�til , �F'' ,;t•'" o
<br /> .�. ..�.. . , . ��, '' ' , ;, ,�
<br /> , ; i . .
<br /> � ' �,.�.
<br /> � �.y
<br /> ��b���
<br /> 0,H�d�w M�I�{p�.Truria shail k�p tho Pro�rty In compilenc�witPi RII�Ptlabl�I�w�.erdin�ncn�nd npul+eda►�
<br /> rM�1Mp lo Indw�i�i hyplM�a�t►vironm�nW P���(collw�iwiy rNNCSd to MKNn a"Emdrot�enmLl Law!'9.Tn+t�tt�ll
<br /> kwp 1!N Pro�ty trN from atl wbstanca dvM�n�d to b�das�edou�or 1�xb und�r�ny Environm�nnl l.ar�(aoil�ctivMi►�MKnA trs
<br /> hKMn�s"F 1�d o w t r A�t K l a t�'�.T r u�o►h�n b Y w unmb�nd��a to L�+rl�tl►�t tt��erq na Hwrdow M�Mrt�ls ae a
<br /> ufltlM th�Ptop��h►.T�rwbr h�r�b1►Mp'�w to Ind�mnHy and ho�d t�armllM t,NlMr.lb dir�C4c�tr,aMlco►s,�+p1oY��n d�M��
<br /> �y cucc:::cra to L�.��fe!nt*_rest,hem e+nA�ina�ny�nd�II clalma.d�m�►lae�e�nd IlabOi�arhlnp in eenn�allon wUh
<br /> 1M,a��i,�,di�poKl a lnmport of any H�rdous AA�N►la��an.unda�h8m or about i�w Pro�'.y.TO��PC;iL-COlAlt3
<br /> l3URVNE l�ECONVEYANCH aF TF118 DEfD Of 7FiU8T.
<br /> 10. A�M/��t d 11�.T►wbr Mr�b1►u�Ono to L�ndair t!w�tr,ls�u�and Profib of eM Prap�ty;PrOVtd�d tlwt Tn�rbr
<br /> �hrJl.uMll th��fGaurnr�crof an Ewnt a1 ONauR h�au�d�r.haw th��bhtto colleat and rebin wah nnt�,isww and P����Y
<br /> bsaom�dw and pnyabl�•lJf►on th�oca�n�ne�of an Ew�►�t of Oshutt�L�nd��may,sith�►In psrw�or by agant,wlth or witbout
<br /> brinslnp�ny acNon ar procMdinR,or by lt na�fwt�ppolnbd by a court and without npard t0 th�adpuaay of N�+Mcurlty.m1K
<br /> upon and tak�poueWon oi th9 Propety.or any put th�rwf,In Ib own neme or In the nams ot tt�71vst».and do eny aa�ee which h
<br /> de�rt�s rt�s�ry a dsstnbts to pr�n►�tM vatu�,markNablliry or nntabiiity of th�P�op�rty.or any paRtf��at a int�ttMr�ln,
<br /> Ina�Ms tncome th�e�trom or p�ot�at ths s�aurity her�of and,with or without aking posw�toe of tl�Prop�ty.sw tor or
<br /> ofherwla coll�at tha nnb,l�suss and proRtt th�roof.includinp thas put du�and u�paid,and apply tho sam�.t�ts co�a�d
<br /> exp�ntM of op�ra�on and coltecUon fnatudlrtp attomsya'fses,upon any I�debtsdnete escurod heroby,alt in�uch ordsr as t+K�
<br /> may d�brmins.Ths�ntHin�upo�and takirtp po�ss�on o!ths Prop�Ay.tha cott�cUan of�uch ronb,issue�end p�olib and tbe
<br /> appt�catloe Marsof�atoro�atd,ahall nat cure or waiv�any d�fault or notics of dMault hereunder o�Irnalida��Y Pt d��
<br /> �etpones to such detiutt or p�rsusnt to waA noticu W default and,notwith�tandinp the aondnu�ncs In poss�efloo
<br /> ths piiastlen.receiA�and aDpilaaban ot ronb,tswss at protlm.and Truetea and tsnder atti�lt ba orttitled to exerclee eve�q�lght
<br /> pro�v�fArtnanyof th�LoanOocum�►tsorbY lawuponoeeumnesof�nY Ev�ntof Oetault,inetudln�withovtQmlMior►the�iphtco
<br /> ImtGUwnon.l���a ph�d�einedfssund ranyas�ipfe medn ofteae�osand�nm�.orded��Q natthsPropsrtyLendet.'6wruatse
<br /> and ths rsceivev ahett bs n�to axount ony thas ronu�ctuatly received.
