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<br /> p�ayments mAy no longer be rrquic�d.at tNe nplton ct�Lender,if martg�e inxunnoe caverage(ie the artio�iit aad far the perlod
<br /> that I.enAer res{uires)prav�dcd hy nn insuccr appravcd b'y Le��dcr a�ain bccames availnblc ancl is��btais�cl.�rmwar ah�!!p�y
<br /> thc prcmiums reqult�d to malntein�tix►ngage inai�runce in eff�ct.'ar t�proviJe u luss rc�tve.1111[II(I1C YtI�UIf'�A�lt�6i 111(►t'IBiI��L
<br /> insur�eads in aoco�dancc wIth any written Agrectncnt between Barrow�rand 1 cndcr qr applfcable law.
<br /> 9.I�upecNon. Lend�r or its agent may mek�reASOnable entrtes upon and Inspections af the Proptrry. 1.ender ah�11�iYe •
<br /> Bonower nottca at the time of or prior ta an insptrtion specifyfnq re�asonable c:uuse for tho�t►spectdon. .
<br /> 10.Coit�emnation. '�'he praccods af any nvuard ar claim for dacnages.diroct or conshguentlal. in connation with u►y
<br /> condc.ran�tion or athcr tnlilu�of anyr g�rt of thc Pragr,rty, or for coavcyancc In licu ef condsma�t}on,nre h�erby w�s;�nc?i n+E*.!
<br /> � r.l�aQ be paict ta l.ender.
<br /> In the event of u totul taking of the Property,the pracexda shall 6o app!€ed to the sums cecurod by this Sac:urity Insttum�nt,
<br /> wleether or not then due. wlth any excess paid w Borrower.In ttto event of u partlal wkia�of the PropGtty in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Property immedintely before the tuking is equal to or gc�ater thnn the amount of tho sums secured by thls
<br /> Security Instrument immediatety befare the taking. unless Borcower and I.entiec ot9urwise ugne in writing,t4e sums secured by
<br /> this Serurity Iastrument shall be reduced by the umar�nt of the prooeeds multiplied by the following frect3on: (a) the tota! '
<br /> amaunt of tho sutns securod immedIately beforc the taking.divided by (b)the fair market vqlue of the Pmperty immediauly
<br /> before the tuking. Any balancc shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partiai wkiag of the Property in whtch the f�ir
<br /> market value of the Property immediatety before the taking is less than the ainount of the sums secured imn�ediuuly before tha
<br /> taking.uNess Borrower und Lender�therwise a�ree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides,the proceeds shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or noi the swns are.then due.
<br /> If the Properry is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after aotic:c by I.ender ta Hormwer that the condetnrtor offera ta make an
<br /> awsud or settle a ciaim f'or daraages. Barrower falls to respond to Lcnder within 30 deys after the date the notice ia given,
<br /> !+ Lender is authorized to coUert and apply tha prnceeds.at lts option. either to restorattan or repair nf the Pmpertv or to the suras
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless [xnder and Bamawer othenvjse agree in writing, a�iy application af procaeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred w in para�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paym?nts. •
<br /> 11.Honower Not Rel�sed;Forbearanoe By Lender Not a Weiver. Extension of the time for payment or modific�tton
<br /> af nmonizatIon of the sums secured by this Security Insuuenent granted by Lender tu any successor in lnterest of Bortower ahall
<br /> not aperate to release the liability of the or�ginal Bormwer or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall nat ba requtc+ed w
<br /> �;,�.'; commence proceedings a�ainst any successor in intemst or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise madify amoNzadon
<br /> of the sums srxured by this Security Instrument by crason of any demartd made by the origir►al Aorrower or Borrower's
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearunce by Lender in exercising any right or reme�y shall not be a walver of or preclude the
<br /> exenise of any ri�hc or remecly.
<br /> 12. Suocessors and Assipis Bound; J�ntm xnd Sevw�el Liabiltty;Casigners. The covenants and ugreemeats of tGis
<br /> `Y{"�' Security instniment shall bind and benefit the successors and assig� of Lender a�td Borrower, subject to the pro�isions of
<br /> •r�:.
<br /> �c".�c;', paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and ngreements shali be joint and several. Any Horroivr.r who co-slgns tLis Security
<br /> ���'�; Insuument but does not execute the Note: (a) is caslgnin�this Secudty Insuument only to moresage, �rant and convey that
<br /> YY, Borrower's interest in the Property under the tertns of this Securiry Insuumenr,(b)Is not person�lly obligated to pay the sums �
<br /> secured by thiA Securiry Instrumenr,and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to estend.modify,forbear oa
<br /> ;;f.;, make any accoramodations with regard to the terms of this�urity Instrument or the Note without that Bortower's conseat.
<br /> '' 13.L,oan Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instr�ment is subject to a(aw which sets maximum loan charges.
<br /> and that law is finally intecpreted so that the interest or other loart charges collected or to be coliected in connectlon with the
<br /> loan exa�ed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> to the permitte�limit:and(b)any sums already collected from Bortower which exceeded pemutted limits will bo refunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lender ms►y choose to muke this refund by reducing the principal owed under tt�e Note or by malcin�a direct
<br /> "'�` payment to Borrower. If a refuad reduces principal, the reduction will be created as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> ���_ar,�,` pmpayment char�e under the Note.
<br /> '.aw��;4� 14.Nottces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instniment shall be given by delivering it or by malUng
<br /> �w,;�.;:�„�.� it by first class mail unless applicable luw requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Pcaperty Addmss
<br /> " '� - or nny other address Borrower desisnates by notice to I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be �iven by first cla.ss msiil to
<br /> `•�-�w•���'• Lender's address stataf hemin or any other address L.ender designates by notice t�Borrower. Any notice provided for jn thls
<br /> �t,�.c::.
<br /> � •�;� Security Instrument shall be de�med to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pmvided in this paragraph.
<br /> ''�"� '� iS.Governirig Law= Severability. 'fhis Security Insnument shall be govemed by federnl law and the law of the
<br /> �4t-..
<br /> �' ` `� jurisdiction in which the Pro�erty is locatod. In che event thut :u�y provision or clause of this Security Insuument or the Note
<br /> .,�,:t�',,• ;. , confllcts with upplipbte law, such rnnt1ict shal!not nffect other provlsions af this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> ''�:•,'�� �iven effect without the conflicttng provision. To this end the provisians of this Security Insuutnent and the Note are d�lared
<br /> .r:«.�",'... �•�
<br /> - � �;,;, to be severable.
<br /> �"°'':�''"�"` 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securlty Instrument.
<br /> ',�•<..:;,�j�.
<br /> ,"-�•".: . Form 3028 9180
<br /> ,,. �ja' '_���_ Pagn 6 of 8
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