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<br /> 17.TrwwirY�ot Hie W�ape�ty or a Rcnsiida0[ntererR Io Bo�er+nwer.IP all or any�.art af the Pa►perry or�np interest in it .
<br /> is sAld ar transfcrrc+l(�r ii'A hcncliciul interest ii�8c�rrowcr i�sotd a�r teanstcrrecl nn�l I1c�mr+vcr is m�t u natur�ll E*ei:u►q)wlihrnd
<br /> I.end�r'�prior writtcn ccenxnt, ix�xl�r may, at its npdc►n, rcquirc hnmedlatc p•ryment ln full of all �;uu�z r��urKd hy thix
<br /> Sxurity tnstrument.Hqwtvz�.this option rhall not be exerciscai by L,cndet if cxearcix i�prohfbttal by i'aieral law a�aP the�f�Ce
<br /> of this Sau►iiy In4trument.
<br /> IP l.ender cxarci�s thia optian.L.cndcr shall gl�a Barrowcr notice af e,cc�lcraiion.'fhc�x+dco r�hnll rovidt e pedrid af�wt
<br /> les.4 than 30 d�ys fmm tfie d�te thc notice is depveral or maUod within which &�rmwcr�nust pay �IP Ru►tu ssecwrod by tlds
<br /> Secudty fpstru 1.i'f rnywer fpilg tn pay t8ese sum�►prtar ta ths cxpiratian aY this periad.I.cnder tnay invoko nny n'matios �
<br /> permllttd b thy is. ' tnstrtitnettc without further�atice nr dc�i�a�xi un►&►rruwe�.
<br /> � IS�Bertm�et•�t to.ltettr�te. If Bamnwer mat� certain candition9. Borrower shall have tho right to have
<br /> enforoement af thie 5ecurity [nsuument di:sc�ntinesed ut any time pdor tu the cariier af: (a)3 deys (or such ather period�.v
<br /> applicublo !aw �nay specitjr for reinti�atcmem) bcfore snle of the Prope�ty pursuant to nny pawer af salc comainod in this
<br /> Srcudty insmienenr ar(b)entry uf a judgrn�rrt enforcing thia Secucity rnstrument.Those mndidans at+c that Borrowcr:(a)pays
<br /> Lender ul� sums which then would bc duc�nder this Security lnstrument a�thc No;e as iP no acccle�etion hud occuned; (b)
<br /> cures any default of any other envenants or agreements; (c)pays aU expense.s lncurte6 in enfarcing this Securlty,instnunent.
<br /> inctuding, but not limitad ta, ntasonAble nttome�s'fees;nnd(d)takes sucL ucttun ay Lender may rrvusonably rc:qmt+c to assute
<br /> that the lfen of thls Secutity Instrument. Lender s rights in the Property and Bortower's obligatian ta pay the sums sexured by
<br /> this Security Instrument sh�ll condnue unchanged. (Jpon reinstatcment 6y Barrower. this Secur�ty Instrument nnd the
<br /> obligatIons secu�d hereby shull remain fully effective as if no�ccelerution had accurted.However.this right to roinstate shall
<br /> not app!y in the cuse of uccelemtion under pamgraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Nute; Change oi Loan S�rvfcer. The Note ar a purtlul latet+est in the Note(togcther with this Security
<br /> lnsttument)muy be sold onc or mate times withnut prior notice to Borrower.A sate muy rcsult in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the"[.aan Servicec")that collecte manthly paymentg due under the Noto and this Security lnstrument.'f'htre nlso muy be one
<br /> or more changes af the Loan Servicer unreluted to a sale af the Note.If there ia n change of the laoan Servicer,Borrower wjli be
<br /> givdn wrltten notice of the chnnge in nccord�cc with paragmph I4 above und upplicuble law.The notic�e wil!state tite t►ame and
<br /> address of the new Laan Servicer and the address to which payments�hauld be made. The notice will also rnntnin�ny other
<br /> infom�ation requlred by applicuble luw.
