.. :lr .�:�+�;��L. . . . �. i �.
<br /> • k. � �n..
<br /> `. • .
<br /> r � .
<br /> . ... t�� 94�-1�347 .
<br /> 9. CondMnnsNoa.The preceed�ot any award ar claim t�r demAges,duect or con�oquontt�l,in connRCtlon wilh Nny
<br /> aandemnnt�nn pr�thtlr taking oithe Propeny,or Rart theraol,or far cnnveyance 1n 1�eu u1 cond�mmllon,Kra�heraby ee�lp��l
<br /> end thall be pals!tu l.ende�.
<br /> in tltia evsnl 01 a tout tak�ng of tna Proper2y,thg procead9 ahall ba nppGc�d to tBS euma e�cur�d f�y thls f1�ci ol Trup,w!M
<br /> the exc�a�,�t any.Pald to&xrower.In the event ol a p�Ai�l t�kin�af M�Prop�Ay.unl�s�yorrow�►and L�nrMr p�rw1M
<br /> a��wfnwrinny,Na�e�h�llq��ppti�dtolhosum�wcuredEyfhlaD�sdolTrtnitwchprq�OrNOP�M1heprocNd�Mb�qWNfc1
<br /> th�tproportianwhichthsamountofthssum���curedbythi�llMdotYrustlmm*dlatNyprfortatMqallol/tkl b�blhs
<br /> fafr nulrkN valus of th�pro�ry Immt�laMly prlo►to fhe da1�ot tukirq,wiM Mf�b�l�nc�01 tlf�pfOCMd�p�ir�SOfrowM.
<br /> ef th�PropKty�a abrndAned by Berrowe�,or if,eftsr nqhCa by Landu to Borrowar th�t tM condMnnor of hr�b m�k��n
<br /> a�ratd or s�ttte a dalm tor dam:�ca,Banar�cr init�4o rCapond t�Lcfld�r+�ithln 30 dsya ctt.^.r ttto dsfo tucl�R�..co ts rrtit!ad.
<br /> Lend���s euMorizsd b coliact a�d�pply Mte proCeW�.at IAnder's optbn.Nth�er b►NtntnMOn or r�p�k Ot IIM Pto�ly o►tA
<br /> th�wms sacured by Mii Osed of Trust
<br /> Unieas Lenderqnd 8o�rower otherwlaeagtee m wr�ting,any such appldcatlonot proclKdito princlptl shatl not�xtMd o�
<br /> postpone the due date of ths rt�onthty i�atatlments raterred to in paraprsphs t and 2 h�nof or chanQ�ttw amount of wcb
<br /> �nat�limenb.
<br /> 10. �o�►ow�sNotR��sad.Extenstonotthetimelor paymontormodif1ca11onof�monixationottMwmfNeurrdbythis
<br /> Deed o4 Trust yranted 0y lender ta eny auCaessur i�Interest ot Borrawer ahall not oprran to rNNN in�ny rtu�en�r,!Au
<br /> liabiiftyofeheortfllnat8oaowera»dBonowm'ssuccessarataterest.�er,derahalinotbe�eputrsdrocor�manaaproe�i�nps
<br /> egalnst aueh�uccesao�or tetuae to bxtend dms tor payment o�r otharwiae modity amortluMoo of th�wn1�s�ouad b�l thts
<br /> Oeed of T�ust by roaaon of any demand made py the o►iqlnat Borrower artd 8orrower's aucc�ssors in In1KMR
<br /> 11. �o�b�anne�br L�ndw Nof a WaMr.A�y torbear�nce by Lender in exeraiatnp any rfpht or ram�dy h�nundN.or
<br /> othe�wiae qtforded by eppllcable tew,nhnll not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any euch rtpht or rnn�dy.TM
<br /> procu�ement ot f aswrartce ot the paymeM ottaxes or other Ilens or charges by Lender ahall rtot bs a waiwr et und�ra naht to
<br /> acceterate dte matu►Ity ot Me indehtedrtesa secured by thia DeeQ of Ttust
<br /> 1�. R�dAs Cwnulatlr�All remedles proviaed in thla Oeed of Trust ara dfsrinct and cumutativs to any othN� ht o�
<br /> remedy underthisDeedof Trustoraiforded by law orequiy,and maybeexerdaadconcuRently,intlspsnde�ttlyaa
<br /> 13. SueewoMandAarp�sRamd:JoM�ndB�v��iLNbiM�:CapYorM.Thecovananband��rNn�entsherMneorMsined
<br /> shatlbind,andtherigbtsRereundershall(nureto.therespecdveauccessoraandassignaoflen ed rand8qrrower,aubjaatto
<br /> th�pravlsiansofparagraphl7hereof.Ailcovenentsandagreerrtenlsot8or�owerahallbe�ointandseveral.Thecaptionsand ,. .0
<br /> ,• :'...;..�,„ headings of tha paragrapha of this Oeed ot Trost are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or detine the
<br /> proviafons hereof.
