� tih. J� � �'' �3>M4i9h�ilifJy t t�i 1 !:. a,? �5�aN.�r•• r;•� �Y� ' . '} �
<br /> .1,-.. �.)y--� - ��. � �ti.A�l �� .•!y 4�s:ijy _jo1�r. 11 . . ! , . . ��,;�
<br /> ��! �.' .( _. r f )lren J �.7i�'7'/f; �_ , .
<br /> =°�1fi1}ltrk.�,:._ � ... ..
<br />� . '; . i"' - � , _ ''- "''" -tt7�i'... �I��� .
<br /> ;�.i. t r� ��'YC�.�.- � ".i.�:w'9'
<br /> '�r .',.1{711aYR�-1eq�..::y.,y.+C� . .�'�t:�' �:.�
<br /> ��4 �
<br /> DEED��T6�UST WITH �U'f�R�ADVAIdCE9 �����1
<br /> Tiii9 OF�D OF TRU9T,is madA a of ths 16 day of A�t ,19�by artd amonp
<br /> M�Truaor. � s. doote an� t.QOna t�feria Ccok. Huabnn8 and Wife �
<br /> wP�osa matlinp Addre.�ts �x �z�� ��+ � ��� (hersln"Trustar,"whsther ona or r»ae),
<br /> ths Trwt�w, Biacet State Hank ,
<br /> wha�mRiltnp�ddre�w ts p O Box 639• 3he�.ton, NE 68876 (herein"Tn�stse'ti,and
<br /> the 8enntcl�ry. pirst stB�Bank .
<br /> who�a maHfnp aildrosa Is P O SGUt 639• Shelton� NE 6F3876 (hereie"Lender'�. �
<br /> P �
<br /> FOR VAWABLE CONSIDERATION.�naludinp Lender'e extension ot oredlt idenWied herein to �� B- �k �'�•
<br /> (herein"Borrower",whether ona or more)and t.Ae truet herel�created.
<br /> the n�cNpt of whloh ts hereby aaknowtedged,Trustor hereby Irrevocably pranta,banatera,conveys and aesi�ns W Truste�,IN
<br /> , TRUST,WRHPOWBROF811LE,forthebene�tandseaurityotLender,underandeubjeattothetermsandcondltionsherelrwfDer�ei •x
<br /> ,�,:. .;:-� torih,the reel prc�eAy.deeRS►ibed ae followe: �;,
<br /> �:��"� A t�act of 1s:�d aocapriaing a part oE the NW�jNW� 3ectia► 39� To�wnabip 11 North. Range ;?:;::;'
<br /> a: 10 Pirest of the 6th P.M.� Ball aotulty� Nebraska� aqre p�at'Cicula�cly describec3 on page 3 .�:''�::�
<br /> .'�'' �;�`''';��i, of khis doc�ment. `�.
<br /> ���� .
<br /> :a� ��. ,h �• ToQ�ther with ail buildinDe,improvemente,flxWrea,atreete,alleys,pasaegeways,eaeementa.righte,privfle�es and appurte-
<br /> naecee loeated thsroon ot in anywiee pertatnin�thereto,end the rente,lasues and protfts,roveratons and remafndere theroot,and ;:,�,��
<br /> suah personal property thet la attaahed to the improvements so as to conatitute a flxtura,Ineiudinp,but not Iimited to,hea�rtp and ,L��`�
<br /> ,`;• ,;°, eoo�Inp equipmenx and topether with the homeatead or marital intereate,if any,whieh interests are hereby released and waived;n�� �••,.
<br /> �•,,� of which,l�tcludinp repiacements artd additiondthereto.la hereby decis�ed to be a part of the real e�►mte eeaured by the Ilen ot Mla ;�.
<br /> ,�� Oe�d of Trust artd ait of the forepotrtp being reterred to heretn as the"Property".
<br /> � �'�� Yht�Deed ot Truat shaii seoure(a)the peyment of the prinoipal sum and intereat evldenced by a prom�saory�ote or aredit
<br /> ..� 4� i
<br /> '�j. ;� 4 apre�ment dated .�?►3a9�t 16. 199� .hav(rtg a maturity date ot �Dtembex 1S. 1996 �
<br /> r�' ,�':;y�:U":�� in ths ai innl rinoi al amount ot 9 �4•�•� ��
<br /> � � p p ,and any and atl modHloatlons,extenslona an0 renewals ;; •
<br /> t�x_ �' Ynereof o� thoreto and any and alt tuwre advancea artd readvancea to Borrower 4or any af them tf more than one)hereunder ;;�.
