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<br /> ,� �Y�,.�'..¢r �,��T�I}-� Omaha, Nebsaeka 68102' � theraln•tsc�dat'1. ' . ��.
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<br /> �° � ��.= ` BOAROWEH.In comtdsratFon of ths tndsbtsQaesa Retefn teceived and tAe truat heiein create8.IrrovooaLiy grant�.vanafero.comeya end essigrtsta —
<br />�<i� ---
<br /> ..� ���'�':"r ' •Tttt�Ide,iR TRUS7.YViTN POYYER OF 8AL$the taIIowing daaaritied 9�oAs1N.tocated in �_Hall _Caurty.Nabra�&e: ._
<br /> Tj r &e
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<br /> .�_'"y.� ,,,..;.:�r� COlmty, PiRbrd9ka. , ,. , _--
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<br /> • •' . , TOQETHER with atl buitdings,fixtures.imytavemonts and sypurtananaes now pr hareaftor eractcd thereon and aQ agAtsoi way,easmnoMa,ronts. •. ':
<br /> �� " � , •�+. •�� ' issves,profib.incame.teneme�,heredi�rteants,privifegas,e�ppurtenartces.royaittos,andminoral,o7,gaaendwaterrfgAtstAereurttoAetonging,use0 '+,�?;�;�'
<br /> . or enjayed witb said Imsd or atry part theroof,ail of which,inetudirtg regiacemente and additfone theroto shaSl be deemed to be and remain a part ot ��' s~'-'--
<br /> � . tAS property ccvared by tM9 Twt QeeQ;and a11 af the toregatng together with e�d propeny aro heroin reterred w as Me'�rope�ty.• ' �, ;�'�',��',�',�
<br /> tM � a
<br /> .. . . . ••7�,/''''-.'.:'�'
<br /> ..��c:-� � f:.,•.7�;� _:
<br /> ' " ' t!'1 SECURE to Lender the repsyment o!indebtedness evidenaed.Dy Boirowefe Name Equity Une Loan Agraement arM Home Equity Noto datad �::• -
<br /> • � r ..; 19 94.togatha�vvith asry snd ali renewats,modiflaationa,an0 uxtensiona theroof and substiMions or excfiangea theretor ' ,.�, .:: : i .._
<br /> �; �• .`'� • `� Qherein the' te'i in the rnaxirtnim prindp�sum outeRanding at any one time of 8 7 000 00 wpetAer with intereat at the rate • - �.;,f��:..��, ,, ?
<br /> �.•��.�:•:�' � .��s��: 'ptmdded the��+Eir,whh e fina{maiurity.it 4as eoonar pafd.of Atl4ust 1 .19. .aad as sacwrity fo�anyr tuture advarues that may ,, c{t�. ;x..:::
<br /> '���� ' ' be made by tfdrGrqador to the Borrower f�rri tima to time and ea socurity fnr L�e paymont ot arry end ali other indebtedness of tha Borrower to the '�•," ��,,����r� -
<br /> � � �;. • iender wN�t�Yay arfse,atl�ef,saia aima'not to exceed In theaggregate amure equal tn tfuae times the originaf princ'�1 8trioutn of Ne Noce, for `�'����� � =��
<br /> � �_.,�. purposss o!ttie Ftams Eq�uc�p ilttip loan Agreement.Oaragmpha 2.3,4,5 anb t 1 bcZoa�¢i»ll be deemad cavenants rafztf�p ro the Pmparty. ' :, •,, ;�� ti �!:
<br /> '. - '.�1�s_,•;':_".:-
<br /> �:f�;?`:�_' . : ,. ., . ' i_..'. _.,
<br /> . .-, ., .•, ,. � BORROWEN covenants th�t8¢t3orrower ta lawtutfy selzed of the Properry heteby cnrwel�e0 and has the right to gtent end convey the Property,that ,~� ' , •.,r.,�. ,-;
<br /> � , • the Property is unoncumbored�►y arry mortgago,trust dee0,cbnaact to punhase or otnenv)se,oxcept for a NA ' .
<br /> }:;;<"�. ... in favor o! �rA � , � . ,
<br /> on ch�fl(aunpaid baiance on tNs date Qoes�ot exceed 8 NA ' . The Bonower covenanta to campiy wiih ali tR�tetms end
<br /> ��� ,,.��. . , pravisiona o'i�atiiy prior mar4gsge,wst�deod or contraat to purahase,upan tAe PreQer�y and to make eli.paymerts thereon beforo ehoy becortio .
