT�/:A68UTA'TKiN.If ail a any paA of lh�PrmpKty a IMKMt thsrMn 41oW,trarolKr�d a otMrwtN ca►wy�d <br /> by Tru�ta wStAOU18en�ficlary'a prtw wrltton canfml,exctudinp(a)th�cr�etion o1�Il�n a�neumbnne�tubordlMt�lo thb T�u�ONd,(1�)�batwlN <br /> by apM�Nan ot taw upon th�d��th of n Trusto�v�tw Is��otnt t�nanl a(e)it►�prent of�ny leat�loold Int�roet o1 lhrM t�ywn a t�t vrhkA dou no1 <br /> eontW��n optbn to purchat�.ouch action Is a bracA ot this apnemeot,and Bm�tktary may,at 8„»flCiuy'�optbn,d�clu�NI th�wmt wcund by <br /> ttrb T�uit Oaad to 4a immediatoty due nnd payabte.praYfded,turther,thls Truat Oa�d may,at Bm�fktevy'e option,D�d�ct�nd Imm�diatNy duR and <br /> pRy�bt�,If(1�Ttuita ts a pertnership and any interest In ths partnsrship ia aoid a nsalpn�d by any mwns wh�t�olwr,a(2)il tlro Trutta Is�eotpaatlon <br /> �nd a tnnate�of the me�oriry ataCk ownerahip Interest In the earporatfnn xcu�s,a ths Truata eorporatbn mwq�s In�ny fam with anoth�r eorporatlon <br /> or�ntlty.�enitieisry ehaN have waived such optloo to aceeterate it,prlar to tAe aate,uansfer or cornsyanee,BaneflNary and the penon tu whom ths <br /> PrtipMty q ro bs sotd n►uansterred reach agreamant in writing that the cradlt ot sueh peraon is satistaCtOry to Bemtictary Ynd ohat th�iniltat p�ylbta <br /> pn th�suma secund by thts T�uat�ead shall be at euch rate as Benefielary ahall request. <br /> 12.ACCELEHATION UPON OEFAULT;f�lAED1ES:BALE.The tailure by the Troata,to make any payment or to perform any of the terma and conditbns <br /> ot this t�ust Oaed.or ths terms and conditlais ot tRe Note,a any renewats,moditications a extensfons thsreot,or the faliuro to maks payment of any <br /> other indebtetr�ess.prta�ot subsequent to tT�s Trust Oeed,and secuteA by thls properly,or the death ot one o�r�iare Trustora sha110a a brr)ach ar�d <br /> detautt ot thts Trt►st Oeed 2nd the Benefictary may declare a defautt and may dectara atl aums secured hereby immediateiy dua and payable and ths <br /> sacns sA�N thereupon�acome due and payable without presentment,demand,pratest a no2[ee ot any kind,pm+rided.T�usta ahali has any statutary <br /> ri�ht tu cure tAe detaut!before any notice ot default and derrtand tOr 6a10�nay be delivered to YRe Trustee.Th°reatt�r,Bef►eticlary may deliver to Tnistee <br /> a writt�n deataration ot detauh and demand(w sate.Trusta agrees and hereby grants that the Toustee sha1D havs trte pcwer of eale ot the Piroperty and <br /> if Banefkiary decides the Properiy is to be sold it shali deposit with Tnutee tnfs Trust Oeed and the Note or n�es and any other doeuments evidetM3ng <br /> expsnditutx�secured hereDy,and sha11 defivor to Trostee a wrltten no![ce ot defautt and election to cause the propeAy to be sotd,end T►ustee,in tum, <br /> 6he11 prepar�a simiiat natice in the fmm required by taw,whlch shali be duty filed tor record by Trustee. <br /> (a) Atter the tapse of such tlme as may oa required by 9aw fatbwing tAe recordatian aT Notica of Default,and Notke ot 13etautt and NoUce of <br /> �ate having been given as required by taw.Trustae,wlthout demand on T�ustoi,ahall setl the Property,if rtot redesmed,in one or more <br /> �rrtel9 and in such a�der as Trustefi may determine on the date and the time artd ptace desfgnated in said Nottce o}Sale,at publiC auction • <br /> arirrding W Iaw. <br /> (b! 