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<br />` ,�t 1 < �" �}�.'`�, �5.. �tR�Bair rro ads o: tal m�ntaln u�pey Ma pccmt�n9 ta►tho ro�uirod ir}surance of tho P�oporty.ar{6!P8V��bOtar`a datirt�uent;o� ,'�°ti` _' "'�:
<br /> •� ` ' (c1 pay any ambG»duo undet s priqt mart{ja$o c►tsttst dc¢d botare detinquant,or(d)mainteln tho Ptago r t y in gaod rapair,ortel pe�form r•�r - _
<br /> '� ' <� :�:. eny of the covcnants or agrcamonts o!thfs Trust Ocad,tfion tho�.onda►t�ty.et ita opUon,pay euch insurancQ pramitvns.emco�.ntott8�9A ` „ '��`F� o
<br /> o�trust doad puynionta,or:nako repafrs anlf disburae such sums artd take�ucR aaUon as it daama naceo�aryto protect itrs interest without ;.:,,"r•� 4 �=£�` �-
<br /> , waiving or aHaoUng its�igfit to Qectata P�Q�t end aacalarato thb doDt aar.vtad RereAybdGause of erty onch ft►ituro of ths Barrovrer. Qny � �� • �_ _
<br /> �,:+^ '' �' , ' umo�ntasadisbursedbytheLendarahallconstsMs�dd�itionatindaptodnasaoftl�oBoreowpro0cured0ythi�TrustDcodund�Aallb.�arirrterosi , . :` _
<br /> � tmm Mo dato o!disbursamcntrst tM rate payable undar tho Nnte. NotAia�ConYairted iR tNs Dataaraph shafl rsQ�tim tAo f.onde►to mIIke enY� � �_ —
<br />- �; 't� snclt Qispursemontp er ta�o any ancen whstsoever. , `�° �� ----
<br /> - � - � 8. Ther Lendet may malee or causo to be mada reasor.aDlo ontries upon and insyection of tlia Praporty. � . � - ' �� `-(:�:, " •�"'.��Y=_:
<br /> � ` ' , ' `_ --- ` : ,
<br /> ,-;; � -� � , - ; ? 2he pmcoods ot any award oretaim tor d�ages.6rect ar saaso4nsM�sL ia 6ostssaetioh with.eny condemnatlon or other takiag o!the ---- - -
<br /> �c � ,
<br /> � .�: J •,': Property,ar part thntao},or fot convnyance in liau of cottdemnation;aro horeby asSignaA and shalt be paid to tRa lender to tP�O o�[tanl ot th� ( �
<br />"� . -.., ` • fuU arROUnt of tha remaining unpatd indebtednesa secured by this Ttust Oeett. •`;,•,•.•.,�' �. .
<br /> . . - , ' � � . .
<br /> �- N the Proporry is abandonad by the Borrower,ar,it after no4ca Dy Ua Lender to the Bortower that tho eondemnor offers to madce an avfatd � .,. • •,^�� . _
<br /> - `+� �" "` ' or settte a daim Eor damages,tfia 9oaower fa�Ta to respond to the Ler�3er within 30 days after the data suM notico is mffited,tha Lett4er �:`•. - --_
<br /> " .. � . is authorued to cof(eet artd apDty the pmeeads to the sums secused 6y this Tmst�aed. r•: �-��._
<br /> � `.1:;'1.
<br /> = � .- ; .;':,� . : . �� :.•�.':::�:,'::',a
<br /> '-::''- ' - Condemnation praceeds oc awatds shall ba credited to tha fast maturing instaitments o9 the indebtedness securad artd shall not oxtend or .• . ,,,, .,---
<br /> _ - �:,;-;��;�,,,,, postyotte tfie due date of the irtstall�rsems refeRed to irt paragraph t her�of or cAange the amouM ot suah installments. , � , , Y•�i:t,��:`==
<br /> r 1-S.. � .. -
<br /> _ 1�:� �,•�,� ' S. . tf Ma lender issves a partial retease ot this Trust�eed,tha pmceeds received therefor sfia116o cred"rted to tha tast meturing inStaQrhents of , � � _:�_
<br /> t: , �;- . f. , tha indebtedeass secured here6y. � , ,�� -
<br /> ;: ' (<� �:%•%":` -•��'�
<br /> ,.;- + � '�«',. ;"%i� 9. lftheLeadereithervoiuntarilyorinvoluntan7ybecamesaparrytoanysuitoetega{proceedirtgretatiagtothePrapertY.NeteorthisTnistQeed, �:,,.