<br /> - • OetinBtter�t. If tro name or�a?�nt is inseReO in thls paragreph,then the Borrower covo,^rprCs that there ere no pdor Ilena or enc�imbrancer�o!atry W�4 • , � , '
<br /> , , �,:',;., apon tha Property. TRe Eonuu�t+ar tuRher covenants to warratn and defpnd tho Utle to�'�s Proporty against aU ctalms a�i demands. , • '
<br /> �1•.' ... . . . . . ' , . ' .
<br /> , ��' '''�.�,� ?ha Borrowes and ffie LenCer turther covenant and agroe a�toltowa: .. . ' _ �
<br /> 5.., �� .. .'r,.. `
<br /> . :,r1���ll�l. -� .. .- .
<br /> � •.r''.�;." 1. 7Pm Bianawar ehail protrptly pay�vhen dus the pdacipt+l an0 irrce�.m af�the inJc�tedness evidencee Dy the Note. � � •
<br /> . . ' ;.�. . , 1 � �
<br /> - �}�. � � �. �AC feaot ten Cays�}6faFre they became dallnauent,Borrower she0 pay a11 te�em qtv�s0eaiet assesdmeMS tevled or assessed against the ' ' � ��'
<br /> . ' ,k�,�,,. . -,�: t@ ,1':�. ' ,
<br /> � ,p, . ., - f�t�erty�,or arry pu�ttt�kreof.snA atl tauee,taviea and aasessmente fmried esycn ISti�r Truat Oeed or the debt wNcD it secures.
<br /> ,�SG�,...:.••��,'.�,• : , ,:
<br /> '• . : :, :1:����'' 3, . Tliil+IIarrowar aAatl kasp t{9s�ravemerrts and buitdln i!a�ry.�on the Proporty lnsurad.wttfi a ao • .
<br /> ,',, ' ga• �hpany or enmpanina nppro�:ad by tho ' .
<br />� , �ry;:� ;�ic'�:: .. ..
<br /> ;� y . Letaliit,'ior an amount not fes�tAan the unpatd 6a�artae on the irtGebte6rress seoured by this Trust beed wiih a sta�ard mortgago ciausa „
<br /> . ���1' .•�` '�'��� .: Mr"�IOSa payaDte to the Lender. 1?�e Bo►rowar ohaD deftver eaid pntioy or poUotes to the Londer. � •
<br />;c� � �• � tn ths event of s toss,the Borrower shail give ptompt noUce to Ne insurance certle�eAd the Lander and fite a proot of loss. If tho Borrower Is not - •
<br /> ' � otherwiae in Qefautb tRe Borrowe�msy eteci to appJy the insutanae praceeQs to�epair ot roplace tho Cemeged Pronerty,if oconomIcafly feasibte,and .
<br /> .. � � t'he aecurity of thie Tniat Deed wauld not be impaired. I�ths Bottowe�Ia in do9autt or etects not to repair or replace the dama�ad Property or rapair ,. , ,
<br /> `-� • : or roptscamern woui4 not economtoaUy feesfDle or the aecurity o1 tNs T�ust Oeed.woutd be
<br /> impdred then tttelnsuranee proceads shali be npplled to ,
<br /> _ ".,•: �,• . , ths ta�t maturtng paymertte Qus an ths Note. If the insurance praceeQs are in eYCes�of the tot�emount Que on satd Nota,tho axcess sh�16e pald �� • � ��'
<br /> . . •� to tre Botrower. fnaurence proceaQ�tor ropalt o�raatacemerlt ntte0 Oe placed[n eeerow w(th tfie Lender end dlsbursed by tho Lartder during or upon •• " '
<br /> . ' corrtpieton of euch repalr or raal�cement If the Lendm acquirea Utle to tAe Proyarry by exerciaing 1ts power of sei�.4o�oclosu�e oi otho�wise:in ' . . '
<br /> - ' • •• �; � sa�isfention of ths indebtedness s�c�red Aereby,ln whote or In pert,tfien ell Hghb Utte end Inurest of the Borrower in and to such Insurance pollcy � .
<br /> -- '' . ,:• w poUdea shaU p3s�to tha lehda. � . ' . . ' .
<br /> , . 4. The BoROwer shall keep the Praperty in good roAair and ehat)not comrtdt waste or pamtit fmpairtrtent or Aotorioratlon o!tho Prope►ty. , '
<br /> 1 �..
<br /> �
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