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<br /> , ,.
<br /> -r,c�, t,:r- . . < . . . ``- '.,. _
<br /> c. �L_ - - - i ..L _ . �.t � . � ' �j�--y°- _--- �
<br /> _ �
<br /> -:-. ... -.r- .,,. ' � -:• .. �. , ,` . . +f_ , t -- . --�- - _.
<br />_ � � � � � • . . . . . < •� . • � ` '�y' , , . �` ' _
<br /> � . - ; `' . . .c. �C., ' �r .. � [ � . " "`�`' `c, y�� � , '. .. . '
<br /> �, . ` . :,perimds�Imt LeniE�r�eqaire�.;�`"�:ins�tat�c ca�titjr piovid�ng�¢iRSiisactce r��tR�+c�or�n b�Bcxcanver ss� tt���� .� . t t
<br /> . a�rgrov�l wfucb�1�.r�6e wv�'�Y++�itbad�i. tf Bt�tm�tr fxil��o maiat�t�co�ter�g�dts+c�ili�d qbnvc;t�er.}�,ag,,
<br /> ',« �. �t�c�iides s o�tisx��o�c�sveragc te pro�ec�L�es�r�g�s ta E����t���clxuae.#.end4a� .
<br /> � • '; �1,iiiatf�r�ce P�l�cies'ea�re�see�ats shsl� � va to Ltatdea�11 iecti � '
<br /> =. xt�atl Uavvslti��figtu et�6t�tc�tttc p�kcics ar,�d t�en�wals: If LcnBcr►�acln'�es,80����sfiatl p�apitY� �
<br /> :
<br /> , of paid prami��d ren:wa1�i¢atize�. Tn ehe even6 pf lo�s,�ai�o�vet shalI�iwe pPoaipt i�olIoe[o�i�aasmir��mrit��t�
<br /> r . � Lcnder:.Lendtrma�*mak�pr�of of to�s if�e mad�pza�tY isY F�otmwer. � °` ` �'. ` , .
<br /> , t J h l�s I�e T a ss s l S c��r g r a i n.w n t I n �s u r a n r R p r�e e d s s Q►a l 1.6 e i s p p l?e�ui restaratian as sr g a�r 4f . " .^. `
<br /> cx�Zera"ise. �cee . $:. .
<br /> --<�"t�gr�_d�ua�at+.ifth�'�st�ration-,orscp�itTS`t�di��-�"�t,::.�l����iig.s��i•1�sse���d�e��_:�:-,_,.`..
<br /> ` aesi�r�ti�n ar..iepais,is izai es o s�s m i c a lly�€e�s l b l�as L e a d�r's s e c u n i t y w o u t d b e I e s s¢n z d,t t a�i n s u r a n t�e p r o c�s. . . .
<br /> � � �pplied to ths S��d by this.�ecurtty�'ins�tum�n�,whet�er'�ar nsn then.�iue.wi�i any e�s paid to Hozmwer.��I� �
<br /> Sur�ocvEr.a�!andoits ti��Paopeny,or does not ausw�r tvfi t h i�3 4 d ays x n o t i c e fro m I.eader that th�insuiaace.carcisr has .'
<br /> �-to�settl�a claim,ah�i.eQde�tn3y�collect the�.surance proceed�. Lende�may use thr pi�eceds t��ep�ir.or iestore'
<br /> tht�Ptap�-ai w.pa$sums seau+ed by.`this 5ecarity Frest�me�[t,whe�:r_ar,no2 phen d�e.'Th's 3l�day p�nz1 wAl6egia whea` .. , . .
<br /> thaaoiio�is�gicen. ` . � ` �_. . ",, •, � `
<br /> • UnFe�s T.endes'a�c'�.$orrower ot�cerwtse.�in writing,any.applicarian of pxoc�ds t�pri�al s€ta11 nns exiend or
<br /> '.. Fa�tpone die due�ie of tRz awathty payYnients�fe�w in�aragiapl�1 and 2 or chaag�tl�aun�nt af the pa.�yments.•Yf ,
<br /> � nrider paragr�g8: ��;,the�'Property is zcqni�sl:bY Lertde�Banvwer's rigiu.00 any iusm�Ge FoSi�s�nd pmcezds res�ntting
<br /> � fin,�dumag4�a� ''�ctF�Y T�9�to tite aoqu�sitio�t shall pass,to I.e�dfr m�e.xte�s.tsf the sum�secan�d b3�tms S�atitp
<br /> , �rr�� i
<br /> '` �.���nt'��Y ln?ur.i�t��ticm � `� }.s <:;;,�-4 .r. : ..
<br /> . �.,, :�1�nce �+mtediaa a$.{t�,':,`� ,�t��.�.��d� . �.,`.:��;z
<br /> ;;",:'r�:.'��k��k s��est2�fi�.�d u ch. [�cupert�r �rt+ii�;: ���zft�r �r...�.�
<br /> ,� se e as I�x`" i€���la si�° �:�:,:v,}....
