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<br /> 1.PAY�IENT Of PRINCiVAL ANb INTERElIT.Truator shall pmmptly pay when dun tha principal of and IM�re�t on th�In Wbt�dr�t e+vb�nc�d by
<br /> tRe Not�,and sU other charpoi■nd foes se pravfded tn tha Nate,end the principal of and Intereat on any Future Advancea eYrursd by thl� Trutt Oad.
<br /> 2.WAIMANTY OF TITLE.Yrustor(s lawfutty selzaf and pa�eaa�d of yood and Indefeeslbis.tltle and estat�to th�Prnprrty h�rrby conv�d and
<br /> ha4lhe r1�h1 to grant and convey the P�operty:the Praperly Is lree and ctear of eli liens and encumbrunces except Ilena no�N o�reead;tnd T�u�tur wlil
<br /> werant and dst�nd lh�Iitl�to tho Propertyr epalnat eli cteims and demands.
<br /> 3.MAIfiTEHANCE AND COMPLtANCE WITH�AW8.trusYa ehall keep the P�operty in good rspair and canditlon and ehail not commit wast�or pKmit
<br /> impafrment a detertorstlon o}tha?roperly and ahait comply wlth tha provlstona ot any le�se It this Trust Degd la on a taasehotd.No Improvemertl now
<br /> or hereafter areeted upon the Property shall be altered,removed or demoiished�Ithout the prlor w►itten aonaent of Beneficlary.Truator aAa►1 compry wlth
<br /> All tawi,ordiesncss,reyulatlona,covenante,condittona and reaUlctlonn attecting the P�operty 0nd noY commib euHer or permit any act to be done In ar
<br /> upon ths Properly In vidatlon of any law,ordinanca,regulatbn,covenant,conditlon or rest�lstlon.T►ustur shail complete or rostore promptly and In pood
<br /> watiu�t�nUke manrter any improvement on ihe Properry which mey he demagoal ar destroyed and pey,when due,flll claims tor Iebor pedormed and materiate
<br /> turnlehed thereTo►and for ony aiteratlons thoreot. •
<br /> 4.INSURANCE.Trustor,at ite expense,wili maintain wlth insurara approved by Beneflciary,inaurance wlth respect to the Impto�ements end pertott8l
<br /> property,consUtulUg tha Property,against toss by flre,lighming,tomado,and other perlls and hazerds covared by stnnderd extended cweraga indoraement,
<br /> In an amount equal to at leaet one hundred percent(100%)of the tutl repiasement vatue thereof and Insurance against such other hazerds and in suoh
<br /> amqentg ris ts austomrtrily carrlod by ownera and operatars of simflar propertles ar ao Beneflciary may require for its protectlon.Truoto�will comply wltb
<br /> sttch ofr.er roquiremants as Benetidary mey irom timo to time request tor the protection by Insurance of the interests ot the reapettive partiee.AM insutance
<br /> y�r�.seraEnmtned putsuant to this TruEt Oaed ehell name Trustor and Beneticlary as insured,as thelr respective Interests may appear,end ptovlde thAt
<br /> ,t � C usv,fa�no canceltation or modiflCation witflout et least 18 days prlar w►Itten notificatton to Truste9 and 8enefletary may procure stich insura►ke in eccordence
<br /> tiv1C�tt�mprovfsiona ot paragraph 8 hereof.Truator ahall dellver to 8ene11clary the origlnal poticiea of Ineurance and renewals thereof or merno eoplea nt
<br /> ` aucfi�folictas and rerseaats thereof.Faltute to fumish such Insurance by Trustor,or renewals es requlred heraunder shali,at the opHOn of Beneticlary,
<br /> ' '�'`' eonadtute a ear`.autt
<br /> .j��, b.7N(E9,A35t.551ilENTS ANO CNlAROE9.Trustor ahaM pay all ta�cea,assessments and other chargas,inGuding,without Iimitatlon,fines end Impqsitions
<br /> � 8mibutabte to the Propertyr and leas6hoid payments or ground rents,it any,before the seme become dellnquent.Trusior shall promptiy Pomlah to ben0ficiary
<br /> ail noBcea of amounta due under thla paragraph,and In the event Truetw ahail make payment directly,Truatar shall prompUy furnlsh to Beneiiciary tecelpts
<br /> evidencing euch payments.Trustor aha11 pay all taxes end assessments whlch may be levfed upon Baneficlery's interest herein or upon this Trust Deed
<br /> without regard to any tflw that may be enacted Impouing payment of the whote or eny part thereot upon the Beneflciary.