<br /> 11. Ewnb d DMa�i1.The tollowinp ahall conatltute an Evont of Oefsult under thia Oeed of Tn�at 4
<br /> (s)Fallurs to pay any installment of principal or Lntereat of any other sum aecured hareby when due:
<br /> (b)A breach of ordefault under any provialon contained inthe Note,thta Oeed of Trwt,amrof the Loan Documsnts.or anY �
<br /> uther Ilen a encumbranoe upon tbe ProOeM:
<br /> (c)A writof execution or attaahment or any almllar prnceaa ehail be entored against T�uetor whicb ehall becam�s Ifenon �++,
<br /> lhe PropeKy or any portlon thereot or Intereat thsroin;
<br /> (d)There ehali ba filed by or a�ainat Truator or Borrower an aadon under any preaent or tuture tederal,atate or othet
<br /> k feCOiY�K OwIt4Uitl9tOf Ofi�t ru IStO►o Borcawtr����iiaii��r 8R}i P&t�OS S�l8 Pfef�SfLY.�f�►A11L1,188U6s tOr pro�thetecf.or T�
<br /> or Borrower ehail meke any generat aaaipnment for the beneflt o!creditors;
<br /> (e)The,eale.t►ansfer.leaee,asatpnmer►t aonveyance or turther enoumb►ence of all or any pan of or any interesi In the
<br /> >�:�;' p�pperty,either voluntarity or invotuntarlly.wlthout the expreas w�itten consent of Lender,provided Mat Trustor shnll be
<br /> ; `'' permUted to exeaute a lease of the Property that doe��ot conmin an opUon to purchasa and the tertn ot whtch does not exceed
<br /> �• one yesr.
<br /> '�';�^� .':..� (Q Abandonment ot the Property:or
<br /> ����'�„�, (y) If T►uator le not an Individual,tha issuance,sale,transfer,aseignmen�conveyance or encumbrance ot more than a to3al
<br /> �
<br /> ;,_!�'4. �� , `t a�r,.,_„_..,perceM ot(if s co►poratlon)ita lasued and outstandtng stook or pt a partnershfp)a total of percent of •
<br /> ,.:�� +� pertnerehip lMereste dJring the peMod this Qeed ot Trust�emalns a Ile�on the Property.
<br /> ,�, �Z. ����Upp�D�huM.in the erent of any Event of Oetault Lender may,without noUce except as required by
<br /> ���'�`' law.declare atl.indebtedneaa secured Aereby to be due and peyabte and the same shall thereupon become due end payabte „
<br /> � :j without ar�r�reaer►tment demand,protest or no�ce of any klnd.Thereafter Lender mey. �
<br /> (a) Qemand that Truatee exer�iea the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Truatee ahali thereafter cause Tnrato�'e
<br /> interest in the P�operty to be sotd nrtd the proceeds to be dtstributed,all in the manner provided In the Nebraska Trost Deeda ' ,.
<br /> ;;� t .��."�'�''aW: . AcL
<br /> :�:kr°•.�:.: .�.z•r
<br /> s�,,�� (p) Exerclseenyendatld9htsprovtdedtorinanyoftheLoanOocumentaorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEventof0etaul� ,,+
<br /> ` ��"'`�r p� c Commence an acUon to toreclosg this Oeed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or speaiflcal�y entorce any of the
<br /> ,� � • ' .
<br /> �'�;=•,. .'..�s.. . () ,
<br /> - - .,...__.,. . cavenants hereot. �
<br /> =�� � + No remedy herein eonfer�ed upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender is intertded to be exetusive ot any other remedy herein,in tfie ,r.. �
<br /> =.�:i,,;'�z°, ;` I.oan Qocumenta or by�aw provtded or permitted,blit each shatf 6e cumulBUve,shail be In addition to every other remedy 9ive� ,.?:�,.
<br /> �,7��^ hereunder,in the Loan Oocumonts or now or hereaker existing at law or in equfty oT ay atetute,and may be exerci�ed concurrent►!h ��... ,
<br /> �s, IndB�EndOntlY ot ltItCC098fv81y.
