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<br /> pay�t�cnts may�w ianger be requiied,at tt�c aption�f L.encler.if�r�ortgu�e in.iurance coveraRe(in Ihc�mrnant and for►J�e ptriad
<br /> Blmt�.e�xler requtre9}pruvidr�l by an i�isurer apprc�ved by i.cnder r�gain beu3�ncs nvailublC nixl ls t►bi;ei��;. Buycu�4•er ahul! pgy
<br /> 1ix�premturn3 rcquircd ta n�aintain rrs�angage insuixnce in affeca,ar ta providc a lo�s reseTV�,untff the requiremere�foe mortguge
<br /> 'Msurance ends in�ccardxncE wlth pny wdtten�grament bctwan 8orrowar Nnd fue�xlrr ar�pplic�hle I�w.
<br /> 9. It►�pectk►n.L.cnder or tte agent may m�lca rassonab�c entd�upon and itwptction.v af tha Prc�erty. l.ender aiWt sive
<br /> Borrower notice u the ttme ot orprfbr to an in:poction speclt�ying r�onable c�tae for the incpe�Klon. � .
<br /> 10. Coe�demnat�nn.Tho pirxeeds of any award or claim for dar►u�es.diroct or cons�quentixl. in connectian wfth �ny
<br /> condemnstion ar othcr tak�ng of any part of the Propetry.or for eon+�:.ryanoe in 13eu of rnnctenu�atlon,,arc fxset�y asii�mx2�u�I
<br /> shall 6c paid tu�;ender.
<br /> In the event of a tot�l taking of tho prupertyr.the proceals sAa116e epplied tn the sumy sxurod by thia Security lnstcume�,
<br /> whsther or not t1►en du.e.wlth any cacess px[d to Borrower. In tha evant oF a paitlst t�kipg af the Pcnperty in wt�.f¢h tbt faIr
<br /> market value nf tha Property imrrtaliately befun the taking is equal to ar grcater ehan the amount of tha sums securod by this
<br /> Security[nstrument imrt�auly befare the taking.unless Borrower and I.erKler otherwise agree tn wriUng.the sums secu�d by
<br /> this Sxudty Itwtrumcnt shall be rcduced by� the amount of the prc�cecds multipliod by thc foltowing ftaciiora (a) the total
<br /> emoµnt of the sums secured lmmediately beforo the wking,divided by(b) the falr market value of the Pcoperty immediatoly
<br /> before the teking. Any balnace shull be paid to Ban+dwer. In tho event of a partial takjng of the Peoperty in wbich tha fair
<br /> market vnlua of tha Prop=rty immediately befarc th�tekiag is less than the amaunt Af the sums securcd imm�diately befor�e tho
<br /> talciag.unless Bocrower nnd Lender atherwIse agree ia writing or unless�plicable law otherwlse provides.the proceeds shall
<br /> be applied to thc sums secured by this Securiry Instiurnent whether or not the sums era then due.
<br /> If the Pmperty is uh3ndoned by Botrower,or if,after notice by i.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to mako an
<br /> awncrf or settle a c1aIm for damages. Borrower fails to respond ta Lender wtthin 3Q days after the date the naiice is given.
<br /> Lender is authorized w ooUett and apply the proceed.g.at its optIon.either to restorntion or repair af the Pmperty or to the sums
<br /> secured by ti�is S�ecurity Insuument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless L.ender and Hornnwer otherwise ag�+ee In writtng. any applicadon of proceads to principal shalt not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred ro in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such puyme,nu.
<br /> 11.Sormwer Not Relensed;ForDearanoe By Lender Not a Walver. Extenston of the cime for payment or modificadon
<br /> of amortizadon of the sums secuce�i b�•tl�is Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shait
<br /> not operat�to nelease the liability of the original Rortower ar Borrower's sucoessors In lnterest.Lender sMll not be rcquired to
<br /> commence proceedings against any successur in interest or nefuse to extcnd time for payment or oiherwise modlfy amortlzadon
<br /> of the sums secural by thia Socurity Instnunent by re�ason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Boirower's
<br /> sitccessors in interest. Any forbeanutce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shal!not be a wuiver af or pteclude the
<br /> eaerCiso of eny r�ght or(emedy.
<br /> 12. Suaxssors and Asgigns Bound;Joint and Severel Llability; Co-signe�. The covenants and agreements of thih
<br /> Securlry Insuument shail bind end benefit the successors and assigns of L.ender and Borrower. subject ta the provisians of
<br /> paragraph I?. Borro�ver's covenants and a�reemrnts shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who oa-sagns this Secwiry
<br /> Instrument but dces not execute d�e Note: (u)is casigning this Security Instrument onfy to martgage, grant aad convey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Pnopertg under the tcrnu of this Securtty Instrument:(b)is not personally obli�ated to pay the sun�s
<br /> seCUred by this Security Instrument;and(c)a�rees that Lender and eny other Borrower may agree to extend.mod[fy,foifiear or
<br /> . make any Qoc�mmodations with.regard to the terms of this Security Inst�ument or the Note withoat that Horrower's cons�nt.
<br /> 13.I.oa�n Charges.If tho taan serured by this 5ecurity Instrument is subject to a taw which seu maximum loan charges.
<br /> end that !aw is finaliy lnterpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges coilected or to be collected in oonnection with the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits. then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduc�d by the aniount necessary to reduce the cherga
<br /> to the permitt0d limit;and (b)any sums already collected from Borrower which excceded permitted limits will be rafunded to
<br /> Borrower. L,ender may choose tu make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making u direct
<br /> payment to Borrawer. If a refund reduces principal. the reductlon will be treated as u partial prepayment wtthout any
<br /> prepayment charge uQder the Note.
<br /> � 14.Nottces.Any noticc to Borrower pi+nvided for in this Secudty Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> , .�., it by tlrst cless mail unless upplicable Iaw requires use of nnother method. The notice sha{l bo directed to the Property Addmss
<br /> or any other address Horrower desi�nates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be �iven by first class muil to
<br /> Lendet's address stuted herein or eny other address i.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provIded for in this
<br /> Secudry Instrument ahall be deemed to have betn given to Borrower or I,end�er when given as provided in this paragrnph.
<br /> 15.Governfng I.aw; SeveruBiltty. This Security Instrument shall be governe� by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jur�sdiction in which the Property is located. In the event thpt uny provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note ��
<br /> conflIcts with applicable law.such rnnflict shail nat uffect other provisions of this Socurity Instrument or the Note which can be "�
<br /> given effect without the conflictin�pmvision. To this end the pruvisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared ,,;:�
<br /> to be severuble. •
<br /> 16.Borrowcr's Copy.Bonower shall be given one conformed rnpy of the Note and of this Security lnstrument.
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