<br /> 6.ADDITIONAL LIEN8 AND PROTECTlON OF BENEFICIARY'8 SECURITY.Trustor shall make all payments of intereat and princlpal and paymonte
<br /> of any other chargsa,fees and expenrses contracted to be pald to any existing or subsequent Iienholder or bonefieiary,under any exieting or aubsequent
<br /> mortgage or Uuat deed before the date thay are delinquent or in defauit,and promptly pay and discharge any and all other Ilens,ctaime or chergea which
<br /> ma�r jaapacdfso im,eeturlty�r;�ntad haretn.it Trustar tatis ta maka aayr suth�aymsni or taSs ta partarm arsy at tha tavsnanr ar�s��rsts centdnsQ
<br /> In thia T�ust Deed,or the Note referred to hereln,or In any prlor or subsequent trust deed,ar if any actlon or proceodfng►a commertced whleh meterlally
<br /> aHeets 9eneticlary'a tnterest In the Property,Inctuding,but not Ilmlted to,emfnent damaln procexdinga,praseedinga I�volvtng a decedent,�otiee ol eate
<br /> by Truatee,notice of dafault b�T�uatee,mortgage toreciosure action,w It Trustor taita to pay Trustor's debta generally na they becomo due,lhen Benetfciary,
<br /> at 80neRdary's opUOn and without noUCe to or demand upon Trustor artd wlthout releasfng Trusta hom eny obllpaUon hereunder,may make 6uCh eppearances,
<br /> dlabu►ae uuaf�suma and take such actlon as Is necesaary to protect Benetic►ary's interest,Including,but not 1lmited to,dlsbursement of�easonable attaney's
<br /> teea,p�yment,purehese,conte8!or compromise of any encumbrance,charge a Ilen,entry upon the Properry to make repefre,or decieration of detault
<br /> undar thfa Trust Deed.In the avent that Trustor shati tali to procure Insurance or to pay taxes,assessmenta,or any othe►eharges or to make any paymente
<br /> to any exl8ting ar subsequent Ilenhotders ar exlating or subaequent beneticlarles,Beneflciary mey prxure auch insuranae and make sueh payment,but
<br /> shall not be obligated to do so.Any amounts diabursed by Beneflcfary pursuant to thls Paregraph B ahall become additlanal indebtedness otTruabr secured
<br /> by thia Truat Oeed.3uch amounts shall be payeble upon notice hom Benel�iary to Truator requesting payment thereof,and ehal�bear Mtereat hom the
<br /> date of dlabursement at tho rate payable irom time to time on outatanding principel under the Note unless payment of Interest at such rate wautd be conuary
<br /> to appibabte Iaw,In whteh event such amounts shali boar interest at the hfghest rate permisslbie under appifcable law.Nothing contalned In thia Paragraph
<br /> 8 shali requlre Beneficlary to incur eny expense or take any action hereunder.
<br /> 7.ASSIGNMFNT OF RENTS.8eneficfary shall have the rlght,power and authorlty during the continuance of this Trust Deed to cofteCt iha rents,issuea
<br /> and profita of the Property and of any persona�propeny iocated thereon wlth or without taking possessfon of the property atfected hereby,and Trustor
<br /> �k� hereby absolutely and uncondrtfonaity assigna all euch rents,Issues and profite to Beneflclary.BoneNelary,however,hereby consente lo the Trustor's ;
<br /> catlectlon and retentlon o}euch rents,Issues and proflts as they accrue and become payab�e so tung ee Trustor la not,at such time,in deteult with respect �"��
<br /> to peyment o1 any Indebtednoss secured hereby,or In the pertwmance of any agreement hereunder.Upon any such defauit,Benaficfary may at any time, •
<br /> � ,ti,�;,��,�,•- either in person,by agent,or by a recelver to be appolnted by a court,without notice and without regard to the adequacy of any seeur�ty lor the indebtedness :,�pk
<br /> •�r:,"'s"_:;,"�. heteby eecured,(a)enter upon 8nd tako possesslon ot the Property or any part thereof,and In its own name sue for or otherwiseeo�lect euCh rents.Issues
<br /> •�::.�s.