'Wwtan Trustee setts pulsuani to tna powers izsnmo,3hisieia s3i3ii 3jiply il�v��C!tlsC°8!e S4¢8y!!l8nt^?t!!Q i�t9 8^f!?»4�n�� <br /> 9xercising the pawer ot sale and of the sat�.�n�T.r�l�:�wiMout timitatian,attomtpt's.`rees and the payment af TP�qstae's FeBS lrtcwred,wri`�Ch • <br /> � � irustee's Fees shail'not in the aggregate exo�rgA 9h��allowing srtoauncs C,�sa�u�lraa the amount secured ha:�byarnl demaining tmpa+d st <br /> � � thO•tlme scheduled tor sate:5 percentum on Me belance thereOf;and E:��ta Y`re ttems in 8ubparagraph(o)ra 1Tra�Ctder ther6 stated. <br /> (c) After paying the items speci8ed in subparagraph(b),ft the sate Is Dy Trustee,ot ii the sale is R�.:ant to Judtclal taeelosure,the proceeds <br /> of sa�e shall be app►fed In tne}oilowing orEer: <br /> (t)Cost ot any evidence of title prxured in Connection wfth such eale and ot any revenue transfer tee roquired to b9 pald; <br /> (2)Atl obiigatlons secured Dy this Trust Oeed: <br /> (3)Junior trust tleeds.mongages.or other tlenhotdera: <br /> (4)The remalnder,if flny,f0 the persoe�e9a��y entrtl8d thereto. <br /> 13.APPOINTIAEtlT OF$UCCESSOR TRUSTE&Benetic+ary may.lrom time to�Imo,by�wntten instrument ex�cuted and aeknowledged by Beneticiary, <br /> malied t0 Tn�stor and recorded in the counry or counties in whfch the Property i9located and by otherwlse complying with tAe prodsto�ot lhe applicebte <br /> laws of tM State ot hebraska substdute a successar ar successora to the Trusteo named herein or acttng hereunder. <br /> 14. INSPECTtON3.Beneticlaty,ot its agents,repre5@ntatives or employ6@�,are authOri2ed to entOt at any t@a50nable Hme upOn Ot In 8ny psrt o!the <br /> Propeny fa the purposeof�nspeeting the same and tor the purpose ot performing eny ot the etts ft Is authaized to perfam urMer Me termsot the Trust Oeed. <br /> 15.OP?ION TO FOAECLOSURE.Upon the acunenca ot eny breach end upon the dectarerion aT default hereunder,Benefidary ShaD have the opUan <br /> to foreetase this Trust Deed in the manner provided by iaw 4or the toreclosuro of mortgages on reai propeAy. <br /> t8.FOR�EARANCE BY QEMeF'IdARY OR TRUSTEE�1VOT A tllfAiV�R.Any torebearence by BenefiUary or Trustee in e:ercising any�ight or remedy <br /> hereunder,or atherv+lse allorded by appticable�Iaw,shali�ot be a waiv�r c�t ar prectude the exercise of eny such rfght ar remedy.Likewise,tAe watxer <br /> by BenetiNary ar Trustee ot any detault of Trustw under Mts Trost Oeed ah�f�nW De deemed to be a wafver ot eny other or simfter defaults subsequenNy <br /> OtCUMng. <br /> 17.BENEFIGARY'S POWERS.Wdhout aNeCUng or reteasfng the ii8bility ai the Trustar ot any othe�person lia4le for ffie paymeet of flml Obtfgatfon <br /> hereFn mentianed,srtd wrtheut aHecBng the i�en or charge ot this Trust Oeed upon any portion of the Property.8er�eficiary may,from time to tlme artd <br /> without notfce at the request of one or more Trus[ars.