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<br /> �►c�urowaeoar��r oF ,o��oF rnuaT '4'"�.OsO�S"'7�
<br /> TrutAor und�r�esnds that Ih�docum�nt ti��t Ttuator is abaut to�x�cubls a Dw!o/Trn�t andAOi a morl�yap��nd that IM powf►
<br /> W�N�►�qvtd�d lor M�OMdot T�rt provldM eubN�ntlallydNlM�nt�and obllpNlans bTrwlor t0�an s rtKx�In M��wnt
<br /> aAa•aw�a�r�.on a c�ab.aon une«n�.c.«�orT��s�,inci�n�r,butnotlimtMd b.eh�l�a�s np�Mb h�wtl�P►o�MaoW
<br /> by Na TeuMN wi�houl�ny judlatN�procNdlna.T�'wlDr r�pr�nb and wart�utb tt�t Iht�AoknowMdp�m�M+wa�sx�aul�d by
<br /> Tit�ltor balor�tlM�xrGtNio�of Ihi QNd ot T�u�t. ��ik��-�• ��!�-�*%"A
<br /> �h r C. Ca��or Hu�b�nd
<br /> n• J. Ca�to �NOr Mit�
<br /> na�s o�a oF rnusT.�.maae as a a�e.�1t�.ay or J•�. ,�a_s�.o�►a�a amo�w
<br /> tA�Trustor. �Q�Qr C. Castor i Danna J. CeoLor , hsrteband ond ri�e � i
<br /> w���'����� 1183 B 7th St tirand Islan��„�N�4,w�1-2�8Za9 ��
<br /> ths 7rustes, Fi.vo Pointo 8ank. o Nebraska Caroo tion �
<br /> vrhoaA malltnp addrew fa P•0. Box 1507 6rand Iolend, HE 688@2 ����TN�.���
<br /> ���ry� Five Pointe Bank �
<br /> wh���������� 2015 �1. Broadxell Grend Yalend. HE. 688�2-i��7 (herotn"Lender�.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDLRATION,includiny lsnder's extenalon of credit tdenUfled he�etn toCheater C. Caetor
<br /> 3 Donna J. Caetor (hereln•'8onower".whether one or naarcej and the�s:^�c heroin crestad.
<br /> the roceipt of which ia hereby acknowtedged.Trustor hereby iRevocabiy grante,hanstere.corneya and as�cas to Tiva4ea,iN
<br /> TRUST.WITM POWER OF SAIE.tor the beneflt and secuHry of Lender,under and subJeot to the terma and condi�ons herelnallar aet
<br /> las�s !!tts r�!pta¢�t.�as!o!lot�x
<br /> .LbT FOUR (4), a CK IiINE t9), I.AM$EfiT'S ADDITIOIi ?0 THE CITY OF GRAHD I�H.�9HD�
<br /> Topetfter witb all buildinps,improvements,flxturea,streeta,aileys.passageways,easements,Nghta,pr(vitepea and appuRe-
<br /> nances tocated fhereon or in anywtae peRatning thereto,and the rerne.issues end proflte,�eversions and remaindera thereof,artd
<br /> auah peraonal propeAy Ahnt is attached to the improvementa so as to constituiRa tixlure,lnctuding,but not Iimited to,ReatinQ and
<br /> C00}Ist�CQulpritOn�end ttlgedl9t with the homestead Or marltat inter�Ii any,which interests are hereby released artd walved:aU
<br /> oi whtch,lactudlnp roplacementa and additfons thereto.Is hereby qecl,ared to be a part ot the reat esffite seoured by the tlen of this ;«.:�
<br /> 08ed oi'�Nst and aii W the foreQoinp being rofemed M herein ae t»a'+Pra�eriy". ••.�
<br /> This Qeed ot Truat ahail eecure(a)the payment of Me pdnclpal�um and fnterest evidenced by a promissory note cr credit ��
<br /> �;l'.:
<br /> ���dg� _7nnuar� �t t6 199� ,having a mawriry date ot Fobruar�3�4 i999 . .-,.c
<br /> le the odptnat prlRCipalBmcar►t of a 16.299.66 ,and any and aIi modHicaUons,extenslona and rer�roarals '^��.
<br /> ,i:+�',,
<br /> thereof or thsroto and any 8nd aQ future odvances and►eadvances to 8orrower(or any ot th�m If rrtore tl�an one)hereunder �s�i"
<br /> purauant to one or rtare promiasory notes o�credit agreemenis(herefn ce�ted"Note'�;(0)the payment of other euma advartced by _
<br /> L,ender to protect the eeo,rrity otlhe Note;(c)the pertormance ot all covenanb and egreemenb ot 7rustor set:bs�h herein;and(d)all
<br /> preeent and tuture indebtedness and oDlfQatlona of Panower(or eny of them tt more than one)to Lender wt�e�er dtrect,indirect,
<br /> aMolub a contlngent and whether aNsing Dy�ote,guaranty.overdraR or otherwise.The IVote,Mis Oeed of Trust and flny end all "
<br /> other docuenb that eeauro the Note or otherwiae executed In conrtecUon therewNh,including wllhout IimimUon guarar�ees,sea�rity
<br /> e�reements and aaaignmenta of leaaes and rer�,sha116e�eterred to herein as the"Loan Instruments".
