. 2 Fcp'� L� � S.,�k �. � 4 F . �`k�(i'�.' �
<br /> .3.`�`°-�i - :�. . t � r f b y t:.� ,��'��'E- ZF:`�. f �4s; . . � � iti ��'� - _
<br /> �. '• � {�I §�;�,"� � r .°�„� T:ty` `tiF,,,�.��i��`'�.,ir+3�-'��ra�a.,�_ � dxj�`aY9Q�.� t`"tt� ' — �_ -__
<br /> . . -
<br />��. .: g:�,� :
<br /> �,.. -f.J�s4'k7 �r�� t, � �H1, i.����i.CC�- _�4 i.xi�h:.�� __q — _- — _
<br /> ,
<br /> . •
<br /> �' � LLti "'.i.'� . . , ' ' -
<br /> .. .---.�—� �'!� — . --` ._.- ' ' — _ _ _ _ _ -- ____
<br /> _.. _
<br /> - �"" ___..( ' _'` _ ' �.'• ' — _. . .. ._ _ . , . _ - - -'— -. . _.—_—.-_. . ..
<br /> �-.._.� .. _ _
<br /> :, . . . "r-. ... __ __..` '_" "— _ —_ _
<br /> {.o, � . ' �_ _...
<br /> - ' �.t°r;i�� •. . .' . � � ..^ i . . . . .. . . � - '• - � . � - . __ .
<br /> , I,��`�.- . ! ° T1U9tC1S128flR$tiiQl@C�f/Olrll4�l8C�i
<br /> ; t` `�_� ;,... tt� ��rra�e�f 1'arsfaf wlth V�gps�t ta Lea�a3.iS;Jrer�l�e prtar�r•lttsn cansenrof8enef'�tary. . • �.. __ -- —
<br /> `. , 4 �, .��.y • � w`�tf��A��t to err�fe�s�of spa�9ln Ute y�ctst Pre�Sgrry.or enY pFOr�fan there6t.wflettrer srrch t�a,,re ts�raw a 1rer�aR�ttn<e,�+�tesxs: _ _-___-
<br /> r. ,. . __ _—
<br /> . ' : ;.,,, s.. {�RC�OpfC��P,7rtltenjP.�r&psYs�ts�d'SC�unt'ateQvart�p9yntenlof�erfthe�eu�7da►/n[+�rca�ctoar�mantA. . � � --
<br />- �;°'`°�E':.r. ; ,�� . , (b� Garicftortarmlriatstfrssim�;aeoee;st�r,/cenc�'te�ard,t�mrhra�ana�surier.dertRsraat,o�Pe'��8n3►everrteoosY,vrrMVt��hwa�'�l �L _. —
<br /> - � c�c�rrtf�nunsfercoternttr�&�aorcahc�ttt;�a�..ott,urthera.tarm.�nmtarrtarnar+p�ymentoYrenG - �
<br /> �,, � ' , .�Sc�`Alrnarrd e�modiy t�ra se�na so as ro r�ca t�a tarm thsreaf.ihe renret Payebta thsrsun�ar.o�ro�hrtn�re eny ranewrd��av:stcns. ' . � — — �
<br /> r', �' r ± � �F@fl�ACQlIf�R?d. ` , , , , � � , ' .� ' �"
<br /> �R'��; `;ti:``� !d1 W��nydafeuftttt$reun�ar+�rbre�ANaresrt,� �
<br /> ;'?<< <,`.:,' , �. .f . (e) Qttre�iy�onsan�waNe�ot�vat Utereuntler or t�eny orAet ecYlan tn conn�tlon thsrewiUi.a wRh a tessee Pharau►�afer;wlrtcA �a rY��:: _
<br /> � • woutaf have�ra eftect of im,oafr ng Ihe vatcre af tlre tassor's�ntarest thsreundar or Ure prapevry srrDf�ct thareta.ar cftmBa�ng the � ,. .:�, � -
<br /> . ..� f. , . . ti ti Q� a.��
<br /> • �• posftlon a iniarast of Bsneftcc!lsry theneln.ar
<br /> � :� __ � Sell,es�!gn,ptadge,mortgage a�orhs,nvlse dtspose af.or encum�e�f�s lr�restln any sstd laasa or any rertts,JSSU88.P�a�m 1ss�nB ,�.� L�",
<br /> -- orartsing thsrgcmdat. . - - - F � `t Z �-
<br /> . t� t7. V6lalvsr af Stefula ot Umlta�cns.Tlma is o!tAe assartce►n e!t of rrusror's o��gatl�res snrl dWes hareunder,errQ ie the ezteni permftted , Z� �4,-
<br /> .�; `�. s �' � �ytaw.Trustor wafv�s a1t Fresent ar Niure statufes o!(Imttaitu�►s wiin respsct ta erry de6b dern'and a�obliga�icn sectr�ed Aereby end F .,�t� -
