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<br /> p,yy�7rd�M#A�tN�ai�.T�wtor�h�lll ke�p th�Propaty in compllancs wlth att�pplicable taw�,ordin�nc�and r�puta�ons
<br /> rNi�tln�ta Indu�trlal hyptan�or�nvironm�r►t�l proqotlon(coll�etivNy rat�r��d to h�relo u"Hnviranm�!�tal Lews'?.Truqor�11
<br /> kMp Nf�PtopKty NN irom�ti w0�t�tncM dMm�d to b�h�ardou�or toxio und�r�ny Environm�nttl taM+�(cotl�aUvNy r�nd to
<br /> h�r�ln a�°H�zardo�l�Mat�rWs'�.Tru�tor hK�by Mramntt and r�pr�snu to I.,�ndW that th����ri no Harardow MaMaUis an a
<br /> undsr tt�Rrop�rly.'fruatcr he�eby spr�to ind�mnity and hold h�rmipss t�ndsr,its direaton,ofticen,emptoy��nd��nt�,�nd
<br /> �ny sWcc�or�to L+md�r's InarM�ham and�p�inst any�nd aq atalm�.damapa.taaa and t1a01titla adqn�in connactlon wNA
<br /> thr prwunc�, w�,dMpaal or tnnspoR of�ny N�sardous M�t�►tats on,und�r.irom a about th�Proprrty.THE FOREC30iNG
<br /> 10,Aw��t d R«tlr.Tiuttor hereby nselpm to Lender ths ronte,issuas and proflts ot ths Propeny;providsd th�t Tnutor
<br /> ahsll,until lhs occur��rlcs ot an Event of Detauit hereundsr,h�ve the riphtto coitsat and►eW n euch�ente,l�u�s and p�oflb wsthey
<br /> bscom�du4�nd pay�bN.Upon th�ocourrencs oi an Event of Qehult,Lendsr may,etthu in p�non or by ap�M,with or witl�out
<br /> brin�InQ ar�y�ctlon or praawdinq,or by e receivar appolnted by e cou�t artd withoul reDtrd to tt�e adequaay o11ta oacurly.antet
<br /> ��nd qk�paasesdon otths Propsrty.or any pan thereof,tn Its ewn name or in tfie nams of the Tru�tes.and do any�eb whbh it
<br /> d�en�n�ary qr d�sitabtt b pres�rvs tha value.msrketabllity or rontability ot the Proper2y.or any p�R thereof ar interattl»rsin,
<br /> inc�aes the incoms thorehom or proteat the security hersof and,wtth a without taktn�poueaslon of the Properly.ws for or
<br /> olharwise collect ths renb.taaue�artd protib thereof,lnatudinp those past due and unptid.and apply ths�ams.tea cosb and
<br /> expsnws of operation and collecUon inaludinp attorneys'teea,upon any indebtednals seaured hereby,al I In suoh o►der as L ender
<br /> may dNermine.The enterinp uRo�i and takiop poaseaalon of ths Properry,the collectton of such ronb,iseues and proflb and th�
<br /> apptlqUon Me►eof as aforeaald,thalt nnt oure or w�ive any detautt or noUce ot detault hereunder or invaNdats any act done 1n
<br /> rwponw to such detault or purauent to euch nabas af detault end,�atwithsiendinp the aanUnuance in pasr.asclan ot the Sroissry ar
<br /> �s cotlactlon.�ece�pt and apoliaatio�ot rente,issuea or proNts.and Trustee and Lertder shall bo entlUed to exeraise every dght
<br /> pravldedtaln snyoftheLoon Oocumonborbytaw upon occurrenceotanyEventof Defautt,lncludingwithoutiimitatbn theHghtto
<br /> ezerolea the power of anle. Further,t�ender's righta and remedles under thts parag�apA shail be cumutstive with,and in no way a
<br /> Qmitation on,Lendsrsriphisartd remedles underanyassipnmentof leasesand retsts recorded s�ainatth0 Property.Lertder,Truetee
<br /> and the�eceiver ehalt be Itsble to account oMy.those rents aotualy received.
