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<br /> TOt3fir'Ni?R'W['�ii All tho i�up��uvcji�ci�c���tca�v as tKreaf�rr.crcctcd on thc pr�periy.iil'I(�0I1 tdSElilrtlt9,as�purtena-x,�rs,
<br /> and flxture�now on c�raxRcr u pan af t}�o pn►�xrty. Afl rcplxccmentn aad eddittons eha11�lso be covercd by thie Sa:udty
<br /> Instrurtrnt.Ati9 of the funQoin�iM refemai ta tn Il►ln SuurEry In�pument as tho"PrnpeAy."
<br /> E10RRnW�R COV�NhM'S thut Acnmwer i+lxwfully�eir�edc�tthe�tato her�Uy con�ayad u�E�the rl�hrto tna�t
<br /> uid conv�y thePro�e�y�nd th�t the PrapertY ff unancumheraf.�rxcep�for encumbnuress of ctxcmd. Barower w�rrau���rracl
<br /> wiQ ckfmd jenen►�y the titlo ro tho Pmperty ag�lnEt dl cidm��nd datn�nd��eubJexe to�ny encumbrmee�ot rocord. .
<br /> '['FIIS S�t:U�ti���Y IW�'1lt�i:�Ei�i�i� CUt1iIt{titl11 ti1ilPUiiil 1:UrGii�Mi{Y �ai'! Fi�[IIISial R:C W`11I A�A•U1�IOflb CRYETl^11M NIItII
<br /> limited wui�►tiam by Jurlsdiction ta conatituto a uniturm rerutity initwn�et cavains eoal property. � �
<br /> UNIFORM C�VKNAN7'�. p�rmwar and LarN9cr cavctu�nt uid��rce n�[oltnwe; ��y�y
<br /> 1. lqanwt ot Prind�l wad Interatti Frtp�ymea!�nd L�t�e Cbsr�es. 8um�wer ahtll � 1 whcn duo�ho
<br /> prie�cl ot�nd Intexcu nn tho debt evldenvod by tho Noto aaA anY prcp+Yment and tatc cherges due un�dor tho Nae.
<br /> � FLpdrbr'ti�xa Mtd I�rueanoe SubJpct ta Applic�ble law or to a written weiver by Lendec.Borruwcr shaU pay ta
<br /> [.ender on ths day monthly payments uro duc un�er the Note,unti!the Note is pnid in tL11.a sum("�nds")for:(a)yearly
<br /> tsu�es ancl as�ssrt►ente which may attain p�iarity over thia Security Inswca�nt us a lien on the Prnpeny:(b)Y��Y���j�
<br /> P$Yments or ground renta on thc PmpertY. if any: (c) Yearly liauvd ur property insurnnce premiuma: (d) Yeu1Y tlood
<br /> InsurAnce promiums,if any;(e) yeariy mon�a tnsurance pKmlums,if any:eJe�(� enY sums paYable by Bormwer to
<br /> Lende�,jn accordance with the provislons of pamgraph A.in tleu of'the payraent of mortgage insurat►ce premium9. 'fbese
<br /> iums are c�Ued"Esccow Items." i.endu may.at any dm�,collect und hold Funds in an amaunt aot to exceat the max{mwn
<br /> naiount e lender for a federnlly related moit8ago loan awy rccluire for Bortuwer's escrow account under the federal[teal
<br /> Sstate Settlernent Pmcedures A�ct of 1974 os nnxmded from time w dme,12 U.S.C.�2601 et s�q.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> taw thut appIIes to the�nds seis a tesser amaunL ff so,L.ce�der ruay.at any Hme,collect and hold I'u��ls ia an emount pot ta
<br /> exoad the lessec umoun� Lender may esttmwto the umouat of Funds due on the basls of cuaent,datu and reasonable
<br /> esdmates of expendiw�es of futura Escmw Itoms or otherwlse In Accurdeace w�tb sPPIIcable law.
