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<br /> TOCiG�THER WITH all tho improvcmenta rta�v on c�reuftcr crccted on the prapsrty.n.�d all enscmcnt5.appurtenanccs,
<br /> and lixturs aow or hereafter n part of the property. A11 reptucements und Addltions shail nlsv be covered by this Security
<br /> Insttun�en� All of the Pacegaing is rcfencd to in ahf$Securiry IRSUUment ps thc"Praperty."
<br /> BORitOWER COVENANfS�hut Borrower is luwfully fieised of the esmte hereby conveyed and has thc right to gcanc
<br /> upd convesy the Picooperty end thpt the Property is unencumbered.except for encumbmnces of record Hormwer wamanta�nd
<br /> wlll defend gcnerplly the title to the Property aguinst uU claims and demands.subject to eny eacumbrances of rerord.
<br /> T}iIS SECURIT1i 1NSTRUMEN'f combines unitoaa covenaats for natianal usc and aon-unIfotm coveaants with " ��•
<br /> timited vuriadons by judsdiction to consdt�te a udform secwity instrument covering real property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS. 8orcower nnd Lendet covenant and agcee as foQows: ,,• ,�
<br /> 1. P�Yment oi Principnl snd[ate�+esu Prepaymeat and Late Charges. Borrower shnll promptly pay when due tde
<br /> princlpJ of and interest on the debi evidenced by the Note and aay pmpayment nnd late churges due under the Note. t�
<br /> 2� ���ar 71�ss wad Ins�nrance. Subject to upplicable law ar to a wdtten waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to '���`�'
<br /> Lendcr on the d:iy montWy paymtnGc are due under the Note.untU the Note Is p�id in fuU,a sum("Funds")far.(a)yearly `•�-��
<br /> wxes and assesslnents which awy+�ttejn priority over this Securtty Instrument os a lten on the Property:(b)yearly leusehold ;.��•:��
<br /> n +i �
<br /> puyments or ground rents on ihe Properq+. if any: (�) Ye�riy hazard or pmperty insurance preuuums: (d) Yearly flood �-.�•_.
<br /> insurance premiums. if aay:(e)yeacly mortgage insurance piemiums. if aay; and (�any sums payable by Borrower m '�.._
<br /> I.ender,in uccordance wl@►the pmvisions of psuagraph 8.in lieu of the paymont of mortgage tnsurauce premiums• 7'hese
<br /> icems are culled"Fscrow Items." Lender may.at any tLue.collect aad hold Autds in an amount not to exceed the maaimum �
<br /> umount a lender for a federaUy t�elated mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow uccount uader the federal Reai
<br /> Estate Settlement Pracedures Act oF 1474 sis amended from dme to time. 12 U.S.C.§ 2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> �aW tttac applies to the I§�nds seu a les�er anwunt If so.l.ender may.�t:uty dme.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to .
<br /> exceed the tesser aznoun� Lender may estfmate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cument duta und reasonable
<br /> esdmates of eapenditures of future�scmw Items or otherwise in accordance wIth applicable law. -
<br /> °"+'" '!he�ds shall be held in an insticutioa whose depostts are insured by a federal agency. insuvmentality. or eatity
<br /> (includin�Le.nder,if I.ender is such aa Institudon)or ia any Federal Home I.oan Bank. Lender shall apply the Fhnds to pay •
<br /> ,��• the Escrow Items. l.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds. annually analyzin�the escraw
<br /> accoun� or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the f�nds and applicable Inw permit,
<br /> Lender to mnke such a charge. However. Lender may requim Boirower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> , estate tax repoctiag service used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unless applicable law pmvides otherwise. Unless an •
<br /> `��`'•'� agrecmeat Is mude or appllrable law reyuire�interest to be paid.L.ender shaU aot be requimd w pay Borrower any interest or •
<br /> 1�;', ' eamiags on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wridag.however.that interest shaq bc paid on the Funds. T.cnder
<br /> it!' "�
<br /> 3,;��;,:r.._b,,,� shall give to Horrower,wIthout chnrge,an annusd accounting of the Funds.showing credits aad debtis w the Funds and the
<br /> �,��mue for wtdch each debit to die C�vnds was made. The Funds aze pledged as addiponal security for all sums securc:d by
<br /> � „a ti, •, this Securiry Inswment.