<br /> 11,IEwM�af DNauN.The followinp shall constttute an Event of Defau�t under thfa Deed ot Trusti
<br /> (a)F�flurs to pay any InetaBment of prinoipal or interes!o!any other 8um eecured hereby when du9:
<br /> (b)Abrotchofordefauttunderanyproviatoncontal�edintheNote,thisDeedofT►uat,anyoftheLoenOoaumente,orany
<br /> Othe►Ilen or encumbrance uDO�tNe Property;
<br /> (c)A wdt of exeeutton orattaehment or any aimilar proceas shalt be eniered agalnst Trustor whieh shail become a Ilen on
<br /> the Properry or any ponion thereof or interest Mdrein; -;r'
<br /> (d)There shalt be tlied by or aQainat Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any preaent or fuwre federal,state or otAer y
<br /> ����y�t��t�n�tw�nqng to bankruptay,lnsolveney or other relief tor debtore;or there ahail be appolnted any bustee.
<br /> �ecelver or�iqutdator ai Truator oi Bor�ower or of atl or any part of the Property.or the rente,iesuea or proflts thereof.or T�u�tor
<br /> or 8orrower ehall make any generat assignment!or the beneflt of creditors;
<br /> (e)The,sAt9,transter.tesee,aealpnment,conveyance or turther encumbrance of ati or any pan of or any interest in the
<br /> Properry.eithet vo�uMartq or tevoluntanty.without the express written consent ot►�nder,provided that Trustor shali be
<br /> permtt0�ed 4o execute a leeae of lhe Properiy that does not contain an opUon to pu�chaee and the term of which dces notexeeed
<br /> ��r ' � .
<br /> ,�n Abandonment of the Property;or � �`
<br /> g)U'Truetor is not an indNldual,the lasuance,eate,tranater,assignment conveyance or encumbrance of more than atoffit • �
<br /> ox�.,,_.,pKCent of pt e carporation)its laaued artd outetandind aWck or(!f a partnership)a totat ot percent ot .u�
<br /> ptrtnership Int�sts d�frinp ffie perlod thia Qaed ol7rust remaina a Iien on the Property. „';,'�;
<br /> 4�.p�Nt1i�A�M�a l i o�f Upoe O�h o K(n t he eve M o f any Even t o f De f au i t L en der may,w i t h ou t n o t i c e e x c e p t a s►e q u i r e d b y •;
<br /> I�w.Qeolars eil Indebtednesa eeaured hsreby to da due and payabio and the same shatl thereupon become due and payable ;�'•
<br /> wNhout amr pre�entmsr�,demand,proteat or notice of any kind.ThoreaRer Lender may: �
<br /> (a��Demand that Truatee exercise the POWER OF SALE pranted herein,and Trustee ohall thereaRer cause Truetor's 'r;
<br /> Interest in the Properiy to be sold end the proceeds to be distributed,ali ln the manner proWded in the Nebraske Tiust Oeeds
<br /> ACR :
<br /> (b) Exerciseanynndatl�ighteprovidedtorinanyoftheloanOacumentaorbylawuponoccurrenceolarryEventof�efaut� �
<br /> �y:.
<br /> �(o)Commence an aotlon to forealose this Oeed of Trust as a mortgage,appolnt a roaeiver.o►spociflcalty enforce any of the ,:i:
<br /> CtlY@l1Q1t8 h8fe0}.
