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<br /> N fhRm,eha�!Ds er�tWed fo vntorce this Trus�Deod and any other aecurlty now or hereafter helA by Heneflciary a 7ruetee�n aucn orMr�nd mann�r
<br /> �a!My a�ttMr of N�m may m thelr abaotut�dlecration determins.No nmedy hu�ln eonfarnd upon a r�rrwd to TruitK or B�n01tGa►!I f�IMMMW'
<br /> to Q��xclutivi oP enp ather ramedp hareln a by Ww provfded or parmlttecl,but�ach eh�ll bs�umulativ�ond�hall W in odditbn to w�y otMr rNn«ly
<br /> piwn hvr�unWr a now a hYa�f��r�Mtstlny at�Qw a in sqully or by statute.�vary powe►or rem�dy provldsd und�r thls Trust G�d to Tru�tM a@�nNlcl�ryl
<br /> a to whlah NtMir of them msy b�othqrvNt�enlltl�d,m�y b�ex�rcis�d,Goncu�r�nty or ind�p�nd�ntly,hom UrrN to tim�arW n ofNn M�Y��b
<br /> exp�dUnt by Trw[ee or Beneliclary and eltAer af tham may pursu�Ineonaiatent reme0lea.Nolhinp herein nhalf be conatrued aa prohlbitlnp BMMfciMy
<br /> ham aakinp a daflGency Judpment aga�nst the Truator to the extent such actlon is pe►mittsd by law.
<br /> 11.TRANSFER OF TkE PtiOPEAri;ASSUMpTIdN.If all or any part qf the Properry ar irstereat theratn ia eotd,Vanttsrred a othilrwfs�canwy�d
<br /> 6y Truatw without 8eneticfery'e prlo�wrltten wnsent,excluding(a)the oreatfon ot a Ilen or encumbrartce subordtrtate to this Trust Oesd,(b)a tr�nfter
<br /> by operRtlon ot tsw t�pcx�th�dsath ot a Trustor wiio ia a jolnt tenent or(o)the Brant ot any Isasehoid intereat of thres(3)years a less whfch dal�tat
<br /> contain an optlon to purchaae,such actlon is e breach oT this egreoment,and Beneilolary may,at Beneflclary'o op2Fan,dectare nll ths suma secured by
<br /> this Trust Oeed to 6e Immedlatey due and payabla,ptovlded,turther,thla T�ust Dead may,at 8eneifciary'e opUnn,b9 dectered immmd�atsly due�rW
<br /> payabte,M(1)Ttustot la a pa►tne�Rhip and any interest In the paAnership is eold or ttssigned by any meana whatsoever,ar(2)If the 7rustor I�e Corporatlon
<br /> end a Wanafer o1 the majalty stock ownerahtp fnteraAt in the corporetion aocura,or the Trustor corparatton merges in any torm wlt�another corpoadon
<br /> a ent►ry.Benei:dary shnll have walved such option to aecatorate ff,prlor to the sote,transfer or conveyance,Beneflciary and the pe►aon to whom ths
<br /> Properiy ia to b9 sotd or tranaterred reach agre�ma�t In writing that the credit o}suah persan fa eaUefaotory to 9eneflciary snd that the interest payaWs
<br /> on the sum�secured by this Trust Oeed ahaU ba at such rate as Beneticiary shali request.
<br /> 12.ACCELERAYION UPON DEFAULt;REMEOIES;BALE.The taliure by the Ttustor,to mek�any payment ar to pertorm any of tbotemtsent3�condi•Jons
<br /> of this T►ust Qeed,or tho t8rms and conditiona of the Note,or any�enewels,modlflcatione or extenelone thsreof,or the tallure W make payment ot any
<br /> �.other Indebtednese,prior or subsequent to this Trust Doed,and secured by thfs property,or�the dedth oi one or more Truators shall be a t�reaoh and �
<br /> ;det$ull ot tTtES Truat Oeed as�d the Benefictary may declare a detauH and may declare als sums eocurod frereby immedlately due and payabla anA tt►e
<br /> same ghail tt�areupon become due and payable without presentmenL demand,protest or notice of any kind,provided,TruatOr ahali have any etawtory ,
<br /> � right!!1 cure the detault Oeto�e any notice ot defaull and demand tor eale may be delivered to the Ttustee.Thore�fter,Beneflciery may deliver to Truatoe
<br /> a writte��dectaratlon at default and demend ta sate Tn�atar agrees and hereby grante thet the Fruetee shall have the power oi saia ot Me Property and
<br /> i}Benaficlary Qectdee the Property ls to be sald it shatl deposit wlih Trustee thls Trust Deed and the Note or nqtea and any otAer documartts eNdencing
<br /> expenditures secureA hereby,and ehail deliver to Yrustee a wrftten notice ot defautt and eleation to cause tho propeAy W be sold,end Trustee,in turn,
<br /> ahall pre:pare a simflar notice In the form requtrod by law,whfch ahail de duiy ti�ed tor record by Trustee.
