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. <br /> , , . <br /> _ ' ��'.`A . E . �-. _ `S�" * � '� . F : � c� ,..- '^.x � '�- <br /> . , "• - �s.� . -... .s -�� - -:4 . r , . ..t sy- . I� .�..._'. � '� ___. <br /> . - r , C _, ; _s .. r . . .....v.o'�� — <br /> �._�— ' F�a -,� . •__' _ '—rt . ' ..._. �,Y:Lfi-,�. � �- ` ,_��� _ ._ <br /> . ,�r �' � � 'It ��.a. " L d <br /> � '''�c r` �'' .-. J' jf _ ' l, E F ..� Y � 4A� t`Y. •s -��......��`' . . <br /> . i .�. .�. . <br /> . <br /> --, . � -. . �� - <br /> . <br /> � i�. 1 � 't� '. Y'�.. .�... :.'yTi ti• •. ,r . . ' 4 ��.f ""�kllP��"1 y 5 Y, _ <br /> . <br /> , . � . . <br /> :� <br /> � . , , . . <br /> ,, r . . .. . � . . � l ,i� __ <br /> • .,�--.... . —' ' _-. _--.—_ — _"' — . __ ._T .-- — _ - - -' " _ _'_ '_-' __"'_..._�. ' . ... <br /> , , _ _ .,.._ ._ ( . . ` � � � . _ <br /> .� '� " . .._..�. � <br /> �4 �� � - - � � , � ��i�l�'7�� . � � __r <br /> . `.' i�� .. '. ' 1''' S"�hsZ-;.1f.� <br /> •/e ..;.: . � insurance Aremldms�gror,nd�enfs.epd a1t�►er r,Asrges�vRatsosvorlevled uPan n►essessed.plect3d or made ega�nst ttts Trust �kt � � <br /> �'��••••� � ' Pra�arry.�nrsior fu�tlrer egr�es.upon w�itt�n rtlque8t by Ben& F��P�Y delive�W�enefrcltuY all rtacsipt�fCr tno p�yonent o! � , � <br /> rq <br /> ,��.'��.�,:, �"., sr�r.f�ch$rges Trdstorlllcewtso�gr�es ta pey atl(axes.assessmarrts c�r�aitsr cAe�gas tevl�d�eRan pa e.ssessed.Pl�cad or maQs: � �_,, ..��-� - <br /> '.}. � �� - EC �' agafnst�o�maa'sured by.i�is Daed of lrust ar Urfl r�carda�'an�ereof. � . � .. °�r� �.'�� --— <br /> � - �r���F � �.y<,�.�'� S. Ap�t;�sit�rar►af Paymerng.�paymsnts'racelvsd 6y 8eneflclary e�to ttny dsD�Ua(�!ltiryar oDligatlon owe�to 9rtneficlery 0y�nestor , -Y<.� - _ <br /> ► <br /> ; , • ' may Qa eppfiad by 8aneficfary b iho Fsymant at tAe IndeDtedness o�ta eny su�A etlt�u deb�Ilablllty or oD�'gaffon,fn any urdet ar �•. ;�.� ., .�2;E �; <br /> ' manrrerof eppltca�nn wRl�A BasreRela��Ul It8�O$IfA dISE(BtlOff,daemg apg�p�a.UtilBS9Ofh@1W13fl�!L'Cf£l��7jf��R�f1Cldfjl►31t� -s . �, ' •— <br /> . " � sudr payment sAall be Qaemed epp0ad Ilret cn tho p8ymentof e�ry dab�Il�b!Bry a oDttgoJon other tAan ths Nof!L , . `';R� <br /> 4 f... . �- <br /> � � ° � Gharges;t/e�ns Tiustor wtl�lneep tha Trust Properry fres tram all ilens end oncumbrct�c8s whfeAtn eny w�y may.fn th�{udgmsnt ot . . ' `` �:--<�'- <br /> .- �.;F`���_G.�r. <br /> •` ' ` Benefldary.Aave pifortty over;pr impsl�the secvrJty at,fFifs ased a9 Tiust but Trustor rr&ed nnf dlseAarQ6 any suclr tten so(on�es . c-. , _: . , <br /> �.. ..,, • � Trustarshall pay rPre Q�gatfmt secutedby such llen Jn e mannar accepta6te ro B�nefiolury end�h�fl Jn gcad fet¢h � , <br /> �'.. <br /> � ' cotnesf srKh/r'en Dy approAdata fe9a1 pmceedings e f t ea t ive ro preven i f h e e n f crcerna n l o f ihe fien and Ure lo9s ot a r rytntarest!n or •. _ <br /> ,� . - =:• • p�f o!