<br /> •.,. i �. �y�an w procp$�ryrg fcr the pu�pose ot enfaf�rrg this Qeesl a!Tiust a arry dghts or remedies cosrtalned hereln. ,. , ...�• � --
<br /> .^ � ,r�.� ' .I . 18. Assf�nn+entof Depesfts.ke tlre everrt corrs(►uctlon oflmpravemerrie is Contemplafod by thelasn evtdanced by ths Nate secursd �� . �'�tY� '�_:
<br /> � � ;.. . Hsraby.as 8dd"r�on�securliy fharefore.Trustnr hsre0y barrsters end essJgr�s Eo Benaflatary..811 dgbf��l9 e.11d IB1BtB��fO�lty 8lld 8/1 `;. �F�� _
<br /> ',,( �:�' � moNes de d b�eor on behalfot Tiustor with a�y cttl,couniy.Pu6Ue bady or egsncy,�dlsbit�ut�GrycnmAa�/.a�ra �'� � - -_
<br /> �� .. ... � ,. any oiharb�dyar&gency,fo�fha instarfatlan ar i�secute tha lnstallatlan ot arry�flitY by Tiusfar,pertaiNng to the Trust Pmpertyt ,±�,�l � _�..
<br /> '•.� , ••- 18 Co�rafTan ar Parfietstdp E�dsfence i/Tiustnrls a corporatlon,general parbrersAlp,or Rmfted paRnershlp.It wF:l do el!tltings �'' £s�� ��,
<br /> ' � f. � necesssry►co preserve fta co�orate or pamrershlp exlst�ance.as Ure case may be,an d e 1 l dg h t 8 artd p dvtfa ge9 under the/aws o1 flte �,,..' --_-
<br /> _ i,:.': `, � Y�t '� � sffiOa ofiGs Incorpam�n or orggnFla�on. _ --
<br /> - ' � Z0. Fabesrartce by Benet�clery No!a Walve�My 1b►bearance by Seneflctaryln euerclsfng enY dght a remedy hereunda�.or ottrenvlse R J ;-
<br /> % .,,�. r� .;:� : sffordedbysppllcsbfelaw,a9raBnotbeawalveroforprec/udethaexsnYseotanysuchdgMor�amedy.ThepracuremeMOf . . , ;.;��-:,�,,_
<br /> lnsmance or the payment ottaxes m Ura dischargs offiems or cAarges by 8eneffclary shaB noi be a watverot 6erretfcia�y's�lght to ` ;`r-+�-,�`�-
<br /> � •,`' ,: . accetet&ie tha mabdty of dre Iridebtedness. .
<br /> r, r�
<br /> '�._.`.:,.,�,.. ' 21. Remedies Cfanufa�ve.AD cemedies prov/dedln Ws Oeed ofTrusY are disdnci arrd camulaGve to srry otherngMorremedy unda�this ." + .� ,
<br /> ��-•, . . ..._ . -�. • --. -..----.---d�eQot.Tiustaralfar+dedb}!lawareqrdiy+_endmaYDaexerdsedcorrcrmertUy.irrdepe�der�Yvrsuccessivery. - . l�'�' -
<br /> , - -------- --- � -�
<br /> 22 Successors estd Assigns Bound;doint and Several flaEdr�p;�epffons.Th��venants�nd agreemerKS-helsin tonta+lned sfr,�t��arrd�--- . < ;; ��
<br /> ' � tAa rlgllis 8ereurrdersh�i�rane to,Ute respecGve succesoors and 8sslgns of Benaffcdary.Trust+ae,artd Tiusdo�I�1�cOVenan�mcisf.: ,, i,F�
<br /> •.• . • �qreemerits of Trustar s4r�;�r3 jolrrt ertd seve�a).Thm c�ons and headtngs of tt,e Raragraphs of thls Deed oi F'cti�t ara for, `�u.,: ,,.� . f'" _-
<br /> - . . r sr�r,n�tn ba used to interpreics�fine the provlsfons hereof. ��`���'��'���"`` +�.�� ,
<br /> conveNence orrly snd
<br /> : :.• . � . � .
