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<br /> ' , Alf81aNMENT Q�R8NT8 RIDER ��� ���
<br /> - TWIS Aa�IONMENT nF RENTB RIDER te niade and exeauted tflls �TH dey oi AUGUS7��g ��i ,and Is
<br /> Irtcarporated Into�rtd ehalt be deemed to amend and eupplement the MoR�a�e or Deed of Truat,herelnafter referred to as the
<br /> "Ssau►ity Instrument", ot th� sams de�ts plven by fhe underelprtad, herelne(ter retetred to ae ths"F3orrower", tp eeoun
<br /> • Borrow�r'A Ind�bt�dne�e,h�relnaflsr�eter��to as ths"Note",to HOME FEDERAL BAVINGB AND LOAN A880GIATION OF
<br /> aRAN018t�ND�h�alnatNr r�fer�M to�s th�"L�nder",o!th�e�m�d�40�nd covarinp the property descrlb�d in 4h�B�curtty
<br /> In�trum�nt�nd loo�ted tt:
<br /> ' 310G mAGN�I.IA CT �RAND ISLAND. NEBRAS!<A 68803
<br /> �Proparty Addreae) �.��
<br /> WITNE88ETH:
<br /> WHERF.A$�Borrower�rtd Lender have apreed that any�enta and proflte attributnble to the properry ehould�onatltute
<br /> additltsntt s�curity to tt�e Lendsr!ar the payment oP the Note;
<br /> NOW,THEREFORE,it Is aprsed tha9 the Seaurlry Inst�ument ehail be amended hereby and deemed to Inolude the tollowinp
<br /> provialons:
<br /> 1. Asslqnmgnt of Rants and Land�r Rental Colleotto Rlahte.Borrower hereby ebsolutety and unconditionally aesipns atl
<br /> rsnte, laaues and profite of the property to Beneficfary. Lender ahatt heve f�te right, power and authority durOnp ths
<br /> continu�nCS of the 8eoutity Inatrument to collent the rents,iseuea and p►otita of the property cnd of any peraonal property
<br /> losated thereon �rtth or wlthaut Reklnp Rossesalon o!the pr4perty aftected hereby. dender. nowever,hereby eenaenta to
<br /> Bonnwer's cotteation and retention af auch rents.laeues and pro4lte ee they accrue and�iecome payabte,eo lonp ae 0onower
<br /> la not�d auch time,tn defauit witA reapeot to payment ot any fndebtedneas secured hereby.or!n the performance ot any
<br /> agreement hereunder.
<br /> 2. Apoolntment of Rece(ver. If any event of default in �espect to the Security Instrument sha�l have occurred and be
<br /> aontinuing�Lender,as e matter of right and without notice to Bor�owe�or anyone ctafming under Borrower. and withaut
<br /> regard ta the vatue af the trust eatete or the intereat of the Bonower therei�,shatl have the right to appty to any court havinp
<br /> Jurlsdtction to appolnt a recetver of the property.
<br /> 3. pfaht�q Poaseaslon.In case of default fn the payment of the sald prinofpal Note or interest,or any part thereof,as It
<br /> shait mature,or In the case of faiture to keep or perform any af the covenante or agreements oontained in the Security Instrw
<br /> ment, then the Lendsr, its successors or asslgna,shall be and Is hereby authorized and empowered to take immediate
<br /> posaesston of the said premfsea therein described and to colleat the renta thereirom,a�d to a�ply tho procoeds thereof to the
<br /> payment ofi ti�e iVote. •
<br /> 4. E�ODllcg�ton of R��s.lssuea a_nd Protits.Aii rents aotteated by Lender or 4he receiver sha�l be apptied first to payment
<br /> of the costs of managqment of the property and coileatton of rents,ino�udi�g,but not Ilmited to,receiver's feea,premlums on .
<br /> recetver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees,end then to the sums seoured by the 3eourity Instrument.Lender and the
<br /> receiver shail be Ifablo to account only for those rents actuatty received.
<br /> ;�;, 5. C�onstruation ot Provisiona.Each ot the provtalons contained in thfs Aosignment of Rents Rider and the 8ecurity�natru•
<br /> ment shalt� unlesa otherwise speaiflcaliy requlred,be construed ln acaordance with Nebraska law, and in the event any
<br /> provtslon herein or the�eln contai�ed shsll be detgrmined by a court of competent Jurisdlction to be unentorceable,the seme
<br /> sha��be construed a8 though such unentorceab�e provision were not a part hereof or thereof.
<br /> �!��Y 8. ENeaLot Rider,Except as apecificaliy moditied by or Inconaistent with this Assignment of Rents Rideror by any other
<br /> app�icable rider,ali of the terms and provlslons conteined in the Secu►fty Instrument sh�il continue In full force and efteCt.
<br /> fN WITNESS WNEREOF,8orrower has executed this A nme ai Rents de on the date t st noted above. e!a
<br /> ��
<br /> J IE K WALKFlbbrrower ' '�
<br /> �� l.v�.2�-e-v `
<br /> E LYN E ALKEf�orrower �'�
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<br /> �,. ' STATE OF NEBRABKA) ri;�
<br /> ��s (8s: h���;.
<br /> ���� COUNTY OF HALL ) `4
<br /> On thls sm day ot AUGUS7 � �8 9� .befvre me,the undersig�ned,a Notary PubUo duly commtssioned and �
<br /> qualifted for said county,peraona�ty came J�HNNIE K �JALKER AND EUELYN E IUALKER. HU58AND �
<br /> AND WIFE ,to be the Identicai person(s)wrhose name(s>islare subsa�ibed �
<br /> ��°=:'�.,:�-• to the foregoing inatrument,and heJshelthoy acknowiedge the exeoution thereof to be hislherlthelr voluntary aat an�deed.
<br /> �`��-�� Witnesa my hand and Notarlal Seal at GRAND ISLANO, NEBRASKA
<br /> ���
<br /> in ounty,the date af resat .
<br /> " _ r/-� �
<br /> ,,.��.;,i`k�, • ���1�� 1��� —
<br /> " ������ Notary Publlc
<br /> !tv P.nin�lsainn a�eelraa
<br /> •• , NP10.1DI7A21
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