<br /> 11. No11c�.ExcQpttoranynoticerequiredurtderapp�icabielawtobeqiveninanoMermanner.(e)enynoticetoBoROwer "•:-,
<br /> �i�-�������.��° provldedlorinthisQasdotTrustshalibogivenbymaftlng suchnoticobyco�ifiedmafladdressedlo�orrotiYe►atlhePrapeny �
<br /> Address or at auch other address as Borrower may designete by notice to Lender as provided herein,and(b�any noUCn to �'`�'�:
<br /> �••��� le�dershellbegivenby ceRiflemana�l.retumreceipt�equested.toLender'saddresssmtedheretrtortosuehotharaddraasas
<br /> ' i�• : LendermaydesignatobynoUCetoBorrowerasprovidedherein.AnynoticeprovtdedtorfnthisDeedotTrustshetibedeomed •.
<br /> `"=�� r`. ��' �• ' to have been given to 8onowet or Lender when given in the menner designated hwrein. •
<br /> �.���'�%'`=� •14.1 "Requesl tor tVoUce.Y�ustor and bene8clery request that a copy of any notlee af defeult and notice of eate msde or "
<br /> j "�c��-��w� °�� `•: executed by the Trustee pursuant to the provisions hereot be sent to the Trustorand 8eneficlary at their respective mailing
<br /> .,s;i�,y. `G'': addresses set toAb above."
<br /> � `� '�,.'},ti: '.5. !!�!?��af Trs�Liavcrssis$L�r;ocvsrai�fity.The torn ot�aatf ai irusi torr+bi�ss uniia�+i covenant�to� �
<br /> v ••�,fi.,-�_;,,,.. _., nationat use and non-unitorm covenants with iimited vanatio�s by jurisdiction to constltute a uniform securl instrument ,�;:"
<br /> .•:
<br /> ,u , aeveiing rea1 property.Thia Oea9 of T�ust shpll be gove�ned by the law of tha►urisdicdon!n which Me property s tocated.tn
<br /> ��+���`��••��•' � the event that any proviaion or Clause of this Oaed of Truat or the Note conHlcts with appticabte lew,such coniltct ShBit not
<br /> �•(^�!s:,�y`'r"";,�:'°'.. aBectotherprovisionsofthiaQe4dofTrusta�tAeNotewhichcanbegivenettectwithouttheconfticdngprovisiona,andtothis
<br /> '}•�� ,;�.��;-�•• -,�•�' ertd the pravlsions of the Deed pt Trust and the Note are declared to be severebie.
<br /> ,;��'.-.. . ,
<br /> �i��r..•�.'..-�-.t�:�'.��.�,. >;�, • 1�. Borrow�r's Copy.Bor►vwer shali be turnished a conformed copy ct the Note and of this Qeed of T►u�t at the dme ot
<br /> !r.• �.N�.,.. ,r .
<br /> ;.,��^�',;�'c.`•;.'.:�,. � execudonoraRer�ecordeUonhereof. •.,, - ; � . .. .
