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<br /> i ° �krtods tturt I,c�idnr r�yaices. 't'i�e in,u�ance carrict prc►viding thc in�urance sliall6r,clwLen by Horrawer std�jeat ta I.enderk
<br /> $�r�sv:�l wM�h r:t►al7 nat h;,unreasanably wittth�td. IP Bc�rrawer fails to ma3ntain cuvert;�r,de.9sr(bcd abovc,Ltn&r mwy.aE
<br /> l.ender'a np�;on.aMain cover��e to prokct I.�ndrn�t�righta in o�;f�erty in aecordw:cc with parrgruph'�.
<br /> AU inxuruice ppllcie�end retrcwalr slwil be secept�ble t�l.e r arxl etwfl inc9ude a atandarA mac��+�ga ci�une. Ixnder
<br /> Khall hwve the right ta hnld tAo��icies wid rcncwula. If L,cr.der reyuires,IIorrnwer ahatl promptly give to Lender all reseipt.9
<br /> of pdd prernium�rnd nenewd rnxicer. in the eveat af los�,�ormwer nhall gi�o prompt nExico to the inawance carrier�nd
<br /> � Lend��: t.endes,may mak�proot aP loss if not mude pmmptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unksa Lender and i�omnwer whcrwise ag[tie In writing,insunu�ce procecds ai�u116a epptieJ w restar�icn�ur rep�►ic of
<br /> the Property dun�ged,if the rcatorattan or rcpe�Sr Is ecnnam[caliy fersibk artd L.ender's secudty ia na lessened. If the
<br /> restoration or rcpeir ic►nat ecananically feASiblo or f�ndcrb sec�rlty would be lessened. thc tnsurance procecds Rhall bc
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Sa:urity Inatn�ment, wixthcr ar nut then due, wIth eny exces�puid to Borrower. If
<br /> aorrower abandans the Property,ox does not answer wtthin 30 duye o notfce from Lender thnt the insura�sce cnaier ha.v
<br /> offercd to setQc a cinim,th�n Lender mny rullect the Insurance pmceeds. Lcndcr rtiuy use the proceed�to mcpair or restare
<br /> the Pfoperty or to pay sums secured by this 5ecurFty Insm�men�whether or not then due. Ttte 30�day perlad will 6egin when
<br /> the noticc is given.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Borrawer othevwir+o agree ln wdting,any application of proceeds to princlpai sha!!aot extend or
<br /> postponc the due date of the monthly payments referr::d to in purugraphs 1 und 2 or c'hangc 1hc umount of the payments. If
<br /> uader paragreph 21 the Property is acquimd by Lender,Bomnwer�right to any Insurancz�olIcies nnd proceods resulting
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to the ucquisition shall puss to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Inswment imme�lately prloe ro the acquis[don.
<br /> ti: Occupancy, Preservation, Malntenance and Protectbn at the P'roperty; Borrower's I.aan ApplkaUon;
<br /> Lesssl�s�lds. Hurrower sha!!occepy,estabUsh,astd use the Property us&rrrower!s pnncitu►1 re.vidence within sixty dnys nfter
<br /> the exccution of thIs Security instrurrtent and shall continue ta uccupy the Property as Borrower�s prlrtcIp�l msldence for ut
<br /> Seast one year after the dute af occupancy. unless Lender otherwise ag�es in wridng. which consent shsill not be
<br /> unneusonnbly withheld.or unless extenuating circumstances ezist whIch are beyond Bormwer's conuoi. Bomnwer shnll not
<br /> destroy.dnmage or Impair the Property,aUow the Propecty to deteriora[�,or commit wuste on the Property. Borrower ahnll
<br /> be in defawlt if any forfeiture action or proceEding.whether civil or criminnl.is besnn that in Lenderk good futth judgment
<br /> could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwlse mater�ally impair the lien created by this Securlry Iastrument or
<br /> l.eader�s securiry(ntec�ea� Borrower may cure such a defauit and minstate.as pmvided in para�ph t 8,by causing the action
<br /> or pmceeding to be disraissed with a ruling tha�in Lender s good faIth detertnination.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower!�
<br /> interest 3n the Property oT other muterial impairment of the lien created by this Securlty Instrument or Lender�security
<br /> Interes� Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower. during the losu� upplicution proces�, gave materially false or
<br /> Inaccucate infarrnution or swtements to Lender(or failed to pmvide Lender with any material{nfom�ation)in connection with
<br /> the loan evtdertced by the Nate, Including, but not Wnited to. representat�ons cottceming Borrower� accapnncy of the
<br /> Frvpetty as a principai residrnc�e. ff�i,ia Sa:uriiy L�s�rumc��c i����u t�hc,t�,8orower shail w�piy ur�ch att�h�pravisl�sns
<br /> of the lease. If Borrower ucqutres fee tide to the Property,the leasehold and the fee title shnq not merge unless I.ertder agc�s
<br /> to the merger in wrlting.