<br /> . :�.`�i�� than Ne Bertower wiil reimburse the Lender for aU costs and,to the extent petmitted by law,reason�Lte attomeys'tees incurced by thQ •
<br />--"�{ - ` • Lender�etating to such suit or legal praaeedinge and said sums eshall constimte adfitionnl indebtednass secured by this Ttusi Deed and trear •. ��•�`. _
<br /> � ':`.` • ' '':�.i'�:.�� • � -<i.'♦ , .�..�-.�,.: -
<br /> .� �`,�;�';'�_'' _ • iMerBst at the rate payabte ander the Note.until patd:::.- ._ , : ;,:.,: .-.- •�.-
<br /> , •.'�;.,_..i:.,sr.,!... :'�" : , .- . , . < .�
<br /> :;�'`.�%5(�.dY.� � :�.4�.,: . � . .
<br /> ij� --- .«F�t%'�� `°�=` `� 10. � Aa additional seaurity,thb Bonower daes hereby assi transtor artd set over ta the Lende►.�In case ot defa�t in the petformane8 of ar�y � •.�:��. _ �?-�
<br /> ==—=�_.;:�--�-,�.'----� �' ___-.�,.-_ _'."��.,,.�.
<br />:�� • .>, .., . . :.-,. , ��----` .---�f�eT�nrs ar aartditions uf this Trtrst Oaad,the fitote or tha terms of any inQebte�ness secumd he�ebyr�t af�haterts.-rsvenues snd any-..... -,r—�--,..-�-:' ;.sl�.":•,-
<br />=,:.f�,`.'' " '�., income ef�yt type vvhatsoever to be deriYed hom ffie Property,induding IanQ contract paymeMs. The Lender,in persan,by agerst o:by -. '•�?s��`=-_
<br /> 1 "}r � �eceivar,,ai�out repard to tfie solvancrr ar iztsolvency csfi2he Bo*cower or the ualna of Ne Property,ahail6e entiUed to take possesssan of, •u� `�' -
<br /> •�`r%'t�:-. � � '•.'.repair,rent end manage the Proparty ai�to collsct tha i:eri�,revenuos and incoma therehom and it may pay ouc of said incame atl e�e�es . `- _ �`a
<br /> • .�ES��E�:`: -� � '' � �'�of repair and costs incuned in ranting azsd mana�ng tl,ie�Yoperty and coifecting reats alvd tor paymeryt of insurance premiums w[th any �:�'•• ' •.�'�' -__
<br /> � ..`'{'<.t._:.'.. ,�,,.�
<br />- ' vi;�. _ ,:.`'h��'6i:.�baiance to be applied to[he last matudng paq�iatits of the debt secured hareby. Upon pr0senting a copy of thie Trust Qeed a�sd ...t.�:,__..;_, I,r.,...
<br /> - ,c....�-;�-- ::J : - - `
<br /> . c'�.: "-<!sa..;�w't'�iis�ny lesse8. ten�t or cdrnraat puichaser of ine Propercy.such petson sbafi pay afl reMS:paymeMS and Drcfits accnifsd or ,, .--=".�'��," :
<br /> • � �';e��?mqd:uing to tha Lender u�tii turther notice from tha Lender. ' '���`�"�
<br /> .. . .. � ' ���i� � ' �.�,; , . . . � �<.; .