<br /> �F���,��;���}.�� 11. Tanda M M�Properlyi Assumpllon.!f all or any pah Oi'Iheprop�rt�or t�n int�rest therein is sold or transterred by _
<br /> �,�,. . 8orrowerwithoutlender'spriorwrlttenconsQnt,Rx�l�rdin��e)the�dbs�btdlienprencurr�hrance;.ubardinai4toihlsQs2d --
<br /> „ � otTnist(b)theareadonofapurchesemoneysecunrylnterestfoRi�OUd'e1tdlQa}�pHBAr,es,(c►atranster0y devisedeseontorby
<br /> f�+!�' operedon of Iaw upon thedeath of a joint tenant or(d►thagrant otenyte�sehold interestot Mree years orleas eotconffiining an
<br /> ��^��� _�''�•�• optlontopurchase.Lendermay,atLender'soptlon,declarealfthesumssecuredbythis0eedotTrusttobeimmediatelydue
<br /> "�`��.'r,`�;"`.: .��. a�d payable.Lender shalt have waived such option to acaelerate it,pnor to the sele or transfer.Lender and the per6on to
<br /> # ='�:�..+;; whom tha Properry!a to be sold or transfe�red reach egreement�n writing that the credit ot such persa�is sa6stactOry to
<br /> -r t.t LenderartdthatthelnterestpayableonthasumasecuredbythtsDeedofTrustshallbeatsuchrateasLendersha�ireQuesGlf
<br /> "��" LenderhaswaivedtheopUon toaccelerete prov�ded in this paragraph 17.and if 8orrower'ssuccessor inlnterost hasexecuted
<br /> �' • '����'�-' aw�ittenassumptlonagreementacceptedinwntiogbyLender.Lendershallrelease8orrowerhomellobtlgatlonsunderthia
<br /> r�ti•".�'''"��"`''" D8@d o}Ttust end th8(Jote.
<br /> :•�':
<br /> =� It Lender e�cercfsea auch option to accelerate,Lender shati ma�l Bor�ower notfce ot acceleratfon in accordance with
<br /> +r�a� > ;s parpgraphl4herabf.Suchnoticeshallprovidespenodotnotlessthan30deyatramthedateMenotfceismafledwiMinwhfch
<br /> �"'���'�`"�'�..�,.' BOrrowet may p8y the sums declered dua•It 9orrower}ads to pay such sums prior to the expiratlon o!such period.Lender
<br /> w:_'�4?:' mey,without tuRher notice or demend on Bonowsr,mvoke aay remedies permdted by peregraph 18 hereo}.
<br /> . NON-UNt�ORWA COVENANTS.Borrower and Lende�fudhur eovamnt and ayree as foliow�:
<br /> ~_.a•. �� 1a. Aactl�ra4iote;R�mMtes.Except as provided in paragreph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or
<br /> agreementof Botrowet in this Deed o}T�us�including the covenants to pay when dueany sums secured by thfs Deed ot Trust,
<br /> Lenderprfortoaccetetationsha�imailnoticetoBorrowerasprovidedinparagrephl4hereotspeci1ying:(1)MebreaCh;(2)Me
<br /> .. " �ctionrequiredtocuresuchbreach;(3)adate.natlessthan30da�/s fromthedatethenotfceismeliedto9orrower.bywhich
<br /> �,,,_��,�,,;:� - 8uofi breach mustbe cured;and(4)that fnilureto cu►e such breaeh on or before the date specitfed fn Me not�ce may result in
<br /> 1. -.,._ •accete►atto►rotthesumssecuredbyth�sDeedo}TrustendsaloottheProperly.TMenoticesha�lfurtherinforin8onowerofthe
<br /> .,;. ..,: right to refnstate ettor acceleratlon and the dght to b�ing a court ection to assen the non-existence o}a delauit or any other
<br /> �'„� '� defertseofBorrowertoacceloretionartdsale.lfthebreachisnotcuredonorbeforethedatespecifiedinthenotlee.Lenderat
<br /> � � Lender's option may declare all of the sums aecured by this Qeed of Yrust to bo immedlately due and peyabte witttout further
<br /> •; .••; ,,. demend and may invoke the power of saie and any other remedies permltted by applicable lew.Lender shall be�tlded to
<br /> •,• �:= � � i coliectalireasonablecostsand.expenses�ncurredfnpursuingtheremediesproadedintheparegrephi8,including,butnot
<br /> "^-�; '. , �� ►� = limited to.►easonabte attornoy's fees.