�Trust Ptt�pr.tty. � -L - <br /> 7. Hazand lasurance.Trustorshall ke�p the bulJdings an d o l hei l mprQVamen t s n o w e x i s t J n�or heraafter erected cn th�Trust Proparry ` ��' — <br /> - �`f'' • ` ` - l»swed by insurance canleis s8tlsfact�ory to�eneficlary agalnst/oss by�iis.h3zards incfudad!n the temt"extendeB cavat8g�"st+d ` ` '. _ <br /> .":;:�::�;;�_.,._..,.:�. `sut�otlter h&z8�ds.casuatlies end arntingan�ies as may b�requlred by Bane�iC/8ry.In such amourrts arr0 farsuch perlods as m3y(os:• �`•`.�: ., : <br /> -_ . _ �.- requlred by 8enefrc[ary.TAe poticy oi/nscrrance shal►Do In fom►acc�piab/e fa Benefrclary.provide that the ssme may rrorDe �'_-- <br /> - .- c�rtceiled a modfied wJtltout fifteen(15j days prlor wdtten ao�ice io 8trneffalary,and shall P�ave lass Payable pravisforrs r'rr f�+�1�1•' , l � <br /> ' ln form accepLa6te to BenaScfary.M premiums on Insurance polieiss sha!!be paJdln th�manner provfded underparag��r4lrareet -- <br /> - - or,�fnai paid fn such manaet,by Tnr�ormaldrtg paymerrt stlasst trfteen(15)days p�tortothe due date,dlrar.tty to N[e ir�surance , . , �;- <br /> . c�mte►.BensSclary shall havetde dght t+ahold tHe palfGes end rarrewefs thereof end Tn�srorshall promptly fumish to Beneffcfarye/t � :'. � - s,• �-- <br /> : ;� �'. ,.. - ranevia!rro�ces and aU paid premfum receipts recefved bylL/n no ever�f shs11 Beneffcisry or 7nisfee 6s held resp4nsthle far faflure ta :. ,..'�: .. .. =._- <br /> payinsursrrce prErr�ums arMrsnylass or damags arising out ot a detect/n erry policy orartsing out ofarry,fallure ofany lnsurance ; _ <br /> r.. , comQa�to F$Y t+orarryloss ardamage insrma0 sgeUlSt o�forfeilute by Tastar to efl8ct Me�nsura►rce r�qufred Uts event . .. -� <br /> � olloSS.Trus7arshafl giva prompf rraace by mall to the tnsurarcce cantararrd Benefrciary.Beneficlary may make praatotloss ffnot �+ ;. . <br /> . madeRramPfJyor/n praper farm by Tiusfor.AO paGdes oflnsurarree end arry end s0 refunds of rmeamad pramlums a�e hereby :�. -•: ; ��;. �E�:":'= <br /> • � assrgrred ro Beneficra.�y as addltfanal securiry fer tlre paymem atthe►ndebredness.!n tlra evertt ot Benefletary's exerclse of Me power ' f. <br />-=µ� ' -- - . ofs2.�carr[amed fre�'n,orin the eveninfforeclQ�ua.a/1 rigJ�o'tle snd Inierast ofTiusOCiin snd ro srry�irswarrce paficy then Tn forc� �� � _ <br /> ,.: � - ' ° �� . �.'":�` <br /> `::'"i.',.:- . sh2�lgas,s to Ohe pr�aser atthe bustee's sala ar t�e c losure s a la/n cese o farry f o s s.t h e i n s u r a n c e R r a�e c-d s m a y,sf 8re o ptfon of • . , �: _ <br /> _ .:�;,- - ge,��r,be appffed by BeneTrciaryopon the tn�'abmdass�Qr any pa�t thareof,and rn srrcAonferandc�ourrt as 6��cfarymay :'�`�:'',: _ - <br /> � . : - <br /> , . . .• .. ,.�: _., <br /> ,� . .... <br /> ....:: ...... .. <br /> •--�--..:_,�:,.:,:•:.:;:._�_ .__ - • . . .�= . < _ <br /> c :, .,__:.:: <br />_ �` <br /> ,. .. ;.:r,..,�'#ti, - . ----dc=�c:8:o�`s�id InsurancepracEads.-at�te-op�on-of8srrefrae�y:�may�e►eha�bevsed�m�ngor.res�ringltreL.rastF_mptecty.--....._. '.?:;�;_;;':;�:�,,-�,=:-: -;'•"'� <br /> - ;=�`��� p�¢�,or tam!!y dsstroyad to e carcd�on saGstacflory to Berr�'.ciary;'or sald insurance prcx-c-.C�orarr�p perrti�on ih�reaf,may be :� _ <br /> � �;�. ;�� �feaser!ro Tnisior_Cfi W'ess Beneficiary arrd Tnmt�roflrenrise agree�a wrftirrg,�ny such app�ic��af"rr.