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<br /> TN18 D�Et1 Cf TRIlST.li msd�a�af tl�� �th d�y ot�.� Jul. .tA._4'�by and�reoap
<br /> ��,u���, �l,���► Ue�1 i JAMB1' A. U11NBL . Aus4�nd �ad wi3� �
<br /> • who�rr�iNnp a�ddn�o 1� 612 E C�pital Av� Iirind I�lar�l-__,n��N!k bw�������
<br /> �r�.r��
<br /> ��� �iv� Poinls 8arik, a N�braak� Coraor�Cf�n _ �
<br /> whoN m�Utnp addreqt t�
<br /> P.O. 8cx 130y Orand Ialand, N6 68802 ���„��„���
<br /> ���ry� Fivw Points B�nk �
<br /> wha�mail(np edd�ta 2015 N. 8roadrell 6r�ad ioland, NE. 68802-i50y ����„�,�.
<br /> Jf�wy U�s�l
<br /> FOR VAWABLE CANSIDHRATION,tnaludtrt�Lender�extension of crodtt idantlflsd hersin to
<br /> i JABET A. U!llfBL (hsreln"8orrower'.whether one or moro)and ths truet harotn areated.
<br /> the rscsipt of which ta huteby acknowiadpecl,Twator hereby irrevacabty prante,tranetaro. conveys and•eesipns to Yrwtss,!N
<br /> TFiUST,WITH POWER OF SALE.tor ths benefitand eeaurtry of Lender.urtdsrand eubjectto thetermaaad condittons hsreinafEaiet
<br /> tonA,tha roal properry,deac�ibed as tailow�
<br /> To�ed�ef wfth atl bulldtnpa,lmprovemente,itxtures.atreete,alieya,paessaewaYs.easeme�ts,d�hts.Prlvllepes and appurts-
<br /> rtances located Msreon or in anywiee pertaininA thereto.and the renta,issuea and proflte,reveralona end remainders thsreat,and
<br /> such pe►sonal property that is attached to the Improvements so ae to conaUtute a fixture,includinp,but not ttmited to,hesdnp and
<br /> cootinp equipmer�and topether wIM the homestesd or marita�intereste,if any,whioh i�terestsare hereby rolesaed and watved;sp
<br /> ot whtch.inatudinp replacemento and addlUond thereto,la hereby dealared to be a pan ot the real eatate secured by the Ifan ot tbla
<br /> Deed of 7ruat and ail of the torepoinp beinp reterced to herein as the"Properiy".
<br /> This Deed of Truat ehali eecure(ay the payment of the princlpal aum and interest evidenced by a promfaeory note or ctedit
<br /> �p'.''..- .'� July 29th 199! July 2$tA 1997
<br /> ���M� ,hsvfng a rssatsrlty slsts a! .
<br /> �SJ ' 13.754.2S
<br /> ��"�� in the oripinat prirtcipal amouM of S ,and any and all modlflca8one,extenalona end reaewato
<br /> � ��" �' � thoreof or thereto and any and ail tuture advances and readvances to Bar�ower(or any of them if more then one)hereunder
<br /> � :��.�=g;�'�,+•_'. "
<br /> �,��Y purauant to one or more promiesary notaa or credit aqreemente(hereln catled Note'�;(b)the paymeM of o�er auma advanced by
<br /> `' • ,�•°��x.+E� Lender to protect the eecuriry ot the Noto;(o)the perfotmance of ai�covena�tls and agreementa of Trustor aet torth herein;and(d)all
<br /> ,.���` "�•`��1••� � preaer►t and tuturo Indehtednesa and obtigaUons ot Borrower(or any ot them it more than one)to lender whather direct,indirect,
<br /> .A ny�i�f-':';�,.
<br /> °�:�` �,•�• abaoiute or conNnpent and whether ariaing by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,thia Oeed of Truat and sny end att
<br /> •�''���'��• otherdaoueMsthateecuretheNoteorotherwiaeexeoutedinconneattontherewlU�,inoludingwithouttimitattonguaranteea,aeauflt�r
<br /> ��' �"°�"'�`�•� agreemenb end essignmenta of teeaea end rents.ehell be reterred to herein as the"Loan Documents".
<br /> �'w"" Truator aovenenta and agreea wiM Lendor as fdlowa:
<br /> "'„�`'""""'' � 1.Paym�n4 W Ind�4t�drna.AI!indebtedneas eocured hereby sha8 be patd when due.
<br /> � �'���`��� . 2.TflN.Truetor le the owner of the Property, has the right and authority to convey the Property,and warrants thet the Ilen ��' !
<br /> . o�..tYii.a:'t� .
<br /> vh+�•'7s�+� areated hereby fs a flrst and prtor tlen on the Prope►ty,except tor tiens and enaumbrences set torth by Yrustor In wrlNng and .,�', .
<br /> `'�='� dellvered to Lender betore exeoutlon ot thie Deed ot Truet and the e�cecution and dellvery of thls Oeed ot Trust does eot vioiate any
<br /> "�`¢0"n"""'�U'°' co�act or other obUga�on to whloh Trustor is subJect
<br /> �M�"�;�a'~°�.��� 3.Tnns.At�b.To pay betore de�irtquenoy etl mxea epeatat asseasmenffi and ail other aha�gea againat the P�operiy
<br /> .,�?„•,_�:; ' •- �vLx� now or heteaiter levted. ,. .. � '•,
<br /> '�•� ��•• 4. tMUnnc�.To keep the Property insured sgalnat damage by Hre,hazarda inciuded within the term extended coverage ,and
<br /> :.�i�"�.-. �!.