<br /> 7. Protectton ot Lender's Rfghts In the Property. If Borrower fails to perfonn the covenants und agreemenu
<br /> contained ia this Securiry Inswmen�or there is a legal proceeding that may sisnificandy affect L.ender's rights in the
<br /> Property(such as n proceedIng in bankniptcy.probate.for condemnadon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or reguladons).then
<br /> L,ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> Lender�acrions may Include paying any sums secured by u Ilen which has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing
<br /> in cou[t,paying reasonuble attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take uction
<br /> wider this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. � �
<br /> Any aawunts disbursed by Lender tutder this psiragraph 7 shall become addIdonnl debt of Borrower secured by thfs :�.�
<br /> Securiry InstrumenG Unless Homower And l.ender agree to other terras of puyment.these amount�sha11 bear lntemst from the •:;::,
<br /> dnte uP dlsbu�sement at the Note rnte and shnll be payable.with interes�upon notice from Lender to Bomnwer mquesung �y
<br /> paymen� ';.
<br /> & Mortgage Insurance. If Lender cequired mortgage insurnnce us a condi6on of making the loan secu�ed by this ;,�:
<br /> Security Instmmen� Borrower shall pay the premiums requjred w maintain the mortgage insw�ance in effecG It;for any . '
<br /> mason, the mortgage insurance wverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bornower shall pay the 'i :�
<br /> ptemiums required to obtain coverage substentially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. ut a cost '�
<br /> �,�;.:
<br /> substantiull uiv�ient to the cost ta Borrower of the mort a e inswance vi�usl m effect,from an ultemate mort u e ?•�.+
<br /> insurer app ov�ed by Lender. If substltntirrillly equlvalent mortgage inswnace c�verage is not avaiiuble,Borrower shall pay o •':'H
<br /> Lender each month a sum equnl to one•twelRh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bomower when the ;���
<br /> .�,�_
<br /> insurance covers�ge lapsed or ce�sed to be in effecG I.ender wfll uccep�use and retain these payments as a loss c�eserve tn lieu
<br /> of mortgage insurance. Loas reserve aayments may no longer be required.at the option of Lender.if moctgage insurance
<br /> covera�e(in the�tnount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes
<br /> available and is obteined.Borrower shaU pay the pmmiums required to muintain mort�Age{nswance in effect,or to provide a �
<br /> � loss reserve,until the requirement for mongage insurance ends in accordance with any written a�eeneent between Borrower
<br /> ., and Lender or npplicable law.
<br /> i 9. Inspectfon. Lender or its agent may mnke reasunable enMes upon and inspections of the Property. Lender sNull
<br /> �ive Bom�wer nodce at the tirae of or prior to en inspection specifying reasonable cause fnr the inspecdon.
<br /> , 10 Condemnsttlon. 19te proceeds of any award or claim for dumage3,d'uect or consequential.[n connecdon with any
<br /> Single Famity—Fnnnk Mae/tYeddk Mnc UNIFURM INS7'RUMENT»Unifoicn Covenants 9l90 (page 3 ojb paResl �
<br /> cieei tates BueNOS�vame.Iua■
<br /> to pdQ CoW t�8D063D879C1�PAIt 81&7B1d 131
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