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<br /> -- = �� _ __. . �, : _,_ ._ _._- -----.._�.---_: - - . -
<br /> _ _ . . . .
<br /> _ :
<br /> —^_,� , ,
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<br /> ..__ —s.QS.f —_ "___ _.��_._�..�-�--�--- . � . _ . . . . -� -
<br /> .�A..�
<br /> ...�� 'r�rx�w.wa= � � � ' . ' .. . .. ,: • , .n _ , ♦ �
<br /> __ war mra ` ` ..` ,S . r . .. _. . ' .� . . _ :. ' .Y .. ' +v,�':,' ,,
<br /> . . . . .�4;:._.�c .,
<br /> — -� ;;� � ' �arr'oaer s�aii pr�i►iptly��a La?i�r'�riteea,•aatice�f�p inv�st�ga�io�,:c��mf s��,'�a�rst�x a.�iiber.acti���SsY�^l�, .
<br /> - ---�.-�'�: goves�urar,SaM at.��t�co�►u�e�3r nr priv::te�a�rt�uiv�svirg�tte F�Fc�rtY:�in1 stny Huzuxdvus Subs�aa.c�.or Fi�Ylroh�es�'tai�.aw F
<br /> - of whis�Barcuwer_�as actaal i��wie�ga:.��4IfOYiCT�4�lIi3�.:t1F i&R��1&��J�,any gqucs�u�al as re�a�aay��c��ty,..[&at.,-° .•
<br /> �_ -- t�y m�va�or atbcr$onasdiataa�nf��u.ardau�Sut�tr�e af�ecdng tt�E�per+Y•�s r�cessasY:�rrowes sha�l.ptv�pti�tats� �
<br /> -�s�'°-�� ,aIf n�a'�y��di;.�actions ia�s�curdan�wiSh�ronn�enttil Law. . .. ` . . , . . ` . . , --------
<br /> , _f�S t�ia"th'ss D�f��1'�0. "��i��€1s$ubsE�uces"'ere t�ase subs�.tutces dsfinecl as wxic.pr h�rdat�s sabstan�ea.by�� :
<br /> __— Es�viionateniai Iav�r,�d the�aIlowa�g substa�:. Bas�fic�,�k�5s�cs�,�ai�.�i'f#�e`�s-#a,xi�p�iroreur� �ra�u�.=�:�ax€�- '� —_ - -- --
<br />_ -- pesticides�d ts�rbicides,vo�i�e�o�venss,ma�it�ts conta�c�►g�Stosoi fam�IdettYd���d��v����:�s used in . .
<br /> = ' ���3�Fh 29, °Ha+ri�amenfut.Y.atw°•u�sans f�i�tavrs�nd tav�s of tlte,su?istlis�mt�!har�t�.I'rtr�r�'J� is,Iac�ted°,Niat : .
<br /> �°t '� , r�iaie ta h�tta;'sat`�tY or enviros�sttal proiec�ot�.. . � � ` � � : . ' ,_:� ..'
<br /> � NOH-UN�d�(1RM GY3VEI�TANTS.Borro�er and Lender further`.�coYenaizr ar�agne as.follows�. �. ,- .
<br /> °' �,�`� y�r�. ,. �1.A�cel�at�am;4temedIIes.�de�s4�iti g�i;e�tic�t��rrowsr�Se2as ta a�eteratt��a�o4iov�iag Bosra�cer's D�+e�ch
<br /> ----
<br /> S� r r�, . � .,�-�,�or sg+e�?€t��:�-�`���:sr{�%�.t��s�.."r.-���°:x'�tnn►,na9ar _ r��n�t �2:un[es�,._ - --
<br /> '`''�`�� ` '� � $FFi�rabte I�v pm+�Edcg�nt$erwtseD.�hh`e notire s!�!s�cti'fs f�}tdte��:�)t�e adion n:y�n e�re t!�d�4`Aafi;
<br /> •;�. �-�;- ��,�„ �
<br /> �� �r��,r_.�� . � r � tej a t�nat Icss°thsn 30 days f1r�ffi.t�e da�te the aattee is gtvesa to wer,by�w6ict�4�se� autt mn,st.b�cuared,�►ed
<br /> ..:�,- . � (�thxt faidare te+�ee tt�,defauit un or�are tL�e date speclfied in th��tIc�may resat4 t�#aec�eieration bt the su�.s
<br /> �ecm�t2.by thi�S�rf�g I��n4�1 sate of.tice.Pa�aperty.�'he rxiiicx si�1J further Lntorm�ata�ower bt��t8��t� .