<br /> ��•�•�.�� . •. such other hezarda ae Lender may requlre,in amourMa and with companies aceepffibte W Le�der,naming Lender ea an addi�onal
<br /> �' �� named Ineured,with loas payable to the Lender.�n case of loss under suah poilciea,the Lender is authorized to adjust,coileat and
<br /> ..;.����� � �� compromiao,all clalma thereunder and shatl have the opUon ot applying ali or part of the insurence proceeda(t)to eny indebtedness
<br /> � '�� " eeoured hereby artd In auah order as Lender may determine,(il)to the Trustor to be used tor the repalrbr reffiorabon ot the Property
<br /> or(III)for any other purpoa�or objeat eaUstactory to Lender without attoeUng the Ilen of thia Deed of Trustfor the fu�i amouM eeoured
<br /> �='c� � '. hereby betore such payment ever took ptace.Any appticaUon of proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or poatpone the due
<br /> '�'��' date ot any payrttenffi under the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder ar hereunder.
<br /> ;Yt� � 8. E�erow.Upon written demand by lender,Truator ahall pay to Lender.In such manner as Lender may deatgnate,suffialent
<br /> ' sums to enab�e Lender to pay as they become due one or more ot the following:(i)aIi taxea,assessments and other charges agalnst
<br /> �e*���' �. the Property,(il)Me premiums on the properry Insurence requlred hereunder,and(Iiq the premiums on any mortgage Insurance
<br /> •, required by Lender.
<br /> 8. Mdntm�nc�,A�paln and Compt�enc�wtth t,aws.Trustor ahell keep the Property In good canditlon and�epair.ehall
<br /> �'� prompUy repair.or rep�ace any improvement wMich may be damaged or deatroyed;shat� not commit or permit any waete or
<br /> :•.�;?�!. deterioraUon of the Property;sha�l not�emove,demollsh or substanUatiy alter any ot the improvementa on the Properry;shall not
<br /> � , � � commt�auffer or permk any act to be done In or upon the PropeRy in vlolaUOn of any taw,ordlnance,or regutadon;artd ehall pay end
<br /> promptly dlaeharge at Trueto►'s coat and expense ali tlena,enoumbrances and ehflrgea Ievted. imposed or assessed agalnst the
<br /> ��:rv,,:.� . property or any part�ereof.
<br /> ;f°•` • 7. EmMNnt Donah.Lender la hereby ansigned atl compensatlon,awaroa,damagea and other paymente or rellef(hereinafter
<br /> � '�`� � � � "Proceeda'y in conneaBon with cortdemreatlon or other taking of the Property or part thereW,o�for conveyance in Ileu of condemna-
<br /> ' tlon.Lender shat�Ee entltled at ite option to commence.appear in and prosecuDe in ita own name any acUOn or proceedinga,and
<br /> � � eha11 also be endUed to makA any compremlae or settlement In conneadon with suoh takirtg or damega tn the event any portion of
<br /> the Properly le ao taken or damaged,Lender ahall have the opdon,i�ite sole and absolute disoretlon,to apply atl such Proceeda,
<br /> _...�._ ��.n���r�. �..������..�...�d
<br /> . 91[er ae�uaurtp tRereirvm aii cosis and e�penses incuRed`v�r ii in Gvi���o�.���:.�..�oM....��..wwo�.:�:.•�•a••�•••••o•••w.•�w..�.w
<br /> hereby end In auch order aa Lertder mey determ�ne,or to apply ail auch Proceeda.after euch deducUons,to Me reatoratlon o4 the
<br /> , Properly upon suah cortdhiona as lende�may detem�ine.Any apRllcatlon ot Prxeeda to indebtednasa shall not extend or postpone
<br /> . " !he due dste o!any paymenta under the Note.or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unripplied furtds shali be paid to
<br /> , . . Tntetor.
<br /> 8. P«form�ner�Lond�r.Upon tha occurtence of an Event ot Default hereunder,or it any aat is taken or legal proceed��g
<br />, � ° commeneod whtch mate�iaqy atEecte Lertde�'e Intereat in the Property.Lender may in its o►vn discreUon,but wNhout obliga8on to do �
<br /> �.. � so,and wlMout nottce to or demand upon Ttuator and without relesaing Troator irom eny obllgetlon,do any act which Truator haa
<br /> � a�roed but tafts to do and may alao do any other eat It deema neceeasry to p ro L e e t 1 he eecur l t y hereo t T n�a t or e h a l l.tmm e d f a t e ly
<br /> ° � , upon demaed tAerotor by Londer.pay to Lender ail coata and expenaea fnouned artd auma expended by Lender tn conneoNon wtih
<br /> tRe exetei�s by Lander of the tarepoSnp Nphta.toge�thor with Interest thereon et the detauit rate provided in the Note,which ehall be �
<br /> ;�,, :;.� added M ths tndebtedrteas aeaured hereby.Lender shatt not tncur any Itability because of anything R may do or omft to do
<br /> _ '• ;� : hereunder. �
<br /> A �:��
<br /> ' Y. Q . .
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