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<br /> Ihw Pro�sry 6y a tokkM'�or d�m�d.l.sndrr�twll tui��fl��apuan,in Ia�41��nd nMbt�otu��dlearatfan,to epp;y zll auch Pr�acadr.
<br /> �Ie�r daiuct�r�p tl+w�ram a�i aosa�nd�xp�r►iw�nourr+�d by It In conn+tcbon with wch RrocNk�,upron w�yt trKlebMdns�Mew'rd
<br /> Iq��f�t�d M wch onM+�a Lwnd�r Qnay d�Mrmina�or ta�PP�Y all woh of P oaMd�'s b f suc��N�noi�xlwid a�PuM�on�
<br /> prop�rly dl��uch co�di�o��u 6�ndN nw�y daMrmin�.11rty�PP��b^
<br /> ���d�y p����nd�r qN Mo1�,or aurt�ny tlNMUlt Ih�rwc�dar or hK�undlr.Any unappli�d funCh M�11 b�pWd b ,
<br /> TMtMbr.
<br /> �. �.�.�►br�-enAM.iDpen fM occurr�nct�at an F.wnt M D�t�utthsr�un�r.w It any�at��hk�or tq�l Pro��O
<br /> �p�rmt�w�1 whiclt rtMN�l�k�►atNiah LNfd�'i{nqtNt tn 1tf�Prap�rty�f�l�r►�r+y In s:�o:vn d�:cr::t���i:Jttltaut estt:!�n tn Ao
<br /> �o��nd wlM�o��t notic�b at d�mand upon T�uetor and wlMcut nl�irp TruNOr trom any aDllpatlon.do�►+a�whtch 7ruNOr h�
<br /> ��pW h�s b do and rt�y�I�o do Mny oih�t ant{t�emr n�c��'y to pro�sct th�Ncurity h�rsol.Trusbr�hN1.Imm�dlatMY
<br /> �����tr,y und�►.paY b L�nd�r all coib and sxp�n�Incurnd and sums�xp�nd�d b1r L�ndrv in conMC1lon wlMi
<br /> *�d�d to th�IndsEbde�a s�aund�rib��KSiwlh aat Incur«aeY�It�bllity becau�af aeyth nl pnt rr�tY do�a°mt�,do
<br /> harwinti�►•
<br /> 9. �w�hN.Ttuppr ahail kap Ms Propwt�►la camplianr.e wIM ap appltcable lavr�,oPoinancn and repui�
<br /> tNNkp t0lnduWiv hyqlMt�or�nviranm�tifai prOt�adon(cotl,CthrNy�Ylirt�d b h�t�l�N"Emltonm�l lswP9.Trus�or�
<br /> k��pr�Ry���m����upifanc�tNsm�d to b�huardous or toxla under any Envlronment�i Laan tco!l�ativNy��krt�d b
<br /> hK�in�e��M�x�rdou�M�tKlala'�.Tr�t t or h�r s by w a r►a n t s a n d r�p r�e n t s t o L e r+d a t h a t t h a r e aro no Herardouf Mat�ri�Is o�a
<br /> uneNr tha PropKty.TrusEOr h�nDy sgr�es to Indemnly and hold harmi�I.�ndsr.it�anotors.otticsro,emP��a��^�'�
<br /> any wcCNSOn W l�ndw�Inhre�t trom ond r�inst aey and ail oltlma,dam�Qa,lo�and ItaWfitNs adslnp in canneatlon wllh
<br /> t�p�e�n�y,,us�,db�po�f or trarespon of amr Hazardous Mat�lats on.under,trom or ataout�a P�op�ly.THE FORE40iNG
<br /> 10. Awi��NM a1 N�.TNSt°r hsraby w�pns to lender ths�eMS.iasues and prollts of tha PrapeKy;Provldbd thal'nuskr
<br /> Mail,unhl 1M xcurrenc�of�n Evert of Defsutt h�eunder,have the ripht to coltect and retatn auct�tinte.�sswa�nd proflts a tMY
<br /> bocor�dus and p�yabls.Upon Me ocourrance of an Cvent of Defeult,Lendar may,either In peroon or by apent with or vrNhout
<br /> Drinpi�am►action or Proa�sd��o�or by��stvbr appointed by a court and wiNout repard to Me adequacy of ita seaurity.enter
<br /> upon and tak�possessien qf ehs Propsrty,or any part ther�of.in Its own oame or tn the nams of the Tniatee,and do any aab whtch it
<br /> eM�ms necNtary or desiratDt�e to PTeserve the value,markatabfUty or rentability of tho Pto�erly.or any p&rt thereot or ir�terest therein.