<br /> � • ,.- .�: , cab:e raw to be givan tn snoUtermanner�an�notice to T����rl»Ws �.,�<d�.S�.;,�,�s�' ,,.
<br /> . ,.._ . ._.... _ .
<br /> _ ; ..- -•:. :..-. 2:� NO�rCe.ExCeptfoT&nyr _��eQuitedUnderepp� �. ..�
<br /> . ��,. . • Oeed ot Tnrst shall be by malJtiig such-no�ce-by cerGSed msfl,refum rece/pt r�que 8d ressed to T '1�' . 'r.�.:-.�
<br /> -.�; ,::..�(�}��Y ••�'%
<br /> •�-�,' Sddness set terth a.Qove arat suCh othe�sddress as Tn�star may de s fgn a t e b y n a p c e t o B e n e fr c t a ry as p►avided°l :,��n,�.. •`.,�.:: ';. .s� �"
<br /> �--�
<br /> �I . P q ro Benefld s end t�i,'s malGnS ' � °•r'.�f% '
<br /> : ;..�.. � � t I fv+an �fi�d ma!!retum rece/ t re uc-t�d. �
<br /> �,�:�;;ri�U;'��t,;'�:�,��",•;�; noticetoBeneflclaryatTlua�,�sda/beg bY tyy.noNcetoTiusta�2s�c,�uldedhe�ein.My ;;ci�.', , . ,�< .
<br /> ,fy,.r,� 'h�,. :address stated herefa�rt►i�h oiher addr+ess as�laN orTrustea may desigz��.'� ;a�'�'', r `r � .
<br /> z
<br /> •� F��,�°���<-'r���f,��;<': ' • :Rotice Provlded for/n�'h�s t�ot Tnrst sAa�Ca�'.�u have Desn ghren to Tru�.Beneticfary or Trus7es�n glven In Ure ��r����< ., � ?'+`�:
<br /> =�•'• �.'tiS}y��N}�`"�:�� , c.i�;,�..:£ A1811/18f dBSI�JAB�hBfBlll. .. ,r>_ . ,.
<br /> . . . �,.?,..y.. ,
<br /> <'s',S} '.�S.r:::;i:�'::. . 'r.. ..,F1'N:Y,' i. 'y�', ''J' � '�,�5'�:%�' '�
<br /> .•:•�.,;;�>t .;.. ',. , ;;;•;;4 24. Qov�ming Law;Severablliry.Thls Dee��Fr.rst s...a!'i�9'ovemed Dg��re laws of the State of NaDraska In fhs event any provlsian or . ,; .
<br /> � ', `•�''•• ,•� :�!� dause a f t h i s D e s d o f Trus t c o n�c t s wfth a p plicaDFa i�a;such corrF�x¢shal!nat a/fact other prov/slons of thls Daed of Tiust wirfch can �-. ; . `�. '
<br /> _ �.�:,�,:�;•. , • " -
<br /> � �'�� ' � ' be gfiren eflect wiU►aut tha corrfllcting pmvFstons and 2.x�^�rs end the provlslons of thls Deed of Tiust ar+a declared fa be severabte , .��, "
<br /> ' � 25. Ever►ts o!OetanlL EaCh of the fa0owing occurrences shall constiwie an evan!of detault hereunAer.(herelnafter ca(!ed an"Eveni :,:; � �
<br /> = .. . _..., . , otOefaulY'): . . -- - -�-� :'��" r� - -
<br /> , ' , � (e) Y w s t c r s A a f l f e U t a p a y w h e n d u e s n y p�l rt c i p a l l n t e r a s�o r p d n c l p a!a n d tntemst on the indebtedness, '• «� . ; �:
<br /> , ,. : (p)A�ry►ae�nry o1 tltle made by Tmsror hereln shalJ be unbye. , ' ' : ,. '
<br /> • ' � (c) Trustar sAa111a11 to observe or perfurm arty of the covenants,agreements,or condifl�ons/n thts Deed o}Tlus� .. � ''i: ��.,�;.
