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<br /> ' UNIFORM COdENANTS.Borrcwet and Lendor covannnt and uflrae na loitows� . '
<br /> 1,paryMSnt ot principal snd intit��Bor�ower shelt proenptty pay�vhen due tho prinatpai ot and fntereet on tho �• , d;.
<br /> '��' ' �� ' ' ind tednesaevidenr.edbytheNote,props mentandlatechergesasp�ovidedintnmNoro.artdtheprtnctpalotand�ntereston , . , .•r;.•
<br /> ;.,. , "' any�uture Advances sscured by the�04 Trusi
<br /> � 2.FumMfaTunsandt�enQ�.Bubiecttoappticab�el�wortoawrittanwa�varbyLe�dar,8orrow�rdhsllpayroL�nder �.,�;,-
<br /> " onihedaymonlhtyinsUllmentsotprinai�a�e�dtnterestarepayablsunde�theNots,undlthsNotelapsVintull,�sum(M►sin '` 3�•u�
<br /> �, "fundt")e4ua1 to one•ewoliu`►o!!he Yearly tox�Cnd aaa��nrnb cyhieh rs+np tsKein pnoriry ovar thta Ossd ot Truet and ,
<br /> `� •'� ground�entsonMsProp�rty.ifeny,ptuspne•lwetftbof ysaAypnmlum�nstalimentstorhuardlnsuranao,pluaone-twMfthot „ •• ;.�
<br /> yearty pr�mium insUlimsnts for moR�q•ineuranee.It any,ell a r�asonably esttmated iniUally end!rom tlms to tims by
<br /> � Lende►�n the bltLia of asttasmen�s and bilis and raasonable estlmetea Mmeol. � . . �
<br /> The Fundsehall be he7d in an rnadtudon thedsposftsoreecounboi whfch areinsuredorqwrante�ad,by e Fode►al orstete
<br /> ' ugenoy(�ncludtnp londer il Ler.Cor is auch an inaututton).landa ehsfl apply the tun�a topay seid taxes.astpamente ,
<br /> �� inaun�neepromtumaandgroundrsnb.lendermaynotchargetorsohatdinp andspptytngmeFund�.�nalyzinpsatdaceoun� ,
<br /> orvedtyiependcampflfngealdasaessmentsandC�tt�.untesaLenderpays Borrowe�intere�tonthaFundsandappticabletaw • • • .
<br /> � � permltsl.ondertomekeaucAaaherge.8orrowe�eadLendermaya�roei�w�IdngatthetlmeotexecuUonofthfaDeedofTrust
<br /> thet tnteroat on the Funda ehell be pafd to Borcswcer.and u�tes�auch egreemont ia made or a�p1icatbe 1aw raquiros auch .
<br /> � interast to be paid,Lender ehait�ot be raquired to pay Borcc�ar�eny int�reat or earninps on Me�Funda.Le�der ahall give to
<br /> Borrowe�,withoutchnr e,an ennuat eecounting otthe Fuc-�ss�hflw�ng erodits and do611s to the Funda ertd Me purpoae tor
<br /> � whicheach debittothe�urtdawas made.The Funds are��fl asadditlonal aeaurityf�rthe suma aecured by thin Qe9d ot
<br /> T�If�he etr.ount ot thefunds hetd by Lende►,together with the future monthly inataliments at Funds payeble prlor to the due
<br /> �.
<br /> � detes ot taxes,asseasmen4�.insurance premiuma and ground�ents,ehatl exeeed tho amount required to pay said taxea.
<br /> � � . asseasmenta,inaurence premfums and ground►ents as they fali due,auch excess ahall be,at Rorrower's opdon,either , .,
<br /> promptly repatd to Borrower or credited fo Borrawor on monihty inataliments of Funds.lt the amount of the Funda held bY
<br /> `� Lertdershelinotbesut�ctenttapaytaues.esseasmenta.insurancapremfumasndgroa�dr��bestheyfalldue.8or►owerahall ! o.."
<br /> , Da to Lender an�r amount eecesasry to make up the deficfency wlthin 30 days from ths date�otice is maited by Londer to `
<br /> � ° ° Bonower roquesUng payment thereof. �
<br /> " Upon payme�tln wll otall sumasecured bythls Oeed otTrusR Lender shall prornpqyrefundto Borrower�ny Funda held by .