<br /> ':: • 11 the power ot safe I$InvGked,Trustee shell record a not�ce of detault�n each couny in which the Property or some part
<br /> ..^��, " '��x�' �= thereofisloeatedandshBtlmailcopiesofsuchnoticeinthemannQrprescrfEedbyapphcabtelawtoBorrove�randtotheother
<br /> ' '',�'•,
<br /> �;,�.n•.,�=:'���=. peraons prescribed by app�icabie lew.After the lapse o}such time as may be raqWred by appllcebte 18w.Trustee shall give
<br /> :��:�ra••�:?:•. � public notice of se�e to the persons and in the me�ner presCribed by applicabte law.Trustee,vvithoatdemand on Borcower.
<br /> ' `'`''� '�" shallsetlthePropertyetpublfcaucttontothehlghestbidderatthetimeandpiaceandunderlfietermsde�fpnatedinthenotice
<br /> "�� ot sale in one or more parcels and in such order as Trustee may determine.Tn,istee may postpone sale of ali or any parce!of
<br /> '� ' ' 1 tt�e Properry by pubtta announcament at the time and piece of any previously scheduled sale.Lertder or Lender's desfgnee �
<br /> ���� ������ /1a � may purchase the Pro�at any sale.
<br /> :e� � Un0lIIBE91�1AtnAWItOfltA}thOnrfrntiiA Tn�nfmnAn�l�d'wn.�w�An.......w�.�.T....�.�•����Y..�..�_.�._�
<br /> *.w....w�...v�..vovw�w�.�o� u�vrryMOt�joviv. -
<br /> ��� ;: Therecitalsin�he'I�rustee'sdeedshallbepnmafacfeendsnceofthetruthofthosfatementsmadeMerefn.�frusteeshailoppty
<br /> � • . theproceedsofthesaieinthotoi�9wingorder(a)toaliteasonc�blecostsandexpe�esofMee8le.inctuding.butnotiimitedto.
<br /> , , Trustee'sfeesotnotnsorethan Sbofthegrosssaleprice,reasonabt�a4tomey'efeesartdcosboftltleevfdence:
<br /> '�- (b)to all sums securESd by this Oeed ot Tn,sk and(c)the excess,it any,to Me person or perso�a tegally entitted thereta.
<br /> '`�'�•�� 19. BoRO�re►'s Ripht to Qt�t�.Notwithstanding Lender's acceteration ot the suma secured by thta Oeed of T�us�
<br /> :'� � ' BorrowershallhaveMehghttohaveany proceedingsbegunbyLendertoentorcetheCondofYn�stdfaconttnuedetanytlme
<br /> +,��'`. � priortotheeartiertooc6urof(i)thefifthdeybetoretheealeottheP�operiypurouanttothepowerofaalecontatnedintheDeed
<br /> _ , ot Trust�ii)entry of a judgment entorc�ng this Deed ot Trust�t(a)Borrower paya Lertder all Bums which wou�d be Men due
<br /> , ;;, under th s Deed oi Trust the Note end notos secunng Future Advance�,�i any,nad no acceteration occured:(b)Horrower
<br /> � curas elt bteeChBS of any olher covenants or agreements of Bonower contafned in this Oeet!ot Tntst(c)Bonower paya aU
<br /> . . reasonabteoxpensesincumed by Lenderand Tn�steeenforcfng thecov�nantsand aqreementeof 8ortawercontalned in this
<br /> �'` � DeedofTrustandinenforcfngLender'sandTrustee'aremcdteaasprovidedlnparag%phl8hereof,includfng,butnotttmitad
<br /> .':a.-i,'�.:�G. .;.
<br /> to.�easonabteettorney'afeea:erttl(d)Borrowertakessuch aetlon as Lender may roasonabtyrequtro toetssutetAatthalieRO!
<br /> .�., k,�,t }�.;. thie Deed of Truat,LendePs interest te the PropeMy and Borrower's nbligatlon to pay the suma secured by this Daed of Trust
<br /> . .;�-�;K-•+i shaticonrinueunfmpafred.Uponsuchpgymentendcureby8orrower.this0eedofTrustandtheobligatior+ssecutedhereDy " �
<br /> • �" shall�emafn fn tull torce and ettcfict as if�o aceeferanon had occurced.
<br /> ,� ..
<br /> . ,:�
<br />