<br /> - ._ ' - 11.�": :;if ail'cr�X paR of the Property or any interest thereitt is deedeQ,sole;y by land contract or othamrise comteyed,�lienatad or fu�tAer .•E'•';,.`,
<br /> � • .; �n�um8�e�ltsr voluntariry qr invotuntarily without�Lender's prior wtitten consant,eacluding(a1 a transfer by operation ot law upon '
<br /> -. •---' - � - the dea�h�sf b joint tenarrt or(b)the grar�t af any leaseh�iotereat not containirtg an�ption to purchase wfth a lease tertn of tvio years or - - �L
<br /> - ` `fess,o�(4l-ths creauon of tha purchasa money secudty'icat�-�st in housefio[d aDp�iancas�+a�the Lander may,at its option,declare all sums �
<br /> - � . ' ` secured�y tfcs Trust Oeed to be immediatety due and�sayabie. �
<br /> =:,,:�• sa • � �• � ' .. •..,:,:y , ,
<br /> iv1��' ... . .. . . � . - . � �" � � , ' ..i ,. : , :.. ..��i.:�
<br /> • - ' ' 1x.';��' Upon the 8�crawers breach of arry Cov�ir�.r.Y.cragreema�*of the Bortovter inthis Teuat Oesd.induQing the covenanta to pay when de��sy . � ��'���`k ,
<br /> • =' ,'''� suma securea hy this Trust Deed,the ti��i-,at;ts ,�M.w znay dacfaTo a11 ot tfio surra acscured by tMs Trust Oeed to be ImmediataN due ,;,-;. r,:;%'��";;. '
<br /> � _. __ _ and payabte without furtl���mand and may invok0 sa�a�;aver of ealo andlor any othe�r��edies pamuttad 6y appG�fe law including the �:�'�U';:k ; 'y�.. �
<br /> , :� ' � right to forociose thts trusrG�sad in the manner provid�xi�:��!av+forthe forecfosure of m¢K a es on raal estate. The Lender stiall be entitfed `�+��1��� ���- �� * �
<br /> 9 9 ��r.:;.. ;:'�f :
<br /> • . , to collect aIl reaso�able costs and expenses incurted in persuing ssuct►temedios inciuding,Eut not limited to,and to the e:ctent permitted by ;`��,� " , ' � ,
<br /> � '' • ' Iaw,teasonabte attomeys'fees. �
<br /> . :� . . , , �'�' :. . ' •�'>4'.'�=�--
<br /> . :'.sa,�.,: ,._�
<br /> _ . - . --- tf the power of safe is inwkad,the trustee shafl record a notice o!dotauit in eaeh county in whicbthe Pro�erty or some partthereof is located _ . . . '=�?'=c-.�!`�
<br /> .. • and provide notico thereof in the manner prescdbod by applicable faw. After the lapse of such tlme as may be requirad by applicanle(aw, �'� ��;�::-'
<br /> � . • _ the Tntatea ahail give pubifs nouco of salo to the person9 aud in tAs manner prescribed by applicabla la�v. The Trustee,ar Mo attomey for `'•. y:��.-:'.:•.:`�'�
<br /> . . . Me Tnts[oe,without demand on the Borrower,ahati soil thrs F7operty at pubtio auction to the highest 6idder at the rime and place and unQer � . � • ��
<br /> • • ' the tetms dasfgntitod in the notico of salo in one or mora FeCeeis and in suct�otQer as tAe Trustee may determine.The Trustea may postpone .• �� ' • i
<br /> t
<br /> - ' sate of all or any parcel of the Property by pubtic annauncomont at tho rime and piace of any previousiy scheduled eale. The Lendar or the � . =(P-
<br /> , . i.`',•, r
<br /> r F ;. ' . •:,`• .. • � Landee'Sda,�Snee may pu�chase tho Proporty at arry sale. ' , .
<br /> .. - �- - .-, ._ , . . _ .._:,!':i•;`: ...._
<br /> ' • . , _ .. Upon ma;art af paymont of thv price bid,the Trustoe sha8 dalivar to the purchaser a Trustas's��ra�. �vithout warranty,conveying ttis . . ;•;;:��',. �..'1.°
<br /> • ?raperty soSd.The�ecita�tR r.ho Truatoe's Oeed shail ba prima facio evidonce of the tntth af tfie atetements mado therein.Tha Trustee sha11 i�'�:�'';�i�.�: :� � • : ,�`,
<br /> °� � � • ap,piy the proceetla of tt.�r>`cim in the foltowing ordar. (a)to aU roasonabie costt and e�enses of the sale,inctuding,but not limited to,tho '��` �- '*i•.'���_�"=.
