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, , .,... ti a�.r,. „�.��. �:4';n ` .. . „ ,d� <br /> ,i;�'.,.., <br /> � „ , , -x•..i <br /> i <br /> r �----�-,V74�w; � _ - - --- - . <br /> n ��� <br /> v�~ �R7��� <br /> t0 PROTEC7'fHE BECUNITY Of TWlB�NIiST Q6E0,TRtJBTQR NE61E9Y GOV�NANTB AND AORE68 A9 FQI.l�WB: <br /> 1.►AYMLMT 1iM�MMCMAI.ANO INTENt�T.Truslot ahAll ptomplty pry when du�tM princlpat ol artd Int�r�e1 on Iht�nd�btadnoc�wld�nc�A Oy <br /> tho Not�,�nd aN othRr charp�a and bes a�provldsd In th�Not�.�nd th�princlpal of ond Int�na!4n any Futuc�Advancoe f�cur�d by IM�Truu ONO. <br /> Z,11YA1lNANTY OP TITI.d.7ru�tw Is��wtulty seliW and po�seaz�d ot pood Hn0��edelau�ibis�t4ta ur�tl u:tato ta tho(�op"riy h�rMy cenveya9 anA <br /> hq tlw dpht to y�xnt and conv�y ths ProMnps tKe PropeAy Is Ir�e end cioar ot att Ilens and er�cumOrances�xcapt ibna�ow o4 r�cad;�nd Trustor wiN <br /> warnnt and d�qnd ths tltle to tlb Property a9alnal aU ctatme and demande. <br /> 9.MAiNTENANCB AND CO�PLtAt�6 WITH LAWB.Truata ehati koep ihs Property in good�opnir and condltion and ahall not commit wafte or psrmit <br /> Impairment a dete►loratlon af the Property and shell compty with the provistona of any lease li this Trust Ceed ta on a Ieasehotd.Na Imp►ovsm�nt�ow <br /> ar fNtpftl�ereCted upo�the Ptoperly eh811 be 8ltered,removed or demailahed withaut the prlor written consent of 8enetictery.Truator sh�ii compy wilb <br /> �II tawa,ordinantaa.roSu�otbn�,covenenta.Condfllona and�eatriCtlone attecting the Ptope►ry and not commit,suner a perm�t eny ecl to b�don�tn a <br /> upon tM P�operry tn vlolatlon ot any taw,adfnance,regutntlun,covenant,conditlon ot restrlclion.Trustot shalt eomptete ar restore promptty and in gaod <br /> wptkrt�enlike manner any improvement on the Property which muy be damaged or destroyed and pay,when due,all claima lorlahM peAamed and metetUle <br /> tumlaltOd therefor and tor any alteratlons thereof. <br /> 4.tNSURANCE.Trustor,at ite oxpense,wlfl maintain with fnsurorti approved Dy Beneticiary,lnsurance with respect to the improvemente and personai <br /> properry,constituting the Properly.agalnst bss by Nre,tightning,tomado.and other perfis and hazards eovered by standard axtended covera9e Udarsan►ent, <br /> in an 8mount equal to at teast one hundred percont(1004b)ot the full reptaeement vatue thereof and insurance egalnal�uch other hezards and In such <br /> amounb as la oustomarily carrfod by ownera and aperawre ot simliar prapeAies or ea Beneficiary may requfre for its protectlon.T�ustor wlll ccmply vMtt� <br /> suCh other requiremente a9 BeneOciary may hom rime to Hme requesi for the protoation by insurartce oi the Interests ot the�espective parties.AII insurafka <br /> policles maintained pursuant to this Trust Deed shall name Trustor and 8enetkiary as insured,as thet�respective interests may eppear,and provida that <br /> there be no canee0ation or modiflcallon wilhout at least t 5 dayc�prior written notifleatEon to Trustee and Beneflciary mey procure sueh insutence in aaordano9 <br /> wltA tbe provietons of paragraph 8 hereof.T�ustar shall detiver to Beneffclary the origfnai polleles ot inauranee and renewals thereot ar memo eopiesot <br /> euch po�ictes and renewals thereot.Failure to furnish such insurance by 7rustor,ot renewals as requlred hereunder shall,at the option of 88neficiary, <br /> COnBtitute a det9ult. t;��� <br /> ��pqXEg�Agg�B�AEMTg ppp CHAp(iEB.Trustor shail pay alt mzes,assessments and other charges.Including,without IimitaUon,Mes ai►d Impositbns <br /> attributabie to the Properiy and teasehald payments ar ground rents,if any,betore the same become delinquent.T�ustor shall promptiy Turnish to benetidery <br /> ali noUees ot smountsdue under fhis paragraph,and in the ovent Trustor shail make payment dlreotiy.Truator shall premptly tumish to 8eneflciery reaeipts <br /> evWencing euch payments.Trustor Sha�i pay atl texes and assessments which may be levied