<br /> . (�-;:^�, ��. a,:„� punuant to one or moro promisaory notea or cradit aareemente(hereln called"Note�;ro)the paymeM ot othe�sums advanced by . �'�
<br /> �.I�W n �Sfr � '✓i
<br /> � Ler�der to proteat the seaurity of the Note;(c)the performance of alt covenents and agreemente ot Trustor eet forth herein;and(d)aU ��•,,,,.
<br /> �'`��` �• pressnt and iuturo IndWiedneau and obUpaUOne ot Borrower(or any of them if more then one)to Lender whether direat,indirea�t, ' �
<br /> �`� abaotuM or eonUnpent and whether a►rainy by note,puarany.overdraR or othenwlee.The Note,thla Deed of Truat and any end slt �t�.����
<br /> _• � ��" . olherdocuentettiatsecuretheNOteorotl�erwiseexeeutedtnconneodontherewith,inaludUgwithouttimitatlanguaranteea,eeourity
<br /> M;�, agnementa and aasl�nments ot leaaes artd rents.ehetl be reterred to hereln as the"Loan Ooeuments". ` "
<br /> .�y:^ H Tiusto�covenants and apreea with Lender aa toltowx
<br /> t.P�t d Ind�bNdn�a.Alt Irtdebiedneas aeaured hereby ehali be pald when due.
<br /> N� 2.TNI�.Trosbr Is the owner of the Properly, hea the right and euthoriry to oonvey the Property.artd warranta that the Iien r��`:•;;
<br /> ; -. oreated hereby ta a t(rot and prlor Ifen on the Property,except tor Ilens and enoumbrances set torth by Trustar fn w►IU►g and
<br /> � � dellvered to Lender before exeauUon ot thia Deed ot Trust,and the executlon and delivery of this peed of Trust does�ot vlotate any
<br /> :, aor�eict or otAer oblipatlon to whlch Truator la aubjeaL
<br /> 3.TncM„At�M.To pay betore delinqueney ali taxes,epealai aeseesmenta end sIi other chargea agalnat the Property
<br /> now or hsre�ttsr levied. .
<br /> ° - 4. Urt�.To keep the Property inaured apatnat damape by fire.fiazarda inctuded within the term"extended coverage",arid . ::
<br /> "''��` auoh atl�er hezarda es Lender may requlre,tn amounta and with com nles ac !e to Lender.nemtn Lender es en additlonsl `����;;
<br /> , c.,;�..i PS CBPtab �
<br /> '�' ��=�►i�k•�,"•1 named Insurod.with io�s payable to the Lender.In case of toaa under suoh pollcEes,the Lender Is authod:ed to adju�coitect antl
<br /> '}��`;;: compromiae,all ataims tl�ereunder and eheii havethe option of apptyinq all or part of the Insurance proceeds(q to any indebtedneas
<br /> ••��"°=r�:�r aeeured heroby and in eueh order as Lender may determ�ne,(ii)to the Truator to be used tor the repeiro�re,storstlon of the PropeKy �
<br /> ��'�'�'`��``� q q y p rposeor objectaeUstactoryto Lsnder without aNeadng che Uen of thia Deed of Trust tor thefull amount aecured ,s.,
<br /> ;��:.�,c;�. : or 1 foran other u
<br /> ;:•��:;:�..;� hereby bsfore euch payment ever took place.My appiiaetlon of proceeda to indebtsdneae eba�t oot extend o�poatporte the due
<br /> ��;�;:�;�.;;, date ot any pa�rments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereurtder. s:��
<br /> � ,,� 6.F.tarow.Upon written d9mand Leeder,Trustor ehall pay to Lender,tn such manner ea Lender may dealgnate,sufHCient ''�%�'`
<br /> ��e;���.''�;{ bY
<br /> . _�;.� aums to enabte Lender to pay ae they become due one or more o!Me totlowing:(1)all teuces,aesesaments end other charges apalnst
<br /> -;,h;�:: _ the Properiy,(ii)the premtuma on the properly inaurence requlred hereunder,and(111)the premlums on any rreoRaepe Inaurance .