<br /> lncreass ths Incoms theretrom or protect the securiry horoof artd,with or wlthout taking poaaessfon of the Property,aus tor or
<br /> o��rwbs collact ths�ents.tssuss�nd profita the�f,includtng thoae past due ertd unpafd.and eppiy the same.leaa coats and
<br /> expenaN o!aperatlon and colleatlon Inciudlrtg attorneys'tees,upon eny lndebtedness aecured hereby.ali tn such o,sder aa Lender
<br /> may de�ermine.Thm enterin9 upon and takinp poaaesslon oi the Properiy.the collection of such rents,iasues and proHts and the
<br /> eppiication tAereot ae abreaatd.ehatl nof curo or weire any defeult or notice ot detault hereunder or invalidate any ect done in
<br /> �eeponse w such default or purauant to suah notice of detautt and,notwitbatandinp the contiauance in posaesslon of the Property or
<br /> ����F..���{��}�Le,iasuea or proflts,and'ftusteB and Lender shail be etnitled M exerclse every N9ht
<br /> pro�ided tor tn any ot Ma Loan Inetrumenta or by law upon occunence of any Event of Defaut�inctuatng wi�out iimiiahon Gre�i�ht
<br /> to exsrcias the power ot sala Further.Lender'e righta and remedtea unde►thls parograph shell be cumulaUve with,and tn no way e
<br /> a d tho�roceiver�Aal�!�s�abie�o ccoune on y tory ose enb actualty recel�ved.��o��agalnstthe PropeKy.Lender.Trustee
<br /> 17.EY�d O�fauN.The followtng shaU tanstitute an Event of Default u�der thls Deed of Truat
<br /> (U Fafturo to pay anp inataliment of principai or interest of any other sum eecured he►eby when due:
<br /> (b) A brench of ar default under any Provia[on contsined In the Note,this Deed o!TrusR any of tt�e Loan Instruments,oP arry
<br /> otfter lien or encumbrance upon the Property:
<br /> (c) A wntof executlon or attt�chment or any slmHar proc9ss shali be entered agafnst Trustor whtch sha0 become a Ilen an
<br /> the Property or any portlon thereof or IMeiest therein;
<br /> (d) The�e ehall be Hted by or against Tn•sWr or Borrower an acNon uctder any present or future teder8l,state or otAar
<br /> statute.Iaw or regulaUon retaUng to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reiiet for debtora;or there shali be appoi�tad anY tru�tee�
<br /> receiver or liQuldator of Trustor or 8orrower or of aIi or any part o!the Prcperly.or the re�ta,lssues or profits thereof,or Trustor
<br /> or 8orrower aha{I make any general assiBnment for fhe benetit of credltore:
<br /> property,elNer voluntadly or en oi�ufntadty,witAoutyMa express written con e�t ofttender, rovided that T stor sha11 be
<br /> pfxmitted to exeaute a tease ot the Properiy that daes�otcontain an opUon to purohase and Me term of which doea not exceed
<br /> one yeer:
<br /> (� Abe�ndonment of the Properry:o�
<br /> (�) If Trustor ia not an Individuai,the issuartce,sale,transfer.assignment conveyance or encumbrance ot mcre than a toffiI
<br /> p} percent of(it A corporatlon)iffi issued artd outstandirtg stock or(if a partnerehipj a total ol percar�of
<br /> partnemhlp iMerests during the peP�od thls Deed of Trust remains e Ilen on the Property.