<br /> e
<br /> �rJ,•�,.�,i �• If the Funds held by Lender excced the amouats pernutted to be held by applicable law. Lender shoiU accaunt to
<br /> ��`�•�'•~t,`I����+`" Bomower for the eacess FLnds in accordance with the requirements of applica6le law. If the aruount of the Funds held by
<br /> ,�� w,�,,��+�'- Len�ler at aay time is not sufficleat to pay the Escmw Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writin�,and in
<br /> t °Y�'"►',•" � such c�se Borrower shall pay to Lender the auiount necessary to malce up the deficiency. Borrow�r shaU make up the
<br /> „�;��''•',<'''•''^' -
<br /> ' ':sr.:�Y,:...,... _�. deRcieacy In no more thaa twelve monthly puyments.at Lender's sole discredon.
<br /> �`•.-;;;�'�'�.:. Upon payment in fu1D of all sums secum.d by this Security Insmunent,I.ender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any ,
<br /> ` E�ads held by L.ender. [f,undcr paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Properry.Lender.prior to the acquisition or ,�,..
<br /> .�'^!"�'!?=°!!;";.';: sale of the Property.sha11 aPP1Y az►Y F�ixu►ds held by I.ender at the dme of acquisition ar sale as a credit against the sums ,•
<br /> ' .,'�• . Secu,red by this Securiry inswment
<br /> a � ":_',,,; �.' 3. Applkatton uf Papmeats. Unless applicxble law p�vides atherwise, aU payments received by Lender under
<br /> ?' `;;�,r;,�-'� patagxaphs 1 arid 2 sdall be applied:t'irs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note;secbnd.to amounts payable under
<br /> s�:s'.._ parag�aph 2;third.to iaterest due:fouit6.co principal due:and IasG to any late charges due under the Note. '•
<br /> �'� y, ��; Lims. Bomower shali pay all tuxes. assessments,charges, fines and impasidons aaributable to the ( �
<br /> ��"'�" pmperty which may attain priority over this Security Inshwnen�attd leasehold payments or ground renu.if any. Borrower !' ! �
<br /> t��:"`+�:..� shap pay these obligations in the mnaner provided in paragaph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on �
<br /> S€'���?;'. time direrdy ro tbe person owed paymen� Borrower shall pmmptly furnish to Lender all nodces of nmuunts to be paid under
<br /> �..•�x:';,'�.�'" ehis par�raph. If Borrower makes these paymenis directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish ro Lender receipts evidencing I
<br /> f.;•F.��� : - � the payments. �
<br /> ''�•'_. "� `"` Botrower shall prompdy discharge any Gen which has priority over this Security Inswment unless Bornower.(a)agrees
<br /> ° � �`�� in writing to ttte payment of the obligadon secumd by the tien in a manner acceptnble to L.ender.(b)contests in good fa�th the
<br /> ,.�,. ..,,�
<br /> °� :•„�;:^� lien by.or defends against enfo�ement of the lien in.legal proceediags which in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> '��''�> ' enforcentent of the lien;or(c)secuies from the holder of the liea an aareement satisfactory to Lender subordinatln�the lien
<br /> q,'� ' : ' io tbis Secur[ty Iasuumen� If Lender determines that any part of the PropeRy is subject to a Ilen which may attain priority
<br /> . over this Security ir►suumen�Lender may give Borrower a nouce identifying the lien. Botrower shall sadsfy the lien or take
<br /> ��.�•.:'•,... . -
<br /> .x,• -•• : one or more of tbe acttons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nodce.
<br /> �'°•`�.��-��'�� S. Hapard or Property�nsuranc� Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> .. �:.
<br /> �....... ... . �.
<br /> .�,w , � P[operty inswe�against loss by fire.ha�ards inctuded within the tetm"extended coverage"und siny other huzaads.includwg
<br /> .��••� ��°• ��1� floods or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> .�; iY�im 3028 9190 (pc�qe 2 af 6 pagal ,
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