<br /> ., � S.: �� � ` _.�'.. ;�;,•ili:�. . , '31i��f0fAL . .a:i�: ;:
<br /> . . , �3s[v?:�n't�'i�s���-,-�'�',�eat:�i-�.�A�ontimm�tq.�,�'�:.�'�f".:. �._.��`.� 1 , ` ,
<br /> �e_¢fre year'af(er the d�.'.c�`.%�g�.'`�.uate�xs Li�fif�'j+�tdi�?�:��:z� u�:i��&+'�-� Cartratt �:aoi be .
<br /> ' vit�anably wiihhctd,or ueL�`s`i��ua�m$��`.t�`�wlucsY�6eynac��"rbwe�s Control:.Soao�sdalt mit
<br /> destraY,damage or impair the��roFereY,aliow the Prapeft�to d�eriara�.ut co�u�t waste on the.Pm�erty. Barivwei shall ,� e
<br /> � be in defautt if any frnfeiwre action or pmceeding.wizethe�e�vil or criminai,is be�an that in Lender's good faith jndgnent .
<br /> • cc�vld nesuIi in forFeidue of the Qroperty.or othejwise maieriaUy impair the lien created 6y this Sectuity Inserument or ,
<br /> .I,,epdet's sec�uity interest. Bouower aYay cure such a default and ceinstate,as provided in PtuaagtaP�!$.6y causin�the a,cttioa
<br /> � or prooeeding to h�e dismfssed with a iuling that,in L.ender's good faid►determination:pnxiudes forfeiture of gte B-omowet's
<br /> interest�n dre F�peity or other mstesial imPair�tent of the lien cteatec{by fhis Security Tnstrument dr Lender�s aecurtry�� ,
<br /> intetee�t.� Bonowe=shaU also be in defnult if Bornower. duri�� the loan application pracess, gave materi�fly fr�se or
<br /> • inzccurat�infots�taiion ar statentents to I.ender Zor fniled ta pmvide Lender with sury materiffi ir�farmatinn)in corutECtlori with
<br /> the.toan evideRCed hy the Note. includinS, but not limited to.represcmntions concerrdng Bormwer�s oocupancy of the „
<br /> �opeccy as a princiQal"residence. I[tfua Security InstNment is on�teasettold.Borrower ahall comply with all the ptovisioi�s
<br /> � of the fease. [f Borrowcr ac�uires fee title to the Property.t4�e Ieasehold nnd the fee title sha11 not merge uniess l.ender a�ea
<br /> to the mergcr in wtiting.. .
<br /> 7. Proiectlon of Lender's �tig6ts in th�Ptoperty. [f Borrawer faits to perform the cov�naats and ageeraents �
<br /> conteined in this Security.Insuument.or tPtet�e is a legal proceeding that may�iguficantly�affcct I.eader�s rights in the
<br /> Property(suc6 as o proceeding in bantwptcy.prabate.for candemnation or forfetture or to enforce taws or regulations),then
<br /> LenQer may do aad pay for whatev�r is neces.4ary ta protect the vaIue of the Property and Lenders rights ia the Property. .
<br /> • bender's actioas may incIude paying any sums secured by a lien whith has prioriry over this Security Inswment,appearing
<br /> u�i court,paying reasmaable attomeys'fees�nd entering on the Propecsy co make nepaits. Although Lender may take actian
<br /> �d$r this parag�aph 7,Lender does not have to do so. �
<br /> pAy amounts disbu�sed�y Lender unde�this paragcaph 7 shall become aAditional de6t of Borrawer secia�ed by ttis
<br /> •, Seauity In,smiment. (Tnl�ss Borrower and Leader agree to oit�er terms uf paymea�these amounts shaq bear interest fram the :
<br /> daie of disbuisement at the l�tote rate and shall be payab►,e.��vith interes�upc►n notice from Lender to Borrowea cequesting
<br /> ent -
<br /> �8.. Mortgage Ins�'�• [f Lender required martg�e insurance as a conditian af making the loan sec�by ttlis'. .
<br /> �wiry L�svument,Boriower.shall pay the premiums c�quised to maintain the mongage insutance in effect. S'f,for any
<br /> ' . '�i'�ason, the mortgage insurance cavera�e �t�ired by Lendec lapses nr ceases to be in effect, Borrower s[t�pay.the
<br /> .. � ,'�miums,required to oMain covemge sul+istantially equivsillent to the mortgage insurance previously in eff�r,.at a cost
<br /> •4u�',antially cqurvalent to the cnst to Borrower of the mortga�e insurance previoasly in effect.from an aItemn::e mortgage
<br /> f��r approved by Lender. 1f substantially equivalent mortgage insurance wvera,�e is not available,Homnwe=s�ia11 pay to
<br />