<br /> (a) After the Iapse ot such tlme ae may he requ�red by law to�bwing tl+e reeordetlan of Notice of Oe}ault,and Notica ot Oetault and Notics ot
<br /> Sale having been givon as roquired by law.Truetee,wlthout demend on Trusta,eheli seN the Properly,If not redsemed,in ons ar moro
<br /> patceie end in such order as 7rustee may determine an tha data and the time and place dealgnated in eafd iVotice of 881e,at publla auation
<br /> accorEing to law.
<br /> (b) When Truatee sells puraunnt to the powore herein.Trustee shalt appty the proceeds ot tha sate to payment ot the coste and expenses et
<br /> nicorcisi�sg tisa pawsr at sals anC a!!ha:sle,sncludlag.YMI��lQ!!���#l1I�8I�,At�MR6Y's tees end the payment o}Trustoe's F:es irteutrW,whlch
<br /> Trustea's Feas shell not In the aggregate exceed tho tollowing amounte based upon the amount socured hereby and temal�inp unpatd At
<br /> the tlma seheduled for eate:8 pereentum on the batanee Ihereot;and then to the ItemB In eubpttragraph(e)In the otdOr thera Btated.
<br /> (c) After paying the items specified 1n subparagreph(b),if the sale is by Tn�stee,or It the srile Is pursuant to judfalal toreclosure.the proCeeda
<br /> of sate shAli be app�ied In the foitowtng order:
<br /> (1)Cost of any evidence ot title procured in connection with such sale and of any revenue transfer fee requlred to be pald;
<br /> (2)All oblig8tipns secured by this Trust Deed:
<br /> (3)Junlot iruat doeds,mortgages,ar ather Uenhotdera;
<br /> (4)The�emainder,if any.to the person Iegaliy entitled thereto.
<br /> 13.APPOtNTdAHNT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Benef�clary may,irom time to time,by e written lnstrument executed and acknowledged by BenefiCiary,
<br /> malled to Tru9tor and►ecaded in the ccwnty or counties in which the Praperty Is located and by othervvlse complyfng with the pravlsiona of the eppilcable
<br /> tawa of the State of Nebraska substitute a successor or succeseors to the Trustee nemed herein or aoting hereunder.
<br /> 14.INSPECTIONS.Benmtisiary,or ita agenta,representetives or amployaes,are authorized to onter at any reasonabie tlme upon or In any part of the
<br /> Property for the purpose ot inSpeCting the seme and tor the purpose ot performfng any of the acta it is authorized to pertorm under the terms Ot the Trust Deed.
<br /> tb.OPTION 70 FOAECIOSURE.Upon the accurrence of any breach and upon the declaratbn ot default hereunder,Benetloiary shall have the option
<br /> to tc�reelase thls TNat Deed In ihe manner providad by law 1or the forectosure of moRgeges on real property,
<br /> +•• t8.FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFICtARY OR TRUBTEH NOT A WAIVER.Any torebearence by Beneticlary or Trustee in exerolsing any right or remedy
<br /> ;��! heteunder,a othenvise aftorded by eppBCaWe taw,shall�ot be a waiver ot or preciude the exercise ot any euch right or remedy.Ukewlse.the waive�
<br /> by 8enefklary w Trustee ot any detautt of Trustor under this Truat Oeed shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other ar simllar defaulca subsequendy
<br /> , ��,��:,
<br /> occurdng. ��
<br /> , �,,��`y t7.BENEFlCIARY'8 POWERS.Without aHecting or releasing the Iiabiilty of the Trustor w any other person Ifable for the payment of any obiigatlon +��a.,
<br /> � �i�'�*��,:` here�n mentloned,end without aNecting the lien or charge of Ihls Trust Deed upon any portian of the Praperty,Seneficiary may,hom time to time and �
<br /> �' ���' '" without notice et the request of one or more Trustors,(i)release any person Itable.(II)extend or renew the maturfty or alter any of the tetms ot any such �::
<br /> . � �
<br /> .•�
<br /> '?^'�=- obligatlons, (Ili)grant other indu�gences,(iv)reiease or reconvsy,a cause to be reloased or reconveyed at any time at Beneffci8ry'e aptlon any parce�
<br /> "�� �'��� or 911 of the Properly,(v)take or release any Wher or additbnal securfry for any obifgaUon heretn menttoned,(v1)make sett�ement9 or other arrangements �1�
<br /> , ����_,_Y�,:�� -
<br /> t.1"''""s fT• wfth Trustor In te�atbn thereto.Ail Trustors shall be�ointly and severally obllgated and bound by the actions of the Benetlelary or any one or more Trustot
<br /> � j4
<br /> ,�n;l::'.,�» 88 Bteted in thla paragteph. - :.
