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<br /> per[ad�that l.cn�ar requirrs. Tht insur�►ncc caaier pravidi��g ihe lnsurAnre ahall bc chusen by Rcurawor.;ubjat to 9.enderk '
<br /> a�►}rraval evNieb sltalt twt be unreasonablp withltetsl. !P flrrirawer faiis to n�Alntr�in cavetagc dcscribed alwvc�L.(:YltRt:t Illtly.at
<br /> Lenderk option,oblain covewg�te�prcxeet I.end�r's righta ln the Praperty in accardanre,with pxragraph 7.
<br /> Ai!insuriutce poltelen and renewalx ahall bo�eceptwbl�to l.ender and shali incluck a At�ridnrd mactguge etauso. Lendcr
<br /> shAli h�ve the right to hold the palicie.g and rcnew�ls. if Len,der�cyuices.}3cxrower shal!pmmptly givo to L,ender al)rceeiptc
<br /> of pald pnmiums Kr�d renew�l nodcen. in tha avent of loss.Borrower ahell give prompt naUce to the lnsurence cArrkr nnd
<br /> Lrnder. Lerlder may make proof of lo�s�f not made promptiy by Bornower. �
<br /> Unle.cs i,ender and Aorrowcr otherwisc uplrce in wtitIng.insucattce ptaceeds ehall bo upplied to t�tstoratlon or Kpa�ir of
<br /> thePropc tty damaged. if tha restoratton or reRair Ia economically feASible and Lender's security Is nat lessenea. 1P tbe
<br /> rataruia�or repair ia not e�;anomically feasi�le or I.endec�i isecudty would be lessenod,the insureu�cc proceeds stwll b�
<br /> ap�lird to ttic sums secured by this Secwity Insavment,whether or not then due,wlth any excess paId to$omower. If
<br /> Bw�e�ower�bandons the Property.or doea not answer within 30 days a notioe frorn I.ender that the L�surance carrier has
<br /> offered to settle u claim,then Lrsnder may collect the insuremce pra:ecds. Lender mny uso the proceeds W repalr or trstore
<br /> the Ptoperty ot to pay sums s�ured by this Security Insuument,whether or not then due. The 30-day pertod will begin whrn
<br /> the not(ce is$iven.
<br /> Unless Lender nnd Borrower otherwise ag�+ee in wrlting,suiy applicntian of procee�s to principal shall not extend ar
<br /> postpone the due date of tha monthly paymenta cefemed to In pamgraphs 1 and�_or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under pacagraph 21 tt�e Property is acquired by-La�dee,Horrowor's�ight ta��n9�lnsurunce policfes and proceeds resuldng
<br /> from.d�ntq,�e 3o:,tbe P�e�p�rty prtor to the eoquisitiain�Ti�ll pass to R:eqde�tm che�stent of the sums secured by this Secudry
<br /> � • ' •1ast3time�it�nmediutet�r g�slor to theacquisitian. .