<br />-� _, .: Trustee's foos of not moia:;an 950Q.U13 pius.5%of the amount secured hereDy and remairung unpaid,'and costs ot utle avidence;tb)to +
<br /> � ' , all sums�ecur�d by this Trust�eed;atd lc)the excess,if any,to tho parsan or pe►sons tegalty er.u�e"�tfiereto. �
<br /> - - - �..'�; ,
<br /> ' ' 13. Any torEearanco by the Lo'ndor in eaercising any right or romady hereundor,or otherwiso aHoMed by�iical�te law,shall not be a walver , ; . � •��_''�r;-�.�
<br /> . � , '•of or preclude the exoici��of any such right or ramedy in the evorR of wntinuing or future breache9 by tfie Borrovrer. ; :.y. � ,
<br /> , . _� i
<br /> � � , t�. .. AI{romedios providad in tttis Trust Oeed aro disunat an�r.�:mulative to any othor right or remedy under this Trust Oeav?or aftordod by law �' , ,
<br /> � � • or equity,and maV 6e oxercised concurcentiy,indopondontly oi succossivoly. `` � ,
<br /> j; : .. '
<br /> , �..� 15, Upon payrttant of ail sums secured by thia Trust Oeed,the Lender ahall raquost the trusteo to reconvey the Propotty and shall.surrenQer thi� °' �•
<br /> . F . � . � . . . ,' Ttust Deed and all notas evidoncing inde�tedness secured by this Trust Deed to thaTrustee. TheTrustoo ahall reconvey the Property�v:fftout �' ' � �
<br />_ . " warranty to ihe porson or petsons legalty entitied thoteto. Sucn porso�or porsons sha9 pay all costo of recordation,i1 any. �
<br /> . . , �' ..
<br /> " •� � 18. The Londer,nt the Lenders option,may from timo to tima romovo the Trustem e��r��nt a successor Truetae to�r�r Truetee appain�ed �t � � � � '
<br /> ' ° � horaundor by an instrumcnt recordod in th�county in which W3 Trust Qoe'd i9rreeordad.Without corneyence of the P►oAerty,the succes�r � f ' . •
<br /> � . '';�� Ttustoo shaf!succoad to all tiUe,powor�»i dutIes contorred upoa tha Tn�tee harein and by eyplica�le taw. � � �
<br /> �
<br />�-� i':... '.' � ' 17. Exeopt fot eny notices,demanQs,requests ot otAei eommunicetions roQ�ired undm eppNcable law to be given in another manner,whenever • ,
<br /> � � tho Lendor.tho Borrowor or tfio Trusteo gtvea or sorvos any ootiao(inctuding,viitAout limirntion,notice of dafau:t and notice of ealol, �• .
<br /> _ �. � Eemanda,requosts or othor communlcation wtth�ospoct to thts Trust Qoed,oach sucA notice,demand,raquest or other communication shall � " '
<br /> � �• ,. � • bo in writing aad shall bo oHectiva only if tho.sama is dolivorod by porsonal sorvice or mailed by certified maU.postago prapatd,retum recoipt ; .
<br /> �G ' � requasted,addressod to tho addross sot fortA at tAo baginning ot thls 1`rust Ooad.A copy o!any notice of dotaut:,any notice of sa►a,raquired ',
<br /> � � � � ' � ' � or penreitad to be cy'von haraundar,aAatl bo maitad to aaafi parsnn who ia a party haroto at tho aCdrosa aet fanh at the boginning ot this Trost �
<br /> � � Deed. Any party may at any dmo changu its address for such noticas 6y dalNUring-or maiting to tho oxher partios thoreto.°as afotosaid,a ' •• .'
<br /> • � � notico ot such chango. Arry notico hereundot ahall bv daamad to have boen�pvon to tho Botrowa�or tho Landor,when givon in tho mannof ' � �
<br /> • dasignated horain. ' .
<br /> . �
<br /> � ----= - 18. Tho covonanta and agreements hetain containe� shall �ind, and the r�qAts hereunGer shntl inuto to tho roapacave haus, po►sanal . ' •
<br /> ' �oproson.tativos,succossors and assigns of tho partios. A11 cwanants and agraamonts of tho 8ortowet sfiafY bo joint and sovoral. WAonovor � �
<br /> • , . rofereneo is mado to tha singutar horaundor,it shall Inetudo tho pturol and tho plural ehNl irtetudo�fio singutur. . .
<br />-. • .e` , � � ' � • � ' . .
<br /> :1. � .
<br /> ::. ..: .,. .� . � �. . , _
<br /> . . -:f�'. �:_-_^'_� '
<br /> � ..
<br /> �
<br /> , . ,
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> .. ..��_.. . . . . � . . , .
<br /> } . `�. . . . ' : .
<br /> , ._ . �. . � . � ' ' . ' !, _._ _�.... ...� -�
<br /> � . . �
<br />