<br /> .... , .: requlrid by Lender. •
<br /> R•��-x�•�•`• '• 8.MsMMA�.qop�ln and Compllanw wtth Law�.T�uator shait keep the PtopeRy in good condiNon and repa�r.shall �` '
<br /> '�'='`':� � .� '` promptly repatr.or roptaca any improvoment whlch may be dameged or destroyed;shutt not commft or pormR any waate or J,,.`
<br /> . . i'� � �
<br /> "`'' � � •:F. detertoraUon af ths Properiy;shali not remove,demollsh or aubsffinUally after any o!the Improvements on the Properiy;ahnll not
<br /> `-='�"-°''='•��'';�y' aommt�eut(ef or pem�k nny a�:t to be done in or upon the PropeRy in violellon of any law,ordinance,or reputaUon;and ehalt pay en�
<br /> � ';c+d�1'�,�K�'�r
<br /> s, t� L. .. prompty ditchar�s at Tivator'e cost and expsnse a�i ttens,enoumbrancea and oherqes Ievled,impoaed or asseased apainat the
<br /> � �'.•{,;:.. .'Ptopsrly or any pnR tMreof.
<br /> � � � �� . . 7. 6nkMnt Dort�tn.Lender la hereby aaatpned a�l compenasUon,awarda,demagea and other paymenta or reitef(heretna4ter
<br /> �'�.'� � � Proceeds'�tn conneatlon with condemnaUon orot�er�Idnp of the PropeAy or paR thereof,or for conveyaRCe tn Ileu of candemna-
<br /> � �" � �� '``'' tlon,L�nde�ehaU be e�itled at Ib opUon to commence,appear in and prosoaute in Ib own name any actlon or proceedtnps.artd
<br /> � ,a'_�.:.:•. _,w. .. ..
<br /> `�r�r�•Y�••�' shsll alw be entidad to make any compromtse or aeldement in connectton with such taktnp or Eamape.In the event any portion of
<br /> :���� .• � the Prop�rty is so fakan or damaped.Lertder shail have the optlon,f�tts eole and abaolute discretion.to epply ati aueh Proceoda.
<br /> ,•;��:"••.,.;-.;_`•�: ', afterdrductlnp theretrom uU coats artd enpanees ineurred by it In conneaUon w�th suah Proceede.upo»any fndebtedneas aecured
<br /> , :... �:.:•�
<br /> .,,.,I ; ,,:, hmeby artd In auch order as I.ender msy determine,or W appry all suah Proceeds,after auch de�uatlone,to the reatoraUon of the
<br /> tyi�.�..�,.,,;� .:.� Prope�t�►upon wch aondiUorts as I.ender may determtne.Any appUoaUon of Proceeda to tndebtedneae shatl eot extend or poatpone
<br /> '��,;,���;;•• . fh�dw dats of any paymu►b under the Nots,or uuro 8ny defeult thereunder or hereurtder.Any unapplled turtds shall ba pald to
<br /> 'n5Y-L�c;_a,u:`. Trul�ot
<br /> f�n.�:.�:z;; ' 9.p�fonnMtc�by L�ndK.Upon the occuttencs o!an Event of Oefault hereunder.or it any aat is taken or IeQal proceedin� ;
<br /> ,s•,��-� � commencsd which mateHaUy afteots Lender's intere�t In!he Properiy,Lender may In ite own dlacretlon.but wNhout obllpaUon W do �
<br /> "5'":�"'"•' eo.�nd wtMout nodcs to or dsmartd upon Truttor and without rolesetnp Trustor trom any obltpaUon,do any act which Truetor has �
<br /> '�t.:�'.:�•"�; : apr�ed Dut hlt�to do an0 m�y atso do�ny other aat It deems nece:sary to proLect the eecuriry hereot Tru�tor ehail,tmmedlYtety
<br /> `:� '`''�' upan Mmand therafor by Lender.pay b Lender ill�otb and expsneea(nouned and aums expsnded by Lende►in connsadon with
<br /> "?�.�::,..,.. ;
<br /> � '�,;°a i-"�'%�' tM�x�rcis�by LAndsr of ths tors�oinp N9hts,topsther with ir�brost thexeon at ths dshuit rate proWded In the Note.r�htch eheU bs
<br /> �
<br /> �d�el to tM tnd�bt�dnea sscurod heroby.LendK shall rtot irteur any Ilabittry because ot anythlnp It mar do or omtt to do i'
<br /> _ ,:�4�' hKwt�. , I ,>
<br /> .
<br /> �. � Page 1 of 4 •
<br /> F+�„ 1,
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