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<br /> 'd'O(iiE'['H�R WiTH ai!thz impruvementA nnw c,r herrafter eeoctcd an:1�e propecty.+u�d�Il a�matn,+�ppu�en�,+�d '
<br /> fixture� aow o� herwlicr a patt ��f Ihc pr�peny. All fChltiCCRiC1U9 UI1CI li(IiIIlIu11'1 li�18I) ul�o t►o covetal by thEs Secutity
<br /> instrun�nt. All uf thc ffi�rcgc�hig ia ccfcrrc�l ta in d►Is Sccurity Instm�iunt u�j tf�c°PIU�52fiy."
<br /> a01tROWi.'K CC)Vl3NA[�E7'3 ttrrt Ran��wsr iw 1aw61�lly nciscd«f tl�c cstato itcrcby conve;yMl m�d ha5 the rtght t��grant nrx!
<br /> comcy the Prapeny and that tTsO Propeny ia unencuml�eral,exrRpt fur c�xwnbmnVe-� of rccord. ilarmwes warrants aexl will
<br /> da�end generally thc ti�lo to the P�npr.rcy a�uinst uli claims u�xl denwnAs,Kuisjcct tu Any o+xumbra�ec�s af rccard.
<br /> THIS S�CURITY 1NSTRUM6N'T combine.r t�nlfnmt c�venuitx fur nadonal uw ui�d�wn•untfi�rni covenAnts with limited
<br /> vnriatinne by Jurisdiction tn rnnstitute n unifa�m s��curity instrumzrt coverlr.g rcal ptape»y.
<br /> UNIFORM�O�'LNANTS.Borrowet and Len�ter coven;uit und agrcc u�Wliuwa:
<br /> 1. Psyraent ot R[nctpai�nd Intercat; Prcp�ymea�t and r.ate CharySes. Borrowcr shall promptlY paY when due tho
<br /> principat of and interest on the debt evtdencGd by the Nou urxi any prepnyment ru�d lut�t chnrgcw due under tl�e Nate.
<br /> Z. FLnde fae T�cea and In4uranca.SubJrce to applicable law or co u written waiver by Lender, Bonower e�hall pay to
<br /> Lcndet on thc day monthly payments are due uncter the Note.until the Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly toxes
<br /> nnd nsscssrtKnts which may attain prlority over thia Scxurlty in.gtcument as a lien mi the Praperty:(b)yearly leascl�old payments
<br /> or groutd renta on the Property,if any:(c)yearly hazard or property insuran�pee�uiwns;(a)Yu�r1Y flaori invurance prcmiucns.
<br /> if any:(s)vearly mortgage incurancc premiums, if uny;ond(�any sums paynble by Borrower w l.encter. in�acor+dance with
<br /> thc pmvisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of martguge insurance premiums. Thesc items are calted"Escrow Items."
<br /> Lenler may. at any time. wllect und hold Funds in an amount not to eaoeal the maaimum vmount u lender for a fe�lerally
<br /> celated mortsnge loan may rcquire for Borrower's�.semw uccount under the federul Real Estute Settlemert Proce�luns Act of
<br /> t974 as amended fmm tiuie ta dme. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless another luw that appliefi to the Funds
<br /> stss e 1es,�r amount. It so.Lender may. at any time, collect und hold Fun�s i�ar�amount nut to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> Lender may cstimate the tunount af Funds due an the basfa of current dsiitu and reusonable estimatea of expenditures of fumre
<br /> Escrow Items or othenvise in accordnnce with applicable Inw.
<br /> The Funds shnll be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by u fcdcraf Agency, iusUurzentality. or entity
<br /> (including Lender,if Lcndet is such nn institution)or in any Federal Homc Loun Bnnk. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Iteens.l.ender may not charge Borrower for holdtn�and applyin�the Funds.annu�lly analyziz�,c the cscrow aaount.or
<br /> verlfytng the Esce+ow Items,ualess[.ender pays Borrower Interest on the Funcls und applicable law pertnits Lender to make such
<br /> a cha�e.However,L.ender may requlne Borrower to puy a one-time chtuge for an independent rea!estate tax repo:tinB service
<br /> ased by Lender In connection wlth this loan. unless applicable law pmvides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> applicxible!nw nequires interest to be putd,I.ender shuq not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower And L.ettder may ogree in writi�g.however,that interest shall 6e patd on the Funds. I.ender shull givc ta 6orrower.
<br /> without char�e, an annual uccounting of the Fui�d.c,showing credits nnd debits to the Funds and the purpose for which eIICh
<br /> debit to the FundS was made.The Funds ure pledged as udditional security for alt sums secured by this�ecuriry Insuument•
<br /> if the Fuads held by l.ender excaed the amounts pertnitted to be held by applicnble lnw.Lender shall uccount to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in aCCOrdnnce with the requirements�f applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by l.ender at any
<br /> time is noc sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and.in such pse Borrower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deticiency. Bormwer shnll make up ehe deficiency in no more than
<br /> twelve monthly paymients.at Lender's sole discretton.
<br /> Upon payment in tLll of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shull pmmptly refund to Bormwcr any
<br /> Funds held by I.ender.If, undl�r paragraph 21. Lender shalt ucquire or sell tha Property,Lender. prior to the ucquisition or sule
<br /> of the Pmperty.shall appty any Funds hetd by l.ender at the time of ncquisition ar sale as s credit ngainst the sums ucured by
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3.Applicatlan ot Payments.Unless upplicable law provides othenvise,nll payments reccived by T..ender under paragraphs •K•
<br /> I and 2 shail be applied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the IVote: second.to nmounts payable under pzua�raph 2;
<br /> third.to intemst due: lourth,to principal due:and last,to any late cliar��due under the Note. ;;��
<br /> 4.Charges;Lfens. Rorrawer sh�ll puy all taxes.assessments.churges.fines and impositions attributable to thc Property ,�
<br /> which may uttain priodty over this Security Instniment, and leas�hold payments or�round mnts, if any. Borrower shull pay
<br /> these obljgations on the manner provided in pnra$raph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time directly �'�'
<br /> to the petsoa owed payment. Bomower shull promptly furnish to Il.ender all notires of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. ..�����
<br /> If Bomower mak�these payrrtents directly.Borrower shall promptly furnish to L.ender receipts evidencing the payments. ,�
<br /> Borrower shall promptty discharse any iten whtch has priority over this Sccurity instrument unl�s Borrower.(ul ugrces in '���
<br /> wdting to the payment of the obli�ation se�ured by the llen in a m:u�ncr acceptable to L.ender:cb)wntests in goad Faith the tien �,-'.
<br /> by, oP defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal procceclings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement o�the lien; or(c)secures from the hulder of the lien an agreement satisf�ctory to Lender subordinating ihe lien to W;1';�
<br /> t9�is Security instcument. If[.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to u tien which nu►y attain priority over !��:.
<br /> this Security lnswment. [.ertder may�ive Borrower A notice identifying the lien.Bnrrowcr shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> more of the actinns set Corth above within 10 duys of the giving uf notice.
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