upo�Beneficiary's in4orast hereio ar upon this Truet l�eed <br /> withoul regard W any faw that may be anected Imposing payment of the whole or any part thereot upon the Benefldary. <br /> 8.ADOlT10NAL LIENS AND PROPECYIQN OF BENHFIC�ARV'S S�CURR1f.Trustor shall make all paymente of Interest and principal and payments <br /> of any other charges,ieas and ex{w��se8 t.arsiraCttsd!o be pald fo any eY��ri�g or subsenuent IienholBOT or beneficiary,under any exleting or subsequant <br /> moRgag9 or ttust deed betore the date they 8re dellnquent ot in detauit,and promptly pay and dl8charge any and all othe►Iiena,ciafms or eharfles wluch <br /> mey�eopardize the security grented herein.if Trustor fells to make any such payment or lails to pertorm any of the covenante and agreements com�ned <br /> In this Truat Qeed,or the Note reterred to herein,or In any prlor or subsequent trust deed,or il any aotbn or proceeding ia commeneed which mat�lciely <br /> afiects Benettclary's Interest in the Property.Inciuding,6ut not limited to,eminent domaln proceedings,praceedings involving a decedent,notlee of 9ste <br /> py Trustee,noUce of default by Trustee,mortgage toreciosure acHon,a►1t Trusta talls ro pay Trustor's debts generaily ea thoy become due,then Beneticiary. <br /> at geneficiary'B option end without nokce to or demand upon Trustor end without releasing TNStor irom eny obligaUon hereunder,may make such eppearances. <br /> dtsburse such sums and take such acdon as is necessary to protect Beneflciary's Interest,Inctuding,but not Iimlted to,disbursemeM ot reasonable attaney's <br /> fees,pnyment.putthase,contest or compromise of any encumbranee,eharga or Ilen,entry upon the Property to make�eRaire,or deetaraUon o}defautt <br /> under thts Trust Deed.In the event that Trastor shall tail to procure insurence a to pay taxes,assesaments,or any other c�arges or ro make any payments <br /> to eny exis8ng a subsequent llenholdera or existing or eubseQuent beneflclarles.Beneficlary may procure such insutence and muke such payment,but <br /> ehall not be oDUguted to do so.Any amounts disbureed by Beneficlary pursuant to thla Paragraph 8 sheli become additional indebtedness of Ttustor saeured <br /> by thia Trust Deed.Sueh amounta shall be poy8bte upan notfee trom 8enetielary to Trustor requesting payment thereot.and shatl bear interest hom the � <br /> date of disbursement flt tha rate payable from time to tfine on outstanding prineipal under the Note uniess paYment ot interest at sueh rate woutd be�ntrery s <br /> to appticabte� which event auCh amounts shall bear mterest at the hiphest rate permissfbia under applieabto law.Nothing eontalned in this Peragreph <br /> 8 shail reqWre BeneflClary to incur any expense or take any action hereunder. ,y� <br /> 7.ASSIQNYENT OF RENTS.Beneficlary shall hava Me right,power and authonty during the contfnuanee ot thfs Truat Oeed to Cotiect the rents,issues ;� � <br /> end proiits o!the Property end of any personat property toeated thereon with or vnthout taking pessessfon ot the property atteeted horeby,and Trustor <br /> hereby absolutety and uncondiqona�ly ass�gns atl such rente,issues and prdits to Beneficiary.8eneticfary,however,hereDy consents to the Trustor's ;:�ir <br /> eollecUon and retention ot sueh rents,tssues ond p�of�ts as they accrue end become payabte so tong as Trustor is not,at such time,in detauit witn respect <br /> to payment of any indebtadness secured hetoby,or In the pertormance ot any agreement hereunder.Upon any such detautl,9eneHcfary may 8t eny tlme, <br /> either In person,by agent,ar by a reeelver to be aApofnted bY e court,w�thout nottce and withaut regard ro tho adequacy af any seeurity for the IrMebtedness <br /> hereby seeured,(a)ente�upon and take possessVon of the Properry a nny part thereot,and In its own name sue lor oi otherwise colleet sueh rents,issues <br /> aral profita,Includfng those past due and unpatd,and apply ihe same,less costs and expenses