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<br /> ' � � cos�emnati�oar b4�er�ng 4�any p�st oftii�.Pri��etsy,ssr fi�r scssi�-�}�iinc�irt fi�a�fca�o�.a.re hrrrby�.ssugn��' . ` , . .
<br />: � , � ..�ha3�be ptu@ to�.rsrsder. . .� .� , ' " .. • '. . . � � � ,��
<br /> : Ift tht'cv�tR o8 a t�caJci�g of,�ic Arop�rty, the procoeds shatl b�app�ied t�+at�e sa�tss-s�cur�tt b�y th:&�Se�uri�. .�
<br /> ` `� �nswm�a►t,�r�ar�.thea ctt�e,w.itf�an}r�x�ess.paid.to Ho�aw�% In ttu car�snt of a pattiai�n8�f<the Ftog�rty in. ' .
<br /> . ::whicti t}ae f�ia markct valac 6f,the Propeaty iu�m�.iat�tY txfuje 3I�ca3cing is�jf�at�n os gt�arer titan ms ar�ouat of tbe su�ns ° �
<br /> • � s��by mis Secaerety`Instr�rtem imrsiedi�ty 6efaietl'tetakh�s tuiiess B{orrowea�`L�nder.ot€�r.zari.�:as3ig�.�vittit�;_ ,` .
<br /> . the:sums�cute3 by this Secukity insuuateat sltai�ise reduced by tfie�mmunt o€We p�'ocgeds tuultiglied by'the follaaring�-. `
<br /> . , fraaiarc C�)tt�e f4ta4 a�no�nt c�the suins r�ecused immediatety befn�tha tr�ut�:divid�8 by @)the fair tnarket vaI�of t�'` . .
<br /> - - __�»,mP:rarRty-i�.:f�tF�_i�ut�;.�;Ang`i�a€anc�sha3!`be g�d,t�$oicow.�r._1g the.eve�li af a p�rtEaI�t�ig of t�'.= _ _
<br /> ' Prop�xly ia 4vIuch tt�fair taarket v2due�if the Pcogerty'ussmed:ately bef6�che�t�ng.is[ess 3�iazi'the am`ss�it�o€th�su� �: '
<br /> .aechz�•immediutety bzfore'ttttee takin�.��ztess So�K�er and Ti.ender other�ise��ee,in wriring or uates�applic�I�4aw � ' .
<br /> ailYerwfse pivvides.the pr�cee�s shall be.app�ied to the,sums sec�bY dri's Se�urily.InstirraeentwheFhs�arno�We s�� : ,.
<br /> th�udu:e... .. • ;. , � ', . :. :.
<br /> u
<br /> If th�PfoapertY is�d by BaitaAer.o�i�;aft�s nflure 6y f8nder W Burrawert�at the coaii�ama�offeis ici m2k�e .
<br /> . zu a�i ar.settle a c1a*_m fos d��s.Bm�ei fa�c4�rs�4 to i.endea_with�ci 30.s�ays aPorr tHe dat°ths n :��iven. `
<br /> � ��{ to caitece aad appi�t�e,�f,'a � tian eit�:z tn�stor��ti+om os�a'v oF t� ' .. �'la(�t��te .
<br /> ,:�3� t•�'fi;) s , , Yx•.>�-�.y:n:'�t,: ; 1.
<br /> ti''�"��(��(�j� Yf�tM '�`�'�. i h�' l➢:�,•���� .
<br /> � �.,,�,'.�M�A;+lF,�,V J"^�i,.��ar�lr+���;+J���' S�4'� �� � ` t:),.,5'�:V����1�'•p� 3�..i�°,- ;t :A;.',' .
<br /> 7� M�i ±�q� l t '�..t:ei' �� � . a It`',i::i.;;:i%r%
<br /> (1Aj'1{' �•j.G�yTipt•:�.i���1Q�'��J��,Tfi.��1. 4`�t'`:?`I`�:5�.���,N�:O!' ���-__.:,. .'.4b.�", r.,'.�...1 C, �'}.
<br /> Ys�f��W.� �"�. �...�s
<br /> i�dL4't�3tEO�t�IL*� ,.',�.��»�',& !�f �''��;+�'•�t)1CSIr^31�t�8lII�DtL�ltff��� '�.111t � ..i:;i�:
<br /> sl� ' '�'��n ,'r�.'?•.:•• , .
<br /> ' ��i`�.,. Borrowe�' Not R�!I�;'����4Bd �:��'�aiFer. Ex�sor► of t�te time fbr payr�r ttr
<br /> catio�u of amort�on of t�.::s�s�:��►Y this S'�airriry 6isttaraent graated Esp I.ettder to any succi�s�tt�ui mterest. . .
<br /> ' .cr'�•8ormwer shnll�uot operate��tease.tI�ii�,.bility of the original Bamnver or Bomnwezs successms in inteiesw Lender
<br /> shali nat��e iequlred to cainmen�prac�diags 3Sainst any svccessar in i�e�est or.refuse to e�cterra time fot.payment ar .
<br /> � at�crwise madify amor�ation of the sums secured!s;this Serurity Insuvment 6y reasan of any deraaud inade by the origitiai
<br /> Hnrmwer or�cmvwer's sascessaaS in inte�est. Auy forbearaaee by Lender in execoising�ny rigfi�t or remedy�shall ttot be a
<br /> � wt�.�,er af or pm�iude tke e�ie�ise of azry ri�ht ar re�r.0dy.
