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<br /> °Y'�OpE'I1iF�R V�/t'1"Ii aJ�tha Dmpr�vetnent�:'t�w on c�nnft�r erteted an th�preperty,and all easemrnt�, nppurten�nceA,
<br /> urd Cxroce9 n��w or hertafter a p�ut o!'tha�roperty. AU reptaccments end s►ddidons ahal!also Ix r,overed by thi8 5oeurity
<br /> Instmrneet. AII of the�'one�oinR Is refarod to in thi�Security Insvu�sicnt u the„Property"
<br /> BOAROWER COVENANTS ihat Sonrower is l�w�IWly selsed of ttx atate heceby comoyed ead h�s t�e right w�nt
<br /> a�xl convay the Propaty�nd tt►ot tha Propeity is�u�encumbered�excegt fo►�encumbru�es of necord. Hamwer w�rs�u►n and
<br /> wlU defaid sener�il.Y the dtb w the Fropert3+egaintt�Dl cl�lma�nd d�s,aubject to any mcumbrnaoe�of oecord.
<br /> • TIlIS SE�UR!TY INSTRUI4�N'� comhines nniform covulenta for nadonal uso and non•uaiforen wveaoonta wlth
<br /> limited v�ri�dona by JiuI�dictlon taconstitute R unifam eacurIty intttwnent coverfng ceAl propaey.
<br /> U(VIFORM COV�i�JANTS. Dorrowet and i.ender covenant a�td egax ws follows:
<br /> i. P9ryment a[1MuclpW and Inters�ti�P4i�nt�nd Lnte Charse�. 8otrower shall prompttY I�Y when due tbe
<br /> ptincipat of and intenst on tl�e dcht evtdence�by the Nate end eny piepaYa�ent and late clurgea due under the Nate.
<br /> �. k�ieds for'li�za and�ur�nce. Subjett to appUcable law or to a written wniver by I.cnder,Bozrower shall psy to
<br /> Lender oa the day atantbly paymenGS are dua under the Note.unW tha Nou is paid lin fu11.a aum(°Punds")for.(a)Ye�r1Y
<br /> taxes aad assessmenta wh9ch may attaii►prIorlty over this Securiry insuument as a l�en on thc Pcoperty;(b)Yesrly ltasehold
<br /> payments or ground reuw on the Paoper.y,if aay: <c) yearly bazard or property insurance prtmiums; (�) Y�arly flood
<br /> insurance premiums.ff any: to) YearlY wortgage insw�aace premiums. lf aay: and(fl en9 sums PaYable by Hot�rower to
<br /> Lender,in accordnnce with the provlsions of paragrept�8.In lteu of the payment ef rAO3tgage insurunce preauums• 'fhesa
<br /> items an called"Escmw Items." 1.ender ma�y,at any dme,coUect and hold Punds in an amouut r��a exceed the maxlmam
<br /> amount a lender for a fedetally,rel�t�d.snoztgage loaa may trquir�for Borrowea'a escxow aa�s�n.ptt cmGer tbe federnl Real
<br /> �siate Seulement•Prooed�rras Aci o92'9,4 as,apnended from time w time.l2 U.S.C.$�3�1 et seq.("RESPA"),unless aaother
<br /> • �{tw itu�t a�pli�to the Funds sas�lessci a�aount ff s�.Hr�utder may,at any time,c�lleat and hold Funds ir►an amuunt twt W
<br /> �ceei�{he �ssaer ara�u�'t. �nc�er may e�dmate tlh�.aa�nnt of Pluids due on ttie basis of cunent data and reasoaable
<br /> eBrlatates of B�;pe�diNres af fl�turc Pscrow ff¢ems or oth�nvise in accozdar�ce with applicable law.