<br /> .. .,:�. • • (� My representatlon a svenaniY made by Tiusta on any finsnclal statemerrts or reports submltted to Beneffclary by or on baAsff u!� � � - ��'G�%�-,
<br /> • . 1. • Tnrsh7rahai!prave felse ormafedalry Msleadh►g. 1��i";..
<br /> .•':,��.�,: •.
<br /> �'• .� (e) Tiustor sAaJl iall to perlorm orobserve any of the covenants,conditlons or agreemenis confalned In,or Dinding upnn Trustor un0e► , , . . ., :?
<br /> ' ' � " . � anyr bufldfng losn agreemertt,secudry agreemenL loan agreemen�Nnanc�ng staiemerrt,or any o t h e r eg r e e m e r r f.i n s b u m e n i o r • : �,
<br /> - ''�<� �. . document exacuted by Tiustor In connection wfth Ne loan evidanced by We Note.� . .',;� . {�;
<br /> •� . �. '' (�A trusfee,recelve�orliqu/datar of tl►e Trust Properry ot o1 Trostb�shal�be appalnted.or eay of the credilors ot Trustor sha!!fite a _... _. ._ _:
<br /> �! - p�on/n banlwptcy egatnst Tiustor,or for the reorg2nlzatlon o!7rusto'r pursuant to the Fedarat Benlaupfey Code,or any slmllar , „
<br /> . law.wl�etlrer federal or state.and!/such order or pUi�°co�shall not 6e discha�ged or dlsmissed within thlny(30)days afte►the date • °' ;.,4.�i
<br /> ��; �:. an whiCh sucb ord8r or pefftlon was filed. � . ���.:.:,;: �..�4:
<br /> _ . (g) Tastor shall file s petidon pursusM to the Fede�al BaMvuptcy Code or any s/milar Jaw.federat or state,o�il Tiustn�shall be • ' r.•
<br /> adjudged a banlavp�ar be declared fnsofven�or shaJl make an esslgnmem for tiie benefit of cred'rtors,o�shaJl admit In wrlbng fts .
<br /> . . � .. � . lnaMlrty ro pay trs da6�as t�ey become due.oi shal!consent to the appo/ntrnertt oJ a�ecelver of all or any part of the Trust Propeny. . . .. : .:
<br /> ,� � (h1.Flrta1/udgmen!fortfrd payi►ient of money shaf!6e r�dered agaLrst Tiustor and T'r�rstorshell not dlscAarge the same.oicauselt to , ; . , a
<br /> � ,.:;r,?E��t . De drscharged,wftlrfn�lif�tY(30)days after the snuy ti�ereof.or shatl nof appea►�erefrom or Irom the or�der,decree or pracess upon , , _
<br /> - wh/ch a pursuarrt ro w hic h s e t d ju d g m a n!w a s g r a�r t�d,D a s e d,o r e n t e r e d,a n d s e c u r e a s t a y o f e x e C Won p endin g such a p peal,
<br /> . � � (n Trusto�shalf so0 or convey the Trost Properry,or srry part thereof,a anylnterest thereln,o�shall be divested of lts tlNe,or any inieresf ..
<br /> :,� ' therefn.in erry manneror way,whether volunteriry arinvolunterlly.without the written canse►rt of Benefrdary be/n��rrst had and . .. .
<br /> �� .. •. • . " obtahred.of . � � �
<br /> r,;,i •
<br /> '..1.:•t-� ._ .
<br /> •::��:•% ; „ ��. � m f1 TrusnoNs a coryoratforr w parb►eiship ar►d more lhmr ri/ry perceni(50°�)o!thrrshares or benefialal lnferesls ln such co�poraBon or .,,. �.,�i •.
