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<br /> V
<br /> S. H�zard oe� lroperty 1aa�uno�e. Sc�rmwer �lulb kap ttie �m}xovanente now exi�qin� cx hecc�lkr eripr�ed oo dr .
<br /> Pro�xz�ty insc�ra3 acain5t l��9 tsy fire,Oia�ar�lg In�luded withi.n tht term "ex�Cndc�l cnverage" and �ny oth�r haxacd�, it�ladina •�
<br /> flonds ar ilcwdin�,fur which I.eiuicr seq�tireslnsurance.This�nsuranc:�sfall tx maimainod in the amounts�nd fnr tha periodi „
<br /> that i.ender tbquins. 'I'Ne ineurance carrler�mvidio¢ the inaunmec ahall be ehoxen by 8omcrwer sub}oct ta L.ender's�wnv�l �
<br /> whicl� shall nw"be unYeasonebly withheld. if Barrower failx to awintatn cuvenege described �ve. L.er�drr m�y� �t �der'� � '
<br /> uption.oMain covecs�e to protuct[.endei's rlghta in the Pmperty tn AooarQarnx with pra�t�ph 7'. ,
<br /> All insuren�x polici�.w and renewals shall be acceptable to i.ender and ahall lnclude�standi►rd mort�r.lAUx. L.siid�sr ,
<br /> sl�a!{Lave tl�e rigiit w liol�tl�e�ol3cica uixi rc�wwata. IP Lciulcr t:;.quite:,.f2orrarfcr shaU pra�updq stvc to Y.:ud�al!r�:fpt��f
<br /> pni�pr�miur�s end reracvai iioii�ss.In it�e cvcnt vi iv�a�ai►�—,a�r�:�i�!giv��ra�-m�!lxtss slse is�t�s�t�s��•!�!•�,.-----�--� .
<br /> L.cnder may mak�p�taof of loss if na3 made promptly by&,rrowcr.
<br /> Unless I.endu and Barrovs�er otherwlse agree in writing.insurance pmcoa0s shall he applled to restonUion or npair of tho �
<br /> property dannaged,lf the restoratfon or repair is�onamically feaslblc aqd L.eixfer's sauriry ls not lossenod.if tho�catb�►tion 9r
<br /> repa�r is not eootcvmtcally feusible or L.ender's rxcuclty would be Icssened,the insurancc procada shaU be applItid w tho swm► ,
<br /> securesl by tlils Se�:urjty Insawnent,whcther or not thcn duc, with an}r exetss �afd tu Aorro�ver. If�orrowa abaadons ttze
<br /> Property.or dces not nnswer within 30 days a notIce from l.ender tbut the insurance cerrler has offerai to settle a claim.d�en
<br /> Lender may wllect the insurance procee�s. i.endcr may use th� p�s to�rspair or restare the Pcaperty or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Securlty insm�ment.whether or nat then due.The 3Uday periad wi!!begin when the nodca Is given. •
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ag� [n writing, any applieation of procxecls to prlm�ipal shall not eactend or
<br /> postpona the due date of tha monihly paymenta referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the pxyments..if
<br /> undcr paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by I.ender,Borrawer's dgl►t to any insurance pallcies and procoeds resulting from
<br /> damagc to the Property prior to the ucquisitian shall pass ta I.ender to the extent of the sums secured by th�s Secutity tnsttamerrt
<br /> immediacely pr�or to the acquishion.
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Pr+eser'vation,Maintenance and Prntection of the Property;Borruwer's Loan Application;Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrower ahell occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal restdence wlthin sfxty days after the cat�cudon of
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy tha Praperty as Borrower's principal residenoe for at least ona yrat aRer
<br /> the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherwise a�rees in wrlting. which consent shall not be unrea.��onctbly withheld:or unl�ss
<br /> extenuating circumstunres exist which are beyond Boaower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, dnmage or impair the
<br /> Property,allow the Property to detertomte. or commit waste an the Pcoperty. Eorrower shall be ln default!f any forfeitun
<br /> action or pt�oceedins. whethar civi!or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good fatth judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property ar otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's secwity interest.Borrower may
<br /> cum sueh a default aud reinstate,a.c provided in para$raph l8.by eswsing the action or proceeding ta ba dismtssed�vith a ruling
<br /> that, in Lender's good taith determination. preciudes fortciturc of the Borrower's inteiest in[he Fropercy or arher materiai
<br /> impnirment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.ender's securiry intorest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan application pmcess,gave materially false or inacenrate information or statemenu+to Lender(or feiled
<br /> to provide Lender with any material informAtion)in conne�hlon with the loan ev[denced by the Note,including,but cnot limite�
<br /> to,representations conceming Horrower's occupancy of the Property as a prinetpal residence. If this Serurity Instrument ls on a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply with �ll the provisions of the lease. If Borrower ucquires fee title to the Proptrty. the
<br /> leasehold and the fee tttle shal!not merge unless I,ender agrees to the merger in writing. �
<br /> 7.Protect[on ot I.ettder's Rlghts in th�Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants end agreements contained In
<br /> this Securiry Instn�ment,or there is n legal praceeding that may significandy affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy. probate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or reguladons).then L.ender may do end
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and [.ender's ri�hts in tlte Property. Lender's ections muy
<br /> include paying any sums secured by a lten which has prlority over this Secudty Instcument. appearing tn court, paying
<br /> crASOnable attomeys' fces and entering on the Property to muke repairs. Although I.ender may take action uader this pamgraph
<br /> 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall became addirional debt of Horrower secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower�nd Lender agree to uther terms of payment. these amounts shall bear intemst from the
<br /> ,. I date of disbursement at the Note rate and shaU be payable, with interest. upon nodcc from I.ender to Borrower requesting
<br /> °�•�� I payment.
<br /> ��` 8.MnrigasP I�,urance. If Lender required mortga�e insurance ns a condition of making the loan secured by thjs Securlty
<br /> .,
<br /> •w � Insuument, Horrower shal!pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason. the
<br /> �`�'��s mort a e insurance covera e r uired b Lender la ses or ceases to be in effect. Rorrower shall a the remiums uired to
<br /> '°'��:,,:::.� � S � e9 Y P P Y P �t
<br /> ����•rN�f� obtain wverage substantially�quivalent to the mangage insurance previously in effect,at u cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> �,;•�,.. .
<br /> . `�w: : �,; cost to Borrower of the mort�age insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insur»r approved by I.ender. If
<br /> .,�Y��. ,,�:=.�r substantially equivalent moctgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> W�"•.'if���.,,�, one-twelfth of thc yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insuruncc coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> ''°•`'��'"��'� be in effect. I.ender witl accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve i� tieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> Ci�t�?�,°y y£'•. Form 3028 9/80
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<br /> ',y:,..,.�,,;.,.�..y'. . Poy03 of 8
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