<br /> /g,Ttwt�s.The Trustee mey realge et any time without cause,and�ender may at any Ume and without cause appolnt a
<br /> � �" succeasor or subadtute 7tustee.Truatee ehali not be ilabte to eny pariy,lnaluding wNhout IlmNatton Lender,Borrower,Trustarorany
<br /> ` �,'�� �' purahaser of tlte Properly.tOr any�oas or damage untess due to reckleas or willfui mlaconduat,and shnit nat be required to take arry _ �
<br /> ' µ�. *�i",=�!;'.' . : eatlon In connection with the enforcement of this Doad ot Trust unless indemnHied,In wrtUng.for all costs,compensaUon or �„
<br /> '�`'`-'�'�" ' � expenaea which may be aesociated therewith.In edditlon,Truatee may become a purchaser at any sate of the Property Qudlclal or
<br /> . : „ jv
<br /> � `f:°.,.��;;'.;�•i;.ti t under the power ot salA graMed hereln);poatpone tAe sate of all or any poRion ot the PropeMy.as Provided by�aw;o�sei�the
<br /> Mh�•��: �• ��•- Property as a whote,or in eeparate parceia or lota at T►uetee's disc►etlon. „
<br /> .�:��:r: '� r;��.i��' In the event Trustee selis the Prcperly by exercfae of power ot sate,Trustee shall be endtla0 to ePph�
<br /> ,.... .. },.,,._ 14. Fra and ExpmsN.
<br /> °•.i� _Faf4.�
<br /> },w.l-�-, :':,��'., any sale proceedaHratto paymeM ot all eosts and expenses of exeroising power ot sale,ineluding a�l Tnratee'e fees,and I.snde m
<br /> .;,� ,,;�:��� end Truetee's attorney's teea,actuaily incuned to extent permitted by app�laabie taw.In the eve�t Borrower or Troator exerciaes 8ny
<br /> ,, �;���� �ipht provtded by taw to aure an Event of Detault Lender ahall be enUtled to recover from Trustor al�costa and ezpenses acNelly
<br /> . �,,��p�,', incurred as e result ot Trustor's detuutt including without IlmieaUon att Truetee's end attorney's fees,to the exteM perm�ted by
<br /> ' . apPlieable Iaw.
<br /> '�'�:���_�+.y^�._:� 16. Futur�Afirances.Upon request ot Bonowet.Lender may.at Iffi opUon,make additlonal artd tuture advances a�d re-
<br /> <;.�-.= advancea to Bo►rower•Suah advancea and readvances,with interest thereon,ahali be e�e�va cied to protect Mo security ot thls
<br /> ,YS �. ' � ' tAe Pdnoipat amoun2 of the l�debtednesa seaured by this Oeed of Trust,nd)gtipp(4�'l�
<br /> ..___,_ _e u,hinhovar is a�CatBf.
<br /> ��,�,i:::..,, -;� Qeed of Tfust exC880 fie onginai prtncipai amouni ou`iw,'+��vn..:.. --•--- - -
<br /> ir;;. . ; .�. J 18. Mtacdhn�ow Pra+rhions.
<br /> .n:� • ••�,- (g) 8otrow�►NoR R�l�eNd.Extension of the tlme tor payment or modlNceUOn of amordzatlon of Me sums seaured by this
<br /> ���;�• �: �,-
<br /> :"''�``'`: �.•����- ' Deed of Trust pratlted by Lender to any successor In fntereat o}8onower shal�not operate to rolease.in any manrter,theliabltily
<br /> ..:5~': •'-..��:•�'5.�..• .
<br /> � ���� ' of the oNginal Bortowar and 8orrower's successors in iMereat Lender ahail not be required to commence proceedingsage►tnst
<br /> ;d.,...__..�-�::�:��:.
<br />� 'r>.�: ::;M�:� � such succesao�or retuae to extend Ume for payment or otherwise modly amortltaUcn ot the suma secured by lhls Oeed ot Tnrst
<br /> '�?."'�.%��' ` by reason ot any demanda made by Me orlgfnal Bonower and Borrower's succesaora t��ntereat
<br /> ;,, .,,
<br /> �.•; • . ._� . N. �p� ��p p M rM.Without eHecti n g the Ilablllry of eny other person Ilabie tor the payment Af any obligatfon eren
<br /> ''7 �':? "'•�= ' menUoned,and without atfecdng the Ifen or charge ot thia Oeed of Tcust upon any portlon of the Prope A y no t t h e n o r t h e r e t o t o r e
<br /> ��`� =` �' .,�, �� • ro t e a s e d a s s e curi t y tor the full amount of elt unpald obltpationa.lender may,trom tlme to Ume and without nodce(1)re�e3se any �.
<br /> `-,`�' .•.•., , � perepn so Ilable,(iq oxtend the maturity or elter any of the terms of any such obllgaUOna,(iii)grant o Mer In du lgences,(iv)r e t e a s e �
<br /> v'�°c�e" or recomrey.or ceuise W be releaaod or reconveyed et any time at Lender's optlon any parcel,Rortion or ali ot ffio PropeAy.
<br /> ''°�°� (h take or release any other or addldonal Becurity tor any obfipa�on herefn menUonsd,o�(v11 make aompoalttona or other
<br /> ,{ J�' a . arrnnyemeMS with debtoro tn refaUon thereto.
<br /> `ta���y4�. . �.
<br /> S ' •
<br />