�rance pmcaeds sha/l aot _ '.•�,�` "'�� � — <br /> : �:°,j,' !. , extend a�pos�arc�t�due date ol the IVot�a�m�"%�talJmems calfed M�Urc�7,or changa tha�.sard�suchlnsta!lmems.lf the ., ` ^ - <br /> �n : <br /> .. Trust Arapevt�is�utit-�!by Benr�a /s���`re exercise of the povi�rr c f sale or other fore�la�i'�all righ�tiUe and inferesi af, � •,.�� • :,� : �` <br /> �, 1 � •t��raird ta 2.�yir.�urance pra�d pay�;�as e re�+tt atdamaga to s f re:T i r r s t P r o P�N P�o r t v_t f�s a l e o�e c q u l s i tl o n s h a ll p a s s •. ,....•� , ,,�� <br /> r�.,,.«;�.;.'� ,. . . _ - <br /> . �,,�:,,• , to B�e�f,lary a.rta s`aU be appfied Fist to the casLs en d exF�inc tu d f n�.a:t o m e y f e e s,l n c r m e d r n.c a�e c� s u c h ro a��d a,t h&n `:��� `.!`' ;-� - <br /> R9 p - :r;t;f: :,�° . <br /> '�: ,�.. , '�::�r��:' inNr�m�rmerandinBieorderprovldedheraf». : •� , � . � �-�; _ !,;� <br /> %"��'-.,.,': ..: <br /> �•,,�.. • . , � 8. Preservaalon and R."'��s+enarrce of Trusi P�opeRy:t'r,�star wiR E'v�;�ie 6�ifd.��r�end oUrerirrFsravemertts►�c:u orAeresft�ar erscted an .:�.., � ;: ,; <br /> rt�: <br /> "�,, , . : ths Trnst Properry Ingoad repalr and candi�on��?�rtai ca�.�or pemrrt�aste.wilt aot a/ter ihe desigirc�rsWCiural character . _ , `....1.� r..;f;; <br /> � consURrttng eny b�ifding now or nereafter erecce�cn en�!v�n9 the Trust Praperty without the pr•'er►+�en canseM of } ,'. , � ���: <br /> � �, Beneflclary,wi0 noi da any aci or diing whlch woufd undufyinr�r or deprealate the value of tha Trust Property end wflinot abandon � ''� <br /> ihe Tmst Properry.Trustor wf0 noi remove sny nxtures consUtuffng the Tiust Property unfess the same sre Immediatery rep/aced wlth. , •':,t�: _ . ;� <br /> '.' /ike property sybJect ro ihelien and securfry interest otthls Osed ot Trust and of at/sast equal va/ue arrd uliliry.Trosior w!!1 campty with 'r�• ; �:, � <br /> wi � . <br /> a1t preserrt and h�ture o�dinances.�egulatlons and requtrements of any govemmental body wiUch are appllCab/e b the Trt�st Properry , ...��;�s'�.; <br /> and fo tfre occupancy and use the�eaf.i!thfs Deed of Tnrst ls on a unit in a condomintum or e planned unit developmer�Trusror shal! . .� ;..y�'';; <br /> - ---- � - � --- per(oa»all of Trus�tw's obllgatlons undertlre declara6ons or cov$nanis creaffng orgoveming the corMomtnhan or Ure planned unrt �-- .- --: -..���'a�p <br /> � � � devetopmen�the bylayvs and regulatrons of the condomtnlum or planned unit devefopment,end the cons�tue�rt documents. • . . ,; • <br /> �� . � 9 fispec�on.BeneflcJery or its agenfs msy,at all raasonable ames enter upon ths Trust Prope�iy for the purpose ol inspecBon. . ' <br /> ' � � •• BeneBcfary shal!have aa duty to make sucb inspectfon and shalf not be liabfe to Tiustoi or to any pe�son'in possesslon il it makes or . ;: ; <br /> ` - fails ro make srry such inspectlon. •.'��1��` <br /> r ... , 10 Profec�on of Secunry.