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<br /> S. Nuerv.l or ProperEy In.vur�n+ce. �orr��wer shall k�ep �he im�cavcmen�q ttow r.xistin� ar hercxttcr erxted an�thG
<br /> �'rojx:rty insw•cd ngainst luss by Grc.Ii:u�uds i�iciud�d witl�su ti�c tcrni "cxtcncicd coveragc"and nny nihcr liaTards, inctul:i;��;
<br /> fluc�ds ar lloudiiyg. fc�r wi�teh I.endcr requir�ins.uranee.Th�s lnsuranec shnll be maintoiixd i�e the ur.u►ur�ts u�xi fi�r the perlcxfa
<br /> that Lender requires. Tbc insurai�ce carrlcr praviding tho in.suntnce sl�a!!be chosen by 8orrower.,�ubject to L.encle�'s app�rvtl"
<br /> wl�ich shall not be unrcu�anebly witdhetd. If Barnower fails to maintuio,covcrage described ebove. l.cndsr mty, � [.eader'a
<br /> optten.obtain aaverage to prcxe�t L.ender's rfghtg in the Property in accoc�danee vrith paragraph 7. . ,
<br /> AI! fnsurnnce policfes tend renewats shutl be �pceptablc to l.e�xter s�nd shnll include A standard mnrigage clau�se. �.et�dt!t
<br /> shalt have the right tv hotd the poticia und renrwuis.if Lender rcyuires,fi�rrower dhalt p�r��u�tiy give to I.e►�►ier u!{r.xc:i��,uf �
<br /> paid premtnms and nenewal notices.in ehe event af loss.Barrower Fhall bive prompt notice to th�ins�rance carrier and I.endt�.
<br /> Lcnder may make praof af loss if not made pzomptiy by Borcower.
<br /> Unlcss Lcnder nr�d ilorrowaT otherwisc ugree in wridng.insurBtdGA[��,'�'�Ods sh911 be applied ta restoratton nr repair of tho,
<br /> 1'mperty damaged.if the restoration or repa�r is economicnlly fetts�bl,e,an�,�endFr's securiry is not IcsSenad.If d�e�+eswratjqn pr ,
<br /> repair is not eoonumia�liy feasibte or Lender's security would be.leascned,.thq,�nsurance proceeds shala be�ppliod,to tho suq1� �
<br /> secut�d by this 3ecurity instrunxnt.whtther or not tiien due, witi�uny exe�sk p�id to Borruwee. !f Bairowee abar�dpns thn,.
<br /> Fropecty,or do�.w not answer within 30 days n notice from L.ender tt�at.4he�ir►�qraA�a carricr has offered ta settlq s Gla�m. then
<br /> Lcnder may cnlicct thc insurancc praeeds. Lcrtder may use thc proceeds.to �pair or restore tha Pronect�l or �o psy sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 3U-day�eriad�wi�! begin when tha potice is given.
<br /> Unless Lend�r m►d Bnrrower othern+ise agree in writing. �ny ap�lACµtiant,pf proceeds to pr�ncipul shaq,Rat extend,,pr..,
<br /> postpone the du�date�i the manthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 qrtd,Z or change the amaunt of ih9,fmyments. tf
<br /> under p�sgraph 21 the Propertar is ncquire�by[.ender. Bonawer`s r�ght to any.ingw�ance potiqiss and pr+�e�cls t�ulting from
<br /> damage to the Propeny prIor to the acquisition shaU pass to L.ender to the extent a�f tl�e sums secur�by this Seaurity�nsuwment
<br /> imraedIatsly prwr to the scquisition.
<br /> 6.Occup�xorcq,�•vuU.�u, Metrdenartce astd Ptbteetiom aP the PrupYrtyt B�►*rower's I.nan Application:I,easeholds.