<br /> �..�;.�r-.. 18.ATTORNEY FEBB,COSTS AND BItPENSEB.The Beneticiary of thls Trust Deed�e entitied to the payment of attamey's tees,costs and expenses
<br /> .�.��, �_
<br /> � ��`" fls ptavldad In thi9 Trust Qsed.extept 88 otherwise ptohlblted by law.
<br /> v;a,� ..�fl�
<br /> v..,t`.:� 4�.4��
<br /> ' g`M`� 18.RECONVHYANCE BY fRUSTEE.Upon watten request ot Beneticiary and upon payment by Trustor ot Trustee's teos.Trustee ahai► reeonvey to
<br /> ^�v,� Trustw,or the person or persons tegatty entftled thereto,wlthout warranry,any portfon ot the Property then hetd hereunder.RecltfllB In Buch teconveyance
<br /> of any matte�s or fects ahati be conclusrve proot o�the truthfutness thereof.The grantee In any reconveyance may be deocrlbed as the person or persons
<br /> �� legally entitted thoreto"
<br /> �yr .:� ::i`..t.
<br /> • t.":-c:`�'r::;!: 20.NOYtCE8.Ezcept tor notices,demanda,requests a other communlcadons reqwred undor applicablo law to be glven in another mam�er,whenever
<br /> � 8eneticiary.Trustor or Truatee gwes or serve�any notfco(inctudtng,without Ilmitatian.�otice of dotautt and notice of eale).tlemands,requests or other _
<br /> ' :i��•' communlcstion with respect to th�s Truat Oeed,each such�otice,demand,request or other communlcutlon shatl be In wrlting and ehali bu eHeetive anty
<br /> .......�u �.u-----��..�b�,ew.me na mt tnnh at tho hsainnlnc nt thi8
<br /> �,��;'..:.'...:f:. If tT18 88me 18 tlBUVereO oy perSOnai service ar�s muiiai uy i.o�ii�7ov'��o��.y..aoyo�....�................��._...'�"-'----- - -
<br /> ��:.:_;,," .,~�+r � Trust Goed.Any pary may at any ume change tts address for such not�r.es by dellveNng or malling to the other party hereto,as atoresafd,a notice of
<br /> r•�.:-;. •�- •�^� auCh ChBnye.Any notica hereunder shall bo doemed to h3ve b88n gtven to Truetor or BeneNcfary,when given in the manner dostgnat@d herefn.
<br /> 61. �..�.�. ,
<br /> �...�-;��.;•..,;- Y
<br /> .4 21.REQUEST FOR NOTICE.Truatw and Beneticiary hereby request a copy of any notice of defeutt,and a copy of an notiee ot sate thereunder,be
<br /> '''`:."� .s.:�-�;::.` mailed to eech per6on who la a parly hereto at the address tor such person set forth in the flrst peregraph uf thla Trust Oeed.
<br /> L^����,`'`°��'�!, ?�.CiOVEAN111�LAW. This Trust Deed shatl be governed by the lawa of tho State of Nebraska.
<br /> ' ..; ..�����'�.{:.(.
<br /> '�� ''�6 �"y��}�� 23.8UCCES30RS AND A531GNS.Thls Ttust Oecx1.And alI tetms,conditlana and obllgatlons herein,apply to a�d inu►e to the benent ot anA bmde
<br /> i�,••�14Y•r�h�,:l�'!`'7" ..
<br /> .,,y,:.; ;. ,,...s� atl partles hereto.Ihev heirs,legatees,dev�seea.personal representatives,succeasors and assigns.The term Beneticlary"shall mean thR owner and
<br /> ;, �,,:�,,�; holder ot the Note,whether or�ot nemed as BeneflC�ary herein
<br /> , t.
<br /> .-�� ��d:.'
<br /> '��;.i�;.,�j:;Y���, b .
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