//Tiustor faiJs to pertarm any o1 the covenants and agreemenis contained!n thts DeeO of Tius�or il any ac0'on . ._:..�,�',-;f�� : - <br /> , � . ' or proceed/rtg ls commenced whlch does o�may adversey aftect the trust PropeM or the intarest ot Tn�sror or BeneBc(ary there�a a �,,,,; � <br /> the Utle ot Trusioi thereb,then iis optlon,may pe►fom►sueh convenants and agreemerns,maFre such eppearances, .. . �� <br /> � • � defend agatrtst snd Invesbgate such actlon or praceeding an0 take sucA other acdon es 8eneficiary deems necessary to profect ds • • ' •`' <br /> I ` � � .. :_.• :. fnterestlncfudfng.brrl not limfted to,.disbulsemeni a!reasortable auomey fees and enby upon the Tiusf Property to make repalrs.My l;�� <br /> � ' amounts dtsbu�sed Dy Beneflclary pmsuanf to thls paragraph t0.wlth interest tliereon,shall consbiirte ladabiedness of Trusior � �� � s <br /> • � � �• secured by thls Deed of Trust UNess lrusto�ana Beneflclary sgree to other te�r»s of paymenf,such amounts shaJ/be payabie upon , ;��. <br /> � noUce firam Bene�rclary to Tiustor requesUng paymen!thereof,and sha/J trear fnterest from the dete o�disbursement at the default rate, �' ���' <br /> . �. • • i/any.set fortA In tl►B Note,or ofherwlse ai Ur�!hfghest rate permttted by aw.Nothing contalned!n thls paragraph shall requfre '�,:.�;� � '"�-� <br /> - Beneflclary to incur eny expense o►ta,ke any scdon hereunder.Trustorinevncabty autho�izes artd empowers Beneficlary to enter upon •- � <br /> � • - � - - �� � the Tiust Properly as Tiustors agent end,in TrusioYs name oi othe►wise to pedorm any snd a!I covenants and agreements to be � <br /> - � performed Dy Tiustar as Aereln pravided.Beneficlary sha11,et its option,be subrogated ro eny encumbrence,lien,claim or demand , <br /> ' ' snd to sll dghts and securiLies for the payment Mereot paid or diseharged by Beneficiary under the pmvlsTons hereof and any such � � . . . <br /> _ � . subroga,flfon dghts sha/l be additlonal and cumu'fftive securiry for fhis Deed of Trust. � � � - � <br /> , t t. Corrdemnatlon.TAe proceeds of any atvaN or claim fos or consequen6al,tn conneenlon with any condemnabon o� � : <br /> '.�,.:_, .• otltes[taGdng o1 the Trust P�aperty.or eny paR theieol.or!or conveyance/n lieu ol or rn anticipatlon of condemna�re,�hsteby � � . <br /> ` � � assigrr�d to and sAall ba pald to Beneflclary.Trustor will file and prosecute,Jn good latth and wrtA due di(IgenCe,its c1aJm tor sny such � , <br /> • t-,� � . ' � � award oi paymertL and wi11 cause the same tn bs collected and pald to Beneffclary,and,ahou/d it fafl to do so.Tiustor irrevocaDly � <br /> • auLhor/zes and empou�ers Be�refldary,ln the rt�mv o!Trustor or otfre�wlse,to fife,prasecute,setde or compromise any such clalm and � <br /> ��:,. • to cquec�recelpf tarend retain the proceeds.lf the Tiust Properiy is aDandoned by Tiustor,or,afte��ratice Dy Benefictary to Trtutnr � . <br /> • f/rst N,o candemn�r offers t+o maka�award or settla a clalm for damages.Tiustar falls ta respond b Berteftclary wlfAin thilty(30)days � ,. . <br /> • � eft�r