<br /> � The F�m�9s shall be lield in aa instituHon whose deposits are insured by a federal ageacy.inativmentality. or endty
<br /> (i�acluding Lender.if I.ender is such an Inatiwtion)or in ariy F+edeial Home Laan Bank. I.end�r ahall apply the Funds ta pay
<br /> the Escrow Items. L.ender may not charg�e Bormwer for holding and applying the Funds. annuaily aaalyztng We escmw
<br /> account,os verifying the Escmw Items.untess L.ender pays Bormwer interest on the Funds and applicable law perinits
<br /> Lender w make auch u charge. However, i.ender may requine Bo�rrawer to pay u one-tlme charge for an independent real
<br /> estate tax neporting servlce used by Lender ia connesdon with this lonn.unless applicnble luw provides otherwise. Upless an
<br /> agreement ia mr,da or npplicable law requires iatetest to ba paid Lender ahall not be requlred to pny Borrower aay inunst or
<br /> eaminga on�he Fuads. Botrowcr and I.ender muy ugcCC in wdNng,however,that intcrest shall be p�id on tiie Punds. Lender
<br /> shall givo to Bonower.wlthout shnrge,an annual nccauntiag of!h�Funds.ehowi�g c�dlta nnd debita to the FLnds w►d the
<br /> purposo for which each debit to the�nds was made. The Funds ure pledged uR addltional secudry for all�ums secared by
<br /> ti�ir��c,.�ri�r i�s3uu�rsssi.
<br /> If the Funds hetd by Lender exceed tho amounts pemutted to be held by upplicable luw. Lender shall account to
<br /> Homnwu for tho excess Ptmds in accurdartce with the reqwmmenta of applicabls luw. If the umount of the Funds held by
<br /> L.ender et any time is not sufftc�ent to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower ia wridng,and,in
<br /> such case Borrower shail pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the defictency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> d�cieary In no more than twelve monttily payments.at Lender's sole discredon.
<br /> Upoa payment!n fuU of all sums secured by this Securlty Insuument,I.ender shall pmmpdy refund to Bo�rower any
<br /> ftunds beld by I.ender. If.under parag�h 21.L.ender shall acquire or seU the Property,Lender.pnor to the acquisidon or
<br /> sale of t6e Property.shaU apply any Funds held by Lender at the tune of acquisition or sale as a credit agninst the stuns
<br /> securedby tbts Securlty Instrument
<br /> 3. Applic�tlon ot Ys�yments. ilnless applicable law prnvldes otherwise, aU paytnenta received by I.ender under
<br /> paia�caphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied:first,to any prepayment cherges due under the Note;second.to amounts payable under
<br /> paiagraph 2;third,to inuKest due;founh,to princlpal due;aad last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. �e� Licns. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments,charges, fines and imposiriona amibutable to the
<br /> Property which may attain priority over tltis 5ecurity Insuumeat,and leasehold paymentg or graund rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> shall pay these obligations.in the mnrmer provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower s}�lA pay them on -.
<br /> t�me ditectly to the person owed peymenG Botrower shall promptly furaish to Lender all norices of amounts to be paid under `a:
<br /> this paregiraph. If Borrower makes these paymenu directiy,Borrower shall prorapdy fumiah to I.ender receipts evidenc�ing u^
<br /> the payments.
<br /> Bortower Ehall promptIy.discharge eny Uen whtch hes prlority over thia SecurIry Instnunent unless Bomower.(a)ag�ees
<br /> ia wriBng to the payment of tha obltsadon secuned by the liea in a manner acceptable to Ixnder.(b)contestc ia good faith the
<br /> lien by,or defends a�ainst enforceraent of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the 1.ender's opinian operate to prevent the •;,,:�
<br /> enfos�ement of the IIen;or(c)secures from the holder of the Iien an agreement suGsFucwry to L.ender subondInatiag the Iten ,!,�,x,
<br /> to this Security Ins�ument If Lendex detemtines that any pa�t of the Property is subject to a lien wbich may ettain priorlty `�S r
<br /> over this Security Inshument,I.ender may give Bomower a notice identifying the Iien. Bomowor shatl saHsfy the lien or take ^�,
<br /> one or mo:e of the acHons set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of nodce. �'9 y
<br /> S. ��aard or Property�nsuraace. Borrower shali keep the improvemen¢s aow existing or hereaRer erecte�on the ':'�::,
<br /> Property insuned against loss by fin.haze�ds included within the term"extended�overage"and any other haza�ds, including ;;:'
<br /> floods or llooding. for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintatned in the amouats and for the .
<br /> �;:c_
<br /> :x.�
<br /> .�?;'.
<br /> Form 3028 9190 (page2 oj6 pagu) �,.T,.�
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