<br /> 1L Sncces.gors and'Assigas��und;doIat aad Severai IdabiUty�Co-signers. The�venanss and ogcemPnis of tE�is
<br /> r Secutity Insuumept shaR bind and beaefit ihe succesaors and assjgis of l.e�der and B�rrawer,subJeut to the pmw�isians of '�
<br /> paragraph 17. Bo�owec's covenant§and a�reEments shaU be joint and severnl:Any Borrower wRo,ea�sigtts this Securiry . .
<br /> , Insuumcnt but dnes nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signins this Secuary InstNmenronly ro mrmgage«��d convey ih�t ,
<br /> Bocrower's intere�!in the Pmpercy under die terms of this Security lnstrumeat: lb)is no4 persona�ly obligatct!W pay the�u�ns .'.
<br /> • secticed hy ttus Security Instrutaenr,and(c)agrees that Lender und uny ather 8prro�vcr may agres to extend.madify.fot� .
<br /> or mnice any ae:�ommodations vxith iega:d to the t�rms of this Sesurity Inswment ar ehe I�ote withaut that Boirawet�
<br /> � cansetit. • •
<br /> ' . A3 LVaa Charges. If the loan secured by this 5ecwity Insuuanent is sullject tp a law wflich sets maximum loan
<br /> , charges,and thut taw Cs finally inoei'pteted so that the interest or othe�toan cfrarges collected or to 6e collected in connectio�i. .
<br /> •with the loan exceeQ[he permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan cbarge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to mduce
<br /> the chuge to the petmitted limi�and(t�)any sums atready colIected from Borrower wryich exceeded permitted luniu will be
<br /> refanded to Borrower. Lender may choose tp make th'ss refund by cedacing the principal oweci under the Note ar by making a �
<br /> direct paymeait to Borrower. If a refund reduces ptincipal.the mduction will be aeated as a partial prepayment v�ntftout any
<br /> . pnpayment charge under the Note. _ -
<br /> 14. NotIses. Any natice to Borrower provided for in this 5ecuriry Instrument shall be given tiy dellvering it or by _
<br /> aiailing it by first ciass mai�unless applicable law requires use of another methr,d.The notice shal{be directed to the Pfcu�ertv _
<br /> -Add.-ess or any other address Fiormwer designates by notice tu Lender. Any notice to i�,."�der shaU be given by f�t'�lass =
<br /> � maif to l�der's address stated herein or any other address I.e�er dxsigna:es by notice�a l9�caower. Any notice pro�r�fos _
<br /> , 'in this Secusity issnvmeaL sha11 be deemed to have been gi��en to Ec�aA�ec or L€�:3�-.when gi��a as provided in this --
<br /> ' P�P�• . .: , . _-
<br /> 15. Govern�g i.aw;�v�rabilit}. 77►is Security Ir�su�ument shall be gavemi�3;i'r-.�federa!law aind the law of the. . _
<br /> . jwr�.dic�on in ahich the Ph3perF��is located. In the event thsas:suy provision or clause o��this Securiry Insuument or th�Note , _
<br /> confticts with aga�oab2e lav�,<.�cot�lict shall not uffect a1&�provisions of this Security Instrument oc the Note w1�Ich ean . ,
<br /> be given effecc.w�it�.ont t$e coriflicting provision. To this et.�'.the provisions of this Secwity Instcument and���?'u�e are _
<br /> , declared w�e,sr vvrabte. � • �-
<br /> 16_ Borrusvst's Capy. Barrawer shall be given one oonformed copy of the Note and of this Security Iristr�ur.�,t. �,-
<br /> I�'F...7lrunsfeT o4the Property oT a Beneticial Intesr�8 fn Borrawer. If all or any QaR af the Roperty or aay'vri��st.in � - __
<br /> • i�i��:nsiid.•or transfemed(or if a beneficial interest in Banv�kc.�r is sold or uansferred and Borcuwer is not a natura��v�son)
<br /> a•:i�out Lendet's prior written consent.Lender may.at its a�iion,Tequire immediate payrtient in fu1L of aq sums sec�r,r,.,d by -
<br />-' �this Security�a..�'•�ment However.t6is oprion shall not 6e exercised by Lender if exereise is prohiU�iu:t�'by federal la�r as of •
<br /> '` '�� . che date of this Secwiry.Instr�unen�. -
<br /> • � . If Lendet exercises this aption.Lender shall give Borrower notice of accelera6on._The notice srialt pmvide a peciod of
<br />;� , {us41'�ss than 30 days fram the date the aodce is delivered or,mailed within which Bomscr.�r must pay all sums secure�by this , •
<br />- ��curiry Insnvment. If�onuwer faiis to p�y these sums prior to the expirauon a�ifi's's period,Lender may iin�oke any
<br /> remedies pemuued by this Securiry Insuumertt aithout further n�ftice or demand on Borrower. � .
<br /> 18 Ba�ower's Rig61 to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions,Borrower shall have the tiight to have
<br /> " enforcement of this Security Inswtnent discontinued at any time pdor to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or sucb other periad as �
<br /> Single Famlty--Fannte MaeiFreddte bias UNIFORM INSTBUMENT--Unifortn Covenanrs 9l90 (Puge 4 of 6 pagesl � .
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