<br /> BurrowNr shall accupy.establisd,and use the Property:i.s Bortawar's prin�ipat residence wiUtin sixty days after the eaecution of
<br /> this Security Instrument und shall continue to occupy the Property�.s Bormwer's prirtcipal residence for at Icast orte year after
<br /> the date of acupancy,unless L.ender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent siiall not be unmasonably withhetd. or unless
<br /> eatenuating circumswnces eaist which are beyond Aormwer's conval. Borrower shall not destroy. domage or impair the
<br /> Property. ellaw the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shs11 be in default if any forfeitune
<br /> a�nion or proceeding,whether civii or rriminat,is besun that in [.ender's good fnith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Pro�erty or otherwlse materialiy impair the lien created by this Security Instrument ar I.ender's security interest.Born�wer may
<br /> cure such a defuult und neinstAte.us provided in pnragraph l8,by caustng the ucdon or proceeding to be dIsmIssed with u tulin�
<br /> that. in Lender's �ood Faith determination, precludes. forFeiture of the Bonower's interest in the Property or other materlal
<br /> impairment Qf the lien created by this Saus�ty Instcument or Lender's security interest. IBorrower shall nlso be in default if
<br /> Borrower,durin�the loan npplic�tion pxv�tss.gavc materially fulse ar inaccurakc information or statements to L,ender(or fniled
<br /> to provide Lender with eny material inforn�ution)in wnnection with tha lorut avidenced by the Note,iacluding,but not Iimited
<br /> to,representutions conceming Rorrower's occupancy oF tha Property as a ptincipal residence.If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> leasehold. Borrower shull comply with ctll the pYnvfsions of tha Ic�se..If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property. the
<br /> leasehald and the fee title shall not mcrge unless I.ender agrees to the,merger in writin�.
<br /> 7.Proi�tion oi I.ereder's Rights�p tU��'roporty.If Sorrower fuils to perfortn the covenants und ugreements rnntnine�in
<br /> this Security Instrument, or them is n legat proceeding that mity significnntly affcct I.ender's r�ghts in the Property (such es a
<br /> procceding in bunkruptcy.probate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce Iaws or regulations),then I.ender may do and
<br /> pay for whutever is necessary to protect the value of the Praperty and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> include payin� nny sums secured by a lien which has priority uver this Security Instrument. appearing in court. payin�
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Propeny to maka repnirs. Although Lender may tuke uction under this para�raph
<br /> 7.Lendet dcea not huve to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbnrsed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower scxurod by this
<br /> �:� q. Security Insuument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree ro other terms of payment,these amounts shaU bear interest from the
<br /> s"��:���..,�'�� date of disbursement ut the Note ra�e and shul( be paynble. with interest, upon notice fmm Lender to Borrower requesttng
<br /> - '"', `�. payment.
<br /> "'=` �",�#_�
<br /> ���;: _ 8.Martga�e Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of makin�the(oan securai by this Security �_
<br /> ?�l�.f;+V_-°"�� Instcument� Borrower shull pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for tu►y reason, the
<br /> ��;�:,.•,�-:" mortguge insurance coverage required by L.ender lap�es or ceases to be in effect.Borrower sh�ll pay the premiums required to :;�'
<br /> �'�''�=s�*�• obtain coverage substiuitiuAy equivalent to the mnrtga�e insurnnce previuusly in:ffect,at a cost substantittl�y equivalent to the �`�:�
<br /> ''�°����.�'• " wst to Borrower of the mortgage insurunce previously in effect, from an alternate mort�age insurer appmved by Lender. If
<br /> �l` �9"��� substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is �wt availabl¢.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equ�l to -
<br /> f;��:b���:_.�"�,-
<br /> •:�—�--. - -.,;_•;, one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage inwrance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceasec!to
<br /> .._�,.:�...... .
<br /> � ��'�� ' •� '•�• be in effect.Lender will sccept,use and retain these payments as u loss reserve in lieu of mortga�e insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> ,b °,r':;., _
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