<br /> 6. Uccups�ncy� PreservAtion, Mxintenauce and ProtecNon o!the Property: Borrower's L.van AppUcat[on;
<br /> Leasehulds. Borrower shall accupy.establish,and use the Property as Borcower'�princlp�l residence within siaty days ufter
<br /> the exaution uf tl�n Security L�auuuient and shali continue w occupy the Praperty as 8atroweek pri�ndpa!reeidence for at
<br /> least one yesu efter the date of occupancy, unlesa Lertder otharwIse c�gaeea in wddng, whleN consent shull nat be
<br /> unreusae►ubly withheld.or unless exu:nuuting cincumstances exist which urs beyond Borr�werb control. 8a�rower�shall not
<br /> destroy.damago or imp�ir cho Property.alluw�he Propeny to deter�omte.or commit wa�tc un thv 1'�roperty. Barrower xhnll
<br /> be in default if uny forfefture actiun ar prnoeeding.whether civjl ar cdminul,i:+1�egun thut ln LcnderW gixxi faith Judgment
<br /> cauld result in fodeiturc af thc P�npcety ur uthcrwiso mutcriully impair Ihe ticn crcuted by thi.r Sccurity Inqtrumem�r
<br /> l.cndcrk sccurity incerest. BUaower may curc xuch ndctault n�iJ rcinstatc,nxprmided in paruga�y�h Iti.hy cuuwing eho actton
<br /> nr procceding to t�c diemisxcd with a tulit4t thut,in l.endcr�gcxxt fitith detenni�utl�►n,prccludcw fntfcituro uf the Bnrt�wcr'x
<br /> Intcrest in thu Nro{�ay ur ulhcr mutcriul impninncm oF ihc licn crcutcd hy thix Sccurby 6istrumcnt��r l.cndcrh xccutiiy
<br /> intcrcat. BOrT6WCt XIIUII itIRQ F1C �fl �ICIAUI� �f �Uf(AWCf• during thc luun upplicuNun prixcs�. guvc mutarluily fnisc c�r
<br /> inaccumte infom�ation ur Ftntemen�g ta l.cnder(ar fufled ta pruvide l..cnder wfth any material intnrmutian)in canncrtion with
<br /> the loan �videnced by the Hote, includjng. but not timfted ta,rcpresentutiunx canceming Borrowcrk cecupurtcy of thc
<br /> Property as o pdnclpa{residence. If thiw Secudty Instrument j�,on u learehold,Borrower ahall comply with ull the provislon9
<br /> of the leux. !f Horrower acyuirer fee title to the Property,the leu.uhold and the fee titte shntl not mcr�e unless i.ender ngees
<br /> to the merger in wdt�ng.
<br /> 7. I'rotectlon o!Lender's Righte In the Property. If Bormwer fu�ls to perform the covenants und a�eements
<br /> conwined in this Sceu�iry Insmiment, or there is n legal proceeding that may sign�cnntly affect Lenderk righu in the
<br /> Property(such as a procceding in bankrupuy.probnte.for condemnatlon or forfeIture or to enforre laws or regulniions).then
<br /> Lender may do and puy for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Pcoperty and Lender's rights In the Property.
<br /> Lender�i act�ons mny include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Securlty Instrumen�uppearins
<br /> in court.p�ying reasonable attomeys'fecs and enterin�on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take siction
<br /> uader this paragraph 7.I.ender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any emounta disbursed by Lender wder this paragraph 7 shaA become ndditionnl debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Securiry Inspvmen� Unless Borrower und Lender agcee to other terms of puyment.these nmounts shall bear intemst fmm the �1
<br /> date of disbursement at the IJote rate and shuU be payable,with interest,�pon notIce from Lender to Borrower requesting r'�:�
<br /> paymen� �}�
<br /> & Mortgage tnsurance. If Lender myuiced mongage insurnnce as a condition of making the toan secuied by this
<br /> Secudty lnstrument,Bocrower shaU pay the premiums mc�uired to meintein the mortgage Insurence in effect. If. for any
<br /> mason. the mortgnge insurance wverage requiced by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> premiums requIred to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance.previously in effect, at n cast
<br /> substantially equivatent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance pneviously in effect, from en altemate mortgage
<br /> insnrer appmved by Lender. If substnntlally equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not availuble.Hornower shall pay to
<br /> ixnder euch month u sum equul to one-twetfth of the ye.arly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the ��+
<br /> instirance coverase lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wiq uccept,use pnd retain these payments as a loss reserve in Iteu
<br /> of mort�age tasurance. Loss reserve payments may no lon�er be requimd.at the option of I.ender. if mortgage insurance
<br /> coverage(in the amount and for the period thut Lender requires)provtded by an insucer approved by I.ender agatn becomes
<br /> available and is obtained.Borrower shall E+ay the prcmiums requiced to m�itain mortguge inswance in effec�or to pmvide a
<br /> loss reserve.until the requtrement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written ageement between Borrower �';_:
<br /> and Lender or applicnble law.
<br /> 9. Inspectfon. Lender or its agent may mc�ke reasonable enMes upon and inspections of the Property. Lender ahall
<br /> g[ve Borrower nodce ut the tlme of or prlor to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspecrion. ,
<br /> 10. Coademnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,d�rect or consequenttal.In connectlon with any
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