<br /> �'j'-°�`��, and proNts,InCiuding thoae past due and unpald,and apply the same.Iess costs and expenses of operation and collectlon,lneluding�easOnableattorney'9
<br /> � fee9,upon any Indebtednees seCUred hereby,end in such order as 8eneflclary may determine:(b)perlorm euch acts of repalr or proteetton as may be
<br /> ';� ♦~�`�"a necessery or proper to conserve the value ot the Property;(c)lease the seme or any part thereot for such rentat,term,and upon such conditlona as its
<br /> '�'_;:�.` �udgment mey d�tate,ar terminate or adjuat the terms and conditlons ot exiedng leases.Untess Trustor antl Beneflclary thereof agree otherwise In wdting,
<br /> ',..'��` �� any appitcaqon ot rents,Issues or proftte to any Indebtedness secured hereby ahall not extend or poatpone the due date ot the Installment peyments as '
<br /> ���1� = provided in eaid promissory note or change the amount of such Instellments.Tho enterfng upon and taking possesslon of the Properly,the collectlon
<br /> ,;,;���}°, � ot euch renta,tssues And protite,and the application thereof as aforesaid,ahail not waive or cure any detault w notice of default hereunder a Invaildate
<br /> �.,;��a�, �; ^
<br /> :�i:'�:.s=�;.�,r any act done purauant to auch notice.Trusror also ass�gns to Beneticlery,aa funher secur�ty for the performance of the obligatlons securad hereby,all
<br /> prepafd rent8 and ell monies which may have been or mey hereafter be depostted with eafd Trustar by any lessee of the Properly,to secure the payment
<br /> • ��"��� • '�' of any rent or demages,or upon delauit In the penarmance of any of the provfstans hereof.Trustw agrees to dellver such renta and deposfte to Benef�ciary.
<br /> Y• ' 1�`.r
<br /> ' •�•:',• Oellvery•of wtitten notice of Benefklary's exercise ot the nghts granted herefn,to any tenant cecupying sald premises shelt be suHicleM to tequire sald
<br /> '��%'' • tenant to pey rent to the Beneficl8ry until further notice.
<br /> ,y.... .':
<br /> ���.• �.: .�:�v.
<br /> k;.;�;?;';:s:::• � 8.CONOEMNATION.It lit�e to any part of the Property shall be taken m condemnatton proceedings,by right of eminent domaln or aimiier actlon,or
<br /> }l.���t� shell be sold under threat of condemnatlon,all awards,damages and proceeds are hereby essfgned and shall be paid to Benettclery who shalt apply
<br /> ��'�y�.',; suCh awarde,damages and proceeds to the sum secured by thia Truat Deed,wRh the ercoss,�f any,patd to Truator.If Trustor rocefvea any notice or
<br /> '''�"''�`�'�"" other Informatlon regardinp such actfons or proceedings.Truator ahali grve prompt wrttten notice thereof to 8eneflelary.Benef�cfary sh�l be entltied,at
<br /> �M""''�� ' ' Ite optlon,to eommence,appear In and prosecute�n its own name any such aetlan or proeeedings and shalt be enlltled to mako any compromise a setttement
<br /> .!7'=�':;• � .. _� ,
<br /> �` "-•'��-3�`r.��. In conneetion wlth eny such actlon or proceedinga.
<br /> �,i��i:..f:�.Y"�t�...
<br /> n'-`' ' ^Z�^°'� 9.FUTUpE Al1VANCHB.lJAOn request of Truator,Benoticlary at BeneNciary'a option,prwr to reconveyance of the Property to Truator,may make
<br /> �- .. future advanees to Trustor.Such tuture advancea.wtth interest thereon,she�t be secured by thfs Trust Oeed when evldenced by prornlssory notes stating
<br /> ;t: , ` that said notes 8re secured hereby:provided that at no tlme shall the seCUred pnnc�pal and future advances,not including sums advanced to protect
<br /> '���:.<' ' . the eeeurfty,exceed two hundred percent(200%)of the onamal prtnc�pal amounts secured hereby.
<br /> . . . �
<br /> 10.RBMIEDIE8 NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustee and 8eneficlary,and each ot them,shall be entitled to entorce payment and pertormance of any �ndebtedness
<br /> t•-' ' a ob�igatione securod hereby and to exercise all righte and powers under thls Trust Deed or under any other agreement executed�n connectWn herewjth
<br /> ::aitt�i•°•i:�,: �••' '
<br /> , ' or eny lews��w or hereafter in torce,aotwithstanding some or all of the auch Indebtedneas and obllgatlons secured hereby mey now or hereafter be
<br /> �:i,�, , otherwlee eeCUred,whether by martgage,trust deed,piedge.Ilen,assignment or othervulse.Neither the acceptance ot this Trust Deetl nor its enforcement
<br /> Whether by courf aetlon or pursuant to the power ot sale or other powers herein contalned,shali pre�udice or in any manner atiect TruBtee'eor Beneficlary'e � �
<br /> , � '� right to reallYe upon or enforco any other secunly now or hereafter held by Trustee or Benef�clary,�t be�ng agreed that 7rustee end Benehclary,and each
<br /> '. .. . �;, ;'�r
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