(�)reiease t�ny person IiaOte.(n)extend or�enew the maturity or atter eny of the tem�s ot any such <br /> optfgatbns.Ui�)grant other irtdulgences.Gv)retease or reconvey,w cause to be reieased or r6eonveyed at any Ume at Benefidery's opUOn any parcel <br /> o►el!ot the Properly,(v)take or retease any ot�er or addiUOnai security for any obtigatton herein menttoned,(v1)rt'18ke settlement8 or alher artang8menta " <br /> w[th Trustnr In relatlon Mereto-Ail T�ustors shall Qe►ointty artd severai{y abligated and bound by Me acttcns ot Me Beneficiary or any one or more Ttustor y <br /> as stated M thfs paragrnph. <br /> tg.A'ITpp11Hi/FEES,COST6 AND EXPENSES.The Heneflciary o?tAjs Tnut Qeed ts ent�Ued to the payment of ettomey's tees,costs and expenses <br /> ag Rnorided in this Ttust Qeed.exeept as athenY�se pron�D�ted by law. <br /> 19_BECGMVTsYANCE BY TRUSTEE.Upon�vntten request of 8enefrciary an�upon payment Oy Trustor o1 Trustee's tee9,Trustee shalt rseomoy to . <br /> Trus�or,a tAe person or pessons Iegalty enUtled Mereto,w�thaul wartanty,any patfan of the Property then hetd hereunder.RecuNs In sueh recomeyance �`` <br /> ot any matters or facts shatl0o cortNus�vo proot of the trutntutness tl+ereof.The grantee in any reconveyance may be descriDed as the person or persqr►s <br /> tegatty entitt8d tAereto" <br /> 20_!lDitCES.Except�oe nohces,demands.reqttests ar o:har cammunleaUOns vequfred under appticablQ Iaw to be g`ven in another manrter,whenevet ' <br /> 8enefkla�y,Tntstor or Trusteo g�ves a►serves any notice Grtetuding,urrtAeul limitauan.noUCe ot detautt end rtottce of sale),demaads,requests or otRer ��'� <br /> cammwtcatien witA resgect to th�s Trust Oeed,eac�sucn norice.aemarto.�equest m otrter�vrt�mum�eaan sir�ce n+w�ony mro s�a��o a+�.Q�Rs <br /> it tRe same is del�vered 6y ptHSanal 6etvice or�s m3ilsd Qy cerhfied marl.postage prepatd,eddressed to tRe address es set forM&t the Deginning of thts � <br /> Trust peed.My pariy may at any time eAartge�ts eddross tor sueh notices by delirering or mafiing to tAe otRer party heroto,as ataresatd,a notECe of <br /> suCh eh3nge.My naUte Aereunder sAal1 bo deemed to�ave�een given to Trusia or 8en8fitiary,�vhen g[ver�In the manner desfgnated herein. <br /> 2�.REQUEST FAR NOTtCE.Trustcr and 8enef iciary hereGy roqaest a capy ot nny rtottce o!detauit,artd a topy of tiny notice o1 sate thereunder,be <br /> m�ited tn oacfi persan�vno�s a p.�rty hereto al tne address tar sucA pe+st�►set forth�n the first paragrapA o�this Trust Oeed. <br /> 2^�GOYERNIt�Ki LAW.Th�s Trust Doed shall be governed by tAO laws ot tAO State of Nebraske- <br /> 23,fiUCCESSOtiS AltD ASSIGNS.��s Trus1 Qeed.IInd eIl tetms,mrtd�ticns and ohligations hetetn,appty to and�nure to tRe bertet�t of artd binds <br /> el)RarGes Rereto.�he�i�e��s,tc3gatees,dev�sees.persona!represantat�ves,sua:essors and ussrgns.The term Benetictary"s�all mean the awner end <br /> hotder ot t�o IVote.�n�et�er or not named as Bnnet�c�ary lrerein. <br /> I <br /> +�. <br />