Uro date such nottcels mafied,Benefrciary is authorfzed to collec!end epply the pnoceeds!n U�e manne�Indicffied Aereln.The •• � <br /> � pmc�Ss of any s:vard or c18lm may.eRe�deductJng s/1 reasonable costs and expenses,!ncluding ettomey fees,whlcR may have `• � <br /> --� � � b8enlncurred by 8aneflCiary ln the coltectlan thereof,at the sole dlsaetlan of Beneflclary,be reteased to Tiustor,applied to ,. . <br /> • � ' • - rastoradan of TiustProperty�or appited tv the payrnent of the/ndeDtedness.Unless Benefrdary end Trustor otherwlse agree/n wnting, ! � <br /> ' • any such epplica�on of pmceeds ro lndebt�dness shal!noi extend or postporte the due date of the Note or the payment of any � � <br /> ,.��, ,'t,. .: . Insts!lrsertts called foi thereundei , .. <br /> � '' ` 12. 1n�stnr[VOf Aeleased.Extenslon of Ne time far peyment o�rr,odificaUon of etry emorbza�on o1 fhe lndebfedness granfed by Benefiefary <br /> '•� �' to ar,y successor In linerest of Tiu3tot shall not operate to ralease,t»eny martrrer,the liab!liry of Tiusta and Tiusro�'s successors fn ,� � • <br /> .._:�. <br /> � i ,� , , � liiten9st Bsnetld+�y sha/1 noi be roqulred io commence proceedings aga/nst sucA successar or reluse to extend tfine for peYerent or � . <br /> . •• . otJtenvise ma�fity artroRfzaffan of the/nde6tedne�s by reason ol any demand made by Tiustor and Tiustor's successors :. <br /> • n <br /> � ' ln inieresL � F; <br /> �i'•�-: � 13 Fir,atrcfal Uifamra�on.Upan requeSE o!Beneffciary.Tnuto►wi�provlde to Beneftdary.wi�tn rtinsy(801 a�'�s of the elase of each flsca) ! <br /> ;�. � �, ysara�Trusmr,the cansolidated balance sAeef and statement o/eam/ngs ol Tiustor snd any and atl guatantors of iha irtdebfedness ��. <br /> � ; � . . sec�t�d hereby,Narry,and wfJf pmvide and de&ver to Beneficla�y such aUter frnat�lal iMomration snd in such mar�ner as BeneBciary ,� <br /> may rsasonabry request from�me ro time. ; <br /> �.� . : . 14. FfnanCJaJ Covenar, eCdiffon to eny other frnarrcfal coverrants of Tiustor made in any ather agreemerR,rnstru►rrent or documerr� , � <br /> • Tiustar shaD comply witA snd shall cause sny snd aU guaranto�s of tl�e►ndebfednass secured hereby to compJy witA,or be in � : <br /> ... <br /> _.-� �.�---•..--'--�--�--- . corrr,nllance wNh,the faltawing 6nanelal coyertatrts:(TNs Oara,R►aAh shail not aPPN�covenants and requbements are not set i � <br /> . . larlhAerefn.) • ==-----�--�___�--•---_ <br /> ' • 15. Sehedufa of f.eases.Ulrilhla ten(f0)days aftar demand.Tiusror shsU fumtsh to Berrefrciary a ac►redr�te cem�".red ro D/Trustor,semng ; •• , <br /> � . . � � ' forth s1l leases of th�Tiust Prope►ry,or any panian Ihereof,including in each case,tha name ot dre tenants or occupants,a descrrp�an � ' � . <br /> • , � af tAe space accupled by such tenarrt ar occupairt,Ure rerttaf paya�fe Por such space,and such ather lnlarmation and doeuments with �_ • <br /> '. . • . ' rsspeci to such leases and tenancles es Beneffdary may reasona6ry►equast . ,� <br /> . • <br /> ,� , . . �, <br /> .. �. �. �:. --- ,_.: <br />