<br /> �2, g���;Accele�aMo�Uppn 0�1st�!!.In the event ot any EveM of @efault lender may,wiMout rmttceexcept as requlred by
<br /> law,declare all indebtedness secured hereby to bo due and payable and the same ehall thereupon become due and payable
<br /> wi9►out any presentmenL demand,protest or noUce of any klnd.Thereatter Lender may: a
<br /> (a) Demand Mat Truatee exercise the POWFA OF SALE g►ented herei�,and Trustee shali Mereafter eciuse Trustor's ,Y._
<br /> intereat in tho Property to be soid artd th0 proceeds to be diatributed.all in the manner provided in the Nebraska T�ust Oeeds .�;.
<br /> Acfi °'�.
<br /> (D)Exerolae eny and ell rights provfded tor in any ot the Loan InaVuments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of „ .;'
<br /> DetaulR and �'��
<br /> (c)Commertca en ac�or�to foreclose this Dead o!Trust as e mortgage.eppolnt a rece�ver.or speafRcality enforce any otthe �.,�
<br /> coaenanta heroof. • �
<br /> tdu remedy herein contemed upon or reaerved to Truatee er lender Is Intended to be exelusive of any other remedy herefn,in tAa � w
<br /> h reu,i�der inethe La n�nstrumenffi or rto ar he eafter exiatl g et law or nuequity or by statute,and ay be e e cfsed concurrentql.
<br /> lndependsnUll or successtvety.
<br /> 13,Tlrop�.TAe 7rustee may restpn at any tlme wichout ceuse,and Lendnr may at any Urtee and without esuse appalM a
<br /> auccessor ar substttute Trustea.Tnistee sha�i not be ltabteto any party,inctuding wfthoutlimitafton�ertder.Bonower,Trustor orany .
<br /> purchaser otthe Properq►.tor any tosa ar damage unless dueto reckless or wilitut mlaconduct and shait notbe required to takeany
<br /> d,e�....i,.�.�n�estee,rltA the entercemont of this Deed of 7ruat unlosa tndemnftied.in w►fUng.tor atl eosts,eompensaUon or ,
<br /> expenaes whtah may be assoctated therewith.In additlon.Ttustee may dacome a purcrtaser ai a�r oaie a►ma�vWa.�ii����
<br /> under tRe power of sale grentad harein);postpone the sale ot eil or any portlon of Me Property.as provided by law;or setl the
<br /> ProperH ea e whole.or in oeparata paras�s or toffi flt 7Fustee's discretton.
<br /> �4, ��pip�.In the event Trustee selts the Property Qy exerclse of powe�of sale,lYustfle shall be eMiUed to apply
<br /> eny sale proeeeda firot to payrtsent of all coats and expenses of ex�arcistrtg power of sate.Irtclud[rtg aU Truatee's tees.and lertder's
<br /> and TtusteBe attome�Pe bee.Qatuati!►irtcurred to exter►t pe►mitte�by eAPlicable Iaw.�n the evet�t t3otrower or Tntstor oxe►cise�eny
<br /> tipht piovided by law to aure an Event ot OefaulL Lender shail be entitted to�ecoven c�m Ttuator a�l cosb and expsnses actually
<br /> incu*red as a rolutt of Yhuator'a defautt includfng wtNout Ilmiffitton all Trustee's and attomey's teea,to tha extent pe►mitted bY
<br /> eppttca�ie�aw.
<br /> 16,�utur�qdrsneN.Upon roquest of Borrower,Lender may,at its opllon.make eddfUonal and tuture advancea ered re-
<br /> adroartces M 6orrower.S�ch ad+rances and readvances,with IMe�est tAereoo.shall be secured by thts Deed of Ttust At rto tlme shall
<br /> s
<br /> tM prinatpa►smount ottRa[rtdebtednesa eecured by this Qeed ot Tnisf.natlrtcluding sum9 advartced to protecl the security otthis
<br /> ' O�d ot'TrusL excand ths ori�tnal pdrtctpal orrtourn stated herein.or��g8.-.--.whtc�ever is greater.
<br /> '� ..i
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