<br /> �
<br /> - reiastate aiter aa�,tetatfoa..aad the r#gM to Gsiag.a court act�on to g�scrt t1�-.�eadsC�nae bf a detautt vr�uy otlter �
<br /> u
<br /> � � �Si�st of lk�rr�s.tiv�r'M scrreJeratton a�d s�ale. Yf f�ae.d�ait"3s not sured om�ae,�Uefoie tbe.date sp�iikd In ttte t�tive,�..;;;: ;. :.::
<br /> � ' " � Le�idet,�at'its o�n.maF: it�rit�te P�nent,jn ftil�ol�ll.�s secura�b�W�tti6CCtni�Y�t vriti�o�6fit`' ,� ; .
<br /> - � m
<br /> . �.:� €�rii�er dmiAnd,�nd may inv e.th�pawer aP sate und aay uth��dfe5�.�mitt�i'Dy,a�apija¢�ble�w.Y,�dsc s ib+l��• ��
<br /> r',��'�;•.,r:.;.,.. r;_� G'illA
<br /> �--•--y.� � .. _ t��u�$�6�**.�^S��r�. . .'"".:`- -
<br /> ::�;-�,+� !ea�,�tl to co![���l�t�rur�i�pnrsudag tlte reme�ie�prn�idet�•f�E�s liar���:�as��,� , : . ' . ----
<br /> _ - °:... �-�� .#o��it�uonabie atturu�qs frxs aad cosEs o€�it�z evtdence� .
<br />_ ^ '.�,:�S: . . Y�the.l�'ee i►i sate Ls invokett;'�►�siee shaII r+esord-e ant€ee ot�eta�tE�im each oonnty in w,bicl�a�past of th�: .
<br /> i
<br />__ �.-r y�?�45�..�: • Pra�rtxly 3s tacated and shall�ai1 sop$es o8 saeD noti�e.ia�the nnanner P�ib�bY applica6ic!aw:ta Bormwar an�W .
<br />:.�:.,�,,::� ��• . t�e ather pexs(►ns prescrt6ed by apg�3�3+a�law.Afts�tiie tiine rerqaired hy�mppllcab3e law,Trastee sl�ll give�ablk nuttce _--
<br />��` � of sale to... s sud(n.the�pres�ribed by aPPl��ble�aw.'�'rn�te�witimnt deacand pa Borro�ver�sha4�:�tL . --.------
<br /> =:.`_=.: _ '�•' - �' -�� t�s der the tetma desfgtrated ir►�he not�t�t� < :
<br /> t t c c S t o 1�#t o t i t e biddet'at tlaed��d ptace aad�pn not
<br />�`` � ' t h e P t�g�i i w S•�n h a�. �� ne sate.of afl ar any pance!o�,Y�e .,�rs.--
<br />��fi` ' . "`c ' � '"- � Trusiee
<br /> �.��,'��-'�' =;a in one o�'more pa�:�in.siiy.order Tcostee �Y Po� deT or.fts dtst eis
<br />�s:�: "•'' : '�., -. -�eo��;Y P��y� �►ent.'at the tifne and pfaoe oi emg pr¢vIoudg schedated sate.L�a ,. 9a!D� p�
<br /> ' ':��rs�ase ttze Yruperty at�riy�aIe. . ;
<br />�Ri� !� � 1�` , t! � ` ' — .
<br /> r�'
<br /> — _ Upan raceipt of paymeat oi�'t�a',:prlrs bid, Trustee s�af}de�iver to t6e pu�ec Trnstee's �convepi�the
<br />=—:° _ • Pr�periy. T[tQ recitats in We Trq,ste�"deed shaU be prima taste evt�ce of the troth cg'�i�,e statgtn4e�made tt�erPin. _�
<br /> �. � 1�
<br />�: ----= _- - . ,..TrusteE sfiall r�ppiy'the�imc�eds nf the saIe.in the foltowtng order:(aj to alI costs and oS- the, �of =- -
<br />�� �•,''�-..'�..._ � sate,a.ad the sa1e,inc�udi�:ttie paymeni of the Trustee's fees�ctuaUy iucuried,not to ex�i.`.�� �.�-i;'�. 50 o�c � % - :
<br /> e Et �:;.,...�
<br />- . , of the prinri�al emount tif?tbe note�t the tiataof the decta�at�on of defantt,and reasonatite�tttorney�'fecs as�ermtlt�d ' _
<br />_ .. • by taw;(b}�i,atl sams s�d by this$ewrIty In�tram�nt;aaa3(c)any excess to t6e peiscs�.�ar peisoas iegaUy eWltl�d to =
<br />-�:, ' � , it. '::.::-'r•: , ,. . •. -
<br /> �.,: ;'., YL. R�eYaace.:Upon payr�G of all sams sec�ued b�?i�i4•Security insuumenb �.ender shal! request TnTS:�;:�;'. ;:':�.,:�
<br /> �comayr,t6r pmp�rty.a�d.`.sf�all suri�iTrr this Security Tnsmimeni�nd all notes evidencing debt secured by this Sec�sty
<br /> `';���?s : . �ib6�vment to Trustee.T#UStee shall reconvey the Prop�ty without warranty�an�;�!ithout charge to the person or pe�sons tegatly �,� --
<br />- �+�tled.t�t�t.Such perso�.nipeisons shall pay any c�?dation costs. �.-�.;� ,;•,�_ � .;..