<br /> Lertder.iturtder paragraph 18 hereof the PropeM issotd orthe ProperHlsotherw�se�Wuired by Lender,lender shallappty
<br /> .: � nolate►thanimn�adtetelypriortotheseteotMeProperryoritaeCQuisitfonbyl.ender,andFundshetdbyLe�deratthetlmeo�
<br /> ' appticatton aa a credit agai�st tha sums sscured by thfa Oeed of Trust
<br /> 3,AppWeat�otl p�pa�b.Unlesa appiicabte iaw providas olherwise,all payments received by Lender under the Note �
<br /> and par8graphs 1 and 2�hereot shall be applted by Lender Hrst�n payment of amounts payable to Lender by 9orrower under � �
<br /> parapraph2hereof,thentointerestpayableontheNote,thentotheprincipatottheNote,endthentointerestendpdncipaloo �
<br /> any Future Advancea ' . 54
<br /> • �,Ch��Mi L,Nne.Botrowerashallp8y alltexes,assessmentsandothetcher es,finesa�dimposirionsattribuffibtetothe I ,,ww�
<br /> Proporty wh�an maY ettafn a priorf over ihis Qeed of Trost and leasehold paymen4s or ground renfa,d eny,in the manner �.' '
<br /> ' p�y�„$uR��p�g�p 2 he*��°r,if not�+ald in such manner,by BoROwer makinp paymQnt,when due,direcUy to the
<br />�_`; paYee thereof.Honowet eh811 prompUy fum�a�.•o lender eli notices of amounts dua under this parsgt�Rh.and in the event � ' �
<br /> �orrower shaii maka Pay���t Glr�ny,8orrarrsr sl:elf�rem��Y fumt'3h t�Lender receipta evWeneing such ptiymente. ______
<br /> � 8onower ahatl promptty diacharge any i�en which has pdodty over this Oeed ot TrusL provided,thet 8o►rower shatt not be
<br /> requlredtodlsohargeany auchliensolongasBor►owershallagreei�writingtothepaymentoftheobligatlonsecuredbyauch �„ � ,
<br /> � Ilen in e manoe�acceptabie ta Lender,or shat►in good faith conteat sueh Ile�by,or detend entorcement of such Ifen in,legal r .•+•, . . ;
<br /> proceed{nga which operate to prevent Lhe entorc.ement of the lien or torfeiture of tfie Properly or any paR thereot.
<br /> 6, fluatd(nwrane�.8orrowe�shait keep the Improvements now exisdng or hereafter erected on the Properry insured � � l `
<br /> againat loss by tire,hesgrda included wiMin the tenn"extended cover�ge",and such other hezards as Lende�may require ' •�;�
<br /> and In such 8mount8 and tor auch peHods as Lender may require;provided.that lender shaU�otre qf isL that the amount ot •''�
<br /> �' such coverage exceed that amount of coverege requlred to pay the sums secured by this Oeed ot T . ••
<br /> � ThisinsuranceaarrierprovidingtheinsuranceshallbechosenbyBonowersubieottoapDrovalb Lender,provided,that ��,��.�
<br /> • .. undet pe gr�a�Ph 2 hereot or,it not pabd i�such men�ner,by Borrower making payment vhen d e directly to the insurane�e I .• '
<br /> • CBffler. ` . , � '
<br /> Ali insurance policig3 and reneweis thoreof shatl be in form acceptable to Lertder and shalt include a standard moKgage I , ��
<br /> ��������� ' clsuseinfavorofandlntormacceptabietoLender.Lendershetihavetherighttoholdthe policiesandrenewalsthereof.and . ,
<br /> <<+�t;;`_;;i}` BorrowerahallprompqytumishtoLenderallrenewatnoticesandalireceiptsofpaidpremlums.intheeventottoss.Borrower , . .
<br /> shallgivepromptnoticetotheinsurencecar�ferandLender.LendermeymakeproofottoasifnotmadeprompdybyBoROwer. , �.� .
<br /> �. .,�%..:°; Unleas Lenderand 8orrower otherwiseagree in w�idng,insurance proceedsshaf!be applfed to restoretion or�epalr of the
<br /> • Properly damaged,provided such resto►ation or repair Is economicaliy feasible and the securlty ot this Deed of Trust is not i �
<br /> .;�,:.;,,; thereby Impaired.lt euch restoraHon or repair is not economicatly teaeibte or ft the security of fhis Oeed of Trust wou�d be � .,, ;'
<br /> �� �mpai�ed,the insuranee proceeds shell be applied to the sums secured by this Oeed ot Trost,wtth the excess,if any,peid to ,...+, �
<br /> Borcower.lf the Property is abandoned by Bonower,or If 8orrower feils to respond to Lender within 30 days from the date I �i',...,?
<br /> ::�:'� � notice fs matled by lender to Bonower that the insurance car�ler aHers to settle a claim tor insurance beneflta Lender ts , .