o!operation and eotleetlon,ineluding reasonabte attomey's <br /> fees,upon any inEebtednoss secured hereby,and►n such order as Benetietary may determfne;(b)portorm sueh acts of repalr or protectlon as may be <br /> necessary or proper to coeserve the value of the Property:(c)tease the same or any part thereot for such rental,term,and upon suCh cond�tfons 8s its <br /> Judgment maydtctate,or tetminateot adJust the terms and conditlons ot exisbng leases.Untess Truator flnd Beneticfary thereot agcee olherv�ise fn�vritlng, <br /> gny eppltcedon of rents,tssue9 or ptofite to any indebtedness secured hereby shalt not extend or postpone the due date of the insta►iment payments as <br /> prov�ded In said promissory�mto mr chanr,e the amount ot sach instalimants.The entering upon and taking possessfon at the PropeAy,the cotlectlon <br /> of sueh reMs.lssues and profits,and the appiicatlon thereot as aforesafd,shall not waive or cure any default or notice ot defauR�ereunder or invalidate <br /> eny flet done pursuant to such noPice.Trustor atso ass�gns to Bene(ic�ary,as turther secunly tor tho petto�mance at ihe obi+gat�onS seeursd here0y,all <br /> �epaid rents artd a11 monies whkh may have Cean or may hereafter be deposited w+th satd Trustor by any Iessee ot the Property,to secure the payment <br /> r ot any rent or dam�qes.or upon detauft In the performance of any ot the proviswns horeot.Trustor agrees to detivet such rents and deposits to 8eneticldry. <br /> Oelivery ot written notice of Beneficlary's exercise ot the rights granted any tenant ocapying satd premises shalt be sumcient to requ[�e said <br /> tenanl to pay rent to Me Beneficiary until further notiee. f . <br /> 8.CONDEItNATION.If t�Ue to eny part ot the Property shall Ce take�in condemnaUOn proeeted�ngs,by nght ot emment domain ar stmllar actton.or <br /> shall be sotd under threat of condemnation,at1 awaras,damages ertd praesds ere�ereby assigned artd shall be pafd to 8erreliclary who sAap appry <br /> 6ucA awards.damages 8nd proceeds to the sum secured by thts Tnist Oeed. witn the oxcess.�f enY.Ra�d to Trustw. If Trustor reeerves any not�ce or � <br /> othet informatlon regarding sueh�ectd�osecute ne st o��ame any such action or p wroeeadings and shalBObe ertBUQed to rrtakeeany�compram Ise or setSlement <br /> its opUOe+,to oommence,epAea► R <br /> ttl C0�IIICGllOf1 NIt�arry 5ttwr ui.uv:..`. p.--...w:...�a�- <br /> 9.FUTURH ADVANCES.Upoa request ot Trustor,Beneficiary at Be�ohtiary's option.pnar to reconveyance of the Praperty to Trustor,may make j <br /> future edrancea to Trustor•Such futuro e.dvances,with�nterest thereon,shall Qe Secured by this Trust Qeed when evidenced by promissory++otes stating � <br /> that satd ootes ere secured hereby:prov�ded C'�at at no time sAatt the secure0 pnrtcipal and tuture advances.not mctud�ng sums edvanced to proteet � <br /> the seeurilY.exceed hro Aundred partent(20Crb)ot lhe orig�nal printipal emounts secttr@d hereby. <br /> 10.REY6DIE5 NOT E%CLtISIVE Trustee and Benehciary.artd each ot tAem.shatl6o enUtled to enforce paymem and perfortnante ot a�y indeDtedness j <br /> or obligatlons secured hNreby end to exertlse ali nghts and po�vcrs under this Trus1 DeeA ot ttnder any otRer 8gteeme�t exetuted In connectio�Aerexith ! <br /> or any laws now ar hmeafter��force,nohvi[hStand�ng Some ar all of the such fndebtedness and oDt+g3t�ons Secured heteby may�aw or hereaitet Qo � <br /> otherwise seeured.wt�ether Dy mortgago,trust deed.p�ed9e.��en,assignment o�otRerwise.Ne�ther the aeceptanee ol t��s Tiust Oeed nar its enfareament <br /> whfltAer Dy caurt aetlon or Fursuant to Me po�rer of sate or other powers here�n ccnta�ned.sAall pre�udice or�n any manrter aHect Trustee s Cr Beneficiary's j <br /> dght to rsati=e upon ar entorce any other secunry now or hereafter held by TrusEee or Benehc�ary.�1 bemg agreed that Trvstee ortd Benefic�ary.and each <br /> � <br /> ..�±F��� �µ',.'. <br /> ��� . <br /> . °.s . ..�y <br />