<br /> .'� • � 23;gs��te Trn.stee. Lender.at its opdon,may from time to.time remo�ie Tivstee and agpoint a�cc.cessor tn�tee to
<br /> r as�y Tnut��oiated hereunder by an instn�ment recordad in the county in whicb titis Securiry Inswmettt is;+�flcorded.tiiY�ouL
<br /> � . . •:. . conveya���dhe Property,the successor trustee sha11 suceeed`W alt the tide:.power aad duties a�hfened;iXpm�Tcvstee Y�eiein
<br /> ' and by app�c�able law. • , ; . .: .:,
<br /> � Z4.Request for Nottces.Eorrower requesu that copies of the notires oF�efauItiiand sale be ssnt ta��i�rrower's address
<br /> . , . wluch is the Property Addness. :• �-
<br /> . . , 25.�ti�as to t63s 5erurity Ins�tramen�If or�e or more riders are exesttmm��fiy,�ormwer and reoordeil together with this =-
<br /> ' '` Security Ir�siiuent,the covenanss and agreements of each such rider s�►a11.be incarporated inw�nd shaU amend and supplement -- -
<br /> �:'. . , ;'�����.- -- - the cave�uVs���nd alSreements of this Security Instrument as if the tidei�s).were a pari of this Security Instrumen� `�°`"-
<br /> .=t;r,�` ,,. , '' [ChecBap�Sicablebox(���� ' ��:' < . . 4=
<br /> �•�'��`� . � � ':'' � .. „ _
<br /> ; ", ` .' .'� , ` �Adjnstnble Itate l�i��s. .. 0 Condominium Rider ' - 'Q.1-4.Family Rider ��__--
<br /> `. �� :� ',,;.�: , a�
<br /> � . . ..,;Y, c ❑t3raduated Payment Rider • 0 Planned Unit Deii�lopment Rider �����icly Payment Rider ;�,,.-_
<br /> - . . . �Balloon Rider 0�tate Impmveme�at Rider ❑S:,�bnd Home Rider . E
<br /> d.A.Rider 0 Other(s)[specifyl �PIOTICE OF DEFAUI.T ,�.z�
<br /> ' � .. • • . �IBIT A -
<br /> . . . ',�:,f:
<br /> . . ' • .. ,�.t_�f{L��P i:;;�.
<br /> 'i, . . , . _ � ,. -
<br /> . _:�•,' '� . BY SIGNING BELOW.Borrow:r accepu and agrces to the terms and covenants contain'ed in this Security InsmimeR..�t�.mi . ' '•
<br /> • ' in any rider(s)executed by Qarrower and reeorded with it. .
<br /> - � .,..� � Witnesses: . ����il'-������ (Seal) � ,`,
<br /> �i,���:, � '��;.:.
<br /> ���}�:. ED!JARD R. WOITA •Bomower ;%(,',,;,..
<br /> •.
<br /> . . �,:• . . � ' .t`:�°.
<br /> •.�
<br /> ,.., .
<br /> � ' • � .�� ,l'��• (Seal) ',;., ' '.'
<br /> �' • � :.��:,:.°,
<br /> •; ' .. � 'w'4�$3'�•M: .�OI'�A •Borrowcr • . ::Fr>:,�:
<br /> , . •l��j��;,:.�`ti:�.
<br /> � • . . . -1..t;�'::
<br />_~.,� �g�� (�) . •':
<br /> .�: ,�� . ' � ._s.` ":� -Borrower -Botmacr
<br /> ! . ' . . . . .. . - . .... _ .
<br /> � , ., STATE OF NESRASKA, County ss: I�ALL� �; �. - .
<br /> - "' -- - --. The foregoin�instrument was acknowledged before me this 14 day of JULY• , 94 . , .
<br /> ' �, : ' 6Y EDWARD fl. 4JOITA AND MARZ'HA M. WOITA ' '
<br /> - , •Wimess my hand and notaria!seal at GRAND ISLAND in aid C .the date aforesaid. .
<br /> , , � . �EBII�UIY,�M� '
<br /> ' � :: .� . ,� y omm�ssson p s
<br /> :, M C ' ' Ex ire :
<br /> .:. '
<br /> ..• �Q��'f�l� °l.� n�o�ss ' , ,
<br /> . - � -
<br /> . �J.-: . .,_;
<br /> , • �;.� " . . .
<br /> _ .�' , � . � •• • voso a�r o Form 3028 9l90 : �
<br /> '�•. � • �
<br />