<br /> �e T��nris ahalt M hPld in en insdtudon whoss deposits are iasucmd by a federsl ugency.instnunentality.or eatity
<br /> �;nc�uding[,ender��f i.ender is sucb an Insdtution)or in any F�deral Home Losiu Bank. I.ender shail3pptg the Funsis ca�ay
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Bp�rower for holding and a�plying the Funds,enuually analyztn8 the esrruw
<br /> account, or verifying tho Fscrow items, anl$�Lender puys Bosrower mterest on the Funds and aggl'ncabie law pennits
<br /> Lertder to make such a chFUga Nowever.Lendcr raay require Barmwer to pay a one-tiuie charge for an iadependent real
<br /> estate tox reparting service used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unless npplicable law pmvides othenvise. Unless an
<br /> agreement is made or nppticable luw rvquiros interest to be patd, Lender shaU not be requinad W pay Bomnwer aay inoerest or
<br /> eamiags oa the PUnds. Borrower and Lender muy a�eee in writing.however.that interest shall be paid on the FS�nds. L.eader
<br /> shall give to Boerower. without charge,un annual nccownt�ng of the Wads,sho�ving ccr,dits and debits to the Funds aad the
<br /> pwposo for wbkh ench debit ro the Funds was made. The Eimds ere pledged as nddittonal securlty Yor aU sums s�c�tted by
<br /> this Securiry Inshument�
<br /> If the Fw►ds held by Lend�r excced tha amounts permitted to be heid by applicable law.Lender shall uecount w
<br /> Bormwer for tho exc�ss Funds in accordunce with the reqnlreunents of applicable law. If the amouat of the Funds held by
<br /> Leader at eny dme ls not sufficient to pny the Escrow items wliem due.I.ender may so ao2ify Borrower in writing,and.in
<br /> such case Bonower shall pay eo l.ender th�uffiount necessary to meke up We deficieacy. Bom4wer shall make up the
<br /> � deficiency in no uzore cl`�un twelve monthly paym�r�ts,at Lender's sole discre6on.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums scrrured by th9s Secudty Insuument,(.ender shall piomptly cef�a�l to Borrower any
<br /> F�nds held by I;ender. If.under paragruph 21,l.ender sha11 acquire or sell the Property.l.ender,pnor to the acquisition or
<br /> ,±'�f� sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the dme of acquisition or sale as a credit agaiast the swns
<br /> secured by this Securicy Inswmen�
<br /> � 3� ppplicatlaa ut pgyments. Uniass applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by Leader under
<br /> parugruphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:t'ust,to aay prePaYment charges due under the Note:secoad.to amounis payable under
<br /> ga
<br /> paragraph 2;thira.to mterest due:towth.to principai due;ead last,to any iate charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4� C6arges;Liens. Horrower shall pay ell taxes. assessments. chazges. fines an�J impositions attributable ta the
<br /> ;�;` propeity which may nttn3a prlorlty over this 3ecurity Insnumer�t,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> shall pay these oblig�tiona in the manaer pmvlded In paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> time dit�cUy to the pv'rsoa owed payment. Bomower shall promptly fumtsh to Lender a11 nolices of amounts to be pa�d uader
<br /> this paraguph. If Bornrower makes these paymrnts directly,Bo�rower shall prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidenclug
<br /> �P3y�en�� dis ..an Uen which has riori over tlris Secuc3 Iastn�ment unless Borrower.(a)ag�+ees �'
<br /> `"ti: Burrowershallpnompdy eharg° Y � P, t3' �Y $'e .
<br /> ..:,,.,�
<br /> in wridng to tha payment of the obiigation se�^uted by the lien in a manner s+ecceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the ;;�
<br /> Iten by, or defends agr�nst enforcement of ttte li.n in,legel praceedings which in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the +;•{,
<br /> }, .., enforcement ottlte Gen;or(c)secuces fi+omi cp►e holder of Wa lien an agc+eement satisfactory to Lender aubordinating the Iten
<br /> �K����• to this Securiry Insm�men� If Lea�Jrr deteaenines that aay part of the Pc+cperry is subject to a lien which may dttnin priority
<br /> `�'�'""'# over this Secu�itY lnstrumen�Le�le�r may givc Borrower a notlre identifying the llen. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take
<br /> '� � ' one or more of the acdoas set forth at�ova u:thin 10 days of the giving of natice.
<br /> t,�,�:±_ s, H�Sr�ar property Ias�rance. Bomower shuli keep the improveme�its now eaesting on c�reafter erected on the '' „
<br /> ,�a�,r; "t Pcoperty insured a�ainst toss by fire.hazucds ia�luded within the term"eatended coverage"and any other hazards.including
<br /> ���V' tloods nr floodirtII,for whlch Lender requf�es insurance. lhis insurnuae shnll be maintained in the araounu and for the
<br /> �'RY'=� �,;
<br /> , ,,," d.'t Fotm30?!3 9/90 (FaSt 2 oj6 pages) 4: .
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