<br /> .;.,�'.'S� authoNzed to co8qct and apply the inaurence proceeds et Lender's option efther to restoration or repair of the Properly or to �
<br /> '°;�>�;." the auma secured by this Deed of Trust •�
<br /> � �' Unlesa Lenderand Borcowerotherwisa agree in w�fting,any auch applicatlon of proceeds to prmcipal shail notextend or ;
<br /> • po stpone the due date of the monthly instaliments referred to in paragraphs t end 2 hereot or change the amount of such •;.r,_
<br /> tnsfaitmente.It under psragraPh 18 hereof the Property is acquired by Lender,atl�fghttltle and intereat of Borrower in and to I
<br /> anylnsurancepollciesandtnendtotheproceedsthereotresultlngtromdamagetothAPropertyprlortotheseleoracquisition
<br /> shail pass to Lender to Me extent of the sums secured by thfs Deed of Trust immediately prior to such sele or ecqwsitlon. t
<br /> � g, pns��vatlon and Main4enanee of Prop�rly;l.eaa�holda;Condominiuna;PUnned UnR O�rebpm�nts.Bonower shatl
<br /> • � keep the Property in pood repafr and ahali not commit waste or permft impsirment of detenoretion o tt he Property and shall ;•`���
<br /> , •'"+ complywitl�theprovisionsotanyteaseiflhtsDeedofT�ustisonaleasehotd.Itthis0eedofTrustisonaunitlnacondominfum �
<br /> z , �,;:�, or a p(ann e d vn i t de v e t o p m e n t,B o r ro w a r s h a t l p e r f o r m a t l o t B o r ro w e r's o b l i g a ll o n a u n d e r th e deciarerion or covenants I ��•�
<br /> creadng a�govem�n9 the condomfnfum or pianned unit devetopanent,Me by-Iaws and regulaUons ot the condominium or �
<br /> � � p�enned unit devetopment and consUtuent documenta.it a condominium or plenned unit devetopment rfder is excuted by
<br /> B�rrower and recorded together with this Oeed of T�ust,the covenants ertd agree�menfs ot such Nder shall be fncorporated ;
<br /> �' � intoand ahe�l amend and supplement th�covenants end egreements ot thfs Deed of T�ustas if Me rider were a part hereof.
<br /> " y. prpt�oHp�ot LRndK's S�curity.�f Borcower falis to pertorm tha aovenants and agreemenb contained in this Oeed of I
<br /> o�o
<br /> ' ' T�ua�or tt any aetlon or proceeding is commenced with matorieliy aiteots Lender's interestln the Property,IncludMg but not
<br /> � Iimitedto.eminentdomain,insol�ency,codeenforcemen�or arrangements orproceedings involvfng e bankruptor deceden�
<br /> Men Lender at Lender's opUon,upon not►ce to Bnrrower,may make suah appearances,disburse such sums end take such ; .
<br /> acUon fls is necessarytoprafect Lender'sinterest.includfng,butnot timitedto,disbursementot reasonab�e attomey'steesand
<br /> enkl►uponthePropeHytoenakerepairs.itLenderrequi�edmoRgageinsuranceasaconditionotmakfngthetoanseauredby �
<br /> the Reed of Trust,Bonower shall pay tt�e premiums required to mamtain such Inaurence fn ettect until auch time es the
<br /> ;.l;� requi�ementtcrsuchinsurancetertnina22ESS�naccordantewith8orrower'sandlender'swtdtenegreementorappItcalbelaw.
<br /> a
<br /> gprcpv,rer�at9 pay the amount of all m�Rgage insurance permfums in the manner proWded under p8regreph 2 hereot.
<br /> .�.e.....,,�e� ajaw��.md ev Len��r nursuant to this parag►�ph 7, wlth interest thereon, sheli beeome addirional
<br /> , ....._�.- -•--- ---
<br /> indebtednessot8otrowersecuredbythisOeedotTruatUniesseonowerana�enderagreeiooineriermsorpa��o��a�%�� - �
<br /> �, amounta shali be payable u{son notica from Lender to 8orrower roquesttng paYment hereot,and ehatl bear interest trom the
<br /> dateotdlsbursemeatettheretepayablehomtfinetotimeonoutstandmgp�fncipalundertheNoteuntesspa mentofinterest
<br /> � ' pertnissibleu der�aRPlicabie aw Nothfngceon�inedinthis�pareg eph7shalirequrelendebtoincuranyexpe seortakeeny
<br /> � acUOn hereunder.
<br /> 9, in=p�cUon.Lertde�may make or cause to be mado reasonab�e entnes upon and lnspections of the Pro e�ty provcded
<br /> thatLendershallgive8orrowernot�cepnortoanysuchfnspectionspeatyingreasonableceuseMereforeret tedfoLender's
<br /> interestin the PropeRy
<br /> . <.
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> I
<br />