<br /> ?A.Hazar�ous Subs�. Borrower shall nnt cause or permlt the presence,use.dfsposnl. storase,or release�f uny
<br /> I{a7ardous Substrutces on or in the Property. Bormwer sh�ll not do, nor ullow cu►yone else to do. un�ing uffecting the
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Emlronmentel Law. The pr�edi�g two sentences shall not apply to t e presence,use.or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hs�trdous Subsutnce.s thut ure generaUy recognized ta ba uppmp�late ta uorn�al
<br /> resIdenNal uses end to muintenance of the Property.
<br /> Bomower shnll pmmptly give Lender written rtotice of any invesdgatton. cluim,demuttd. luwsuit or other nction by any
<br /> govemmental or regulutory agency or pdvate party involving the Property and any Hozardous Substance ar Environmentitl Law
<br /> of whtch Borrower has uctual knowle�ge.If Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmentnl or regulutary authority. that
<br /> nnv removal or other remediation af any Huzardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shap promptly take
<br /> all necesswry remedla!actiuns in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> Aa used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" ure those substances defined us toxic or hAZUrdous subswnces by
<br /> Envimnmenwl Law und the fallowfng substances: gasoline. kerosene. ather flumn�able or toxic peiroleum products. toxic
<br /> pesHcldes and herbicldes.volatile solvents.materlals containin�asbestos or forn�uldehyde,ar.d rudiouctive materials.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20. "EnvironmenW l.aw" means fedeM laws and laws uf the jurisdictian where the Property is located that
<br /> relate to health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower und Ixndcr further covenant und agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Remedles.I.eader shull give aotire to Borro�ver g�dor to aoceleration follawiag Borrower's bmuch
<br /> of aa,y aovenant or egrceme�i in this Secw�tty Instrument (but not prtor to acceleration under paruRraph 19 unless
<br /> appllcable law provides otberwise).The notice shali specify: (a)the defuult;(b)the actton requlted to cure We deTaulh,
<br /> (c)u date, not less t6an 30 days tYom the date the notice is�iven to Borrower.by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the default on or betore the date specifted in the rtotice may result in ttcceleratlon of the sums
<br /> secured by this Secur(ty Insteument and �!e of the Property. The natice shall tt�rther inform l�orrower aP the right to
<br /> reinstate after scceleration and the rtght to brin�a court actian ta r�ssert the non�istence of a default or any othec
<br /> defence of Borrower to acoeleratlan and sale. It the detault Is not car�d on or befare the dute speeiHed in the notice,
<br /> Ixnder�at its option,may reguire Immedlate payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> �' furthe�demand�nd may tnvok�!he power of sale and any other reme�les permitted by Applicuble taw. Lendrx shNt be ,,�`
<br /> enttUed to collect nll expenses ic�rurred in pursuing the remedles provided in this paragruph 21,includin�, but not limited
<br /> to,reasons►ble attorneys'fces and costs oY tttle evtdence. ,
<br /> it thepower of sale is invoked, 1Yustee shall record a notice of defanit in each wunty in which any part ot the
<br /> Preperty is I�cated sind shall mail copies af such not[ce in the manner prnscribed by u�pUcable luw to Borro�ver and to r;'
<br /> the other�ersons prescribed by applicable Iaw.After the ttme required by applicable law.Tro.stee shall�ve pu6lic notice � ;�;
<br /> ��.. of sale to the pepsons and in the manner prescribed by eppltcable Iaw. Traslee.w[thout demand on Borruwe.r,shall sell ;'�;:':,
<br /> • Yi; the Property at public auctlon to the hfghest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in t?�e notice of ' ��
<br /> sale tn one or more parcels end in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale oS ali or any parcel of the
<br /> Property by public unnouncement at the ttme and place of any prevtously scheduled sele. I.ender ar its desiqnec mny
<br /> :- ,�. purchase the Property at Any sale. '
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