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<br /> ot spk,wid t�e sale,ladudinq We�yn�emotthe'3lrustee's[ees aMually incue�+ed,nat W exceed 3.0 `�pf
<br /> the pAnclpW amount d the nabe at tha dme of the declt�rat[on oi defauit,�nd reasouAble xttorneys'fees�perrntttsd
<br /> b�l�w;(b)w WU swrw secured by thls Security[nstrumenu aad(c)any excess to tho persan or�xrsone legally endt[cd
<br /> W t�
<br /> 1,2.Rcconveynnce. Upon puyment of all sums secured by this Sccudty InRwmen� i.cnder shuU request 1lustec to
<br /> recomey ihe Property and shall aurrender this Securiry instrutnent and ell notea evtdencing debt Yecut'ed bY thi�Suurity
<br /> lnstrument to'Ilvstee. '[tusu� ehull tecanvcy t1w Property wlthout wucrAt�ry and wichout�hnrgo to tha person or per�ans
<br /> IegaUy entiticd to i� Such per�o�or per�one Rhall pny any recordntion costs.
<br /> 23.Sub�tltute 7Fwtea I.ender.ut itx o�tion.muy trom timo ta time rcmove'Itustce and uppoint u saccessor uustea tn
<br /> nny'Ih+stco a�poSnted hercundcr by nn instn�mcnt recotded in the county in wh{ch thia Security lnwtnnnent la rccorded.
<br /> Without canvcyunee af�he Pnnperty,tho suceessor trustee yhull sueceed to ull tho tttle,{iower i�nd dutiea c�nferrcd upc�n
<br /> 7lustec tkt�cin and by upplirable Quw.
<br /> 1A.itequeat�or NMtct�. Bormwcr ccyu��tx thnt capics af tho notices of defuult und xulc bo nent ta Horrawer i�aukl���y
<br /> which iy tho Property hddress.
<br /> 2S.Etidere to thN Security In�teumen� If ano or mare dders nro cxecutcd by Borrower nnd rec�rded togcther with
<br /> lhis Security Inauvment.the cavenantx und agmement4 of e;�ch such ri.der shs�tl be irtcorpomted into snd sha11 amend und
<br /> �upplement thc covenants nnd agmements of this Security Insuument 4a if tlx ddcr(s)were u paR of th;s Sccuriry InsuumenG
<br /> [Chcck appl(cuble box(es)]
<br /> aAdjuatnble Itnta Rtdet �Condaminium Rlder �1-4 FQmily Rldor
<br /> �Cimduuted Puyment Itider �Plaaned Unit Dcvelopment Ridor �Blweekly Payment Rider
<br /> �B�iloon Rider �Rate impmvement Rtder �Second Home Rider
<br /> i ❑X Uther(s��speclfy,� ASSIGNnIENT OF RENTS RIDER
<br /> I BY SIGTiINa BELOW,Borrower acce ts tind u�rees to the temu and covenants containe�in this Secwity Insstrument
<br /> n
<br /> uadln any rider(s)executed by Borrower an recorded with i�
<br /> wime�g: wm�s:
<br /> �s�� ��
<br /> -9orrower JOH E K IJALK�R 'em'°"'u
<br /> ' � � (s�)
<br /> -Bo�� EUE YN E W LKER -BOtDO"'�
<br /> STATE OP NF.BRASKA. HALL County ss:
<br /> { pn�g 6TH �y of AUGUST, 1994 ,before rae.the undersigaed.a No Publlc
<br /> � duly commissioned and ualified for suid counry.personally cnrae JOHNNIE K WRLK�R AND EUELYN E WA�ER,
<br /> ` r HUSBAND ANO UlI�E ,to me known to he the
<br /> idenacnl p e r sE�s�(s)whose neme(s)ere subscribed to the fomgoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> be T N voluntary uct and deed. �`t
<br /> Y°� Witrieas my hand and notariel se�l nt GRAND ISlANO, NEBRASKA in said county.the -
<br /> «�.�
<br /> dateaforesaid. ������p � ,�
<br /> My Commissi n e ' �WMq,�
<br /> oEao�w+�.2a,isg, '=��
<br /> ; ���tp, Notary Pubik
<br /> TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of'Ilust. Said note or notes,together wtth all
<br /> other indebtedness secured by this De�d of'ltvs�have been paid in full. You a�+e hereby directed to cancel said note or notes ,
<br /> aad thia Deed of'IIvst.wttich are delivec+ed hereby,and to rcconvey,without werranty.uU the estate now held by you under
<br /> this Deed af'IIvst to the pecson or persoas legally entitled thcreto.
<br /> ��
<br /> `'`���,�;� j`�, Date:
<br /> 94.t Ebmt3028 9190 (pueebojbpager)
<br /> . .. �.
<br /> j �v .
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