<br /> Trua�or covenanb artd agrees with LerMer as taflowa:
<br /> 1. P��N oQ Utd�bfadnys.All indebtednesa st�ured hareby ahaii bo paid when due.
<br /> 2 TNie.Trustor la tAe owner of the Properiy,Aas tAe right and authority to convey the Prope�iy,and wartante tnat the Uen
<br /> cre�ated heroby is a flrat e�d prlor�len on the Property,except ier l!ens and ertcumbrances set torth by Trustor tn wdtlng and
<br /> detivered to Lander before execution of tAia Oeed o?TrusR and the executlon and delivery of this B�eed of Trust does not vioiate any
<br /> contract ot ott�er obllQatlon to whlch Tivstot Is subjeCt
<br /> 3. hxw.Ap�Mm�nM.To pay betore delinqueacy ail taxes,speciat essesaments and a��othe�charges agalnst the Properly
<br /> naw or he+roaRa leviecl.
<br /> 4: M�ut�fa.To keep the Properry insured e�atnst damage Ey flre.Aaseni�Irtctuded wttAin tReterm"extertded covemge".and
<br /> suct►ofhsr haz�rds a�Lender may requlre,in amoutfb and wtth companiea ecceptaple to t.ende►,rtaming Lender aa an addiNonal
<br /> named tnsurad,with los�payabte to Me lender.tn ceao ot losa under such pollciea tl�e lender is authori:ed to adjust colleat and
<br /> compromia&ati ctgim�tDerounder and sha�l have the opUon of apptying att or part of the inaurenae p►oeneds(q to any indebtedrtess
<br /> eecured hereby end in sucA order es I.txtder may delermtne,(ii)to tRe T►ustor to be used tor Me repai►or►estoraUon of the Property
<br /> or pt�tar any Mher purpose or oAJect saUataetory to lender without eHectlng tRe ilen oi tAls Oee6 otTiust br Me fu►1 amounf secured
<br /> M►eDy A�fore euef�psyment ever toek pisce.MY epAltcation of praeeds to indebtsdness sAaH nat extend o�pos�one Me due
<br /> dale o1 any paymelnb undst the Hote,or cure arty detautt theraurtder or hereun@er.
<br /> c s.......�h.n..r.rlM.n a.mnnd iff.1 m.tn.T....w.wnu n...b.l a'ui.. L..u..w.Mew....es�e...�........�..iwwar a. .
<br /> R_..�.._..�.._.�_��..�....�.�..���.��..�..--��.....�.-.�.��..�....��w..'..��w .
<br /> suma to en�We la�de►to Ray as Mey become d►re one or more olthe tottowing:(i)all taxe�,ass�sments and othe�cAarges e nst
<br /> tAs Praperry.(I�t�te premtums on the praperty insurance requtred heieunde►,artd(ii�the prerttium9 oa 8ny mor�qage insur�artce
<br /> �s4uired pI►t�nda�
<br /> 8.rWt�t.R�pat��attd Co�npYnr.�s aNA�t�rs.Trusto►shal!kaea the Property in gpod eortditton and repatr,ahatl +
<br /> promptly t�patr,w ropt�eny fm�trovement whtch may be damaged or desLroye�shatl noi cemmlt cr permit any waste or �
<br /> dakrtaratlon o!tRe RropeAY shatl nct remov�a demoltsll�or saDstarttlBtly elter any of the tmproveirtenb an tha Properly:ahatl rtot
<br /> comntiL sufkir ar p�sTnft any actto Esdone in ov upon the Propariy fn rteia8on af any taw,ordtnance,or regutatlon:end s�atl psy and
<br /> promptl�t di�charge at Trustor'e ecst and eYpnnae atl lEen�.ertcumLraa�ces and cRar�oa leYte�imposed or as,sessed egatnst Me
<br /> ��b a►�Y R�tharsot �
<br /> 7. E�NQan�n Lender i�Rareby asstgnnd at1 compensaUon.awarda damage�and otRer payments or relief(he�etnafter � �
<br /> "Proceadsy In canc�ctfan w[N curtdemaation or othertatctng of t�e Property or part trtereof.orior carneyartce in IEeu af cort8emna-
<br /> fbn.Landar datt ee en�tl�d lt ib opt[on to eommertcs�eppear in and prosncuae tn ib own nertts any sctlon or praceedtes�.and
<br /> sMit abo Os entittad b make any compromise or seffiement in eonnecttart witPf su6h taking or damaQe,ln tT�e ersnt u►Y poRion o1 �
<br /> lI�C�7�te�ira�D�qM.sO/!� " + I�
<br /> - Ottrwiwirmwd�anuea+ec,a�+�.�+wn,we.wxnrawerue. �, .
<br /> ;_' � .'�r•' iv
<br /> .r �
<br /> '•a�, II. ..
<br />