<br /> No romsdy heroin coMerred upon or�eserved to Trustee or Lender ia intended to be exclusive of+any other remedy hereln.In the
<br /> Lp�n Documents or by taw provided or pertnitted,but each ahatl be cumutative,shail be in addidon to every other rerr�ody ghren
<br /> hen�under,ln the Loan Dc�mer�ta or�ow or hereaftar extsting at taw or in equity or by statute,and may be exerctaed concurrently, •
<br /> indspender►Uy or suCCe�slvety
<br /> 13.ThnNe.The Truatee may resipn at any tlme without cause,and Lender may at any Gme and without cause appolnt e
<br /> eucceta�►o�substlU�te T►uatee.T�uatee ehall not be Ilabte to eny parry,iacluding wtthout Ilmitatlon l.ender.Borrower.Truator or any
<br /> purch��er of ttls Property.tor eny losa or damage unleas due to reckless or willtut mleconduct,and shati not be required to take any
<br /> actlon in conrtaction wiih the enforcement of this Geed of Trust unteas indemnifled. in wrlUng,tar alt coats,compenaatlon or
<br /> expenaes which may be easoaiated therewith.ln eddltion,T►uatee may become a purchaeer at sny sale of the Properly Qudicial or
<br /> under the power of aate granted herein);poatpone the ea�s ot al�or any pardon of the Property,as provlded by taw:or setl the
<br /> Properry es e whole,or in separate parcels or tota et Tiustee's dlsareUon. �.;�',,�
<br /> �q,���.in the eveM Tn,stee selta tho Property by exereise ot power of eaie.Trustee ehatt be emided to eppty ,
<br /> any aois proceeds firat to payment of ati cosb and expenses o!exeroleing power ot sale,Inctudlrtg all Trustee's tees,and LendePe
<br /> and TaKae's atcomey's tees.actuaity Incurred to extent perm(tted by appiicabte law.in the event Bonower or Ttustor exerclses arry
<br /> �M provided by taw to aure en Event o!Oefautt Lender shall be enUded to.recover irom Trustor alt coats and expensea actually
<br /> . Incurred 8s e result of Trusto►'e default Inoluding without IlmNadon atl Trustee'a and attor�ey's fees,to!he extent permfKed by
<br /> appttceble law.
<br /> 16.Fulun AdsaacN. Upon request ot 8onower.Lender may,at fta optlon,make addlUonal and tuture edvances and re-
<br /> advartces to 8onower.Sueh a�vance�and readvaneea,with tnterost therenn,ehall be secured by this Oeed of Truat At no Ume ehatl
<br /> .� •r....�.�u..I,�nelno.0 aae:uruA hu thin Omd e!Trunl.netlncludine sums advaneed tn nrofeat the SeCUrIN ot tMia
<br /> oR�na'v.t..�...�...�....�_..���..�- --•---�-..------� �-- - -
<br /> Oeed ot T�uat exceed the odptnal prindpat smount atated hereln,or� 'a" , whichever Is greater.
<br /> 18.MNcNlai�otn Pro�Mfom.
<br /> (a)8ortox�r No!R�ManA.Factenston oi the Ume tor payment or modiHcedon of amortizatlon of the suma secured by thia
<br /> Oeed ot Truat praMed by Ltpnde►to any succeaaor in tntereat of Borcower shall�otoperate W releaae.In any manrter.the ttabltity
<br /> of ihe a►iplrtet Borcower and 8orrow�r'e suecessora in ir�terest Lender shall not be required to eomm�n�e proeeedinga agains!
<br /> such aueceraor or retuseto extend dme tor payment ar oMerwise modity amortlsetlon ot Me sums eeoured by thia Deed of Truat
<br /> by reaton of any demands made by the oHgtnalBoROwer and Borrowe�s successo�a In Interdst
<br /> (b)L�Nl�►'�po�a Without atteaUn�the tiabi�iry of any other peraon tlaate for the payment ot any obligatlon hereln
<br /> menttoned.and without atteoNn�the Ilsn or chasge of Mb Oeed of T�uet upon any portlon otthe Property not then or there2otore
<br /> retoa�ed es�scu�lty far the tuli amount ot a11 unpafd obli�atlo�s,Lender may.trom tlmeto Uma and wfMout noNce(I)reteaseer►y
<br /> peroen so tfabte.(Ih extend the matudry or atter any of Ute terms of eny such obltgations,(iil)graM other fndulgences,(Iv)reteaae
<br /> or naonvey,or eau�e to be rNensed or reconveyed at any tlone at Lender's opUoa�iny parcel.poRton or ail ot the Properry,
<br /> �h Wce or rets�a any other or additlonal seaurity tor any oblipa!!on hereln mentloned,or Nf�make composltlona or othar
<br /> ar►anp�menb with debtar�in relatlon thsreto. .y ; ��.�
<br /> Pago 2 0£ 4
<br /> }
<br /> .w.� 'dF� J�,
<br /> '_- •:t��_ -- . _
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