<br /> � '. . .�,. � parb�ersNp.as the case may be,ahaU be trar►sferre�d or conveysd,whefher vaMmen'ty or involunia�ily.wfthout I?�e wrfnen consen!of ; _
<br /> :. . :�,,j�„ . Beneflclary being!lrst had end obtatned. . ', :
<br /> . �;?.� 28, llccefe�atlon of Oeb�Faec/osure.Upon Ure occurrence of enY Eveni of Defaul�o�any dnre Urareslte/Beneficlary may,at f�opSon,
<br /> � F �• � declate aR the fndebtedrtess seCUred heraby lmmediatey due and payab/e and the same sha!!bea►Jnterest at the default raiv,i!any, . ,-
<br /> � ' • � ' ' h! hest iafe em�ftted b law,�nd.l�spec8ve o/whethei Beneftciary exerc/ses sald option,!t �•� � �.'�.�. �
<br /> ?.• . ' � • set forth in the Note,or otherwlse at Me g p Y, , , .
<br /> � • may,arfts op8on and In Its sole dlscretian,witlroutsny turtharrtotrce or demand to or upon Trustor,do one or more of ths tol�osving;
<br /> {e) 8eneflclary maY enter upon,talre possession of,martage ertd operafe the Tiust Property or eny paAthereol;make repatrs and " . •
<br />-.•F.�,� at[¢ration�er►al do eny ect4 wAf�h Bensfrclary deems pmpet to protect the securfty therrrof.srrd elther witl�or wHhout caking . . • '';�';,
<br /> . . . • f
<br /> �. .�; possesslon.!n Fts own nama.sue fo�o�ofhenvfse cofiect and receive rents,issuss end p�afits.Including ihose past due and unpald,
<br /> • • an d app N�+e same.fe s s c o s t s a n d e x p e n s e s o f o p e r a B o n r�r d c o t f e c t l o n,t n c l u d i n g r e a s o n a b l a a tt o m e y f e e s a n d BanaBd a ry s �
<br /> casf�,qpan tAe lndebtednes9 secured AeteDy and ln sucA o�de►as Beneficlaiy may delermine:Upon requoJt of Beneflciary;Trtlstot �
<br /> • �' � ,�.' � shaU essembfs an�J shaU malca avatiable to Beneflr,Jary srty oJ tPra 7rust P�operty unt+ich has been removed.77r3 entc�dng upon and � •. • . .,
<br /> tatdng passessfon ot tha Tiusf P�apenY.tAe coltsafon ot�ny rents,issues and profits,srrd Me applicaffan t�er�3o!as eforesatd,shaU
<br /> ---- � � � � � �� rrat crrre or waJus any delault tAeretoTore a�fhe►eafter occutdRg.o�effect�ny noffce ot default or notice of saJe hererurder ar . . , ,
<br /> .. '. '' tnvafcdate alry act done pursufu►t to any sucR aohc'e.NaM�Fthstanding Be�teficiary s conbnuance in possassion or reaelp t�rd . , � :, �
<br /> � ' apFlication ot rerrts,lssuos or pmfits.8enefrc(ary sha/l Q9 ertDtfed ro exerclse every d9M Pnovided!o�ln thfs Osed of Trus1 or 0y law . � .
<br /> _ ' •. � • upon or efte�the accurrenae of an Even!o!�afaul�frtcluding tha dghf to exerclse the power of ssla My p1�e actians relerred to in �
<br /> Ws paraqmph may be taken Dy Benefrcfary at such Um�es Beneflclary may detemdne withouf regard to the adequacy of arry � • .,
<br /> � Secr�riry for Ure Indebfetlness secured Itereby. , •
<br /> - - - f�f g�,����t�d tn the Rde��ac�r ot srgrsecrnity tar Ma lndebtedness secured herBDy.6e e�ttitled tn the � •_ ;
<br /> appeinOmeRt o!e receive�by any cnurt havtng JurisdicUOn,wiUrout no�ce,to take posse.csTo»ot,proteat,arrU m�rage tha Tnrst
<br /> , .� .. propelry a�rd opsrate tne ssme errd catlecr me�er,rs,issues and pro�rts thereham. ,• ,
<br /> , ' . � . . � � (c) Benetrdary may Oring any ac8an in 8ny caurt bf campetent(udsdicQOn fo farecfase this Oeed o/Tiust or enforce sny of tlre .
<br /> . ..
<br /> . . ,
<br /> . . . � covenanis hareaf.
<br /> . . .
<br /> . . . . .
<br />